HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 90-102 ��TPICN PA. 90-102
CASE NC)6. PP/QJP 90-11 AI�ID Pf�nT 90-10
WI�RFAS, the City Coiu�cil of the City of Palm De.sert, Califo�n.ia, did oa�
the 26th day of July, 1990, tbld a duly mticed public hearir�g to coa�.sider the
request of �� & ASSOCIATF�, for the abov�e mentia�ed project; and
Wf�REAS, said applicatioci has oca�lied with tt�e requirements of the "City
of Palm De.sert Procedure for Im�lementatioci of the California �vin�nental
Quality Act, Resolution No. 80-89, " in that the director of oanrn.mity
devela�lt has determis�ed that the pro�ect will not have a significant
negative inq�act oaz tt�e envirormerit; and
WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consic3�xi.ng all
testimr,�y and arg�nnents, if any, of all inter�sted persoc�s d�e.siring to be
heard, said city oaur�cil did find the following facts and rea_�.s to exist to
justify granting ap�rwal of said precise plan:
1. The proposed use and greenbelt design implements specific
reoannesldations of the Palma Village Specific Plan.
2. The design of the precise plan/ooc'yditional use pezmit will r�ot
substantially depreciate p�aperty values, nor be materially in�urious
to properties or i:�v�nts in the vicinity.
3. 'I'he precise plan will n�t unreasor�ably interfere with the use or
enjalm�ent of p�oQerty in the vicinity by the occupants thereof for
lawful p�uposes.
4. The precise plan will rx�t exr3azx3er the public peace, health, safety
or ge.neral w�elfare.
NOW, TF�REFF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVID by the City Co�u�cil of the City of Palm
Desert, California, as follaws:
1. That the abav�e recitatians are true and correct and c�.stitute the
findirx,�s of the oau�cil in this case.
l �
RF501LLTPICN I�U. 90-102
2. `That a Negative Declarati� of Fhvir�.ntal In�act, Exhibit A,
Precise Plan/Coa'�ditional Use Pertnit 90-11 and PNb� 90-10 are hereby
appraved, sub j ect to the attac.t�ed c��d.itions.
PASSID, APPROVm ar�d ADOPTm at a regular meetir�g of th�e Palm Desert City
Council, held an this 26th day of J�, 1990, by the follawir�g vote, to wit:
/�TTEST: /, /;
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`, ,' 'C��� � -C � _
City of Palm Desext, fornia .
x�soLtrrlarr rp. 9a-io2
C�SB I�6. PP/Q� 90-11 AI�D A�T 90-10
Deparhn�t of �nmity Deve.lo�naYt:
1. The �lognent of the propexty sha11 oociform substantially with exhibits
oaz file with the departrnent of oatttninity c3�velapneizt/plannirx�, as modified
by tt�e follawiryg ooc�dttions.
2. Constructicri of a portion of said project shall oannenc;e withi n � ye�
fram the date of final app�+oval tu�less an extensiaz of time is granted;
otheiwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect
3. 'i"l�e develogn�xit of the property de.scribed herein sha11 be subject to the
restriCtioc�s and limitations set f�th hQx�ein which are in additioci to all
nnuiicipal orrlinarx•.es and state and fec3exal statutes rx�w in fome, or which
hereafter may be in force.
4. Prior to issuance of a building pezmit for oonstruction of arYy use
oont�lated by this app�oval, tt�e applicant shall first obtain pe,rnLtts
and/or clear�nce fx�n the follawiryg agencies:
CoacYiella Valley Water District
Palm Desert Rmhitectural Catmissiai
City Fire NG-�r�r,a�
Public Works Departanent
Palm Desert Water & Seivices District
�id�yce of said pezmit or clearar�ce from the abwe aqe�cies shall be
presented to the department of buildiryg and safety at the tjme of issva�r,e
of a buildir�g penntt fo� the use oonten�lated h�re�aith.
5. Access to trash/service ar�eas st'�all be placed so as not to oazflict with
parkirx� areas. Said placement shall be app�r�ved by applicable trash
company and departcnent of conanunity development and shall include
prr�visians fo� rec,rycle bins.
6. All future occupants of the buildings shall comply with parking
requi�nts of the za�it�g ordinar�ce.
7. A detailed pai'kir�g lot and building lightirx,� plan shall be submitted to
staff for approval, sub�ect to applicable lightir�g staix3ards, plan to be
prepared by a qualified lightir�g ex�ir�ee.r.
8. All sidewalk plans shall be revies�red and approved by the department of
public works prior to architectural review catmissic� sutmittal.
9. Project is sub�ect to Art in Public Places fee per Ordinan�ce No. 473.
10. Final landscape plar�s shall canply with p��osed Awgust 24, 1989 paz�ki.ng
lot tr�ee planting master plan.
