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R�JIZQd PD. 90-12
CASE N0. PP 89-9
WHEREAS, the City Crnuicil of th�e City of Palm Desert, California, did on
the 25th day of 3anuazy, 1990, hQld a duly rbticed public hearing to ocn.sider a
request by BERNARD DEBONNE, for approval of a negative declaraticez of
environmental iu�act and a precise plan for a mixed use restaurant/office
project for an 11.3 acre site oaz the north side of Highway 111 at the east city
l�mit; and
VJHERRFEAS, said application has canplied with the requir�lts of the "City
of Palm Desert Procedures to L�lemerit the California FYYviro�nerital Quality
Act, Resolutian No. 80-89", in that the director of oamnmity develaFment has
determined that the project will not have a significant impact on the
envirai�it and a negative declaration has beP.n prepar�ed; and
WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all
testimony and arg�nents of all p�rsocLs desiring to be heard, said city crnuicil
did find the follawing facts to exist to �ustify their actia�s:
1. Th�e design of the precise plan cat�lies with starr3ards of th�e office
professio�nal z�ze and the reaort occnnercial za�e.
2. The proposed uses and the c�esign of the site plan are cr.x��atible with
adj acent uses ar�d will, therefore, rnt depreciate ad�acent property
values, restrict the lawful use t.t�reof mr will it present a threat
to the public health, safety or general w�elfare.
NOW, 'I'��FtEFORE, BE IT RESOLVID by the City Crnuzcil of the City of Palm
Desert, California, as follaws:
1. That t2�e abave recitatior�s are txue and corr�ect and ac�.stitute the
findirr3s of the oa.uzcil in this case.
2. That the Negative Declaration of E�viroa��ental L�act bchtbit "A" ar�d
PP 89-9 � file in the deparbnent of �murtty dev�elapment are hereby
appraved, sub�ect to attaahed c�xiitior�s.
PASSID, APPROVID and ADOPTm at a r�egular meetir�g of tl�e PaLn Desert
Planning Catmission, held on this 22nd, day of Mam,h, 1990, by the follawing
vote, to wit:
' A. C�tITES, Mayor
A�EST: "" /" ,
� � �L/
City of Palm , ornia
-- ('ASE PD. PP 89-9
Departrn�it of �mity Develap�t:
l. The development of the property shall oonfonn substantially with exhibits
on file with the departn�sit of oanrn�Lity c]evelaFment/planniryg, as n�d.ified
by the follawing aonditions.
2. Construction of a portiori of said project shall aam�r�ce within or�e year
frcm the date of final appraval tu�less an extensicn of time is granted;
othezwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect
3. . The developne�zt of the prc�perty descxibed herein shall be sub�ect to the
restrictions and limitations set forth hexein which are in additian to all
municipal ordinances and state and federal statutes naw in forr,e, or whirh
hexeafter may be in force.
4. Prior to issuance of a building peiniit for oalstztt�ction of arYy use
conte�lated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain pe.rmits
and/or clearance frcm the follawing agencies:
Coachella Valley Water District
Palm Desert Architectural �missia�
City Fire Marshal
Rivesside Cbunty Depart�ient of Health
California Departrnent of Transportation
Et�iderice of said pe,nnit or clearance frcm the above agencies shall be
presented to the deparbnent of building and safety at the time of issuance
of a building pennit for the use conte�lated hergwith.
5. Trash prr�visioczs shall be appz�ov�ed by applicable trash oa�any and city
prior to issu�r�c,e of builcling pei,mit.
6. Applicant shall pay srhool i[[�act fees as arrarx7ed by the Desert Saryd.s
Unified Sctx�ol District.
7. That an area of the front of the proper�ty be set aside for a city entry
sign and in retuni staff will reoamiexxi to the Civic Arts Cannitt.ee that
the Art in Public Places fee be waived.
8. The maxinnun bu.ilding area pPx7nitted cn the site will be 11,000 square feet
of restaurant and 114,800 square feet of offices parovided that aclequate
parking is provided as per ooc�e section 25.58.310A.
