HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 92-039RESOLUTZON NO. 92-39 � �� RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PROPOSED RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AND REQUE5TING CONSENT AND JURISDICTION FROM THE COUNTY OF RZVERSIDE WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNZA, proposee to conetruct certain public worke of improvement, together with acquisition where necessary, appurtenances and appurtenant work, in a epecial aseeeement diatrict known and deeignated se ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 91-1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Aeeesement Dietrict"), and ae eet forth and deecribed in the propoeed Reeolution of Intention annexed hereto; and it ie the opinion of thie leqialative body that the purpoee sought to be accompliehed by said work, appurtenancee and improvementa can beat be achieved by a sinqle comprehensive echeme of improvement, with proceedinga conducted purauant to the provisione of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streete and Highwaya Code of the State of California; and, wHEREAS, it ie required and hereby further requeeted that the coneent of the County vf Aiverefde (hereinafter referred to ae "Coneentinq Aqency") be procured to the makinq of eaid improvemente, acquiring neceeeary property and rights-of-way, if neceesary, and aeeeseinq benefited parcele, inasmuch ae certafn of the worka of improvement and benefitinq propertiae lie outeide the juriedictional boundariea of the City of Palm Deeert, all ae described in the propoaed Reeolution of Intention, a copy of which is attached hQreto. r NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREHY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWSs SECTION 1. That the above recitale are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That the propoaed Reeolution of Intention attached ie hereby adopted and approved as the propoaed Reaolution of Intentfon for the work and improve- mente and appurteaancee above reierred to in the Aseeeement District, and that the consent o! the Consentinq Aqency is h�reby requeated for the followinq: 1. Formation of the Aasesement Dietrictt 2. Authority to order improvements; 3. Authority and power to acquire rights-of-way, where necessary; 4. Power to asseoe beneiited propertiee opecifically within bounda- rf�• of Cons�nt Agency; 5. The assumption of jurisdiction by thi• leqislative body for all purpooes in connection with the Ae�esement Districtj 6. The coneent and approval of the encloeed propoaed Reeolution of Intantionj and, 7. Conaent to and approval of the map forwarded indicatinq the extent of territory included in the propooed Aee�eomtnt District. sECTioN 3. The City Clerk i� herQby directad to forwrard a certified copy of this Reeolution, together with the propos�d R�eolution of Intention attached hereto, and a copy of the map indicating th� extQnt of the territory included in the proposed Assessment District to the Consenting Agency. _----. RE�GLLTION �0. 9�-39 SECTION 4. This request for consent is made pureuant to the proviaiona of Section 10203 of the Streete and Hiqhwaye Code of the State of California. SECTION 5. That the City agrees to hold harmlesa and indemnify the Conaenting Agency, ita officers and employees, from any and all cauaea of action, claima, loeaee or damages which may arise, directly or indirectly, from the action of the Coneenting Aqency in reviewing and qranting ita consent to the formation of the proposed Assessment District. SECTION 6. That thie Resolution, by ite adoption, updatea, amends and eupercedes Resolution No. 91-30 as previouely adopted by thia City Council. PRSSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, Cali£ornfa, on thie 14 day of Ma V , 1992, by the following votQ: AYES: Crites, Snyder, Wilson NOES: None ABSENTs Bez'iSOri, Kelly ABSTAZN: NOne _� � . , 1 , , A�rE�sr� . ' ` , 9 : � .^ % �' / CITY CLERK ; CITY OF PALM DSSERT I STATE OF CALIFORNIA � � / WALTER H. SNYDER, AC G MAYOR -----_---�..� RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTZON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING INTENTiON AND COVERING PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN A PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRZCT; ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF A REPORT DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES THEREOF; AND PROViDING FOR TFiL ISSU- ANCE OF BONDS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l. The public interest and convenience require, and it ia the intention of thie body, pursuant to the provieiona of Divieion 12 of the Streete and Highways Cod• of thQ Stat� of California (tha "Municipal Improvement Act 1913"), to order the conotruction of certain public improvementa, includinq Stata hiqhway work, toqether with appurtenancea and appurte- nant work, in a epecial aseseement district known and deaignatQd as ASSESSAiENT DISTRICT NO. 91-1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Aesesa- ment District"). DESCRIPTSON OF IMPAOVEMEIdTS A. That the apecitic nature of the proposed works of improvement consietr of th� con�truction and installation of major transporta- tion facilities, includinq the Cook 3treet/I-10 interchanqe, the Cook Streat/SPTC Overcroeainqf thQ rQaliqnm�nt of I-10; the realign- ment of Varner Roadj and the extenaion of Cook Street (two lanea) from th� SPTC Ovorcrossinq to Frsnk Sinatra, tog�thQr with appurtQ- nnnc�s and appurtenant work, includinq acquioition as required and neceseary, to eerve and benefit propsrtiea lxated within the boundari�s of the Asseasment Dietrict. B. Said otrNt�, righta-of-way and eaoemonts ahall b� ahown upon the plana heroin roferred to and to be filad with theaQ proceedinga. C. 1►11 oi said work and improvementa ar• to be conetructed at the plac�• and in th• particular location�, of the forms, eizee, dim�n�ion• and matQriale, and at th� lin�s, grados and elavationo ae ehown and delineated upon the plans, profile• and epecificatione to be made th�refor, as hereinafter provided. D. Th• ds�criptica af the improvement• and th� terniini of the work coatainod in this Reaolution are qanoral in n�turo. All items of work do not necesearily extend for th• full lengtt� of the doscription thereof. The plane and protilee of the work as containQd in tho Engine�r's "Report" shall b� controllinq as to the correct and detailed description ther�of. � E. whenever any public way ie herein referred to as runninq between two public waye, or from or to any public way, the intersections of th public waya referred to are included to the extent that work ehal be ehown on the plane to be done therein. F. Notice is horoby given of the fact that in many caaoa eaid work and improvement will brinq the finiehed work to a grade differeat from that formerly exieting, and that to said extent, eaid grades are hereby chanqed and said work will be done to eaid changed gradea. DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SECTION 2. That said improvements and work are of direct benefit to the properties and land within the Aasesament Diatrict, and this legislative body hereby makee th�a expensea of eaid work and improvement chargeablo upon a diatrict, which said Aseessment Dietrict ie hereby declared to be the Assessment Dietrict benefited by eaid work and improvements and to be aesessed to pay the coete and expensee thereof, including incidental expensee and coete and which is deocribed ae follows: All that certain territory in the Dietrict included within the exterior boundnry linee ahown on the plat exhibiting the property affacted or benefited by or to be asseseed to pay the coeta and expeneea of eaid work and improvements in the Aesesem�nt Dietrict, eaid map titled and identified as "PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 91-1", and which mnp wae heretofore approved and which said map or diagram io on tila with the tranocript of thosQ prxaodinge, EXCEPTING therefrom thQ area ehown within and dQlineated upon eaid map or plat herQinabove rQferred to, the area of all public etreete, public avenuee, public lanes, public roads, public drivee, public cou�ta, public alleys, and all ease- mont� and righta-of-wsy thoroin containad bolonqing to thQ public. For all particulare ar to th� boundariea of the A�seeement Dietrict, referencs ie hereby made to eaid boundary map heretofore previously approved and on file. REPORT OF ENGINLER SECTION 3. That thi� propo4od improvement ie hereby referred to J. F. DAVZDSON ASSOCIATE3, INC., who ie hereby directed to make and fil� a combined report ae authorizwd by SQction 2961 of tho Strooto and Hiqhwaya Codo of th� State of California, said report to be in writing and contain thQ followinq: A. Plans and specifications of the propoead improvem�nt�j B. An estimato