11. Applicant agx�ees to maintain the landscaping required to be ir�stalled
pursuant to these conditic�s. Applicant will enter into an agreesnent to
maintain said lai�dscaping for the life of the pro�ect, which agreen�t
shall be r�otarized and which agreement shall be reoorded. It is the
specific intent of the parties that this co�xiitian and agregnent run with
the land and bind successors and assic�s.
12. Approval of this project is sub�ect to city c�uycil apQ��oval of ZUA 90-2.
13. 'Itao recip�rncal acce.ss easeme.nts shall be prn�vid�ed, one beir�g a 24 foot
width east/west thraygh�way az lot nos. 19 and 20; the seoo��d pmviding for
tt�e FYed Wariryg driveway oa1 lot rx�. 3. Ea_�elnents to be z�eoorded prior to
issuance of builditx� permits.
14. A pfia.Se 1 and gha.se 2 FYed Waring c�'j.vew3y plan stz311 be designed to _
p�wicle for a 24 foot width tux�-way access so the p�o,j ect can stand alone
tn�r �se a�e and ca�vext to the half c�iv�eway with exterx3ed landscape
for p�a.se 2.
15. Applicant shall make provision for aatmercial recy�clir�g irlcluding a
• program for collection inside the building ar�d external trash oantainexs
to be appmved by Waste Management.
DepartrnaYt of PubliC Wo�'ks•
1. Drainage fees, in accordance with Section 26.49 of the PaLn Desert
Nhuzicipal C,ode, shall be paid prior to reoardation of final map.
2. Signalization fees, in acaordance with City of PaLn Desert Resolutioci Nos.
79-17 ar�d 79-55, shall be paid p�ior to issuaric:e of a gradir�g pexmit.
3. Any storm drain oocLstructian shall be oaztingent upai a drainage study
p�epar+ed by a registered civil e.r�gir�eer that is re�vie�aed ar�d apprr�ved by
the departrnent of public w�rks.
4. fl�ll public imp�r�vements, as required by Sectia�s 26.40 and 26.44 of the
Palm Desart Municipal Code, shall be installed in accordance with
applicable city standards.
RESO�.TPICN I�. 90-102
5. As required under Palm Desert Municipal Code Sectirn 26.28, and in
accardarx�.e with SectiaLs 26.40 and 26.44, oomplete i�avpment plans and
specifications shall be sutxnitted to the Directo� of Public Works for
checking and approval before construction of any improvements is
�.n�ced. Offsite i[[�x�nent plans shall be revi�l and appzr�ved by
the Director of Public Works and a surety posted to guarantee the
installatioci of all required offsite i�c�mvements pri� to issuanr,e of a
grading pernLit. Such impac+ovsnents shall iryclude, but not be limited to,
city standard oa�crete sidewalk in an app�+�priate size and oanfiguratioci.
��As-built" plans shall be sutrnitted to, and aPP�'o'�'ed bY, the Director of
Public Works prior to the acceptance of the i��ov�t�ents by th�a City.
6. All private driveways and parking lots shall be inspected by the
�gir�eerir�g depaztnent and a standax�d irLspectiai fee shall }3e paid prior
to issuan�cs of a grading permit.
7. Lar�dscapir�g ma.intenarx� on FY�ed Warir�g Drive, San An,selmo Av�ernie and Santa
Rosa Way shall be the respaLsibility of the p�ope=ty ctivnex.
8. As required �r Sections 12.66 and 26.44 of the Palm Desert Nh.micipal
Cbc3e, all existing utilities shall be placed underground per each
respective utility district's recommendation. If determined to be
unfeasible, tt�e applicant shall submtt to tt�e city, in a form ac�eptable
to the city attorney, surety in an amount equal to the estimated
oocvtzuction oosts for tt�e sub,jeCt tmde�a�ding.
9. In accordance with Palm Desert Miuzicipal Goc�e Ct�apter 27, crntplete gradi��g
plans and specificatia�s shall be sutrnitted to th�a diz�ctor of public
works for checking and approval prior to issuance of any permits
as.sociated with this pro�ect.
10. Any and all off-site ic�ov�nec�ts shall be pz�ec,ecled by the approval of
plans by the director of public w�orks and the issuance of valid
encroachment pezmits by the dsparbnent of public wo�ks and the State
DepartrnPnt of Transpo�tation.
11. A complete prelicninaxy soils investigation, oorx�cted by a registered
soils �ngineer, shall be sutmitt.ed to and ap�p�r�ved by the deparbnerit of
public wo�ks grio� to the issuance of a gradiryg peYmit.
