HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 92-087RESOLUTION NQ. 92-87
CASE NOS. TT 25296 and PM 27501
WHEREAS. the Plann(ng Commfssion of the City of Palm Desert.
California. did on the 21st day of July. 1992. hold a duly noticed public
hear(na to consider the reauest of ALTAMIRA VENTURES for the proiect
described above; and
WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Palm Oesert. Californla, did
on the 13th day of August. 1992. hold a duly noticed pubifc hearing to
consider the re4uest of ALTAMIRA VENTURES for the project described above;
WHEREAS. said a�licatton has complied with the requirements of the
"City of Palm Desert Procedure for implementation of the Calffornia
Envtronmental Ouality Act, Resolution No. 80-89", in that the director of
community develocxne�t has determined that an addendum has been preAared to
the arevious EIR SCH#9f012061; and
WHEREAS. at said publtc hearing, unon hearing and consldering a11
testirtany and arguments. if any of ali interested persons desiring to be
heard. said �lanning cortmisston did find the following facts a�d reasons to
exist to iustify aoproval of the tentative tract mep and parcei map:
(a) That the proposed map 1s con3lstent W1th applicable ge�eral and
sceciflc plans.
(b) That the design or improvertient of the proposed subdivlsion is
consistent with appllcable general and specific plans.
(c) Thet the site 1s phystcally suitable for the type of development.
!d) That the stte is phystcally suitable for the proposed density of
deve 1 o�xnent .
le) That the design of the subdlvtsion or the proposed improvements
are not likely to cause substantial environmental damaye or
substentfally and avoidably injure fish or wlldlife or thet�
lf) That the deslgn of the subdlvlsion or the tyc�e of irnprovements is
not likeiy to cause serious public health problems.
(g) Thet the design of the subdlvision or the type of tmprovements
wiil not conflict wtth easements. ecquired by the public at large.
for access through or use of property with the proposed
(hl The maa w111 allow unrestrlcted solar eccess to all lots by
prov(dtng ooen saace throughout profect.
li) The site is physically suitable for the type of development by
meeting hillside develooment standards. providing protective flood
control installations and avoidence of significant rock out-
WHEREAS. in the review of this tentative tract map the city council has
considered the effect of the contemolated action on the housing needs of the
reaion for �urposes of balancing these needs against the publlc service
needs of the residents of the City of Palm Desert and its environs. with
available fiscal and environmental resources.
NOW. THEREFORE. 8E IT RESOLVED by the City Councll of the City of Palm
Desert. California. as follows:
l. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the
findinas of the cortmission in this case.
2. That it does hereby aoprove the above described Tentative Tract
Map No. 25296 and Parcel MaA No. 27501. subject to the attached
PASSED. APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular rneeting of the Palm Desert
City Council. held on this lOth day of Septertiber. t992. by the following
vote. to wit:
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SHEILA R.�Cs(�LIGAN. C ty Clerk
City of Palm Desert. lifornia
RESOlUTION N0. 92-87
CASE NOS. TT 25296. PM 27501
DeQertment of Cam�x► i tv Deve 1 a�oment :
1. Comcly with all conditions from Ctty Council Resolution No. 91-89 and
CitY Council Resolution No. 91-90 approving previous proiect except
Item No. 11 has been deleted.
Prevlous City Mitigation Measures. Resolutton No. 91-90, to be deleted
are !3: 15(a): 15li): and 33. Prevtous City Mitigation Measures.
Resolution No.. 91-90. l5(b) through 15li) are modified to apply oniy
in the area previously designated as the buffer zone on the Altam(ra
c�roc�erty. Parcel s 2 and 3 on PM 2750I .
Previous CEQA Mitigatlon Measures. Resolution No. 9l-89. to be deleted
are l3; 18(a); 18f.i): 20: 21; 33: and 44(a). Previous CEQA Mltigation
Measures Nos. l8(b) through 18(iI are modlfied to apply only in the
area previousiy designated as the buffer zor�e, Parcels 2 and 3 on
PM 27501. Previous CEQA Mitigation Measure No. 45 ts clarified to
state that the lambing season shall run from February 1 to June 30 of
each calendar year.
