HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 91-083RESOLUTION N0. �1-83 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF PALM QESERT, CALIFORNIA RESCIN�ING RESOLUTION NO. 90-83 AND AUOPTING ALLOCATED CLASSIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZED POSITIONS, COMPENSATION PLAN RELATED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, AND NEW MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE 1991-92 FISCAL YEAR, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 19g1. WHEREAS, T'he City Council af the City of F'aim Liesert, Californi�, by F�:Psol+_�tion Na. '=�i>-_;_;, on June ����, 1'=�'=���, adopted allocated classifications, �uthori�ed F�ositions, Compensation Flan and Related Ernplayee Benefits for positinns in the City service for Fiscal Year 1'=�'=���-'=�1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City o� F'alm Desert, Galifornia as follows: SECTION 1. ALLOCATED CLASSIFICATIONS SALARY RANGES ANL1 AUTHORIZED POSITIONS The following f�llocated Glassification5, Salary Fanges and positions in the C i tv sery i ce �re authori �ed for each depar^tment far F i scal Year 1'=��=� 1-'=�'�, until fu.rther modified, is hereby appraved and adopted, effective July 1, 1'=��=�1 as lndicated on the Salary Schedules, attached hereto as E>:hibit "A". 0 w 0 z U � w � L�EF'T._'ACT I V I TY ��.......... -- DMINISTRATION � �� r�J ;�. i t= t i. c e a t= S � �-; CLASSIFICATION (5) the City Manager t4) �� ---- C x tY Man�ger z � Environment�l Conservation Manager � N: Secret�ry to the City Ma�ager � � ' O�fice Assistant II O �' � w C 'ede�elopment (1) � u N m a` As�istant City Manager ?� Uirector CITY CLERK & PUBLIC INFORMATION t4) ords Management, �egistrar, Elections, Council ?< Medi� SupDort �y ,p �9.� � F' `�� 'ty Clerk,• °x F'ublic In�ormation Off. O�TF�� so`�T�� 5enioY OfficelAssistant � � � _,Z� �]tfice sistant II .��/ �f�9� . / SALARY RAfVGE �i;i�l M111 G'_ '_ i t G =,s�C� E� �G� 1 1 1 1 1 �i �C�7 G =�40 E�iri �i�'E'�(_t SY RESC'.t7TlCN -;`__�' _�.Q u 1 l C"��rn. � _J.�/.�.1 /! _ ,. AUTHORI�ED F'OS I T I ONS 1 1 1 • 1 ��SOLUTION 91-83 HUMAN FESOURCES (3) �it•✓ Personnel, Employee Relations, E�enefits L�irector F'er-sonnel Technician Office Hssistant II GENERAL SERVICES � PURCHASING (�) Ei �i ��=� G='�i� G�= _i� 1 1 1 F'urchasing, ielephone, Feproduction, Mail, Tr�ining, Special F'ro._iects General Services/F'urchasinq Officer M1'=�'=� 1 C]ffice Assistant II G�_�_�? 4 FINANCE (4) • A�rr�inistration, Li�ta F'rocessing, Accounting °< Treasury L� i rector °< C i tY Tre�surer E�> 1 1 Accounting M�nager M1�=� Accountinq Technician G4���� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (2) ��ornR�ercial, Industrial, E�usiness ?� Real Estate Assistant City Manager °< Liirector E����4 Adminiskrative Secretary G=����? CODE COMPLIANCE (8) 1 1 4 1 , CndE En+orcerr�ent, Animal Control, Rusiness Licenses e� Transient Occup�ncy Ta;•::es Uirector Senior Code Compliance Officer ��ode Compliance Officer II Administr�tive Secretary O�fice Assistant II PUILDING �c SAFETY ( 12) Administration ?� F'lan ChecEc (�,) Uirector Senior F�lans E:•�:aminer E�uilding Fermit Speci�list II Administrative Secretary Office Assistant II Ei�i�=_ M�71 M�7i � G =:l-� i_) G _,r:c_t Ei �Q/-, M��? 