HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 90-006 r t,o. 90-6 A RESOLLfPICN OF 'I'� QTY �CIL OF Tf� QTY OF PAIM DESF�tT, CALIFC�IIA, APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND �DITIC[�L USE PII�@�QT F�t AN 11,537 S(��4RE FOOT PADFFS.SZCt�►L OFFICE PAOJDC,T WITHIN 'PF� R-3 (4) ZONE LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ALESSAAIDIiO DRIVE AAD SANTA YI�Z AVFI��. CASE N0. CUP 89-12 WE�tE'AS, the City C7aa�cil of the City of PaLn Deeez-t, California, did on th�e llth day of Jarwa=y, 1990, hold a duly not.ioed public heariryg to oor�sider the request of CJH PARTNERS for appraval of a negative declaratiaz of eiYviram�ntal i�a�ct �d ooc�ditional use permit fo� an li,537 square foot p�ofessia�al offioe p�o�ect within the R-3 (4) za�e located at the no�theast vornar of Aless�o Drive and Santa Ynez Av�ernie: �d - S�II�E'AS, said application has oo�mQlied with the z�equirarents of the "City of Palm Desart Prooec�uz�e fo� L�lementation of the Califo�nta F�Yvirorme�ntal Quality Act, Resolution No. 80-89, " in that the director of vam�azity C�e�velOpne[zt t'�a.9 d9texmined th8t t�1e p�o�eCt will trit r�ave ari advex'9e 11�eCt Ctl the ecYvir�orment az�d a negative declaration has been p�ared: ar�d TnII�tEA.S, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considezing ail testimoriy and atgunents, if any, of all intere�ted persa�s desir�ing to be heard, said city ax�cil did fic�d the follaair�g facts �d z�easo« t� exist t� justifY 'the g�'antin9 a reoomner�daticn of app�wal: 1. The p�oposea use ana aesi� of th�e px�oject is o«�aisterit witn the goals a�d ob,jectives of the �ial C1ox+e Area Specific Pl� and Palm Desert General Pla� by Cs�ee�ting a oc�3tibie transition between oamierr.ial and residentisl usee. 2. The p�oject wiil the�efa�e nat deQ�eciate values, re�trict the lawful use of adjaoent px�apea�tieB � threaten the public heal�h, safety o� gene�ral w�elfare. NOW, �, BE IT R�VID by the City Co�a�cil of the City of Palm Desest, Califo�nia, as follaws: 1. T!'set t2Se al�r� reCitatiorbs ere t�nse and ooxx�ect and oa�stitute the findir�gs of t3�e oa.a�cil in thLs case. 2. �t a negntive deciaration of ic�act achtbit "A"" and Q� 89-12 an file in the deQartmerit of orn�nmity deroelcpnent/plar�iryg ia ha�+et7y aqa+oRred, subject to conditiocbs. ��nzar ro. 9 0-6 PASSID, APPfiWID and ADOP'I� at a regular meetirr� of �e PaLn Desert City Cau�cil, held ai this llth day of January , 1990, by the foliawiryg wte, to wit: p,y�. BENSON, KELLY� SNYDER� WILSON� CRITES �; NONE p,gs�+; NONE �Tp�; NONE � �, � �. � B[JF� A TES, Mayor ATPEST: ^ � , � � / � SI�ILA R. GILLI , City Q City of Palm Desert, Cali a PD/tm 2 � RESC��1I'ICN tVD. 9 0-6 �DITIQS � P►PPi�7VAi. Q�SB AD. QP 89-12 DeQ�'boec�ct of Wmas�ity De�el:c�7oe[it: 1. The cle�relapnent of the p�opsrty shall oonfo�m subetantially wi� exhibits an file with the deQartment of oa�nna�ity development, as modified by the follvwiryg oa�ditians. 2. 'I'he develapme�zt of the p�o�pe�ty da�csibed herein shall be subject to the restrictians and limitations set fo�'th he�ein which are in addttion to all m�aiicipal o�+dir�ar�oee and stated and fed�al statutss naw in fox�ce, or which h�ereaiter may be in fo��oe. 3. Cbn.stxuctian of a poxtion of said p�oject shall oatmer�oe withtn one year fram the date of final app�wal unlees a time extension is granted, otherwise said approval shall becane null, void and of no effect whatsoevex'. 