Previous City Council Conditlons. Resolution No. 91-90, to be deleted
are 8: 9; and 10.
Oepertn�ent of P� 11 c Mo�ks s
TT 25296:
1. All aoplicable provisions. condttions and requfrertients for Tentattve
Tract 25296 as approved by the Palm Desert City Councii on August 5.
1991 by Resolutton No. 91-90. as Nell es the assoclated Envi�onmental
Impact Rec�ort as ce�tified by the city council on August 5, 1991 as
Resolutton No. 91-89, shall be considered as condittons of approval for
thls project.
PM 27501:
1. All aaoiicable provlsions. conditions and requiretnents for Tentative
Tract 25296 es approved by the Palm Desert City Council on August 5.
1991 by Resolution No. 91-90, as well as the assoclated Envlro9nmental
(mpact Report as certif(ed by the city counctl on August 5. 1991 as
Resolutio� No. 91-89, shell be considered as condittons of approval for
thls project.
RESOIUT[ON N0. 92-87
Riverside Countv Fire Oc.�oertment:
1. With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above
referenced proiect. the Fire OeAartment recortmends the foliowing fire
Urotection measures be provided in accordance with C1ty Municlpal Code,
NFPA. UfC. and UBC and/or recognized Fire Protection Standards:
The Fire Depa�tment is reauired to set a minimum fire flow for the
remodel or construction of all cortmercial butld(ngs per Uniform Fire
Code Section 10.301C.
2. A fire flow of 1500 gFxn for a 1 hour duratio� at 20 psi residual
ooerating pressure must be available before any combustible material is
r�laced on the Job site.
3. Provide. or show there exists, a water system capable of providing a
c�otentlal galion per minute flow of 1500 for stnyle family. 2500 for
multifamtly, and 3000 for cormx�rcial. The actual fire flow available
from any one hydrant connected to eny given weter main shall be 1500
gpm for two hours duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure.
4. The reauired fire flow shali be avatlabie from a Super hydrant(s) (6" x
4" x 2-1/2" x 2-I/2"). located not less than 25' nor mor�e than 200'
single famtly, 165' muitifamily, artd i50' comnercial from any portion
of the build}ng(s) as measured along approved vehlculsr travelways.
Nydrants installed beloN 3000' elevatton shell be of the "wet berrel"
5. A combtnation of on-slte and off-site Super fire hydrants (6" x 4" x 2-
1/2" x 2-1/2"1. located not less than 25' nor more than Z00' singie
family, 165' multifamily, and l50' commerciai from any portlon of the
buildtng(s) as measured along app�oved vehicular travelways. The
required fire fiow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in
the system.
6. Provlde wrttten certification from the appropriate water company having
�iurisdictton that hydrant(s) will be tnstalied and will produce the
reauired fire flow, or arrange field lnspection by the Fire Oepartment
prior to request for f1na1 inspection.
7. Prior to the applicatfon for a building permit. the developer shalt
furnlsh the original and two coples of the Water system plen to the
County F1re Depertment for review. No bulldtng permit shall be issued
until the aater system plan has been approved by the County Fire Chief.
Uc�on anvrovel, the orlginal will be returned. One copy will be sent to
the resAonsfble inspecting authority.
Plans shall conform to ftre hydrant types, locatlon and spactng, and
the system shall meet the flre flow requirements. Plans shall be
signed by a Registered Civil Engineer and may be signed by the local
water company with the fallowing certification: "I certify that the
design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements
prescribed by the Rtverside County Fire Depertment." "System has been
designed to arovide a minimum gallon per minute flow of 1500� 2500,
8. The reauired itre flow may be adJusted at a later point in the permit
process to reflect cha�aes in design, construction type. area
senarations, or built-in fire protectton measu�es such as a fully fire
sprinklered buildina.
9. Comaly with Title 2d of the California Code of Regulattons, adopted
January l. 1990. for all occupancies.