1 M�=�1 G = i, c_� G:�;_ i � 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 • ; � ��SOLUTIO�v 91-83 �uildinq Inspection i�.? B��ildinq Inspection Supervisor Se�ior L���ilding Inspector E��._�ilding Inspertor II PUBL I C WORk;S ( �8 ) A��rninistration °< Engineering (14i Assistant City Manager, Uirector ?< City Enqineer Senior Engineer Associate Transportation Engineer Administrative Assistant F�roiects Coordin�tor Enqineering Technician F��_.�bl ic WorE::s Inspecto�^ Engineering Aide II Adminiatrative Secretary Office As�istant II F'ublic E�uildings Maintenance (�:) C�uilding Maintenance Supervisor C��stod i an I I F'u.b 1. ic Work:� Mainten�nce Admin istrat ion t 1) Maintenance Services Manager M1'=��� M��i � M�=;i> Eiii� ; M1���� M11�� M�« M�1� M1:'�� M'�4� � M 14 �> G:/-,ii G:;,?q G' ; � c.� G�=�1 M115 Streets, F'arE::s °< Landscaped Areas Maintenance ('�11 Maintenance Superintendent Maintenance Supervisor Street Sweeper Operator '��enior Maintenance WorE::er Mect�anic II Maintenance WorE::er II Office Assistant II PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (8) AdR�inistr�tion, Current °� Advance F'lanninc� Assistant City Manager °< Pirectur Senior Flanner Associate F'lanner F�lannin, Technician Graphic Artist Administrative �ecretary Senior Office Assistant M•��i � M�5_ G �'=� i � G_;i�ci G _ i?'? G=;1�� G = �; c_� Ei �c_�� Mlc� M1��1 M�_� M1;::�� G=�,i� G=�7i� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 .L � ��s��_�r�oh 9i-a3 A�TS IN F'UPLIC PLACES (1) Cit�:-wide �=�cq�_�isition of Outdoor Sc�_�lpture, Civic Arts `_'GRiRiLlfllt.Y Arts Manager- LIISASTEF FREFAREDNESS (i) �mE+�c,rr�cY Ser�ices. F'�_�blic �afet�✓ Emer�aencv Services Covr�dinatar REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (4) M 1 '=� �_ M�i �i � n'L�A F'ro�cc__. Uraina�e, Traffiic Circ��lation, F'�rk:ing, Land Hcq��isitian, Ho<<sinq, Refuse Colle�tinn, Cable T.V. �enior Administrative Assistant M��:,U Administrative Assistant M��� h�rr>t.,tnt.��1t II M'.::U'=� Adrr�inistrative Secretary G=���U TOTAL AUTHOFIZED F�EGULAR FULL TIME POSITIONS F'ART TIME, SEASONAL & TEMF'O�iARY EMF'l.OYEE RATES i='lan� E ;aminEr La��d;rapz Coor-dinator E��_�Y ��� inq Insp?ctor i I �•_�.�1 i� ��Jork:s Inspector ,���. � 1��:.n� Inspector I c"�q :.ner�rinq Aide T I H�mzr-�istrati,;e Hide ��.Ji=r i�_e As�lStant �r�-"�inq Guar,d :1-a int?nance Aide ��t�-i�e Aide IT M'� 1 1 r��� _ M:���, M��� ,,� ` � -, M'� 1 = M`C� :; � _,_�, �� � � ,,:_; G' �1�_ r -'=';_ SECTION 2. EXEMFT FERSONNEL �1 . C�= � i . _ �_� � 1 . _ _� �1 . /:�� / i �"' • _ :"' i,=�. ��' ,:, . ,,, 4 ,:� . ��;_ _./_-.7 ,� , . �, � _ . !�7 1 1 1 1 1 ,_, 7 ,; h•� foi 1.�:�winq posit. ions that requii^e spend irg n�imero�_�s e;::tra h��ur� �t meetinqs, cor��erences and worE:: are e::err�ot �rorr� overtime provisions �s set forth in thE Personnel R�_iles and �iegulations, Section �.��.��i>. Grou� A _, ��ity �lana�er 4 RtSO�UTION 91-33 Group A_e City Manaqer Assistant City Manager °� Liirector of Redevelopment Agency Assistant City Manager °� L�irector of Economic Uevelopment Assista�t City M�nager ?� L�ir,ector F'ublic WorE�:s '� Engineer Assistant City Manager °: Uir, of F�lanning °< Community Lievelopment Fir�ance Uirector ?