HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 92-038RESOLUTION NO. 9 2- 3$ � RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PROPOSED RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AND REQUESTING CONSENT AND JURISDICTION FROM THE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALZFORNIA, proposee to construct certain public worke of improvement, in a apecial assessment dietrict known and designated ae ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 91-1 (hereinafter referred to ae the "Aeaessment Dietrict"), and as set forth and described in the propoeed Resolution of Intention annexed hereto; and it ie the opinion of this leqielative body that the purpose eought to bQ accompliehed by said work, appurtenancee and improvemente can best be achieved by a einqle compreheneive echeme of improvement, with proceedinqe conducted pursuant to the provisione of ths "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Divfaion 12 of the Streete and Highways Code of the State of Calitornia; and, WHEREAS, it is required and hereby further requeeted that the consent of the City of Indian Wella (hereinafter referred to as "Consentinq Aq�ncy") be procured to the asseasinq of benefitod propertiee, inasmuch aa certain bonetitinq propertiee are within ths juriedictional boundariee of the City of Zndian Wells, all ae deecribed in the propoeQd Resolution of Int�ntion, a copy of which i• attach�d h�rQto. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l. That the above recitale are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the propoeed Reeolution o! Intention attached is hereby ndopted and approved as the propoeed Resolution of Int�ntion for th� work and improve_ mente and appurt�nancoe above reterrod to in the As�easm�nt District, and that th� con��nt of th� Consantinq Aq�ncy i• h�r�by r�quested for thQ followinqs 1. Fornation of the Aeseosment Di�trict= 2. Power to a��a�s benefited propQrti�s epecitically within bounda- ries of Con��nting Aq�ncyj 3. The asswnption of jurisdiction by thie leqislative body for all purpos�s in connection with the Assesem�nt District; 4. Th� con�ent and approval of th� enclosed propoeed Reeolution of Int�ntiont and, 5. Con��nt to and approval of the map forwarded indicating the extent of t�rritory includ�d in th� proposed AseQsoment Di�trict. SECTION 3. Tho City Clork ia hereby directed to iorward a certitied copy of thie Reeolution, toq�ther with the propoeed Resolution of Intentfon attached hereto, and a copy of th� map indicatinq th� extent of tha territory includ�d in th� proposed P►sasmsment District to the Consenting Agency. SECTION 4. This requ�it !or coneant ie mada pursuant to the proviaione of Section 10103 of the Stre�ts and Hiqhways Code of th� StAt• of California. � � _. _�� � RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING INTENTION AND COVERZNG PRELIMINARY DETERHINATYON TO ORDER TiiE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAZN IMPROVEMENTS IN A PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT; ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF A REPORT DESCRIBINC THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES THEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSU- ANCE OF BONDS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l. ThQ public intorest and convenience require, and it ie the intention of thie body, purauant to the provieiona of Division 12 of the Streets and Highway• Cod� of th� State of California (th• "Municipal Improvement Act 1913"), to ord�r tho conetruction of c�rtain public improvements, including Stat• highway work, together with appurtenancee and appurte- nant work, in a special aeseeement diatrict known and deeiqnated aa ASSESSMBNT DISTRICT NO. 91-1 (hereinafter referred to ae the "Aseees- ment Diatrict"). DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS A. That tho ap�cific nature oi ths proposod works of improvement coneiats of th� conotructioa and in�tallation of major traneporta- tion facilities, includinq the Cook Strast/i-10 interchanqe, the Cook Street/3PTC Ov�rcro�oinqj th� r�aligsua�nt of I-lOj the rQalign- ment of Varn�r Rondt and tha exten�ion of Cook Streat (two lanea) from th� SPTC Ov�rcros�iaq to Frank Sinatra, tog�th�r with appurte- nanc�s and appurtenant work, includinq acquiaition ae required and neceseary, to serv• and b�nefit prop�rtiee loceted within the boundari�� ot th� Aast�sment District. 