10. lnstall a complete flre sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post
indicator valve and fire department connection shell be located to the
front. not less than 25' from the building and within 50' of an
aAproved hydrant. This applies to all buildings with 3000 syuare feet
or more building area as measured by the building footprint, inciuding
overhangs wh(ch are sprinklered per NFPA 13. The building area of
additional floors is added in for a cumulative total. Exempted are one
and two family dwellings.
11. Install a fire alarm (water flow) as required by the Uniform Building
Code 3803 for sprinkler system. install tamper alarms on all supply
and control valves for sprinkler systems.
12. Certain dezignated areas will be required to be maintalned as ftre
lanes and shall be ciearly marked by painting and/or aigns approved by
the Fire Marshal.
13. Install a ftre ala�m as required by the Uniform Building Code and/or
Uniform Fire Code. Minimum requfrement ts UL central station
monitoring of sprinklet- system per NFPA 71 and 72. Ala�m pla�s a�e
requtred for all UL central- statlon monitored systems. systems where
anv tnterior devices are required or used. (ll.F.C. 14-f03(a))
14. [nstell portable fire extingutshers per NFPA. Pemphlet �10, but not
less than ZAlOBC in rattng. Fire extinguishers must not be over 75'
walking distance. In addition to the above. a 40BC flre extinguisher
is required for ca�mercial kitchens.
15. Install a MoodlDuct automatic fire exttnqutshing system If operating a
commerctal kitchen including, but not limfted to. deep fryers, grills.
charbroilers or other appliances which produce grease laden vapors or
smoke. NFPA 96. 17, 17a.
RESO�UTIpN !q. 92-87
16. Install a dust collecting system as per the Uniform Building Code.
Section 910a and Uniform Fire Code Section 76.102� if conducting an
ooeration that produces airborne particles. A carpenter or woodNorking
shoA is considered one of several industrial processes requiring dust
17. Al1 buildings shall be accessible by an all-weather roadway extending
to within 150' of all oortions of the exterior walls of the first
sto�v. The roadway shall be not less than 24' of unobstructed width
and l3'6" of vertical clearance. Where parallel parking is allowed.
the roadway shall be 36' wide with parking on both sldes. 32' wlde with
carkina on one side. Dead-end roads in excess of l50' shall be
orovided with a minimum 45' radius turn-around (55' in industrial
developments). Fountains or garden islands placed in the middle of
these turn-arounds shall �ot exceed a 5' radtus or l0' diameter. City
standards may be more restrictive.
l8. Whenever access into prlvate property is controlled through use of
gates. barriers. guard houses or similar mea�s, provts(on shell be made
to facilitate access by emergency vehtcles in a manner approved by the
Fire Oepartment. All controlled access devices that are power operated
shall have a Knox Box over-ride system capable of opening the gete when
activated by a special key located in eme�gency vehtcles. Devices
shell be equlpped with backup power facilities to operate in the event
of power failure. All controlled access devices that are not power
operated shell also be app�oved by the F1re Oepertment. Mlnimum
openina width shall be 16' with a minimum vertical clearance of 13'6".
19. A dead end stngle access over 500' in length will require a secondary
access. sprinkle�s or other mittg�tive measure approved by the Fire
Marshal. Under no circumstances shall a single dead end access over
1300 feet be accepted.
20. A second access ts required. Th1s can be accomplished by two main
access points from mein roadway or an emergency gated access tnto an
adjoining development.
21. Contact the Fire Department for a final inspection prtor to occupency.
Does not include singie family unless fire sprinklered.
22. All new residences/dNelling are required to have illuminated
residential addresses meeting both city and fire department approvai.
Shake shi�gle roofs are no longer permitted in the cities of indian
Wells. Rancho Mirage or Palm Desert.
23. Commercial buildings shall have illuminated addresSes of a size
aaproved by the city.
RESOI.UT i ON N0. 92-87
24. All fire snrinkler systems. fixed fire suppression systems and alarm
olans must be submitted separately for approval prior to construction.