< City Treas�_�rer City C1erF�: ?� F'ublic Information Offirer TF�,e �ollowing positions that req��ire spending occasional e:•;tra hours at R�eetings, conferences and worF:: are e::�::empt from overtime provisions as set fnrtr� in th� F�ersonnel Fules °< fiequlations, 5ection '�.��.��i�ci. GrauQ_Be , L�irector/Hurnan Resources L�irector/Esuilding °y Safety L�irector/Code Compliance Seniar Enqineer En��ironmental Conservation Mgr. Associate Transportation Engineer 5enior F'lanner General 5ervices/F'urchasing Officer Maintenance Services Manager Accounting Manager Senior Administrative Assistant E+uilding Inspector Supervisor Senior F�lans E;•�:arniner Emergency Services Coordinator Associ�te F'l�nner Community Arts Manager Assist�nt Engineer Senior Code Compliance Officer Adrninist�^ative Assistant Assistant Flanner Maintenance Superintendent Maintenance 5upervisor F�l�nning Technici�n SECTION 3. MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Thie mileage reimbursement rate to employees required to use their car on CitY b�isines5 sh�ll be �C�. �1 per mile. In the c�se of eR�ployees who receive a rnonthly �uto allowance, said mileage reimbursement shall be made only for that portion of trips which e::•::tend beyond a�5 mile radius of= the F'�lm De�sert City H�11. SECTION 4. AUTO ALLOWANCES Tl�e following positions are authori�ed monthly auto allowances: CLASSIFICATION POSITION TITLE City M�naqer � Asst. City Manager °N Uirector, FUA Asst. City Man�ger 9y Uir., Rublic Work:s/Engr. Asst. City Manager °< Dir. , Econ. L�evelopmer+t Asst. , City Manager °,� Liir. , F'ing. ?� Comm. Dev. Liirector, Finance °: City Treasurer Uirector, E�uilding °� Safety Liirector, Code Compliance Cit� C1erE:/F'ublic Information Officer AUTO ALLOWANCE ��O �;i �i � �i �i � �i �c� �ca c� �C.�i ► �i �c� �c_�i � ,�i �� i � �ESOLUTION 91-�3 0 5enior Enqin?er Environmental Conser��ation Manaqer '�eniar Adrr�iniatrative Assistant Ger�er�l Services/Furchasinp Officer �enior r-�lans E>:aminer Administrative Assistant Sen�.or F'lanner Associate F'lanner i�ort�munitY Arts Manaqer Assistant F'lanner F�ssoci�te Transportatian Engineer L+irector of Human Resources Emergency Services Coordin�tor Engineeric�g Technician Senior Engineerinq Aide F'rojects Coordinator SECTION 5. ANNUAL PHYSICALS FOR EXECUTIVES 1��i 1 !=i i � 1i;i� li�i� l�;i� 1i)i.l 1i�ti 1 c_� c_i 1 c_i c i icii> 1�>i� li�i� 1 c_� i � 1i�i� 1i�i� 1 c_� i � The following anniial rr�edical e;r:aminations �re required set forth in the ='ersonnel F;ules and Regulations. Section �.5�.4��? (D). Co�_�nci lmembers City Manaqer Aast. City Manaqer/Director, Fedeveloprr�ent Agency Asst. City Manager/Uirector, F'ublic Wor�::s Asst. City Mar�ager:Director, F'lanning ?� Community Developrrrent Aast. City Manager/Uirector, Economic Uevelopment i�irector. Finance i�irector, Nu.man Resources Liir�ctor, Euildinq °� Safety L�irector, Code Compliance �itv C1erF: '< F'�.�blic Inform�tion Officer SECiION h. VACATION BUY-BACK �11 r-�q�_tlar rul.l-time personnel, both e;::empt and non-e::=:empt, instead of t�E::inq leave time off, may, �t their optYon, be cort�pensated fnr vacation }ime earned by receiving p�y at the hourly rate of their s�lary, up to a ma;<:imum of forty hours per calendar year, with the added requirement. for both e;•::empt and non-e:::empt per=onnel, that after the b�ry-back:, eightv i_��ii t-�ours credits rr�ust be left available on the booE�:s for vacation le�ve. SECTION 7. