HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 90-115 �. RESOLUTION NO. 90-115 � A RE SOLUT I ON UF THE ��T T Y C:OUNC I L OF THE CITY l�F F�ALM CiESEFT, CALIFURNIA, AF'F'RUVING ' A NE�3AT [VE GEI:LHF;A T [ON OF h_NV I RONMENTAL I MF'AC�I" ANLi F'F:'EC I SE F'LAN F OR AN :�%,���� ��UARE FnOT F�hOF ESS I ONAL uFF I CE F�RUJF'CT, F�ARk:I NG �._�:]T, tir�G r;F��NL�ELT ON �W�� LOTS EXTENC�ING t h'�)�t ��IONf�F�:EY AVENUE �O ACALIA DF;IVE, 1��� FEE T `il:]lJl-H i�F F'ARf�: V I EW L�F.I VE. C:ra�E I`1U. F'F' '=���- 14 l{ll-iEF�F.A:�, th� Citv i�o�_�ncil ot the CitY of F'alm Liesert , Cali *ornia, dtd un i_I-�e �'=.rd dav of A�.iqust, 1':�'=���, hold a duly noticed public hearinq t�� �onsic�i�r thP rPquest of MtCHAEL HOMME for approval of a Neqative Uecl�;r�t. i�n of Environment.al Impact and precise plan �or an �������� square F�:�ot t�rotPssional otfice proj�ct, par�:: ing lot, and qreenbelt on two lots e:•:tendinq rrom Mont�rey Avenue to Acacia Urive, 1��� feet so��th of F�arE: V�.e w L�r i•�-z: a n ii WFIERFA�, said application has cort�plied with the requirements ot tti�� "rit.y ot F'alm Li�sert F'rocedure for Implementation of the California Environmental L?ua.lity Act . Fcesolution No. _���-��'?, " in that the director of c_omm�.�nity developrr�ent has determined that the prolect will not have �n a���er•se impact on t_he environment and a neqative declaration has ��een or��pare�; and ;JfIEF�'FAS, at said public hearinq, upon hearing and considerino all t�-t.trn��nv and argum�nts, if anv, of �11 interested persons desiri�y r,� bt� h�.�rc: . =a.id ci.ty c���ncil ��id find the following tacts and r�easons to a.:.l.��= I:.� ,��.�ti �v approval of said precise plan: ] . The prop��sP_d use and design of the pro.ject is consistent with the ��oals and ob iectives of the Uffice F'rofes5ional �one, the F�a 1 m� V i 1 1 aqe Sp ec i f i c F'1 an and F'a 1 m L�esert Genera 1 F'1 an. ._. The design of the proposed building and site plan is corupatible witl� e:>::isting and proposed land uses in the vi�=inity. _ . Tl�e proposed use will not depreciate property values, restrict the lawful use oF ad,jacent oroperties or threaten the public h�alth, s�fety or general welfare. NOW. "fHFRF_FOFtE, E�E IT RESOLVELi by the CitY Council of the Citv �f P��.lm I:iesert , California, as follows: 1 . fhat the above rPcitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the council in this case. RESOLUTION N0. 90-115 , �.. That the N�qative U�cl�ration of Fnvironmental Impact E:::hibit "A" and f-''F' '=��?- 14 0�� �ile in the department of comrr�unitv cJevPlopn�ent is hereby aoproved, subject to conditions. F•'A'�SE1!. AF'F'����'ELi and AIiOF' fELi at a reqular meetinq ��f the F'�lm Lie�ert �='itv G�_�_�nc� i1 , held on thi� �-�rd day of Auqust , 1'=�'?��, by the followino vc�te, to wit: rafE.:'�: E..�F'NS��N, SNYLiEF, WILSO�J, CFiITES �10�=S� NONE 'r'jE�SENT: F:EL_LY �=���'3TA.[N: NONE - � , --� / � - ,, � �.(/ . K' � �/ - �-/. �f '�� /�.�� /� 7/ . � - �/ ��� 'l � 6UFORLi A. RITES, Mayor � A�(TEiT: _���,�_ M.\�_, � , �`�'� �` ��y �,�'�� � �C1`aHEILA R. : �:i LLIGAN, CitY -�� � � �,, C'.