HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 90-106 � . �u�1Q� r�. x}-io� A RFSOLUPI�1 OF TI-iE PL�ArIIVING OCNMISSIQiV OF TI-IE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFtURNIA, P.�FrPR(7VII� A NEGATIVE DECLP►RATIC�1 OF ENVIROM��NTAL IMPACT, GENERAL PLAN AN�NDMENT AND CHANGE OF ZONE, PRECISE PLAN/�IDITIC�L USE P�d�IIT, AI�ID SEIBACK VARIAN(�S FnR A 7333 S�FtE FC)OP OFFICE C�I,F.X ON A 25,740 SQUARE FOOT PROPII�TY �1 TF� EAST SIDE � OF N�EY AVFNIJE, 670 FE�r SQtTI�-i OF FRID 1nWRII� DRIVE CASE NC)6. GPA 90-1, C/Z 90-4, VAR 90-3, PP/Q1P 90-9 Wf�RE'AS, the City Cour�cil of the City of Palm De,Sert, California, did oaz the 26th day of July, 1990, hc�ld a c�uly rnticed public hearir�g t� con.sic�er a request by O. MIC�IAEL FBCMME, for approval of a negative declaration of environmental impact, precise plan/conditional use permit, and setback variarlces for a 7333 square foot office oon�lex on a 25,740 square foot property � the east side of Nbnterey Avenue, 670 feet south of FYed Wariryg Drive: at�d WI-�'.RE'AS, said applicatiaz has oa�lied with the r+equire�nents of the "City of Palm Desert Px�oceduz�es to Impignent the California E�cvira�rntal Quality Act, Resolution No. SO-89", in that the director of oanrn.mity develc7pneizt has detexmined that the p�o j eCt wil l not hav�9 an adv�rse it[►paCt on the envir+orment and a negativ�e declaratiaz has beerri prepared; and WE�FtEAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testii�y and arg�e.nts of all persals desi T'�� to be heard, said city ca�u�cil did find the follawir�g facts to exist to �ustify its aation: PRECISE PLAN/�IDITICII�L USE PF,fiN1IT AI�ID V'ARIAIJ�S 1. The 65 foot lot depth in the area is �m.ique within the O.P. zorie. 2. The strict application of the setback requiremerits ps�eclude viable develapnent of the pax�cels ar�d par�events i�lementation of the Palma Village Specific Plan goal for attractiv�e quality c�velopment an Monter�ey. 3. The strict and literal inte,ip��etatirn of the O.P. starxiards create an t�reasa�able harctShip by p�ecludir�g logical develo�pnent of the site. 4. Due to the nature of the averal l design, the pi�q�osed p�+o,j ect wil l still achieve the goals of the O.P. zoc�e setbacks which are the creation of an attractive stx�eetscape, b�a.ildir�gs oort�atible with ad�acent sir�gle family hanes, and will rnt rep�e.sent a threat to the public health, safety ar gei�eral w�elfare. � ` V i�11Ua� lwJ• 7ll—�W NOW, Tf�EFORE, BE IT RESOLVID by the City Cotnvcil of the City of Palm Desert, California, as follaws: 1. 'I7�at the above recitations are true and correct ar�d con.stitute the findings of the oau�cil in this case. 2. That the Negativ�e Declaration of II7vircamental In�act �ch.ibit "A", VAR 90-3 and PP/CUP 90-9 on file in the depaztment of cxnmunity developmeizt are hereby appmved sub�ect to attached crnditi�s. PASSID, APPROVm and ADOP'I'ID at a regular meeting of the Palm Desert City Co�u�cil, held oci this 26th, day of J�, 1990, by the follawiryg wte, to wit: AYES: BENSON, KELLY, SNYDER, WILSOI�1, CRITES NOES: IVOIVE ABSII�: NnI�E ABSTAIN: NCX�IE �� G!�r� / 0 � _. BUFC�RD A. TES, Ma�yOt _ A'I"�EST:j;� � . , , / �. `. - ' SHEILA R. GI IGAN, City lerk City of Palm , fornia SRS/tm 2 RF50�,iTPICN PU. 9�106 ��DI'I'IQ�S � APP'ImVAL G�SE I�U6. PP/Q]P 90-9, VAR 9�3 Department of C�mtmity Develo�p[oent: 1. The d�velc��ent of th�e p�nQexty sha11 oorifoim substantially with exhibits � file with the department of aamnuiity d�v�elc�ment/planning, as npdified by the follavir�g oocxiitians. 