4. Prioar to t3�e issuac�oe of a building pexmit foz� oarLstruction of any uses ante�lated by this app�wal, the applicant shali first obtain pe�mtts and/o� cleara��oe f=an the follo�wirx3 agec�cies: CbaCr�ella Valley Water DistriCt Pa].m De9Btt Arr.httsCtursl Qonmission City Fire Maz'shsl Paim Deae=�t Water and Sezvioee District �idei�oe of said pern�tt o� clearai�oe fran the abr�re ag�a�cies shall be p�+e�ented to t3�e deparbnent of builcling a�d safety at the time of issuance of a buildii�g pe�ntit fo� the use oontert�lated 2�earewi�. 5. TYash p�vvisiac�e shall be appxv�red by applicable trash oa�Yy and city priaz� to i.ssu�a��oe of building pexmit. 6. Applicanct st1n11 pey sct�ool i�act fees as azrarr�ed by t3�a Desert Sat�d.s ik�ified Sc?�ool District. 7. Pro�ect shell bs sub�ect to Art in Public Plaoe�s fee fo� O�dinanoe No. 473. 8. AppliCent a�+ees to meitztsin tha 18�deCe�pitg requit�ed t� be ins�talled ptusuairt t� t2�eee cor�ditiar�s. Applicanct shell eciter into an ag=�eemerit to maintain said la�dscapir�g fo� the life of the p�oject, which agreement shall be r�ctarized and w�iCh a�+eenent st�all be r'eoo�ded. It is tt�e 3 R��)I'IQtd Np. 9 0-6 specific intent of t�e parties that this oar�dition and agreem�zt nm with the lat�d and bir�d suooesso�s ar�d assigns. 9. AppliCant shall emphasize dr�o�ught z�esistecit and water oonservir�g plant materials and irrigatiaz techcnlogies into landecape pian. Pian shali oonfa�m to city's park.ir�g lot tz�ee stat�dardis. 10. AppliCsnt st'�all oor�s'tn�c't a six foot me9oc�y wall 81Cc�g r�ox'th and east p�onert.y lines. Depar�ner�t o�' Pub�lic i�Tocics: 1. Drainage fees, in accordance with Secti�on 26.4� of �e Palm Desez�t Municipal Gbde, shall be paid px�iox� to issuar�oe of a c,�radii�g peimit. 2. Signalization fees, .in a000x�ar�oe with City of PaLa Deee=t Resolution Nos. 79-17 ar�d 79-55, shall be paid px�iar to i.��oe of a grading pe=mit. 3. Ariy sto�m c�ain shall be ooritingent u�ori a c�'aii�age stvdY P�'gP�'� bY a regisbered civil engit�ee,r that is revieaaed �d a�xL'�v'ed bY the de�paztment of public wox�ks. 4. As required ta�dsr Sectiai 12.16 and 26.44 of �e PaLn Deeert M,azicipal Cbc]e, eocisttr�g utilitiee shall be pleoed pe� eac�i z�spectiv�e utility district's z+eoornnec�datirn. If d�ebe�mined to be unfeasible, the applicant shall sutmit to the city, in a fc�m aooeptable to the city attosi�ey, s�u�ety in azi amo�art equal to t�e eetimated o oosts fo� the subject ta�derg=o�a�ding. 5. As required under Palm Desert Municipal Gbde Section 26.28, and in a000z�dat�oe with Sections 26.40 and 26.44, c�a�lete in�xo�rement plan.s and specifications shall be subnitted t� the directo� of public wo�ks for checking and approval before constzuction of any improvements is ooRmes�oed. Off-sibe i��ov�e[nent plans shall b@ reviE�aed sr�d a�'w'ed bY the direcbox� of public works and a surety posted to guarantee the irLstallation of all required off-site p�iox� to i_gsuanoe of a 9r��9 P��t. Such it�vv�e[nent8 shall inCltxie, but ryDt be limited to, concrete stdewalk in an approp�iabe size and oonfiguration and city stai�dsr+d drive ap�oac,�i. "A8-built" plaarLs shall be sutinttt,ed to, and app��ared by, the directoz� of public wo��ks prioz� to the aooegtat�oe of the by t3�e city. 6. In a000�dai�oe with PaLn Desert MaLtcipal Cbc]e C2�a�pter 27, vrnQlebe grading plans and specificatia�s shall be sutmitted to the directo� of public works for checking and approval prior• to issuance of any permits a�ssociated with t�hts p�ojeet. , 4 . . � , RESOL�IQd Np, 9 0-� 7. L�at�dsCapir�g maintec�eiY'�e Gn Alessar�+o Drive ez�d Santa YY�az Aver�eue shall be the reeposaibility of the property owi�er. 8. F1�11 public i�np�v�rements, as requtred by Sections 26.40 and 26.44 of the Palm Deeex�t Municipal C.ode, shall be installed in accordance with appliCable City Sta�dardB. 