� tv of F'��R Uesert, California J I-'L�i tm J RESOLUT I ON N0. '�O-1 15 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CASE NO. PP 90-14 Department of Commun_it�_Develo ,�ment: ]. . fhe d�velopment of the property shall cor�f�rrn aubstant. i�lly with A;<:hibit� �n �tle with the department of comrr�unity develo�ment , �� n���di i=i?ci bv the fol lowinq canditions. :.. �'rior 1..o t.he i.ssu�nce of a buildinq permit for construction of a.nv �_���� �_ontern� lated bv khis approval , the applicant shall �zrst c:�_�rnpl.et�= all. t.t�c pr�ocedural requirements ot the clty which incl�ide. b�_�t _are not 1 �mir_Pd to, architect�_�ral commission and bui Ldtnq t��rmit F�roc�dures. _ . C_on�tr�_�ctions of a portion o� said pro�ect shall commence within nne y�ar from the d_zte of final approv�l unless a time e:�:tension i�: qranted, �therwise said approv�l shall become null , v�id and ot no Aftect whatsoever. 4. ("he develc�pR�ent of the property described herein shall be subject t�� the rPstrictians and limitations set forth herein which are tn •.�ldition i�.o all municipal ordinances and stated and tederal �tatutes now in f�rce, ar which hereafter may be in force. `_:�. 1='ric�r to issuance of � buildin g permit for construction of any �_.�se �:or�t7rn�lated by the approv�l , the applic�nt shall first ��btain t�rrR�its andior clearance from the followinq agencies: Fiiv�rside County Uepartment of Health F'alm Uesert Architectural Commission (:itv Fire Marshal C��achella Valley Water Listrict F'�im Uesert Water and Service C�istrict !�. fhat prior to issuance of building permit the owner (developer) � G�rr�vi�e the city with evidence that he has paid the required school mitiqation fee. 7. T'h� roof hatch areas shall be equipped with steel hatches and inside locl::ing devices to prevent forcible entry. _ . F'�r�E::inq area shall comply with city�'s adopted park:ing lot landscapinq standards. '=�. ApE� licant aqrees to m�intain the landscaping required to be installed pursuant to these conditions. Applicant will enter into RESOLUTION NO. 90-115 ar-� .�qrPement t�� rr�aintain said landsc�pinq for the life of tt�e pro,�e�_t , which aqreemPnt sha� l be notari �ed and which a.�.�reement _st-�.�1. ] Ce r,A,-or•�iP�� . Ii. is i_he spAcific intent ot t.he partle5 that `his c_:�n�i � i: i,�n _�r�d agreement r�._�n with the la.rid and bind s�_.iccessors an�� a�si��ns, r.�>. �apt� 1 i�_ant. sha11 �mphasi :e drouqht resistent �nd water ronser�:�inq r� lant m�teri�l:� and irriqation technologies into land�cap�� nlan. ] ]. . I-r- a._,h �.rF�a -ha11 pr•ovide for comrnerrlal r•ecyclinq, incl�_idir�q Facilit :�es �'or interior c��llPction. ].�. �;�_ar �ncj side b1orE: w�l. ls shall be �i;:: faet in heiqht. . Department of Public Works= 1 . Or-ainac7� fees, ir� �c�_ordance with 5ection �/-�. 4'=� ot the F'a.lm Desert M�_�ni.�=ipa1 Cade, �h<�11 be �aid prior to is�uance of a qradinq [i�arm� t. - - �. �ian�li �aticr� te��, zn �ccordance with City of F'alm Lie=_ert � �-o1�_�ti�-�n Nus. 7'=�-t7 ,an� 7'-�-`.�, shall be paid prior to i�s���tn�:_a �:�r -� ��r��inc� perrnit. _ . f"ul l. �ubli�= i.m�rovements, as required bv �ections �_. 4C? �.n�� �_., -�4 �_? F tfie 1='alrr� Ii�sert I�unicipal Lude, shall bP a.nstalle� in �.��_or�d�r�ce witi� .�,��li�__�ble citv .�tannar��s. �ubjact imorovements =h:a.11 � �cl+..�de., b�_�L- r,ot he ]. iT�ited t��, the in=tallation ot= � minim��.m .