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT CALIFORNIA AND THE PALM DESERT EMFLOYEES' ORGANIZATION A droqrarr� and criteria for employee compensation studies is continued tor the future, as set forth in the rnemorandum of Agreert�ent, attaci�ed hereto as E;::h i b i t �� B�� , !-, PASSED, APPROVED, AND ALIOPTED by the.City Council of the City ot F•alm Uesert, Cali�'ornia, on this 3rd ___ day of Julv , 1'=�'?1 by the following vote� AYES� E�enson, F�:elly, Snyder NOES� Wilsan AE�SENT � Cr i tes ABSTAIN: / , I -G G����c: � =�/ �. , WALTER H. SNYL�EK, M YO�t ATTEST: _.`� - . - ,� - . . , , 1 `�\. �� '.i �� ;.. . � ) ! _! �-_ ��' �t ;• � ` � '��_; _. SHEILA Fi. t�ILLIGAN, CITY QLEkk:` .� �� GITY OF FALM UESEFtT, CALIFORNIA � RESOLL'TIOti �0. 91-83 "EXHIBIT B" MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETMEEN THE CI�Y COUNCIL OF THE C[TY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNiA AND THE PALM OESERT EMPLOYEES' ORGANIZATION. A. INTRODUCTION Staff has met with representatives of the City Council and the Palm Desert Employees' Organization to agree on a program and criteria for an employee compensation study. This will establish for the future a solid base on which to make decisions on employee compensation levels. The compensation study wiil: - Provide current compensation informatio� fo� use in the comparison process. - Recommend salary ranges for each classification based on labor market salary data and internal salary relationships. 8. PHILOSOPHY ANO STRATEGY The City's basic philosophy and overall strategy is intended to: - Attract the best qualified people. - Retain high performance key people. - Reward outstanding employees. - Promote from within, all things being equal. C. FORMULA 1. All positions will be surveyed using both statewide and Coachella Valiey cities. Data permitting, the surveys will use only posit{ons that are comparable to those in the City of Palm Desert. There must be four or more comparisons, with a general description of duties that compare Nith the City's classifications. 2. The foliowing tweive benchmark classes will be used in the survey to obtain salary data from selected agencies: EXECUTIVE City Manager Assistant City Manager Director of Building s Safety City Cle�k Page 2 Memorandum of Agreement MANAGEMENT, PROFESSIONAL $ SUPERVISORY Senior Civil Engineer Senior Planner Administrative Assistant Building Inspector II GENERAL Administrative Secretary Office Assistant fI Accounting Assistant I[ Maintenance Worker II 3. Data used will include compensation from: Statewide Cities Brea Carlsbad Hesperia Mountain VieN Rancho Cucamonga San Juan Capistrano Wainut Creek Coachella Valley Cities Cathedral City [ndian Wells Indio La Quinta Palm Springs Rancho Mirage 4. The City of Palm Oesert 5th (E) step, which is 21.5� above the lst (A) step, will be used as a comparator and compared with the corresponding step of 21.5x above the lst step of the statewide and Coachella Valley cities. The mean salary range created for each benchmark class will be determined and compared with the current Sth (E) step salary range rate for the City of Palm Oesert benchmark class. 