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•�a. • • • • • •t.
G�SE N0. PP/CZ 89-10
Wf�RFAS, the City Co��cil of the City of Palm Desert, California, did on
the 20th day of July, 1989, h41d a duly r�oticed public hsaring and oaztinued
hearit�gs to oocLsider the request of QiAZAN OCHVSTRLJCTICN fo� the above menticeied
Pro j ect; and
�EAS, said application has ar�lied with th�e requirat�ents of the "City
of Palm Desert Proc�x�e far I�lementaticn of the Califa�nia EnvirorYnental
Quality Act, Resolution No. 80-89," in that the director of oanrn.inity
clevel�it has determiu�ed th,at tt�e p�o j eCt will rx�t hav�e an adverse in}�act o[1
th�e �t and a n�egative declaration of emriro��ental i�act has been
PrePaz�ed% and
WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consic3�rir�g all
testimaYy and argunents, if any, of all inter�eet.ed pex�sons desiring to be
heard, said city oam�cil did find the follvwing fact4 �d reasa�s to exist to
justify the granting of said p�ecise plan:
1. The design of the precise plan will rr�t substantially depreciate
ps�exty values, nor be materially injurious to properties or
ic�ravements in trie vicinity.
2. The pr�ecise plan will rnt unreasonably interfe,re wi� the use or
enjayment of prope,r�ty in the vicinity by t�e oocupants thereof for
12�wfu1 ptuposes .
3. 'I�e p�ecise plan will mt e�dar�ger' the public peace, health, safety
or general w�elfare.
IVl7W, ��EFtiRE, BE IT RFSOLVID by the City Cbwt'�Cil of the City of Palm
Desert, California, as follaas:
That the above recitations are tnie and oo�z�ect and oonstitute the
firYiir�gs of the oam�cil in this ca.9e.
That a�pp�+aval of Precise Pla�/C2�at�ge of Za�e 89-10 is hereby granted,
subject to the attached oa�dttia�s.
PASSID, APPfiaVm ar�d ADOP'PEa at a regular mee�ting of the Palm De�ert City
Co�u�cil, held on this 14th day of S tecnber', 1989, by the f vote, to
wit: .
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1. The davelopmeczt of the p�operty shall oonfo�m substantially with exhibits
on file with the depar��ent of oannmity develapneaztJplaa�ming, as modified
by the follawiryg aa�ditians .
2. Co�vction of a po�-tion of said p�oject shall oannar�oe within one year
f�nn the date of final app�oval imles.s an extension of time is granted;
otherwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect
3. The develap[�t of the p�operty described herain shal.l be subject to the
rest.�'iCtions and limitatiorLS set f�th har�ein whiCh az�e in addition to all
municipal o�dinanoes and state and federal statutes rx�w in fo��ce, or which
hereaftex� may be in foQ�cs.
4. Prior to issuance of a building pezmit fo� ar�t�Ct.iai of any use
�ont.a�lated by this app�+aval, the applicant shall first obtain ppsmits
and/o� clearanoe from the follawi�g ag�e��cies:
Cbaaiyella Valley Water District
Palm Desert Airhttectural GYmnissian
City Fire N1�rc►,a t
Pub1iC Wo�k.s Departrnecit
Palm Desert Water & Sexvioes District
Ebid��ce of said peimit oar cleara�yce frcm the abc�e agec�cies shall be
p�esented to �e d�arbnent of building and safety at the time of issuaryr.e
of a buildir�g pesmit fox� the use a�nt,e�lated he=�with.
5. All future occupants of the building shall comply with parking
re of the aaniirsa�yce.
6. Reciprocal ahared aocess a�+eemerrt shall be p�urided to the adjacent
prope�ty v��ez� tA the east. Any z�ed�e�ign of the parkiryg layaut fo� said
ac� et�ll be at the adjaoent p�opesty o�anez�'s exper�ee.
7. Final. wo�icir�g �in,�s t�o includ�e a revised lar�iscape plan fo� the parkii�g
area z�ede6i¢1 on tfia e�t siC3e of the buildit�g.
Depa�cbme�t af Publ.ic Wcaita:
1. Drainage fees, in accordance with Section 26.49 of the Palm Desert
Nl�azicipal Cbde ar�d Palm Desez't Orrdtnanr.e I�hinber 547, sh311 be paid p�'ior
to {��*+�+ of gradis�g permit.