of the cost of the propoesd worke of improvement, including the coet of the incid�ntal exponso■ in connection therewith; C. A diaqram showinq the Aeee4ement Diatrict above raierred to, whic 'ehall also show the houndaries and dimenaione of the reepectiv subdivieiona of land within said Aaaeosment Distriat, ae the sam _! �.. exieted at the time of the paesage of thQ Reoolution of Zntention, each of which aubdivieione ehall be qiven a eQparate number upon said.Diaqram; D. A propoeed aseeaement of the total amount of the aaseseable coata and expeneQa of the proposed improvement upon tha aevQral division� of land in proportion to the estimated bonefite to bQ received by such eubdivfeione, reepectively, from said improvement. Said asseesment shall refer to auch subdivisiona upon eaid diagram by the respective numbera thereof; E. The description of the works of improvement to be conatructed under thee� procoedinge, and acquieition, where nacoaaary. F. The total amount, ae near ae may bQ det�rminod, of the principal sum of any unpaid special aseeeamenta previously levied or pendinq, other than those contemplated in th�ae proceQdinqs. G. The true valu• ot tho parcelo oi land and improvements which are propoeQd to be ao�eeeed. Said true valuo may b� •etimatQd ae the full caah valuQ of tha parcole as ehowa upon the laet equalized aeaesement roll of the County. When any portion or percentage of the coat and expensee of the improvQctwnta ia to be paid from oourco� other than aaaoaamonta, the amount ot such portion or percentaqa ahall iiret be daducted from the total •�timat�d co�t• and •xp�n��• of said work and improv�msnt�, and said assaeoment ohall includo only tho raaaindor o! tho a�timated coste and expenses. Said aesesement ehall refer to said subdivisions by their reopectivo numboro aa aooiqned purouant to Subeoction D. of thie Section. BONDS SECTION 4. Notice ia hareby qiv�n that bonds to repres�nt the unpaid aeseesmenta, and b�ar intereet at the rate ot not to axca�d th� current leqal maximwa rate oi 12• per annum, will bo i��ufd h�r�und�r in th� manner providQd in the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915", beinq Division 10 of tho StrQot� and Hiqhwayo Cod� of the StatQ oi California, which bondo shall matur� a maximum of and not to exc�d TW81�iTY-FOUR (24) YEARS from th� a�cond day of September next eucc�dinq tw�lvo (12) monthe from th�ir dat�. Th� provieiona of Part 11.1 of eaid Act, providing an alt�rnativ� proc�dure tor the advanc� paym�nt of a�s�s�awnts and the callinq of bonde ehall apply. ThQ principal aawunt of the bond• maturing �ach y�ar ahall b� other than an amount equal to an even annual proportion of the aqgregate principal ot th� bonds, and the amount ot principal maturing in each ysar, plus tho amount of intQrest payabl• in that yoar, will be generally an aqqr�qat� amount that is oqual •ach y�ar, except ior the fir�t year's adjuatroQnt. � � Pureuant to the provieions of the Streete and Hiqhways Code of the State of Calif ornia, specif ically Section 10603, the Treasurer i hereby designated ae the officer to collect and receive the assessment durinq the cash collection period. Said bonde further ahall b serviced by the Treasurer or designated Payinq Aqent. Refunc3ing Any bonde iseued pursuant to these proceedings and Division (a) may be refunded, (b) the intereet rate on eaid bonds ehall not exceed the maximum intorest rate ae authorized for these proceedings, and the number of years to maturity ahall not exceed the maximum number as authorized for these bonde unlese a public hearing ie expresely held ae authorized pureuant to eaid Divieion 11.5, and (c) any adjustmente in assesamente resulting from any refundinqe will be done on a pro-rata baeis. Any authorized refundinq shall be purauant to the above conditione, and pursuant to the provieions and reetrictiona of Division 11.5 of the Streete and Highways Code of the State of California, commencinq with Section 9500, and all further conditiona shall b� get forth in the Bond Indenture to be appraved prior to any iasuance of bonds. "MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913" SECTION 5. That except aa herein otherwiee provided for the iaeuance of bonds, all of eaid improvements shall be made and orderod pursuant to th provisione of the "Municipal Improvement Act ot 1913", beinq Divisio 12 of the Streete and Highwaye Code of the Stat• of California. SURPLUS