5 � The City of Palm Desert will set salary ranges for all positions approximately equal to the statewide mean salary range. The City wiil, each year, compare the Los Angeles-Anaheim- Rfverside, Urben Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, Consumer Prtce II L I I RESflLLTTIO;V V0. 91-83 Page 3 Memorandum of Agreement Index. percent change. year ending in March each year. The City will, on the whole, attempt an adjustment on an "across the board" basis. 7. Any labor market inequities of 10�, or more will be looked at separately. Where a large percentage increase is warranted, the classiFication will be adjusted to the proper range, but the incumbent will be assigned a step in the higher range as will grant such employee a salary increase of not more than lOx increase, over and above any "across the board" increase. Where a large percentage decrease is warranted, the City will not adjust the classification downward to the proper range, but will "freeze" the classification in its current salary range until such time as the sala�y range rate is in line with the average salary range �ate of the labor market. If a benchmark classification has a labor ma�ket tnequity of 7� or more two consecutive years, starting with the 1991-92 fiscal year and three co�secutive years. starting with the 1992-93 fiscal year. a separate adjustment wili be made to the salary range of that class to bring the inequity below 7x (i.e. a maximum of 6.9x inequity will remain). 8. The average sala�y �ange rate for other than benchmark positions will be computed from the benchmark averages using the City of Palm Desert's estabiished internal and career ladder relationships. - Entry level positions (e.g. Office Assistant I, Accounting Assistant I, Maintenance Worker I. Building Inspector I, Assistant Planner, and Assistant Civil Engineer} are assigned a salary range approximately 127L below the journey level posttions. - Journey level and supervisory positions (e.g. Office Assistant II, Accounting Assistant 11, Maintenance Work [[, Building Inspector t[, Assocfate Planner, and As- sociate Civil Engineer) are assigned a salary range ap- proximateiy i2� above their next higher subordinate. D. ANNUAL SURYEY AND REVIEM Each year Human Resources will conduct a salary survey of the selected statewide and Coachella Valley cities and City management and the Palm Desert Employees' Organization will reviea the survey comparing the formula results to the basic philosophy declared herein. � Page 4 Memorandum of Agreement E. FUTURE PROGRAM In five years, May 1994, a new classification and compensation study will be completed, with recommendations to be effective beginning with fiscal year 1994-95. A new memorandum of agreement between the City Council and the Palm Desert Employees' Organization regarding future compensation studies will be agreed upon in fiscal year 1994-95. 0 �:hgaa142 S�S �LASSiFi�AlIOM: BIH:BI" A SALAAY SCHSDOLB - Ii 91/92 ......... .......................... - --� --------� -------- I --------� --------� -------- � --------, --------; _....