3. C',onstxuction of a portion of said p�roject shall oatmer�ce within one year frcm the date of final approval tmless an exte.nsion of time is granted; otherwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect whatsoever. 4. The c�avelapnent of th�e pi�operty described herein sha11 be sub j ect to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all m�uitcipal ordinar�ces and state and federal statutes r�uw in force, or which her�eafter may be in fo�ce. 5. Prior to issuance of a building permtt for aonstnictiai of any use oocits�lated by this app�wal, the applicant shali fir�st obtain perniits and/or clearanc,e fran the followiryg agencies: Coachella Valley Water District Palm Desert Archttectural Catmission City Fire Marshal Rivpxside Caurty DepaYtnent of Health Ebidence of said permit or clearar�ce from the abw�e agencies shall be p�esented to the deparbnent of buildiryg and safety at the time of issuanc.e of a buildir�g ppxmtt for the use oaztemplated Y�er�ewith. 6. 'I71at p�ior to issuarx�,e of buildir�g peimit the vwner (c3evelc�per) provide tt�e city with �viderr,e that he has paid the required sc,hool mitigatioaz fee. 7. The roof hatch areas shall be equipned with steel hatche.s and inside lockir�g device.s to p�event forcible en�y. 8. That the applicant p�avide a minjnaan 42 ii�ch wide o�peniixJ in ttie east wall to allaw pedestrian acx;ess frcm the residQntial area to Monterey. 9. Applicant shall make provision for oa��cial rec,-y�clir�g irbcluding a program for oollectiori inside the buildirx3 and external trash c�tair�ers to be approved by Waste Mar�ag�ne.nt. 3 ' y I�C�7lIl.l�Jlll.l\ �• 7\r1W D�t of Public Wo�iss- 1. Drainage fees, in accordance with Section 26.49 of the Palm Desert Municipal Code, shall be paid prior to issuaryce of a gradi�x,� pezmit. 2. Signalization fees, in accordanc,e with City of Palm Desert Resolution Nos. 79-17 and 79-55, shall be paid prior to issuarx�,e of a grading permit. 3. �11 public improvements, as requiL�ed by Sections 26.40 and 26.44 of the Palm Desert Municipal Code, shall be installed in accordance with applicable city standarc3s. Sub�ect i��avea�ents sha11 include, but not be limited to, the installation of a mininn�n 30 foot wide driv�e ap�prnach, removal and reconstruction of Catalina Way cul-c3e-sac and any otYber ic��avenents as may be required by trie director of public works. 4. Off-site in��nent plans shall be revie�raed ar�d app��ov�d by the director of p�iiblic works and a svrety posted to guarantee the installatiai of all required off-site i�raveinents priar to i� of a gradir�g pezmit. ��As-built" plar�s shall be su�mitted to, and a�r�v�ed bY, the direc�b�r of public works prior to the accept�rx:e of the im�o�v�nents by the city. 5. All private driveways and parking lots shall be inspected by the er�gitieerir�g departr�,nt and a standard jn.�pecticn fee shall be paid prior �,,,,� to issuance of a gradu�g permit. 6. Lar�dsCapir�g tnaintet�atx'.e on Ntontex�ey Avenue and Catalina Way shall be the resporLsibility of the pro�perty cx�mer. � 7. As required und�ar Sectiori 12.16 and 26.44 of the Palm Desert Municipal C.ode, all existing utilities shall be placed underground per each respective utility district's recommendation. If detezmined to be unfeasible, the applicant shall sutmit to the city in a form acceptable to , the city attorr�ey, sur�ety jn an amamt equal to the estimated constructioaz oosts for the sub,ject 8. In acoordaryoe with Palm Desert NhaLicipal Gode Chapter 27, cut�lete grading plans and s�pecificatiazs shall be sutacnitted to the director of public works for checking and approval prior to issuance of any permits associated with this pro�ect. 9. Arry and all off-site i���ents shall be pz�er.eded by the ap�raval of plans by the director of public works and the issuance of valid e,ncroac,Yment permits by the c�eparbn�nt of public works. 