HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 90-048 F��ICN PU. 90-48 A RESOLt�PION OF 'I'HE CITY OOUNCIL OF � CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A NEGATIVE DDC��FiATION OF II�VIRO�N�fPAL IN4�ACT, DEVEL�OPN�r AGR�tP AI�ID OOImITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A FIFI'EQV UNIT SIIVIOR FiOUSII�K; PROJECT AT 73-695 SAi�fPA ROSA WAY. CASE N0. CUP 90-4 WI�RREAS, the City Coi�cil of the City of PaLn Desert, California, did an the lOth day of May, 1990, hold a duly r�oticed public hearing to oa�.sider the request of WIDW PACIFIC to co�lsider the above mentioned pro,ject; and Wf�tEAS, said application has oca�lied with the requirecrients of the "City of Palm Desert Procedur�e for Irtq�lementation of the California FY�vira�[nental Quality A�ct, Resolution No. 80-89, " in that the director of community development has determined that the project will not hav�e a significant r�egative i�act on ttze enviro��ent: and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all test3maYy ar�d atr�.anents, if any, of all interested persa�s desiring to be heard, said city oo�u�cil dtd fir�d the follawing facts and reason.s to exist to �ustify grantir�g appzr�val of said precise plan: 1. Tt�e design of the pro�ect will not substantially depreciate pr�aperty values, r�or be materially in�urious to proper�ties or i�nents in the vicinity. 2. The p�o�ect design will r�t unreasoa7ably interfere with the use or en�ayment of property in the vicinity by the oacupants thereof for lawFul p�poses. 3. The p�o,ject design will r�ot er�danger the public peace, health, safety ar general w�elfare. NOW, Tf�tE�ORE, BE IT RESOLVF� by the City Ca.uycil of the City of Palm Desert, Califo�nia, as follaws: 1. 'I�at t3�e abave recitations are true and aorrect and ooc�stitute th�e � findis�s of the city oau�cil in this case. 2. That approval of CUP 90-4 and Development Agreement is hereby . apprwed, sub�ect to the attac.hed oor�ditiocis. RE9�,IlIZCN I�U. 9�48 PASSID, APPROVID and ADOPTID at a r�e�gular meeting of the Palm Dese.rt City C7a.u�cil, held on this lOth day of M�, 1990, by the followir�g vote, tfl �,ait; AYES: BF�TISC[V, I�LLY, SIVYDgt, WIL.SCN, CRIZ'FS NOES: I�IVE ABSII�fI': NOI� ABSTAIN: NCk� HUFn�1 . CRITES, �TTFST: ' ,, � � . ; � �/ � "L '�SHEILA R. �;'I , City lerk City of PalmvDeSert, Calffornia �%� , � 2 RE�,iI!'ICN AA. 9�48 �DI'1'I�S � APP�7VAL C�SE AA. QJP 9�4 DepartanaYt of Qa�mmity Develapnent: 1. The c3e�v�elcypnent of the prcype.rty shall oociform substantially with exhibits ai file with the depar�nent of oanrnurtty develc7pmeizt/plar�i.ng, as modified by the follvwir�g oocx3itiaz.s. 2. Oazstruction of a portion of said pro,ject shall oamnetr,e within a�e year frcm the date of final app�aval unless an ext�sion of time is granted; otherwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect whatso�ver. 3. The clevelognent of the praperty described herein shall be sub�ect to the restrictions and limitatia�s set forth herein which are in addition to ali m�.micipal ordtriances and state and federal statutes now in force, or which hereafter may be in force. 4. Prior to issuance of a building pezmit for oonstructiocz of any use oocitemplated by this ap�p�aval, the applicant shall fixst obtain permtts and/or clearar�ce fran the following agencies: �achella Valley Water District . Palm Desext Am.h.itectural Gb[[missicn City Fire Marshal Public Works Deparbne:zt Palm Desert Water & Sesvices District Ebide,nce of said penntt or clearance from the above age�ycies shall be presented to the depart�nent of building and safety at the time of issuance of a building permit fo� the use oociteRplated herewith. 5. Access to trash/service areas shall be placed so as nat to oaLflict with parking az+eas. Said plac�cnent shall be app��oved by applicable trash arnQarYy and deQarbnent of oam�unity develc�gnent. 6. All futura occupants of the buildings shall comply with parking � of the zontng ordinat�ce. 7. All sidew�ellk plans shall be z+�vieraed �d appz�ov�ed by the deparbne,nt of public wo�iss p�ior to arrhttectural zeview vo�m�ission submittal. 8. Pzoject is subject to Art in Public Places fee per Ordi,r�ar�ce I�b. 473. 