---; -------- � ---------------------------- ------ , . a a sae� c..y Manager �: i�� a, zsz a a e a a a � BA02 aee3 BAA� 8A6S BAII BAA6 6A99 �iee 3A81 BA88 M111 M11A M195 �112 M18S fl119 M19A M281 !l268 M2A0 K16A M198 K149 �141 M161 fl12A M211 M29S K�ie M25A M228 M212 M21A �289 t113A !124A M21A M269 M232 �iae 1l239 M231 M14A M2S3 G33A �281 M28A M1S8 G39A AC!! - �edeve:opient 9:re:tar ACK - Public Yorks 9i:ECL6I/6� ACM - 6cono�ic Develop�eat Oir bCM - Plaaoiuq 6 Cat�uaity Oev Iiaance Directarllreasnrer Bnildiag & Safetp Directar flu�an �e�onrce� Oirector Senior dagieeer City Clerk & Public Iofo Offic Code Co�pliance Director 6avirocteatal Cocaer�atiae tiae assaciate iraesportation lnqin Secior Plaacer Aaaociate Bngiaeer Accaucticg tiaeaqtr Kaiuteaaace Service tiaaaqer Buildinq Ioepector SuperTiaer Seniar Placs 6ta�iaer Senior Adiia Aseistant Bu rqencp Services Coardiaator A��ociate Plaaaer Coiiunity ert� tianaqer Geueral Serr/Purc�asiaq Office Geaeral SvclParch aff. (2► Aaaaciate Planeer I Assi�taot 6nqioeer Seoior Cede Co�pliaece Ofiicer Ad�inistrative ll�aiatant Asaistaat Plaooer Maiateaaace Saperiateodeat Seaior Buildia9 Ieapector Project Coordieator Plaas 6ia�icer Accouatant II Baqioeering techoiciae Caastruction Iaepector Code Cotpliince Officer II Acconntant I Planning TecEniciie Graphic Artiat Bnildieg Inspector II Bnildinq Periit Specialiat II 6cqiaeerioq Aide II Mainteeaace Snper�isor Secretarp to Cit� �aa�qer Daildinq Ioepcctor I Cade Caipliaece Officer I 6aqioeerinq Aide I Per�ooael tecbaiciaa �,l83 S,4A3 S,4A3 S,t@3 4,252 4,232 4,113 4,13A 3,991 3,8A1 3,182 3,115 3,149 3,145 3,932 3,568 3,515 3,519 3,S1S 3,181 3,481 3,481 3,181 A 3,181 3,363 3,239 3,158 3,128 3,A81 3,136 3,i11 3,oA1 3,oA1 2, 818 2,)67 2,728 2,718 2,128 2,128 2,128 2,128 2,1Q2 2,649 2,635 2,451 2,459 2,126 2,39A 5,6?2 9,0'2 5,672 5,612 6,465 4,442 4,382 4,335 4,19A 3,491 3,9T2 3,932 3,932 3,932 3, 7A8 3,)46 3,69A 3,69A 3,69A 3,659 3,6SS 3,695 3,695 A 3,659 3,532 3,391 3,316 3,284 3,236 �,is� 3,158 3,158 3,158 3,A22 2,495 2,864 2,861 2,864 2,861 2,864 2,864 2,831 2,181 2,161 2,513 2,573 2,541 2,S1A 5,996 9,396 9,956 9,996 4,681 4,665 4,6A1 4,SS3 4,4AA {,14@ 4,17A 4,129 1,129 4,129 3,893 3,933 3,814 3,811 3,874 3,838 3,838 3,838 3,838 8 3,838 3,7i8 3,S6T 3,481 3,148 3,341 3,34T 3,316 3,316 3,31fi 3,1T3 3,AS1 3,A�1 3,Al1 3,AI1 3,ee� 3,A81 3,Ai1 2,419 2,921 2,9i9 2,111 2,�ei 2,611 2,635 6,iS4 6,56T 6,25� 6,254 fi,2S4 4,922 4,898 �,831 4,781 4,619 4,188 1,3J9 4,335 4,339 4,335 I,A88 1,139 4,i68 1,A68 4,A68 4,939 4,A3A 4,A3A 4,A3A A 4,i31 3,893 3,715 3,699 3,611 3,968 3,915 3,�81 3,481 3,481 3,332 3,2A3 3,158 3,iS8 3,158 3,158 3,158 3,15d 3,128 3,i6T 3,151 2,831 2,831 2,8A8 2,161 5,567 6,Sfi1 6, 961 9,169 9,113 9,412 5,e19 4,891 4,619 1,991 4,592 1,SS2 4,952 4,293 4,3i6 l,212 4,212 1,112 4,232 4,I32 4,232 4,232 i 4,232 �,�ea 3,933 3,838 3,8i1 3,146 3,641 3,696 3,69b 3,656 3,498 3,363 3,316 3,316 3,316 3,316 3,316 3,316 3,284 3,221 3,213 2,91e 2,91a 2,94� 2,9AS 6,?31 6,131 6,131 6,131 9,291 i,211 9,294 9,144 4, 912 4,135 4,113 4,665 4,665 4,665 4,4i1 1,445 1,319 4,314 1,374 4,338 1,338 4,338 4,338 1 4,338 4,19A I,A31 3,934 3,847 3,839 3,782 3,111 3,141 3,747 3,586 3,441 3,398 3,398 3,348 3,398 