2. Storm drain construction shall be
p�^epared by a civil erygineer that
of public wo�ks.
contingec�t upai a �ais�3e sttuiy
is reviewed and appraved by the
i•�a.-�: . �M •. . � :� �t
3. Sic,�alizatiaz fees, in �cooidance with City of Palm Desert Resoluticn Nos.
79-1? ar�d 79-55, shall be paid prior to issuance of gradi.r�g pe=mtt.
4. F�11 public i�ravements, as required by Sections 26.44 and 26.40 of the
Palm Desert Municipal Code, shall be installed in accordance with
applicable city stanciards.
5. As required under Palm Desert Municipal C.ode Secticn 26.28, and in
aooardar�ce with Sectioc�s 26.40 ar�d 26.44, ca�lete i�+avanerit plans and
s•pecificatiocLs shall be submitt.ed to the direct� of public wozk.s for
checking and approval before construction of any improvements is
comnenced. Offsite i�ravpn�ant plar�s to be a�pQocvv�ed by public wr�rks
d�artinent and a surety posted to guarantee the irLstallation of x�equ.ired
offsite im�vvements p�io� to issuarx� of grading pennit. Such offsite
ic�ov�rents shall iryclu�cie, iut mt be limited t�, oocx�.�ete sida�ralk in an
app�r�iate size and oanfiguration. "As-built" plans shall be sutmitted
to, and anp�v�ed by, the director of public waii{s p�ior to the ac,.ceptanae
of the i�v�ements by the city.
6. All private driveways and parking lots shall be inspected by the
engineerir�g department and a star�dard inspectiai fee shall be paid priar
to gradisx,� permit issuaryoe.
7. Lanascapir�g majnter�atx�e on r�ea warir�y nrive ana san An�elmo Aver�ue sr�all
be p�avicled by the p�o�Qerty aaryar.
g, As rec�uired under Section 12.16 and 26.44 of the Palm Desert Mmtcipal
Clode, all existing utilities shall be d per earh respective
utility district's recanmendation. If dete�mir�ed to be Lmfeasible,
appliCant s�h311 ac�Cee t0 pa=tiCip3te in any future tltility tmdergz�olmdir�g
di.s�tr'ict .
9. In acco�danoe with Palm De�sert Mmicipal Gbde Sectian 26.44, oa�lete
�'�xJ Pler�s and specificatiays shall be sulmitted to the dis�ectar of
public wo��ks fo� dyecki�g az�d app�wal p�i.� � i.s��rs of any pesmits.
10. Size, rxmbex� and location of c�iv�ewa�ys to public wo�}c.s specifications with
only tw� �iwway app�oa�c2�ea to be allc�wed to sess�cve this p�o�pe�ty.
11. GYadir�g p�mit i.��oe s�hal.l be subject to the waiver of paznel map first
bein9 a�pir'o��ed a�d �ceooccded.
12. Any and all off-site in��ren�errt� sha.11 be p��ececled by the appx�ral of
plans and the issuar�oe of valid err,noar,in�t pezmit( s) by the deparbnetzt
of public wo��s.
13. A complete preliminary soils investtgation, oor�fi�ctred by a registered
soils er�gir�eer, sha�.11 be suiYni.tted to and a�pp��oved by the deparbnent of
public wo�ics p�io� to issuar�oe of the grading pezmit.
, 14. Mornmerit sign shall be located cn p�ivate prapert.y, ait of the public
right-of-way. It shall also be rn higt�er than three feet abov�e curb
'1�: �: • • • • •�
height, since the monument sign is within the 40 foot "clear sight
triar�gle" fo� v�hicular visiUility.
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1. The fire department is required to set a miniinm fire flvw f� the renodel
ar va�.st�iction of all oannercial buildis�gs per Unifo�m Fire G�ode Sec.
2. Provide, or show there exists a water system capable of p�widir�g a
pot;ential fire flaw of 3,000 gpn a�d ti�e actual fire flaw available frrm
any oc�e i�'ant ooc�ected to any givpn wate�' ma.in shall be 1500 gpn for 2
haurs duration at 20 psi resi�ual aperating p�u+e.
3. A fire flow of 1, 500 gpm fo� a 2 i�our �sation at 20 psi resich�al
aper3ting p�+assure mu.St be a�vdilable befo�+e atly o0mbustible materi3l is
placed on the job site.
4. Provide written certification fmn the Palm Desert Ca�mity Servic�s
District that hyc�'ant(s) will be installed �d will p�ice the required
fire flaw, or arrair,�e field inspec'tion by t3�e fire departt�t p�'io�' tv
rec�est fo� final inspection.