3 R�JI'IQd I�. 9��18 9. Final landscape plans shall oo[tply wi� parkis�g lot tr�ee plantii�g master plan. 10. Applicant agrees to mait�tain th�e larx3scaping requ,ired i�o be irLs�talled pursva:zt to t3�ese conditiaLs. AppliCant will e[iter into sn agreenent to maintain said landscapir�g fo�r �e life of the p�+o�ect, whirh agreement st�all be mtarized and whiCh agreenent shall be z�eo�o�ded. It is the specific inte�t of the parties that this oanditian and a�eeme�it run with �e lar�d ar�d bir�d suooe�oz�s arrd assigns. 11. Prio� to issuar�ce of a builciing pesmit t3�e applicant shall enter into a development agreement with the City of Palm Desert providing two af foidable tazits within the p�o�ect. 12. A c3eed restriction shall be ac3cied to the p�opeY-ty 13mitir�g occupants to a minimm age of 62 y�ears. Z'he city shall have the ability to audit the p�+opesty owners rental reoords at any time to insur�e oonQliaryce. 13. Appmval of this precise plan is oocitir�gent upai execution aryd reoo�cdatian of an aooeptable cievelopment agreement between the city and property c�n�r. 14. Patio p�ivacy wallg shall be stu000, mt ��od. 15. A mini�m 3.5 foot earth mcxn'xi shall be p�o�vided to sc�eeri parkirx3. 16. New 6 foot block walls shall be provided on the east and w�est p�per�ty lines. 17. App�opriate access to the svuth end gate shall be designed to p�vvide for tt�e grade differential between the p�oQerties. 18. Rec,�yClir�g pmvisiot�s shall be approved by applicable trash ampany and city p�ior to issuance of buildir�g permit. Depa¢-tme�t of P�lic f�io�iss: 1. Drainage fees, in accordance with Sectian 26.49 of the Palm De.sert NXaiicipal Cbcle, shall be paid prior to issuanr.e of a grading pezmit. 2. Signalization fees, in acoordance with City of Palm Desert Res�lution Nos. 79-17 �d 79-55, shall be paid priar� to issuance of a grading peimit. 3. Arty stozm drain cazstruction shall be oontingpnt upon a drainage study p�epaz�ed by a registered civil er�gineex that is revieti�red and approved by the Depart�nent of PubliC Works. 4 �ICN 1�A. 90-48 4. F1i11 public i�rnvements, as z�qu.ired by Sections 26.40 and 26.44 of the Palm Desert Municipal Code, shall be installed in accordance with applicable city standards. 5. As required under Palm Desert Municipal Cbde Section 26.28, and in accordar�ce with Sections 26.40 and 26.44, ooR�lete irt�rovanent plans and specificati�ns shall be sutrnitted to the Director of Public Works for checking and approval before construction of any improvements is oamienr,ed. Offsite �2�av�nent plans shall be revieoaed and apprwed by the Director of Public Works and a surety posted to guarantee the installatiori of all required offsite imprwements prior to issuance of a grading pexmit. Such i�ravements shall icyclude, but r�ot be limited to, concrete sidewalk in an appropriate size and configuration and installation of city standard driveway approach. "As-built" plans shall be sut�mitted to, and app=�oved by, the Director of Public Works prior to the acceptar�ce of the i�r�vanents by the City. 6. All private driveways and parking areas shall be inspected by the engineexing depaz-bnent and a starr3ard inspection fee paid prior to the issuaix•.e of a gradir�g peYmit. 7. Landscaping maintenance on Santa RQse Way shall be the respa�sibility of the propeity ownex'. 8. As required under Section 12.16 and 26.44 of the Palm Desert Municipal Code, all existing utilities shall be placed underground per each respective utility district's reco�nendation. If deterndned to be iu�feasible, the applicant shall sutrnit to tt�e City, in a form acceptable to the City attorney, surety in an amount equal to the estimated von,structirn oosts for the sub�ect 9. In a000rdance with PaLn Desert M�,aLtcipal Code CYiapter 27, cxx�lete graciir�g plans and specificatia� shall be submitted to the Direcbor of Public Works for checking ar�d app�wal p�ior to the issuai�ce of any peimtts as.sociated with this p�o�ect. 10. Any and all offsite i�v�ements shall be prececled by the app�+aval of plans by the Director of Public Works and the issuance of valid encroar,tmecYt peimits by the DepaYtnent of Public Wo�k.s. 11. A completo preliminary soils investigation, oa�ducted by a registered soils engirieex�, sh�all be suhnitted to and apptvv�d by the Depart�nent of Public T�b��Cs pariox� t� the issuance of �e grading pezmit. 