3,39e 3,398 3, 361 3,311 3,2a3 3,193 3,153 3,i22 2,9T9 6,898 6,848 6,898 6,899 i,429 S,{A4 5,33� 9,213 i,A46 4,854 1,83A 4,182 4,182 4,182 1,S1A 4,596 1,488 1,488 1,488 1,146 4,446 /,446 4, 416 A 4,446 4,295 1,132 4,932 3,494 3,936 3,817 3,841 3,844 3,84A 3,619 3,534 3,484 3,484 3,181 3,481 3,484 3,484 3,�5A 3,382 3,365 3,128 3,128 3,148 3,Ai3 �,a�� ',01; 1,811 7,871 9,S6S S,S38 5,463 S,4AS i,221 4,315 4,951 4,9A1 4,9A1 4,9A1 1,523 4,669 4,6AA 4,6AA 1,098 4,9'.1 4,9i7 4,i51 4,591 A l�ii7 4,4A2 1,239 4,133 4,A94 4,834 3,914 3,431 3,931 3,931 3,761 3,6t� 3,511 3, S11 3,511 3,571 3,511 3,511 3,536 3, 461 3,449 3,2A6 3,296 3,116 3,129 �,:aa ',�48 1,248 ',248 S,igS 9,oi1 5,689 �,541 5,394 5,:89 S,a�s 5,824 i,�24 5,824 4,138 1,?86 4,716 4,116 4,?16 #,0�0 {,679 a,ota 4,6i9 4,'li 4,b78 4,512 4,311 4,236 �,191 4,135 4,974 4,835 4,935 4,039 3,962 3,,;, ,� 3,bo0 3�609 3,666 3,660 3,e6A 3,06@ 3,625 3,554 3,936 3,281 3,281 3,:94 3,:08 :�9sa192 -- 61flIBI! A SALAAT SC86D�Le - IT 91r�t t._....._. .......................... SJS CLASSIIICA?IOA: A B C D B I G H . .._-----�-----------------------------�--------�--------�--------�--------; --------�--------�--------i--------i--------� G34@ �eput� �ity �1etk 2,399 2,S1A 2,635 2,167 2,995 2,919 ?,AS3 3,124 3,�A9 G36@ Adiioi�trative SecretarJ 2,391 :,475 2,i94 2,128 2,865 2,437 3,AlA 3,986 3,:63 �49A �ccauatinq *echaiciaa 2,?97 2,415 2,999 2,728 2,965 2,931 3,91A 3,886 3,:63 G299 Mator Sreeper �perator 2,244 2,356 2,474 2,�9] 2,127 2,795 2,865 ?,931 3,alA G291 8ulidinq Per�it Speciali�t I 2,244 2,356 2,414 2,547 2,727 2,795 2,86i 2,931 3,91A �388 Seniar Maiateaaace Yorker 2,241 2,356 2,1J4 2,491 2,127 2,195 2,865 2,931 3,91A G32A Bnildinq Maiateaaace Supervisa 2,244 2,396 2,171 2,597 2,121 2,]9S 2,96� 2,931 3,0:8 G3A9 Mecsanic II 2,A96 2,2A1 2,311 2,426 2,548 2,612 2,676 2,1�3 2,8:2 �31A Seaior Office Aasistant T,835 2,131 2,244 Z,356 2,471 2,536 2,499 2,6b4 2,131 G3A8 llechaai: I 1,982 1,991 2,891 2,282 2,311 2,369 2,428 2,{89 2,Si1 GIIA Accouatiag Aasistant II 1,938 2,A39 2,I31 2,244 2,359 2,IIS 2,/79 2,937 2,6A9 G381 Custodiaa II 1,84T 1,939 2,83b 2,138 2,214 2,38A 1,358 2,417 2,417 G38A Office A�aistaat II 1,811 1,934 2,936 2,138 2,214 2,38A 2,3i8 2,417 2,417 G31A Maintenance Yarker II (3) 1,813 1,966 2,A69 2,168 2,216 2,333 2,392 2,451 2,912 G398 fleceptiouist 1,1A1 1,193 1,881 1,916 2,914 2,126 2,1T9 2,234 2,Z99 G42A Accauotiog Aseistaat I 1,611 1,19T 1,845 1,438 2,A34 2,A85 2,131 2,191 2,�15 G31S tiaieteeaace Morker I (3) 1,689 1,T14 1,862 1,955 2,A53 2,1l5 2,158 2,211 2,266 G391 Custodiaa I • 1,669 1,149 1,836 1,928 2,A2S 2,A7S 2,12] 2,18A 2,234 G391 Office llasi�ta�t I 1,669 1,T19 1,836 1,928 2,A25 t,O19 2,121 2,189 2,234 M229 k211 �223 �226 �221 K213 M251 G3A1 GSA4 G316 G396 leiQ. Pablic Uorks Inepector ?e�p. Place Eta�i4er le�p. LaeQscape Coardinator 'eip. Bldq Inspector II ?e�p. Bldq IesQector I Teip. Hagioeeriaq bide II ie�p. Ad�inistratire Aide Se�p. Office Asaistaot Ctoasing Gnatd teip. Maiateaaace �ide tetp. Office Aide II 21.6A 21.58 21.3i 21.31 19.69 19.11 9.94 4.08 6.61 6.61 6.61 lotets (1) tiarket ldjnatuot af 3.61 added to C01A. (2) T rated poeitioa natil �arket teets aalary raage. (3) flarket ldjnatieat af 1.St added to CObA.