HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 90-037 RESOLU'tION NO. 90-37 � RE80LU'rION OF � CIZ'Y COUNCZL Olr � CIZ'Y 01 PSI.M DESffii? OF SUPPOR? FOR PROPOSITION 111 SI�iD PROPOSI?ION 108 i�iHEAE�B, the Stats of California faces serious problems in its fiscal policy which threaten the critical areas of education, traasportation, health services, law enforcesent, senior proqrams and other taxpayer services thereby endanqerinq th• State ' s currant and future economic haalth; and iiBEjtE�S, Proposition 111 would alter the Gana spendinq limit to allow the State qreater flexibility in aakinq use of all available revenues qeneratad by California's stroaq economy; and iiHEltE,B, it would allow the State to raiss th� gasoline-tax to provide incraased fundinq for maintenancs and improvement of Hiqhway and mass transit projects without reducinq furids for other State proqra�s; and iiBEltE�B, it would continue ths quaraatees of Proposition 98 and K-12 and th� coaaunity colleqes receive 40i� of the State budqet; aad N�tEiB, without a chaug� ia th� Qans speadinq liait, it will be iapoasibl• to ■aintaia th� q�n�rally high l�v�l o! education, transportatioa, h�alth s�svic�s, lsM enforc�nt, s�nior proqrams and oth�r vital s�rvic�s to th� r�sid�nts ot Calilornia; snd fiSE�EaB, Ptoposition 111 is support�d by a broad coalition including tiovernor ti�orq• D�uk,ejian, State Sup�rint�ndent of Schools Hill HoniQ, Califoraia Taxpay�rs 1►ssociation, Leaque of Woasn Vot�r• o! Calilornia, Cali�oraia l�ssociatioa of Hiqhway Patrolt�a, Califoraia 3chool Hoards l►ssociation, County Sup�rvisor• �saociatioa of Califoraia, Califorsia Traasportation Comsiis�io�, Caliloraia Chasb�r o! Coa�res, L�aqu� of California Citi��, Iat�raational Unioa o! Op�ratinq EaQia��rs, 11FL-CZO, Caliloraia Polic� Chi�ls l►ssociation, Caliloraia R�tir�d Teachers l�ssociation, Cali�oraia Prof�ssional Fir�liqht�rs, California Stat• 71uto�obil� sssociation, Calilornia Co�ission on l�qinq, Caliloraia Busin�sa Rouadtabl�, Univ�rsity ot Caliloraia Board of R�q�nts, Caliiornia Stat• L1niv�rsity eoard ot Tru�t�es, and many oth�rs, aad