=4 �-���.�f �Nt�_�e c:r�ive ap�r�a�h. inst:allation of a m.inim�im =i:::: foot w�.��e .- � �:ie�v�ll•: �.�n Acacia Lir•iv� ar�d a rr�inimum aiaht +.=��ot wide sidewalE; on f1��nter�v Hv�=nue and �n�� otha_r improvements as may be r�=��uired b�� 1:Fia C77.r'aCtOr' O� Ouh11C WOY'I�:S. '�. �7ffsit.�> >.n�t�rc�v�rnent plans =h�11 be reviewed and approved by the d ir����-t,:;r of pub 1 ic worF::s and a surety posted t� ��uarantee ti�� �.n<_t.�llation of all required affsite improvements prior to issuance ot .a gradinq permit. "As-built" plans shall be submitted to, and .�oproved by, the director of public work:s prior to the acceptance ��t rtie improvements by the city. `_�. All pr•ivate driveways and park.ing lots shall be inspected by the �nyineering department �nd a standard inspection fee paid prior t� issuanre of a grading permit. � . l_andscaping maintenance on Monterey Aven��e and Acaci� Drive shall be fihe responsibility ��f the property owner. 4 RESOLUTION NO. '�0-115 '. F�� r�a�.�lre� �.�nder Chapter �`S of the Palm L�esert Municipal Code, �. 11 e:>::ist.ing �_�tilities shall bA placed underqround pPr z,�.ch r,�_-�C,rc=t. i. �--e �..�t. ilitv district ' s recommendation. If determined to be �_�nt�a_tt� i�:�, +_I-�a app l ic�nt shal l submit to the ci ty, in � torir� :a.���==(]t�bJ.? to tri� r.it.y =�.tt��rney, ��_irety in an amount equal to the :�,t im�L-�=d �_on�tr�_ict ton �=osts ��r the s�_�b.te�t i_tnderqroz�ndinq. .. . ] n �.c�_ord�nr.a with F'alm [iasert Mun�ripal C��de Chapter �:7, c�amoleta qra.dir�q ��l.an� �,nd �pecifications shall be s�_�bmitted t� the director �_�f o�..�hl. ic worE:s tor c_hecF: inq and aoproval prior to issuance ot �nv Da1^Ri.ltS �SS0�= 1�tB� with this pro.iect . `�. �=�ny :�nr,� .�7 1 c�tf-site improvements shall be preceded by the aoproval �.�t plans by t.he director af public w�rk:s and the i.ssuance of valid ,=n�=r��ac_hmPnt pprmits by the department of public work:s. 1�?. F�ad eLeva.tior�s of the proposed structures are s�ibject to review �nd modific�tion in accordance with Ch�pter �7 of the F'alm C�esert I`l�_�nicipal Lode. 11 . A �_=ompl�te preliminary soils investiqation, conducted by a regist�red soils enqineer, shall be s��bmitted to �nd aoproved bv the dep�rtment o� publ ic w�rk�s pric�r to the issi�ance ot the ar�dinQ p�rmit. 1:::. ] f the �ppli.cant fzles for a w�iver of parcel map tor parcel ���nsol id.�tion, provisions for the payoff or reapportionment �+= a.nv e:: isting �� ity �ssessments associated with the subject propertiAs �t-�all be required as part of that process. Riverside County Fir� Deoartm�nts i. . With rGspect to the conditions of approval reg�rding the above r,e�er,Pnc?d plan check the tire dep�rtment recommends the Followinq ttre protection measures be provi�ed in accordance with citv rn�_�nicipal code, NFF'A, UFC, and UBC and/or recogni�ed fire pr-c�tection standards: The fire department is required to set a rninimum fire flow for the remodel or construction ot all commercial b�._ii ldings per Uniform Fire Code Sec. 1�!. =���iC. w. 1=•rovicie, or show there e:•�:ists, a water system capable of providinq � [�otential qallon per minute 15���� for single �'amily, ��i�c_i �or R�ult.ifarnily, and _�����0 for commercial . The act�!al fire flow �v�ilable from any one hydrant connected to any qiven water main shall be 1�0�� gpm fnr '� haurs duration at ��? psi residual operating pressure. � RESOLUTION NO. �0-115 _ . H tir�e tlow of 1`����� gpm for a 1 hour duration at ��i psi residual c�perattnq pr�ssure mu�t be available before any combustible material is pl�ced on the iob site. �l. �IhP r,�q��ired fire tl��w �hall be av�ilable �rom a Super hydrant (si �!