12. Size, number and location of c�iveways to the specificatia�s of the
c3eparbrent of public wru�ks with r� rtnre tha:l three c�iveway approaahes to
be allawed to sexve this property. The applicant shall attert�rt to
ir�oorporate a �oint use c�ivewa�y with the ad�acerit p�operty to the east as
a part of this develop�nent. No c�iv�eways shall be peimttt.ed az Santa Rosa
R�iIPICN I�A. 9Q-102
13. Gradirx� permit issuanc,e shall be subject to the waivpr of pazr,el map first
being apprr�ved and reoorded. As pazt of the waiver of pair,el maP process,
the applicant shall either p�ovide for the pay-off or reap�por�tiorme,nt of
arYy city assessnents again.st the sub�ect pr�operties.
14. Building pad elevatia�s for the propo�ed developnent are subject to revie�,e
and approval in ac�ondarrs with Section 27 of the Palm Dese,rt Mi.micipal
Rivet'side (btmcty F`ire Depai�tlne�t:
1. With respect to the oocYiitia�s of appraral r'e9ardirY3 the abov�e referer�c,ed
plan cher.k the fire c3eparbnent reoamiend,s the following fire protectiori
mea.sures be pro�vided in acx�o�dance with city cnmicipal ooc3e; NFPA, UFC,
and UBC and/or reoo�Lized fire protection stai�das'c�,s: The fire departinent
is requ.ired to set a minitrnan fire flaw for the reRnc3e1 ar constructicei of
all aoc�mercial buildings per Uniform Fire C'.od,e Sec. 10.301C.
2. Provic�e, or stx7w tY�ere exists, a water systsn capable of pmvidinq a
potential gallon pes miuwte 1500 fo� single family, 2500 for multifamily,
and 3000 for ��cial. The actual fire flow available from any a�e
tYyc�'ant aoru�ected to arYy given water maiiz shall be 1500 gpn fos 2 hours
duration at 20 psi residual apez�atir�g pressure. _
3. A fire flow of 1500 gpm for a 1 haur duraticn at 20 pei residual ape.ratir�g
pressuz�e mu.st be available before any oanbustible material is placed oci
tY�e �ob site.
4. The required fire flow shall be available from a Super hydrant(s) (6" x 4"
x 2-1/2" x 2-1/2"), located rnt less t-han 25' nor mr�re than 200' single
family, 165' nniltifa�nily, ar�d 150' oarmercial fmm arYy portion of the
building�(s) as measl�x�ed along ap�p�Y-�ved vp.hicular trav�elways. Hyc�'ants
installed belaw 3000' elevation shall be of the "w�et barnel" tyne.
5. Prnvide written certification from the app�npriate water oai�any having
�urisdiction that hyc�ant(s) will be installed and will produce the
required fire flow ox� arrai�ge field inspection by the fire departri�ent
prior to request fo� final inspection.
6. A c�ibinatiaz of oci-site and off-site Supe,r fire hycirants (6" x 4" x 2-
1/2" x 2-1/2") will be required, located r�ot less than 25' or more than
200' single f�nily, 165' multifamily, and 150' oannercial fr�an arry porti�
of the buildir�g(s) as measured alrng appi�oved vehtcular travelways. The
required fire flaw shall be available frcm any adjacent t�ant(s) in the
RF50LLTPICN I�A. 90-102
7. TY�e required fire flow may be ad�usted at a later point in the permtt
pzncess to reflect char�ges in «3��esign, coc�stzvction type, area separatioc�s,
or built-in fire protsction measur�es.
8. Prior to the application for a buildir�g permit, the d�v�elcyper shall
ft�nish the original and two vapies of the water system plan to the ca,u�ty
fire d�epartment for review. No buildirx,� pezmit shall be issued tmtil the
water system plan has been ap�oved by tt�e c�auity fire chief. Upon
appzr�val, tl'�e original will be retti��ed. One cq.�y will be sent to the
res-por�,sible inspectir�g authority.
Plans st�all cazfarn► to fire r�ydrant types, locat,i«i ana spacing, ana tr�e
systpsn shall maet the fire flaw require�neizts. Plans shall be signed by a
registered civil er�gir�eer and may be sigr�ed by the local water oa�any
with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water
systen is in � with the requiraneizts prescribed by the Rivp.rside
C.atulty Fire Depattment.��
9. Install a cat�lete fire sp�in}cles sy5tsn per NFPA 13R. 'Phe post ir�dicator
valve and fire deparbnent ooruyection shall be located to the frait, not
less than 25' fr�cm the buildiryg and within 50' of an appiro�v�ed h�ydrant.
All buildir�g av�er 5,000 squaz�e feet.