10. Pad elevations of the proposed structure are sub�ect to review and modification in acoordance with Chapter 2? of the Palm Desert M�uzicipal C,ode. 4 � RF50�,Lfl'IQ�i I�A. 90-106 11. Prior to the approval of any plans or the issuanae of any pezmits as.sociated with this proposal, applicant shall secui� the vacation of the existing San NiChDlas Avenue str'eet right-of-way, subjeCt tp the retention of any and all public utility easen�ents and pmavisions for pec�estrian acce.ss easements. 12. Applicant shall reconstruct the existir�g cul-c3e-sac on Catalina Way ii�oorporatir�g cocitinued vphicular access to the existiryg resid�ntial units as well as oocitinued pedestrian aCCess to Mcrltez�ey Avenue. Lnprav�ne.nt plans for ttye z�eooc�st=ucticn shall be appmved by the director of public works prior to the issuanae of arYy pexmits as.sociated with this pro�ect. Riv�erside G�mty FYre 1. With respect to the ccnditior�s of aPp�wal recJaniin9 the abave refere.nc,ed plan chec•,k the fire depattnent reoanneex�.g the follawing fire p�rotecti.on measures be pravicled in acoor�daryce with city m�uitcipal c�oc3e, NFPA, UFC, and UBC and/or reoo�Lized f ire protection st,andard.s: Tl�e f ire departrnPnt is required to set a minimu�n fire flaw for the remoc3el � oa�structiori of all ocmnei�cial bu.ilciirx�s per Uniform Fire Cbc3e Sec. 10.301C. 2. Provide, ar st�aw the.re exists, a water system capable of providiu�g a potential gallcn pe.r minute 1500 for sir�gle faanily, 2500 far multifamily, and 3000 fo� aarm�ercial. The actual fire flaw available frnm any �e hydrant oonryected to arYy giv�en water main shall be 1500 gpm for 2 haurs �aration at 20 psi residual o�eratir�g p�ess�u�e. 3. R fire flaw of 1500 g�m for a 1 hour c�uration at 20 psi residual aperatir�g pressure must be available before any ocmbu.stible material is placed vn the ,job site. 4. The required fire flaw shall be available fr�cm a Super h�yc�rant(s) (6" x 4" x 2-1/2" x 2-1/2"), located not less than 25' rnx� moz�e than 200' si.ngle family, 165' rcnxltifaanily, and 150' oannax�cial fmn any portion of the Uuildit�g(s) as meastlted alor�g app�ov�ed vehicula�' travelwa�ys. Hyr�'ants irtctalled belaw 3000' elevation shall be of the "wet barrel" type. 5. Provide writt�n certification frcm the app�priate water oo�arYy havir�g jurisdiction that h�yc�ant(s) will be installed and will produce the required fire flow os arrat�ge field inspection by the fire depart�ne.nt prior to request fo� final irLspection. 6. A canbination of on-site and off-site Super fire lYyc�ants (6" x 4" x 2- 1/2" x 2-1/2") will be requ.ired, located mt less ttzan 25' or m�re 1-.han 200' single family, 165' multifamily, ar�d 150' axtmexcial fr�an ariy porticxi of tr�e bui].air�g(s) as measvrea al«�y app�rNed vehicular txa�velwa�ys. Trbe requ.ired fire flaa shall be available f�xn arry adjaCent h�yclr'ant(s) in the systecn. 5 RF�OLLTPICN I�. 9�106 7. The required fire flaw may be adjusted at a later point in the permit pr�ocess to reflect char�ges in clesign, oonstruction type, area separations, or built-in fire protecti� m�easuz.�es. Aut,anatic fire sp�inklers. 