12. Size, nunber and location of c�iv�eways shall be to the specifications of the Deparbnent of Public Wbrks with only one driveway app��oach to be allo�aed to se,sve this p�+operty. 5 R�TPIQd I�. 90-�18 13. Grading pexmit issuance shall be sub,ject to the dedication of an additior�al five (5) feet of Right-of-Way on Santa Rosa Way fo� a tatal half-sts�eet Right-of-Way of thirty (30) feet. Ag part of the Right-of- way dedtcation p�ooess, the applicant shall either pmo�tic3e for the pay- off or reapportionment of any city assessme�zts agains-t the sub�ect P�'aPex'ties. 14. Building pad elevations are sub�ect to review and modification in a000rdance with Section 27 of the Palm Desert M�uzicipal Gt�d�. Rive�sic3e aot�ty FYre Departmeint: 1. With respect to the oonditiazs of app�oval regazdiryg the atxwe refez�ezx�,ed plan chec,k t�e fire deparbnent reoaRnerxis the follvwing fire p�otectton measures be par�avided in aoarrdance wi�h city r�nmicipal ooc3e, NFPA, UFC, ar�d UBC and/or reoognized f ire p�tection star�dards: The fire departnent is required to set a minim��n fire flvw for th�e z�ecrodel or ooc�structiaz of all oannercial buildir�gs per thiifotm Fire Coc3e Sec. 10.301C. 2. Provide, or st�aw there exists, a water system capable of providing a potential gallrn pear miriute 1500 for sir�gle family, 2500 f� multifamily, ar�d 3000 for oomnercial. The actual fire flaw available frcm any a�e hyt3rant oamected to any given water main shal l be 1500 gpm for 2 houz s duration at 20 psi residual operatir�g press-ure. 3. A fire flow of 1500 gpm for a 1 hcxir duratial at 20 psi residual apexating p�essu�r�e must be available before any oanbustible material is plaaed on the �ob site. 4. Tt�e required fire flow shall be available fz�cm a Super hy�ant(s) (6" x 4" x 2-1/2" x 2-1/2"), located rot less thaci 25' nor more than 200' sirx�le family, 165' multifamily, and 150' oam�ercial fran any portion of tfi�e buildi.ng(s) as measured ala�g ap�proved vehicular travelways. Hydrants installed below 3000' elevatia� shall be of the "wet barrel" type. 5. Prwide written certification fran ttye apprapriate water cx�arYy havir�g jurisdictiaz that hydrant(s) will be installed and will produce the required fire flaw or arrar�ge field irLspectioci by the fire depaY-bnent prior to request fo� final inspectioci. 6. A ornibination of on-site and off-site Super fire hydrants (6" x 4" x 2- 1/2" x 2-1/2") will be z�equired, located r�ot less t,Yx�n 25' or rrore than 200' sir�gle family, 165' multifamily, and 150' aatmercial fran any portion of the builditx3(s) as measvred aiong apprvved vehicular travelways. The requ.ired fire flow shall be available from any ad,jacent hyrlrant(s) in the system• 6 RFSQ.UIZCN PU. 9�48 7. The required fire flaw may be ad,justed at a later point in the pezTntt p�ocess t� reflect changes in design, cocLstruction type, area �eparations, or tuilt-in fire p�otection me,asures. Fire sprinklers. 8. Prior to the application for a tuilcitr�g permit, the clevelaper shall funLtsh the original and two c�pies of the water system plan to the oa.uity fire deparbnent for review. IJo building permit shall be issued until the water system plan has been appraved by the c�aurty fire chief. Upon app�oval, the original will be returi�ed. Or�e co��y will be sent to the respaLsible irLspecti.ng authority. Plans shall oociform to fire hydrant types, locati� and spacir�g, and the system shall meet the fire flvw requirenents. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer ar�d may be signeci by the local water �Yy with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water systgn is in acoordar�ce with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside Ua.urty Fire Departm�.nt.�� 9. Install a oc.zr�lete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13, 13R. The p�st indicator valve ar�d fire depa=tnent oonnectivn shall be located to the front, not less than 25' frcm the buildir�g ar�d within 50' of an appzr�ved hydrant. Building 1 draft stap attic at units for 13R = no attic sprinklers. 