5. A an�inatian of on-site and off-site Super f3re hydrants, (6" x 4" x 2- �
1/2" x 2 1/2" ), will be required, located no�t le�s ti�an 25' o� m�r�e tt�an
150' from any portion of the buildisr3(s) as meaau�ed alar�g a,pp��oved
vehiculaz' travelwa�ys. Z�a requii�ed fire flow shall be avatlable fmm any
adj aCerit tYydz'ant( s) in tha systen. Hydra�t loCBtionB mu.4t be a�ved bY
the fire d�arbtient.
6. The required fire flow may be adjusbed at a late� point in the pezmit
p�oce.s.s to reflect c,h�'x�es in de�.i�, tYPe. az'ea separ'ations.
or built-in fire p�+otectlon measiu�es.
7. Iristall a ocmplete fire a�inlcle� system pe� I�P�► 13. The poet irxiicator
valv�e a�ci fire d�epartrnent vom�ecti�on shall be locat�ed to ti�e front, r�at
less than 25' from t�e building and within 50' of an a�ur�ved hydrant.
8. Install a fite alazm (wate�fl.ow) es required by the ihiifo�m Huilding CoCIe,
3803, faar sp�ir�lcle� system.
9. Install ts� alazm rn supply valve fo� s�sir�isle� systems. TatQei' alarm
mu.gt also rir�g buildit�g water flaw alaim.
10. Certain desic�ated ax�eas will be requ,ired to be maintainad as fire lanes.
11. Ins'tall po�table fire e�dtingulshesS pex' NFPA, Pa�hlet #10, but t�Ot less
thari 2AlOBC in ratityg.
12. All buildit�gs sl'sall be aooeesible by a� all-weath�eac ioadw'�y extendi� to
within 150' of all po�tions of the extexio� walls of tfie first sto�y. The
roaciway shall be r�at less thffiZ 24' of imobstrucbed width ar�d 13' 6" of
v�ertical clearance. i�are parallel paricing is allaaed, the roa�ray shall
•�a. �: • • : • •�
be 36' wide with parkiryg on both sides, 32' wide with parking on one side.
Dead-end ioad.s in exce.ss of 150' shall be pmvided with a mininaan 45'
radius turn-aro��d ( 55' in industrial cbvelapnents ).
13. Coritact the fire departnent for final inspection pri� to occupan�.,y.
6Lty G�ar:il Gl�ryditirns:
1. 'IYee.s in paziting area shall be of a canapy variety, a minim�an of ten feet
in height with an eight foot carx�yy at time of installation, as w�ell as
othex specifications to aanply with the August 24, 1989 parkirx3 lot tree
master plan p�+oposal.
2. Landscapir�g shall be maintained free of w�eeds and deb�is.
3. An avp.rall sign progx'aan shall be sutmitt.ed fos review atxi ap�vval by tY�e
Palm Desert Architectural Review Comnission prior to issuance of
certificate of occupatycy.
4. It is interx3ed that a fully integrated park.it�g az�ea be establist�ad between
this p�oject ar�d pot.e�ntial de�velopt�czts ta the ea.gt.
5. Upon development far an intsgrated parkir�g �d er�try system for the
project site ar�d the easterly p�+aperties, the applicant may be relieved of
the easterly p�apezty li.rye wall.
•�a. �: • • : • •1c
I�.:�.��:_ 4
Pursuant to Title 14, Divisic�n 6, Article 7, Section 15083, of tt�e California
Adninistrative C,oc3e.
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CASE I1�• PP/CZ 89-10
APPLIC�►tdP/Pl�7�T SI'C[�t' Ci�azan C�Oc�stzv�ction
72-757 FY,ed Warir�g Urive
Palm Desert, CA 92260
PROJECT DffiQtIPTION/IAGTION: 5, 770 square fart office buildirx3 rn the
sauthQast oorner of F�i�ed Warir�g Drive and San Anselmo Av�ern�e.
The Directar of the Deparbnent of Oa�ity Dev�elapt�t, City of Palm Desert, "'�
California, has fa�ari that the d�ibed p�oject will rx7t iiave a sic�ificant
effect an the erYvix�nt. A or.�y of the Initial St�u3y has beeri attac.ttied to
c3oc��t the reascn.s in support of this finding. Mitigaticn measwc�es, if arYy,
included in the project to awid pote�tially si�ificant effects, may also be
fa.md attac.i�ed.
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