8. Prior to the application for a building permit, the d�v�elc�.r shall furizish th�e original and two cxipies of the water system plan to the co�uity fire deparbnent for review. No b�uildir�g� pexmit shall be issued tuitil the water systeln plan has been appz�ov�ed by the camty fire chief. Upon app�ro�val, the original will be retunr�ed. One cq,�y will be sent to the respocLsible ir�spectir�g auth�ority. Plans shall oonfo=m to fire hyrYrant types, location and spacirg, arxi the system shall meet the fire flaw requirements. Plans sha11 be sigi�ed by a registered civil e.r�gineer and may be sigt�ed by the local water ocxnpaiYy with the follawir�g certificatiori: "I certify that the c�esign of tt�e water systen is in accordanc,e with the requirements P�sibed by the Rivpxside Catmty Fire Depattment.�� 9. C',anply with Title 19 of the California Adninistrative C.ode. Occupant load 50+. 10. Volimtary: Install a ocR�lete fire sp�inkler systgn per NFpA 13R. The post in�d,iCator valve and firg department coc�t�eC'tion stsall be loCated to the front, not less than 25' fr�cm the building and within 50� of an ap�p�o�ved tYyc�ant. Not required for buildirx,�s ur�der 5,000 square feet. We highly re�xi. 11. Voluntazy: Install a fire alarm (waterflaw) as r�equ.ired by th�e Uniform Huildir�g C,od�e, 3803, for sprinkler system. 12. vol�tary: IrLstall tanq�r alazm az supply valve for sp�inkler systecns. 13. Certain designated areas will be required tfl be mainta.ined as fire larie.s. 14. Install portable fit�e extitlguisherS per NFpA, Pa�hlet #10, but not less than 2AlOBC in ratir�g. Fire extir�guishers nnast mt be arer 75' walkitxJ distance. 15. All buildings shall be aCCessible by an all-weathex roadta�y extendir�g to within 150' of all portions of the exterior walls of the fizst story. The roadway shall be r�ot less t-han 24' of unobstxucted width ar�d 13'6" of vertical cleararr,e. Wtyexe parallel parkiixJ is allaaed, the roadway shall be 36' wide with parking on both sides, 32' wic3e with pariting on one side. Dead-end roads in excess of 150' shall be provided with a miniirnIIn 45' radius turn-arauxi (55' in indu.strial develapnents). Famtains or garden islands placed in the middle of the.se turn-aro�,uY3s shall r�ot exceed a 5' radius or 10' diameter. 6 RFSO�VIZQd I�A. 9�106 16. Contact the fire departrnent for a final inspecticn p�iar to occup�nc,y. 17. All new resic�er�ces/d�aellit�gs are requ.ired to have illt�ninated resici�eential addresses meeting both city and fire departri�_nt ap�prvval. Shake shingle roofs are no l�ger pezmitted in ttse cities of Irxiian Wells, Rarx�.ho Mirage or Palm Desert. 18. Emergency fire access off end of cul-cle-sac must be oontinuo�Ls all weathex, harci surface roadway 16 foot in width. 19. Turn radius cbes r�ot allaw a�r equapmerit roan to make turns to access builclir�g 5, a tgnplate is attached for yair use. Radius 31' inside 51' outsid�e. 20. Zf emergency access in rear par)ttr�g' lot is gated o� chained closed the f ire departrnP�t mu.st have acr.ess by way of item 21 ar� cheap lock that can be cut with standard bolt cuttex's. SRS/tn , 7 i i � x�so�vrzcrr rA. 9o-io6 F�IIBIT "A" Pursuant to Title 14, Divisicn 6, Article 7, Sectioa� 15083, of th� California Ac�ninistrative C'.oc�e. �TIVE �.ARATIQ�I C�SE N06: GPA 90-1, C/Z 90-4, VAR 90-3, PP/GUP 90-9 APPLIC�NP/PROJDCP SPC[�SOR- Mike I�arme P.O. &ax 258 Palm Desert, CA 92261 pRU7F7C,T DESQ2Ip'i'IQdfIO(3�TIGN: A 7333 square foot sir�gle sto=y office vanplex located on tt�e east sic3e of Nbntex�ey Avenue on the r�rth and south sides of Catalina Way. The Director of the Departrnent of CaYnninity Develapnent, City of Palm Desert, _ California, has faurl that the d�+.scribed project will ryot hav�e a significant effect az the er�vi=nrment. A cqyy of the Initial Study has been attached to doc�anent the reasaLs in s��rt of this fit�ir�g. Mitigation meastu�es, if arYy, included in the pro�ect to avoid potentially significant effects, may also be fau�d attacY�ed. . • ul 26, 1990 A. DIAZ TE DIRECPOR OF C�NM]NITY PN�ir SRS/�n 8