9. All private driveways and parking lots shall be inspected by the ec�gir�eerin9 depa�nent a�d a standa=d ir�spectian fee shnll be paid pz�io� to iss�noe of a gradir�g paimit. 10. Any and all off-site �qav�rements shall be p�+eoecled by t3�e app�aval of plans and the issua�ce of valid er�croachnecit pe�mits. by the de�ai-bnent of public woxi�s. 11. A Complete pz�elimlr�aLy 9oils inwe�tigsti�oci, oor�duCted by g reqistered soils er�giryeer, shall be sulmitted to and a�v�red by the deQartment of public wo�iss p�i.oz� to the issusr�oe of s gradir�q pexmit. 12. Size, r�s�er ac�d locatian of driveways si�ell bs �o the apecification of the depa�nent of public wo�fs� with only one �iveway ap��oach to be allaaed bo serve this ptope�ty. 13. (�acitng pezmit ise«az�oe shall be sub�ect �o the waive� of paroel map first beirxJ �v�red a�'�d reoo�ded. 11s part o� t3'r woaiv�eac of P�'�l �P P�, the appllcazrt s�all either p�wide fa� ths pay-o�t oac reappox�tia�cne�czt of any city aseesanerrts agai.r�st t3�e sub�ect �ties. 14. Pzq�oeed building ped elevatians ae sl�aan on th� pcopoeed site plaaz are subject to s�view az�d modificattai in a�000�da��oe wi� Section 27 of the P81m Dese�'t MaLiCipal G1oC19. 15. La�]eca�pityg, walle a�d art3�e�r sits iaQturemecrts within a 40-foat "clear sight triangle" ahall bs r�c hic�e� t3�eci �� feert atxNs top of curb elev8tion. .- 16. Re�uction iri ths widtiz of �s P►leesec�o D�'ive treivialway shall r�t be ir�oo�parafie� �s a p�t of thie developmsnt approval. The type of de��elapoo[Yt p�'opoesd faa� this area of Ale�o Drivs indicate tt�at the 0 of a p�ocgam of tra�eiway reductian would mt be beneficiai t� eit3� porbential develcpe�� az the city et thie ti�ns. The reduct,iac�s whiCh r1eR�'! bsi[i itiatalied o�' rsav�s beeci e�p�r�red et Deap Ceciyon/Ale�sat�ro and Postola/P►leseandro seive to eetablish er�d-biodc oorY�+ol fo� this po�'tian o� J►le�i� az�d t2�eVy si�ificantly reduce the need for fLut.t�ez� tza�v�elway modificatiari. 5 �0[�tTrZ�N I,�p, 9 0-6 Riv�ea�cside �tY Fit+e De�parimer�t: 1. Provide, � st�ow there e+xists, a waber system capable of p�widir�g a patential fire flow of 3000 �n a�d t3�e actual fire flaw available frcm ar�y one hy�ant oor�nected t� any giv�en wate�' mei,tz shall be 1500 gpm fo� 2 han s �sation at 20 psi residual operatiryg p��ees�a�e• 2. A fire flaw of 1500 gpn far a 2 has durati,oci at 20 psi resicjual q�erattng p�e.ssure must be available befo�+e any combustible mate�iel is plaoed on the �ob site. 3. The requ,ired fire flow shall be availeble from a S��et' h�ydracit(s) (6" x 4" x 2-1/2" x 2-1/2"), located mt less t2�en 25' t�o�' mo��e t2�eaz 150' fzrm any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular trav�elways. Hyr��ts installed below 3000' elevation shall be of the "wet baa�el" type. _ 4. The required fire flow may be ad�uebed at a lafiex� point in the peimit p�ocess to reflect cfiar�ge� in desi�, tYPe. ai�ea seQaratiac�,s, ax� built-in fire p2�ot,ecticn treaeur�es. 5. Prior to the application fox� a buildiryg pe�mit, the developer shali furnish the cx�igir�al and two copies of the wate� syetem plan to the �ty Fire DeQat�necit fo� z�view. Pb builditg pennit 9ha11 be isa�ed tmtil the water syst�em plan has beeci a�+oved by t3'�e �ty Fire Chief. Upon aPPx�wal, tha o�'iginal will be re�tiuned. Q�e ao�ry will be sent to �e r�esponsible inspectir�g authox�ity. 6. Plar�s shall oonfoxm to fir+e hy�ra�ct typee, loCeitiCn az�d 9pacis�g, and �e system sh811 meet �e fire flc7w . Plans shell be sic,F�ed by a registei�ed Civil er�gir�eer and msy be atg'�ed by the local wate�c oort}k�ny with t3�e follaair�q oartificatian: "I oertify t3�at the de�i� of the water system is in a000�der�oe with tfie re�eca� px�eecsibed by t�e Riverside Cb�azty Fire DeQatiinent." 