�" 4" �- 1 /::_" � . �- 1/�" ) , located not 1 ess than ��' nor more rr�an ����i' sinqle tamily, 1!�c' RII.lItlteZR�lly, and 1�0' �=ommercial trom anv �ort i on of the b�.�i 1 d i ny (s) as rr�easured al onQ aoproved veh i�_!�.1 ar travelways. Hydrants installed below :?���iii elevation shall be ��f t.he "wet barrel " type. r. Fr��vic�e writ.ten certitication from the appropriate water company h �vinq iurisdiction that hydrant (5) will be installed and wi11 c�r�o��.�r_e the required �ire flow or arranqe field inspection by the Fir,e de��rtment prior to request for fin�l inspection. _�. A cc�rnbination of on-site and off-site Super fire hydrants (/-," ::: 4" �_- 1/�:" . .�-1/�" ) will be required, located not less than �5` or rnor,e than �����' single family, 1/-.5' multifamily, and 1�U' commercial from :�ny portion of the buil��ing (s> as measured �lonq �pproved ��ehic_�_�l�r travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adlacent hydr�nt (s) in the system. ?. Th� reauired fire flow may be adjusted at a later point in the permit pro�_ess to reflect changes in desiqn, construction tvpe, area �e�.�arations, or built-in fire protection measures. _ . F''rior fo the application for a building permit, the developer shall f�._�rnish the oriqinal and two copies of the w�ter system plan to the c��unty fire department for review. No building permit shall bA �.ssued until the water system plan h�s been approved by the county t=ire chier. Upon approval , the oriqinal will be returned. One �-opy wil. l be sent to the responsible inspectinq authority. F'lans shall conform to fire hydrant types, l�cation and spacinq, �r�d the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. F'lans shall be siqned by a registered civil engineer and may be signed by the l.ocal water company with the following certification: " I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the r,equirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department. " �=�. !;omply with Title 1'? of the Calif�rnia Administrative Code. QCCup�nry �i�+, i �?. Install a complete fire sprinE;ler system per NFFA 1 _R. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front , not less than '?5�' from the building and within 5U' of -�n approved hydrant. �, RESOLUTION NO. 90-115 l i. . l:nst.�l l a Fir-�e �larm (waterflow) as required bv the Unitorm ��_u .ld ing C��dz. :'3ci:; for sprink: ler 5vstem. l.�_. In.�t.all t.�.mper �larm on s�_�pply �alve for sprin�:ler systems. L :�. Cartain dPsiar-�ated �reas wi 11 be rpq�iired to be maintained as tire l,�ne5. 1.4. l.nst.�ll a firA alarm as required by the IJnitorm �uildinq Code �r�d/�r Uni.form Fire Code. SprinE:: l�r system to be remote monitored. 1S. lnst�ll p��rtable f.tr,e e;�:tinquishers �er NFF'A. F'amphlet #1�?, b��.t n�t less than �A1��BC in rating. F ire e:>::tinq��ishers must n�t be �_��:•�r l5' w.