3 �
9. That the parkirr3 be reviehaed on a building by building basis with an
actual deteYminatian of the a¢namt of area to be axclixied pursuant to the
reduction allowed for "stairways, elevat�rs, land.ir�gs ar�d mechanical
10. That any medical office use on the site, except for the first 2200 squar�e
feet of inedical use on the site, shall p�+avide parkir�g at the pr�escribed
rate of 1 park.it�g space pe.r 200 squar� feet.
11. That the site plan as pr�zted be revised to p�ovide a mtnimian 24 foot
wide driveway aoculectiori at the west en�d of the "flag" poition of the
property to eliminate the two dead-er�d aisles.
12. That the applicant shall record an ingress/egr�ess easen�zt with the
property to the west sub�ect to the property on the west granting
ingress/egress easement.
13. That all air oo��ditiazing equignent and other equipmeiYt which creates
rx�ise shall be located on the south side of builclir�g 'H' .
14. That the pro�ect be desigried in a manner to faci.litate participatian jn
the city's recycling program.
Departrne9nt of Public Wo��ks:
1. Drainage fees, in accordance with Section 26.49 of the Palm Desert
Municipal Code and Palm Desert Ordinance N�miber 507, shall be paid prior
to issuance of gradirig pexmtt.
2. Drainage facilities, as designated within the Master Drainage Plan shall
be pmvided to the specificatioa-�s of the director of public works.
3. Storm drain construction shall be contingent upaz a drair�ge study
prepared by a civil engineer that is reviewed and approved by the
departrnent of public works.
4. Signalization fees, in accordance with City of Palm Desert Resoluticai Nos.
79-17 and 79-55, shall be paid prior to issuanc,e of gradirx,� permit.
5. FLill public imprr�ver��ents, as required by Sectio�s 26.44 aryd 26.40 of the
Palm Desert Municipal Code, shall be installed in accordance with
applicable city and depaztnent of traiLsportation standards.
6. As required under Palm Desert Municipal Code Section 26.28, and in '
acoord�nce with Sections 26.40 and 26.44, carg�lete impr�wement plans and
s�ecificatioa�s shall be sutinitt.ed to the director of public works for
checking and approval before construction of any -improvements is
commenced. Offsite improvement plans to be appraved by public works
RF�OLLTPIC7[�i ND. 9Q-12
departnent and a surety posted to guarantee the installation of r�equired
offsite impsavements prio�r to issuance of grading pei�nit. Such offsite
improvement� shall include, but r�ot be limited to, curb and gutter,
asphalt paving and concrete sidewalk in an appropriate size and
ooazfiguration. "As-built" plans shall be submitted to, and aPP�'� bY,
the director of public works prior to the acceptance of the improv��ents
by the city.
7. Impravemex�t plans for water and sewer systems shall be appraveci by the
respective service districts.
8. All private driveways and parking lots shall be inspected by the
engineering departrnent and a standard i.nspectic� fee shall be paid prior
to grading pennit issuaryc,e.
9. Lar�idscaping mai.ntenance � State Highway 111 shall be p�t�vided, by the
P�Y awner.
10. As required under Sectiori 12.16 and 26.44 of the Palm Desert Nhuiicipal
Code, all utilities shall be per each respectiv�e utility
district's reocmnei�dation. If determined to be tmfeasible, applicant
shall agr�ee to participate in any future utility distsict.
11. In accordarir,e with Palm Desert Municipal Doc�e Section 26.44, oca�lete
gradiu�g plans and specificatia�s shall be submitted to the direct.or of
public works for checkiux� and ap�ur�val prior to issuanc,e of any pe�rnuts.
12. As requ.ired by Sectioa�.s 26.32 and 26.40 of the Pa]m Desert Nhuzicipal Code
and in accordarx��e with the Girculaticn Network of the city's General Plan,
dedicatian of half-str�eet rightrof-way or 63 feet shall be ps�vided prior
to gradiryg permit issuance.
13. In accordance with the Ciz�culation Network of the City of Palm Desert's
Gene�ral Plan, installation of or�e-half landscaped med.ian island in State
Highway 111 shall be provided. A cash payment in lieu of actual
installation may be submitted at the aptiaz of the director of public
works. .