10. Install a fire alarm (waterflaw) as req�itred by the Unifozm Buildirg C,oc3e, 3803, for sprinkler systgn. 11. IrLstall tan�er alazm an supply valve for sprinkler systetns. 12. Cer�tain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. 13. Install a fire alazm as required by the Unifozm Building Cbc�e and/or Unifo�m Fire Cbcie. Snn�ke detecbo�s c�wst be haz�d wired. 14. Install portable fire extinguishers per NFPA, P�hlet #10, but nat less than 2AlOBC in rating. Fire ext{*�+�ishers rtnast r�ot be over 75' walking distance. 15. All buildir�s shall be acx5essible by an all-w�eather roadway extendirr� to within 150' of all partia�s of the exterior walls of the first sto�y. The zoadway �Ball be r�ot less t2�i 24' of width and 13'6" of vertical Clearanoe. {�fiere parallel parkiryg is a1loGred, �e roadfaay shall be 36' wide wit3z parkir�g on both sides, 32' wide with parkir�g on one side. Dead-end =oac�s in excess of 150' shall be prwided with a mini�rnm 45' radius turri-azauxi (55' in industrial dev�elopneizts). Famtaing or garti3en islands placed in the middle of the.se turn-ara,uxjs shall not exceed a 5' ra�iius or 10' diameter. 7 RESO�,UIZCN I�U. 90-48 16. The mir�imun width of interio� driveways for multi-fanily os apaYtnent voc��lex�e.s st�all be ok as c�awn if oertain curbs are red taub, nn parkir�g. As Drawn: *a. 24 feet wide whe�ri servir�g less than 100 imits, rn parallel parkiix3, cazp�rts or garages allaa�ed on a�e side only. b. 28 f eet wide when serving between 100 ar�d 300 units: carparts or garages alloared on both sides, r�o parallel parisi�. c. 32 feet wide wt�en serving over 300 units oac wheri parallel paricirr3 is alla�aed on oc�e si3e. d. 36 feet wide when parallel parkir�g is allaaed on both sides. 17. 4�e�v+er acc�ss into private pr�perty is oontrolled thra�gh use of gates, barriers, guard haa.ses or similar means, provision shall be made to facilitate socess by �ierger�cy vehtcles in a mar�er ap�p��vved by the fir�e department. All oontrolied doc�ess devioes that aY^e powez' ope.rated Shall have a radio-oontrolled over-ride system capable of oQening the gate wheri activated by a s�pecial trar��itter located in �zgerx,,y veYLtcles. Devioes shall be equip�ed with baGnip powe�r facilities to o�perate in the event of pvwpx failure. All oocitrolled access devices that are mt paw�er vperated shall also be approved by the fire depari�.nt. Min,innan o�per�i.ng width shall be 12' , with a mini�rnan vertical clearanc,e of 13'6". 18. Oocupancy separaticn will be required as per the Lhzifo=m Building Gbc3e, Sec. 503. One haLr walls bet�a�een tmits. 19. A dead end single access over 500' in lerx,�th may zequire a seoorr]ary aa�e��.s, sprinklers or other mitigativ�e measure. 20. Install Panic Harr�ware and exit signs as per Qzapter 33, Sections of the Uniform Buildiryg Oode. 21. Qontact the fire departrnent for a final in�spection prior to occupancy. 22. All new resideiyces/dw�ellings are required to have ill�aninated residential � meetir�g both city and fire department appz�vval. Shake shir�gie roofs are rr� la�ger penni.tted in the cities of Irxiian Wells, Rar�cho Mirage or Palm DeseY't. 23. An apprwed NFPA 13R sprinkler system is required for all buildings over 5000 square feet in size. Area separati� will not exempt the building from this requi�.nt. F�ecr�tion: One ar�d two family residerx�s. 8 RFS(�,VIZ�1 AD. 9�48 24. A secor�d aocess is required. This can be acar�lished by twc� main access points fram main roadway or an ecnergerx,�y gated acces.s into an ad�oinirx� c3evelopcnent. 25. The 13R sprinkler system will be permitted for building 1 if draft stanped between each unit at the attic space. No storage is pennitted in attic spaces that are mt sprinklered. 26. As per earlier meeting with fire deparbnent develc7per agreed to oQeri driveway width to ferzce line betweeiz tx.iilding 2 and trash er�closux�e. 27. If a fire YYydrant within 200 feet frcro sauth end of buildings is r�t accessible th�c�ough at least a 6 foot wide gate, we will z�equire a hyclrant to be installed on site. The hydrant in questicn would be in the area of s��nior citizen facility. CS/tm 9