7. Ir�stall a ocaQlete fire spx�is�lclex� system pex� t�'PA 13. Tl�e post ir�dicatox� valve and fire deQsrt�nerYt oameCti�on shnll be loCsted t� t3'�e front, mt le�s thari 2S' from the building and within 50' of an ap�r��ed hyclrant. 8. L�stall a fire alaim (wabex�flvw) as requi=�ed by t�e �ifo�m Huildir�g Code, 3803, fo�' sp�'inkler system. Requires n�inimm of two bells per buildir�g 1 front and 1 rear. 9. IrLstall tanper alarm on supply valve fc� sfsiNtlex� syst�ems. Mu.st also ring buildir�g water flvw slarm. S�sbem mu.st be mo�zitoa�ed. 10. Ce�rtain designated areas will be required to be ma,intair�ed as fire lanes. 6 � ��� �. 9 0- 11. All builditx,�e st�sll be aooessible by a� all�weatl�ez' s�oadwe�y eoctendiryq tp within 150' of all po�-tia�s of the eorte�iax� walls of the first sbc�xy. Tt�e roadhray shnll be r�at le�s than 24' of ia�obst�ucted width and 13'6" of veztical clenraz�oe. Whete parallel parking is alla��eci, the �ey shall be 36' wide with paiicir�g an bo�th sidee, 32' wide with pazicir�g an ac�e side. Dead-end ro�ds in e�c�ess of 150' shall be p�orvided with a minim�m 45' radius turn-ar�aa�d (55' in t*+���al denrelo�pnents). 12. 1��rer aocess into p�ivate p�ope�ty is oontrolled through use of gates, ba�'iers. 9uaz'd hau-�es o�' similaz' maans, p�ovision shall be made to facilitate accees by emexgen,-y vehicles in a mezr�er a�t�red by the fire depaitment. All aontzblled aoce�s daviceB that ar+e pC�ae� cper8ted shall tsav�e a r lled are�-ride systen capable of cpenit�g the gate wheri activated by a special tratzsmitfiex� located in ema�gerx,y v�ehicie�. Devices shall be equipped with bada� poa� facilities to ope�rate in the ev�ecit of po�rer failta'e. All_oontrolled aooesa devioes that are nvt po�rer o�perated shall also be a�p�r�red by tfis fire de�tnerYt. Mirzinaaa aper�ir�g width shall be 12', wlth 8 m�n�n��n vie�tiCal Cle�'�[�09 Of 13'6". 13. Suitable fire depert�nent 1�ar�8rC�d requit�ed at end of pa=ising lo�t. Mey require loes of two pa�icing stalls. Alteznnte solution would be to provide emergency through acoess t� Saz�cta Yf�ez Averx�s with suitable ��4 � 9a� ��'� bY the fire deQartinerit. 14. Glontact t3�e fire departneat fo� a finei ir�epecti�on p�io�c to ooc�,�pacY,y, PD/tm 7 �0[�z�N I,p, 9 0-6 �TT w�w Pursuant t� Title 14, Divisian 6, lArticle 7, Sectian 15063, of the Cslif�nia Adni,nistrative Cbde. I�TIVB ��1T��i CASE AD: CUP 89-12 �►PPL�I(?NP/Pi�.T SFQ�t: C,7H Pa�'tne�'s - 41-910 Boardwalk, Suite e-3 Palm Dese�t, CA 92260 PR0.7DGT Dffi(ZtIPTI�i/I,O('a►TIq�I: An 11,537 squst�e fart p�vfessional office ps�oject within the R-3 (4) za�e located at the r�oxtheas�t oo��er of Aleasar�o Driv�e and Santa YY�ez Av�ec�ue. The Directos� of the DeQa�tnerit of �ty De�elopnerit, CYty of PaLn Dese�ct, Califoznis, has fvtmd t3�at t3�a deac�ibed p�+oject will t�at l�av�e a si�ific,ant effect on �e envircrmerrt. A c�apy of the Initial Study has been attacl�ed to docunent the z�eaearss in suppoxt of this finding. Mitigatian measur+es, if any, included in the p�+o�ect to a�void pabe�ntially si�ifica�t effects, ma�y also be famd att,acr�ed. � \ ► � Mr�� � i /- /(, -j G' R�1M.,'W A. DZAZ nA►TE DIRDCIOR OF a,M�L�IITY D�VP&O�N�NT ��� _ - 8