14. Traffic safety striping ori State Highway 111 shall be provided to the
specificatidns of the director of public works. A traffic ocntrol plan
must be sutrnitted to and approved by the director of public works before
placing pavement markings.
15. �affic analysis to be prepaz•ed, for the pro�ect to address the specific
in�acts on existing networks (street and intersectia�s) and the pYryposed
mitigation measures reoannended for appraval by tt�e city.
R�ITPIQJ PA. 90-12 .
16. Size, n�nber and locatia� of driveways to public w�orks specifications with �
�ly one driveway approach to be allv��red to serve this p�ope�rty. i
17. GYad.iix7 pe�Lit issuaime shall be sub�ect to tY�e waiver of parcel map f irst '
beir�g ap��oved and reoorded. �
18. Ariy and all off-site ts shall be prec�ded by the apparo�val of
plans and tY�e issuance of valid err,�oachment pe=mit(s) by the depaz`tmexzt
of transportatioci.
19. A complete preli�nin�xy soils irn�estigation, oonducted by a registexed
soils erx�iu�ear, shall be sutrnitt�ed to and ap�moved by the depar'bt�ent of
public wr�rks prior to issuartioe of the gradiix� pe�Ltt.
20. Applicant shall z�eoord an ir�gress/egress easeme�zt with th�e prryperty to the
west subject to the pronerty az the west 9r'antinr3 ir�re�s/egress e.as�t.
22. Applicant shall agz�e to participate in and oontribute their fair shaz�e to
the Cook Street extension pro�ect (continuation of Cook Street to
Interstate 10) wh�z requested.
23. Vehicular access to State Highway 111 shall be as oo�ditia�ed and approved
by the departrnelzt of trans�ortatiaz.
24. A satisfactory easeme,nt for storm drain puYposes shall be granted to the
City of Palm Desert alcxx,� the entire easterly gmperty line of subject
developnent, miuzirrn.un width to be 15 feet.
25. The half-width street cross-section of State High�way 111 (as measur�ed from
centerline to northerly face of curb) shall be 52 feet alcx�g entire street
frontage of subject develognent. 'Ifi�e pr�osed tie int�o the existir�g '
En�bassy Suites tx�tel deceleratiori lane, thus in effect creating three
westbound lanes in Highway 111.
26. Vehicular access to State Highway 111 shall be right-turn ingress/right-
turn egress �ly.
27. That the applicant provide for co�structian of a stonn drain system
capable of txarLsporting storniwate.rs from the pro,ject botiux3ary northerly to
FY�ed Waring Drive; satisfac�ory easerne.nts necessaty to the installation of
subject system shall be secured by the applicant and oosts associated with
the construction of said system shall be sub�ect to reimburs��t in the
form of a zero interest reimbursement agreemP,nt between the applicant ar�d
the city.
River�side Uo�uity Fire Departin�t-
1. The fire depa�tnent is required to set a mini�rn,IIn fire flaw for the remoclel
or oonstruction of all cannercial buildings per Uniform Fire Cbc�e Sec,
2. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of prvviding a
potential fire flow of 3000 gpn and the actual fire flaw available from
any one hyc3rant cannected to arYy givpn water main shat l be 1500 gFm for 2
hau,s duration at 20 psi residual ope,ratir�g pressure,
3. A fire flaw of 3000 gpm for a 3 hour duration at 20 psi resichial ape,ratir�g
pressure must be available before arYy oanbustible material is placed oci
the job site.
4. A oanbinatioa-i of on-site and off-site Super fire tYydrants, (6" x 4" x 2-
1/2" x 2-1/2") will be required, located r�t less than 25' or mos�e than
150' from any portion of the building(s) as measured alonq ap�prr�v�ed
vehicular travelways. The required fire flaw shall be available from any
2 ad�acent hydrant(s) in the system.
5. The required fire flaw may be ad�usted at a later point in the pesmit
process to reflec:t changes in c3esign, aon.structirn type, area separatior�s,
or built-in fire protectio� measu.re.s.