10. Crntply with Title 19 of the California Administxativ�e C'.od�e. Occupant 50+.
11. Install a canplete fire sps3nkler systgn pe.r NFPA 13. The post indicator
valve and fire depar'triretzt ooc�tyection shall be located to tt�e frcr�t, �t
less than 25' ftnm the buildiryg and within 50' of an ap�x�oved rYy�drant.
12. Install a fire alazm (waterflaw) as required by tY�e Unifo�m Huiiciing Code,
3803, for sp�inkler system.
13. IrLstall tanq�er alaYm on supply valve fo� sprinkler systgns.
14. Certain desic�nated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes.
15. Install a fire alarm as required by the Uniform Building C}oc3e and/or
UnifoYm Fire Gode.
16. Install panic h,aYdware aryd exit sigr�s pe.r Unifoim Building C,ocie, and/ar
Unifonn Fire C',od�e.
17. Install po�rt3ble fite extiiygutst�ers per NFPA, Pa[[gahlet #10, but not less
than 2AlOBC in rating. Fire extingutshers must r�ot be av�er 75' walkitxJ
18. Install a Hood/Duct auto�matic firs extirr�iishir�g systgn. Catmez'cial
ooa�kin4 an1Y•
19. All buildings sha11 be accessible by an all-weather rnadway extending to
within 150' of all portia�.s of the exterior walls of the first sto�y, Tt�e
rnadway shall be r�ot less th,ari 24' of tu�obstructed width and 13'6" of
vertical cleararr,e. Where parallel parki.ng is allaured, the roadway shall
be 36' wicle with parkir�g on both sides, 32' wide with parkir�g on o�ne side.
Dead-end roads in exces.s of 150' shall be pr�ovided with a mtniirn.IIn 45'
radius tuni-ara.md (55' in industrial c�evelc7pnents). Famtains or gaz�len
islands placed in the middle of thp.se tunz-ar�auyds shall not exc,eed a 5'
radius or 10' diameter.
20. If gated, whes�ver acce.ss into private p�cnperty is oontrolled through use
of gates, bazriers, guaiYl hw.ses or similar means, pmvision shall be made
to facilitate access by emergency vehicles in a manner appiY,7v�ed 1�y the
Fire Depar-�nent. All oontrolled access devices that are pow�er operated
shall have a radio-aocitrolled vvpx-ride systgn capable of c7pprnir�g the gate
wY�e.n activated by a s�pecial transnitter located in emergetx,,y vehtcles.
Devices shall be equipped with backup pawer facilities to c�erate in the
evp.nt of pawex failure. All c7ontr�lled access c3�vices that are not paw�er
operated shall also be a�pr+aved by the Fire Departnez�t. M,inim�an oQening
width shall be 12', with a minim�an v�r�tical cleararx�e of 13'6".
21. Occupar�cy separation will be required as per the Unifo=m Builcitr�g Code,
Sec. 503.
22. Install Panic Hatdware and E�it signs as per ChaptEr 33, Sectioc�s of the
Uniform Buildir�g Cbcle.
23. C�tact the fire deparbrnnt for a final inspectiaz prior to occ,-upancy.
24. An ap}�rnved NFPA 13 or NFPA 13R sprinitler system is required for all
buildings over 5000 squai� feet in size. Are.a separation will not exe�t
the building from this reqturgnent. �e�tiori: One and two family
resid�ences. *This is c�anulative totals of all floors and oav�ered patio
25. Q�ec•.k to see if existir�g fire hydrants in the area of pro�ect might help
satisfy fire flow and s�pacir�g requi�zt.
26. C�rb radius fo� turnir�g of ec�utpne�zt is 31 ft. inside and 51 ft. outside.
Checzk entries and islarxis to er�ure fire equtpnetit can access project.
RESO��ICN I�U. 90-102
�IT "A"
Purs�.�ant to Title 14, Divisiori 6, Article 7, Secti� 15083, of the California
AcYninistxative C'.ocle.
CASE I�A6: PP/QJP 90-11 AIm PMW 90-10
74-818 Velie Way, Suite 2
Palm Desp.zt, CA 92250
PfiQ7DC,T ��ICN/I�C�►TIQd: A 13,000 square foot office builcii.cx� on the
sa.rtheast conr�er of FY'ed Waring Drive and San AnseLro Avenue.
The Director of the Departme.nt of CatmurLity Develapnent, City of Palm Desert,
California, has fauzd that the c�escribed project will mt have a significant
effect on the envirocnw.,nt. A copy of ttle Initial Study has been attached to
doc�.nt the re�9on.s in support of this findir�g. Mitigatiaz measures, if arry,
• incluc�ed in tt�e p�+oject to avr�id potentially si�ificant effects, may also be
four�d attacYled.
. .
I�I'L�'!9 • ul 26 1990