8. Said •trNts, righta-of-way and �as�m�ats •hall b� shown upon the plan� htr�in refQrred to and to bQ tiled with the�o proceedinge. C. l�ll of ■aid work and improvements ara to be conatructed at the plac�s and in th• particular locations, of th• torms, sizes, dia►�nsion� and atatorial4, and at th� lin�s, grad�s and elavationa aa •howa and delinsated upon the plans, prolil�s and epecifications to be made thereior, as hereinafter provided. D. Th• d��cription of th� improv�ments and th� ternini of the work coatainQd in this R000lution aro q�naral in naturo. Al1 iteme of work do not necessarily extend ior the full length of the deacription thereof. ThQ plans and profilvs o! the work aa '"� contained in th� Enqin��r'e "Report" shall be coatrollinq ae to the "'� corroct and dttailed dQecription therQof. � �� '--� PRIVATE CONTRACT SECTZON 8. Notice io h�reby qiven that the public int�re�t will not be served by allowing the property owners to take the contract for the conetruction of tho improvemwnta, and that, aa authorizQd by law, no notico ot award of contract shall be publiehed. GRADES SECTION 9. That notice ia hereby given that thQ grade to which the work shall be done ie to be ehown on the plane and profilee therefor, which grade may vary from tho oxi�ting qrade�. Tho work horQin contomplated ehall be dono to the qrad�s ae indicated on th� plans and epecificationa, to which refQronce io mad� for a do�cription of the qrado at which the work ie to be done. Any objectione or proteet4 to the proposed qrade ehall bo made at the public haarinq to b� conducted under these proceadingo. PROCEEDINGS INQUIRIE3 SECTION 10. For any and all iaformation r�lating to th��• proc��dinq�, including information r�latinq to proteet procQdure, your attontion ie directed to the pereon desiqnated below: RICHARD FOLKERS CITY OF PALM DESBRT 45-275 PRICRLY PEAA LANE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 TELEPHONE: (619) 346-0611 PUBLZC PROPERTY SECTZON 11. All public prop�rty in th� u�� and p�rformanc� of a public function ehall b� oa►itt�d iraa ao�Q�amont in th�s� procQ�dinqo unleaa expresaly provid�d and list�d her�in. NO CITY LIP►BILITY SECTION 12. Thia l�qislativ� body hereby furth�r d�clar�s not to obligate itaQlf to advanc� availabl• tund• irom th� Tr�asury to cur• any d�ficioncy which may occur ia th� bond red�mption iund. Thia d�t�rn►ination io made pur�uant to th� authority ot Section 8769(b) of th� 3trNts and Hiqhways Cod� of th� 3tat• of California, and said d�t�rmination shall further be eet torth in th� text of tho boads iasu�d pur�uant to the "2mprovement BOnd ACt Of 1915". DIVI3ION 4 PROCEEDING3 SECTION 13. Zt io thv intention of thi� lagi�lativ� body to fully comply with tho proc��dinqs and provision• ot th� "Special �►a����mant Inv�atigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act oi 1931", beinq Division 4 of the Streats and Fiighways Code of the Stat� oi California. A report, ae requirQd by said Act, will be on fila with thQ transcript of theae proc�odinqo and open for public inapection. existed at the timo of tho pasaaqe of tho RQoolution of Intention, Qach of which eubdivieione ehall be qiven a eeparate number upon said Diaqramf D. A propoeed asaessment o! the total amount oi the asseasable coets and expansQs of the propo�od improv�ment upon tho aoveral divieione of land in proportion to the estimated b�nafits to be received by such eubdivisions, reepoctively, from said improvement. Said asaesament shall refer to euch eubdivisione upon eaid diaqram by the reepective numbers thereof; E. The deecription oi tho work4 ot improvament to bo conatructed under theo� procooding�, and acqui�ition, whor• n�cea�ary. F. The total amount, a• near ae may b� dot�rmin�d, of thQ principal sum of any unpaid epecial asseasmenta prQvioualy levied or pendinq, other than thoeQ contemplated in thQ�e prxeedinqs. G. The true value of tho parcela of land and improv�menta which are propos�d to b� ass��sed. Said tru� valu� may b� o�timated ae the full caah valuQ of tho parcolo as ahown upon thQ laet equalized aeeessment roll of the County. When any portion or percentaq� oi the cost and expenses of the improvem�nts ia to bo paid from sourc�o othar than aaooaamants, the amount o! ouch portion or p�rcenteq� �hall iirat b� deducted trom the total �stimat�d ao�ts aad �xp�n��• of said work and improvomente, and said aeaos�nwnt ohall includ� only th� ramaindQr oi th� Q�timated coete and expenaes. Safd aeseseaa�nt ehall r�i�r to said eubdivisione by their reopQctiva numbor4 a4 aasiqned pursuaat to Subeoction D. of thie Section. BONDS � SECTION 4. Notic• i� hQroby qivon that bond• to ropr��tnt tha uapaid asseasmenta, and bsar inter�ot at tht rat• oi not to �xct�d th� current legal maximum rate of 12s p�r annum, will i» iasu�d h�r�und�r in th� mannQr provid�d in th� "Improv�n�nt Bond �►ct of 1915", b�inq Diviaion 10 of th� Str�ts and Hiqhways Codo of th� Stat• oi California, which bonda ahall matur� a maximum o! and not to �xc�d TWBNTY-FOUR (24) YEARS from th� •�cond day of sopt�mb�r noxt succ��dinq tw�lv� (12) montha from th�ir dat�. Th� provisiona of Part 11.1 of ■aid Act, providing an alt�raativ� proc�durs for th� advanc� paym�nt o! aa��s�m�nt� and th• callinq of boads ehall apply. Tho principal amount of the bond• maturinq �ach y�ar shall be other than an anwuat �qual to an evan annual proportion oi th� aggreqate principal of th� boads, and the amount of principal maturing in each year, plus th• amount o! int�r��t payabl• in that yoar. will be qenerally an agqr�gat� amount that i• Qqual •ach y�ar, oxcopt for the first y�ar'• adju�tmont.