FUNDS SECTION 6. That it any exceee ahall be realized from the aesesement, it ehall be u�ed, in •uch amounts aa ths loqiilativ• body may dot�rmin�, in accordance with the provisiono of law for one or more of the following purposes: A. Tranafer to the genQral fund; provided that tha amount of any such tranof�r •hall not exceed the l�aser o� On� Thoueand Dollars (S1,000.00) or fivo percent (5$) ot tha total from the Zmprovement Fund; B. As a credit upon the aeseeement and any suppi�m�ntal aas�asm�nt; or C. For ths maintenance oi the improvement. SPLCIAL FUND SECTION 7. The leqielativQ body hereby eatablishea a apocial improvemont fund identified and desiqnated by the name of this Aasesament Diatrict, and into eaid Fund moniae may be transferred at any tima to expedite th� making of the improvementa herein authorized, and any such advancemen• of funds is a loan and ehall be repaid out of the proc�de of the sal� of bonds ae authorized by law. PRIVATE CONTRACT SECTION 8. Notice ia hereby qiven that the public interQet will not be served by allowinq the property owners to take the contract for the conatruction of the improvemento, and that, ae authorized by law, no notice of award of contract ehall be published. GRADES SECTION 9. That notice ie hereby given that the qrade to which the work ahall be done ie to be shown on the plane and profilee therefor, which qrade may vary from the Qxisting gradee. The work hQr�in contemplated ehall be done to the qradae ae indicated on the plans and epecificatione, to which reference ie mads for a deocription of thQ qrado at which the work ie to be done. Any objections or proteeta to the proposed grade ehall be made at the public hearinq to b�a conducted under these proceedinge. PROCEEDINGS INQUZRIES SECTION 10. For any and all information relatinq to the�• proc��dinqe, including information ralatinq to proteet procedure, your attention is directed to the peraon desiqnated below: RICHARD I+'OLKERS CITY OF PALM DESERT 45-275 PRICKLY PEAR LANE PALM DE5ERT, CA 92260 TELEPHONE: (619) 346-0611 PUSLIC PROPERTY SECTION 11. All public property in ths us• and p�rformancs of a public function ehall bQ aaitt�d iran aoaoe��nt in thQao prx�dinq� unleoa expreoaly provided and list�d herein. NO CITY LZABILITY SECTION 12. Thi� laqislativ� body hereby Lurther declares not to obliqate its�lf to advanco availablo funde from the Treaaury to cur� any deficiency which may occur in the bond redemption fund. Thia deteraaination ia made pursuant to the authority of Section 8769(b) ot th� Streeta and Hiqhwaye Codo oi th� Stat• of California, and oaid d�t�rmination shall furthQr be aet torth in th� text of the bonde ieeu�d pureuant to the "Improvement Bond Act oi 1915". DIVISION 4 PROCEEDINGS SECTION 13. It is the intention of thi� legialative body to fully comply with the �� proceedinqe and provisione of the "Sp�cial Aes�asment inveetiqation, t Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931", beinq Oivision 4 of the Streeto and Hiqhwaye Code of the StatQ of Caliiornia. A report, as required by eaid Act, will be on file with the tranacript of these proceedinqe and op�n for public inepection. 0 WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY SECTION 14. It ie hereby further determined to be in the best public intereat a convenience and more economical to do certain work on private proper to eliminate any dieparity in level or eize between the improvemente an the private property. The actual cost of such work ie to be added to the aesesement on the lot on which the work ie dona, and no work of this nature is to be performed until the written coneent of the property owner ia firat obtained. ANNUAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENT SECTION 15. It ia hQraby declared that thia leqieiative body propoaea to levy an annual aeoeeament pureuant to Section 10204 of the Streete and Hiqhways Code of the State of California, eaid annual aseessment to pay coats incurred by the City and not otherwiso reimbursed which reault from the adminietration and collection of aseessmants or from the administration or regietration of any aseociated bonds and reserve of other related funde. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California, on this day of , 1992, by the followinq vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENTs ABSTAINs MAYOP. ATTEST: CITY CLERK CITY OF PALM DESERT STATE OF CALIFORNIA I J