6. Prior to the application for a builcii.r�g pe�iit, the dav�elaper shall
furrLish the original arzd two cx�pies of the watar system plan to the oa,urty
fire departr�nt for review. No buildir�g pezmtt shall be issued umtil the
water syst�n plan has been app��ov�ed by the oo�ity fire chief. Upon
approval, the original will be retu=ned. One oopy will be sent to the
responsible inspecting authority.
7. Plans shall oonfonn to fire hyrlrant types, locaticaz and spacinq, and ttle
system shall meet the fire flaw requiren�ents. Plans shall be signed by a
registered civil engineer and may be sic�ned by the local water aa�arYy
with the follaving certificatioa�: "I certify that the design of the water
syst�n is in acoordance with the requirements presc,Tibed by the Riverside
County Fire Depart��nt."
8. Install a oa�lete fire sprjnkler system pex NFpA 13. The post indicator
valve and fire department oonnectioci shall be located to the front, mt
less than 25' frcm the buildisxJ and within 50' of an ap�r�ov�ed hyrlrant.
9. Install a fixe alarm (waterflaw) as required by the Unifozm Buildirx,� Qode,
3803, for sprinkler system.
10. Install tamper zlazm an supply valve for sprinkler systems. Ta�er switch
must also ririg building water flaw alazm bell.
RFSOLiTrIQ�1 I�A. 90-12
11. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintait�ed as fire lanes.
12. Install por�table fise extitx�uisher�s per NFPA, Par[qahlet #10, but not less
than 2AlOBC in ratir�g.
13. All buildings shall be aocessible by an all-weatt�:r roac�aay exter�dis�g to
within 150' of all portions of the exterior walls of the first s�boiy. The
roadway shall be not less than 24' of �tructed width and 13'6" of
vertical clearance. Wh�.re parallel parkiix� is allaaed, the roadway sha11
be 36' wide with parking � both sides, 32' wide with park.irx,� on on�e side.
Dead-end roads in excess of 150' shall be p�ovided with a miniirn.an 45'
radius t��n-aro�.uuxl (55' in irr�astrial develc�ients).
14. Whenever acce..ss into private p�opexty is aontrolled through use of gates,
barriers, guard hauses or similar means, provision shall be made to �
facilitate access by emergency vehicles in a mai�ne.r app�o�ved by th�e fire •
depart�nerit. All ooaztrolled aocess devices that are paapx c�.rated shall ,
have a radio-ooantr�lled aver-ride system capable of openir�g the gate whe,n
activated by a special transmittex located in anesgency vehicles. D�,vices
shall be equipL�ed with backup pvwpx facilities to ope.rate in the everit of
pawer failure. All oontrolled access devices that are r�ot p�w�ar c7perated
shall also be appro�ved by the fire departTne,nt. Minjm�an openir�q width
shall be 12' , with a miu�n vertical clearanc,e of 13'6".
15. Seco�-idary access will be required due to lot ciepth and oonfiguratian.
RF�OLiTrICN NO. 90-12
Pursuant to Title 14, Divisian 6, Article 7, Secti� 15083, of the California
Administrative Code.
CASE NC)S: GPA 89-4, C/Z 89-9, PP 89-9
APPLIC�INP f PROJF]GT SP(1V50R: Bernard Deboc�rye
P.O. Bax 1935
Palm Desert, C�► 92261
Pf2U7�CP D�ICN/IAC�ITICN: A mixed use of f ice/restaurant pro�ect aon.sisting
of 114,800 square feet of offices and an 11,000 square foot restaurant on an
11.3 acre site located oaz the mrth side of Highway 111 at the east city limit.
The Director of the Departrnent of C.cm�m�n.ity Develognent, City of PaLn Desert,
California, has fo0.,u�d that th�e �ribed project will not hav�e a significant
e£fect ori the enviroaYnP.nt. A oony of the Initial Study has bep.n attac�t�ed to
doc�.unent the rea�oa�s in support of this finding. Mitigatioci �r�easures, if any,
included in the project to avoid potentially significant effect�, may also be
found attached.
I�rri�j9 • Marr,h 22, 1990