�lk: inq distance. 1�:.. TnSt.�l. 1 � Hoodi Liuct autorr�atic *ire e:>::tinquisher system. Commercial �-o c�k: .i n q. 1. 7. Tn�tall � d�.�st c�llectino system as per t.he �Jniform Buildinq Code, �ectton '=�l��a and Unitorm F-irA Code �action 7!,. 1���. L�ust producino ind��stri al . _ 1�=,, All b�.�ildinqs shall be accessible by an all-weather roadwav a::.t�ndinq to within 1���'� of all portions �f the e;•::terior walls ��f t.f�� tir�st at��ry. 1"he roadway shall be not less than '�4' o+ ��,nobstructed wi dth and 1::' !." of vert i ca 1 c learance. Where para 1 1 e 1 p��rk:ing is allowed, the r�adway shall be _�6` wide with p�rk:ing on both sides, :_� ' wide with par��:inq on one side. Gead-end roads in e: :�es_� of 1`���' shall be provided with a minimum 45`' radius turn- _zrourid (��:� i� iridust.rial developments) . Fo��.ntains or Qarden t��l��nds placed in the middle of these turn-arounds shall not e;<:ceed _� `�' radius or 1�?'' diameter. 1�=�, l: f gated, whenever access into private property is controlled thr,��ugh use of gates, barriers, quard houses or similar means. ��rovi.sion shall be made to facilitate access by emergency vehicles in a rr�anner approved by the Fire L�epartment. All controlled access ��evices that are power operated shall have a radio-controlled over- rtde sYstem capable of opening the gate when activated by a special tran�mitter located in emergency vehicles. C�evices shall be equiF�ped with back:up power facilities to operate in the event of power fai .l�_�r�. All controlled access devices that �re not power c�perated shall also be approved by the Fire L�epartment. Minimum ��F�enin�7 wicith shall be 1�'' , with a rr�inimum vertical clearance of ]. _ '/-," . , 7 RESOLUTION N0. 90-115 :�:�. �� dead-end sinqle access over ��c_�ii in lenc�th may require � se��ond:�r�.� ��_�=ess, sprinE::lers, or other mitiqati�ie measure. �J. . C:ont_��=t the fire department for a +inal insoection pt^IGt^ to ���_�.�tpancY. :�.., CJTHEF:: Acc�ss r-i?eds t.o be iR�proved. The fire department would L i E:e to ��e thz park: ing lot assessab le from A�_ac ia by way _�t an ��rn�arcleni=y acc��s. F�i/tm RESOLUTION NO. 90-115 EXHIBIT "A" F'��.r,su�nt to Title 14, Division !,, Ar-ticle 7, Section lc���=�_� o� the C__�li. tornia. Adrnini.strati•✓e Code. NEGATIVE DECLARATION CASE N0: F'F' ';��_�-14 APPLICANT/PROJECT SPONSOR: Michael Homme ------ --- Bo;•: ����� F�a lm Uesert, CA '=���2/-�1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/LOCATION: An _:/-.cici yquare foot office comple::::, park:ing 1ot and greenbelt buffer on two lots e�<:tendinq from Monterev AvFnue to Acacia Urive, 1��� fPet �outh of F'�rF:: View Drive. �i he filr�ctor of the Liepartment of Community Uevelopment , City ot F'alm [i��zrt , C;alif��rnia, has foi_�nd that the described pro�ect will not have �?. yi.��nificant pffec_t on the environment. A copy of the Initial Study h.a� b�en att�ched to document the reasons in support of this ftn��inq. rlitiaat. ion rneasures, if �ny, included in the project to avoid not?ntiallv siqnificant effects, m�y also be faund attached. � • • A��st �:?. 1'?�:�i� F;AMUN F�. DIAZ L�ATE C� [F:F_r T�7R OF COMMUN Y DEVELUPMENT �'L"i i+_:rn �-