Subcontractors should contact the Fi�e Marshal's office for submittal
Z5. Conditions subject to change with adoption of new codes, ordinances.
taws. or when building permits are not obtained within twelve months.
l. Clubhouse and matntenance yard site plans r�wst be submitted in separate
2. There are three excessive length cui-de-sacs. They are serving
mai�tena�ce yards. lot 406-422, and lots 379-405. Must provide access
per co�dition �o. 2l.
3. Conform to conditlo� no. l8 when submitting site details for clubhouse
and ma(ntenance buildings.
4. Provide sectlon detatl for 20' fire access easement.
[nventory of Mitiae�tion Measures:
1. Prtor to the lssuance of grading permtts, the appllcant shall obtain
approval by the Cfty Engtneer of a grading operations plan including
water procedures to minimtze dust. and equlpment procedures to minimize
vehicle emissions from grading equipment. The plan shall provide that
grading operations by suspended during second (or worse) state smog
alerts by the AQMO.
2. Prior to the lssuance of a grading permit. the applicant sheli submit a
final geotechnical report to the City Engineer. Tne report will be
based on 100-scale meps and w111 primarlly involve assessment of
potenttel soil related constratnts and hazerds, such as landslides.
settlement. liquefaction or related seismlc lmpects where determined to
be approp�iate by the City of Palm Oesert. The report shaii aiso
include evaluation of potentfal expansive soils and recormiended
construction procedu�es andlor desfgn criteria to minlmize the effect
of these soils on the propoSed development. as Nell as an analysis of
soii propertfes to determine any existence of soluble sulfate in the
soil. This report shall recomrnend appropriate mltigation meesures of
the grading permit and shall be completed in a ma�ner spectfied in the
Citv of Palm Desert Grading Excavation Ordlnance.
3. Prior to the issuance of e gradi�g permit for each phese of
developsnent. a greding pla� shall be submitted for the revtew and
apAroval of the City E�gineer. Said pian shall incorporate the
following measures:
a. SCAOhlD Rule 403 shell be adhered to which requires watering or
application of soil binders to limit dust generation.
b. Grading shall not occur when wind speed exceeds 20 miles per hour.
c. A street sweeping program shall be undertaken to reduce fugttive
dust from t�afftc.
d. All construction veh}cles shall be washed off before leaving the
e. Parking areas for construction personnel shall be placed in such a
manner that traffic flows are not interfered with. �
f. Construction activities whfch affect ro�dways shail be undertaken
in during off peak hou� oniy and in such a manner that at least
one lane remain open in each direction.
4. To reduce pollutant emissions from construction equipment. said
eauipment shall be proaerty tuned and maintained. Compliance shall be
demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Ctty Engineer. --
5. Prior to issuance of the grading permit. the applicant shall submit a
Alan for the review and approvai of the City Engineer and the Coacheila
Vailey Water District lndicating that all excess runoff generated by
the croiect shall be retained on-site.
6. Prtor to lssuance of the grading permit, the applicant shall submit an
erosion control plan for the revtew and approval of the City Engineer
and the Coachella Valley Water Dlstrict. Said plan shall indicate
temporary �roston control measures that shell be implernented until the
proposed drainage control improvement measures are compieted.
7. Prior to issuance of any grading permits. the following dratnage
studies shall be submltted to and approved by the City Englneer and the
Coachella Valley Nater District:
a. A drainege study of the subdlvision. including diverstons. off-
site areas that drain onto and/or through the subdlvision, and
justification of any diversion; and
b. A drainage study evidencing thet proposed dra(nage patterns wili
not overload existfng storm drains; and
c. Detailed drainage studies indicati�g how the tract mep grading. in
conjunction wtth the drainage conveyance systems, including
applicable soils. channels, street flows, catch basins. storm
RESOI-UTI�N N0. 92-87
dreins and flood water retarding. Nill alloa building pads to be
safe from inundation from rainfall runoff which may be expected
for all storms up to and including the theoretical l00-year flood.
d. A Alan for stormwater protective wo�ks.
8. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits. the applicant shall
design the following improvements and provide necessary dedications in
a manner meettng the af�provel of the City Engine�r and the Coachella
Valley Nater District:
a. All provisions for surface drainage: and
b. A11 necessary storm dratn facfittles extending to a sattsfactory
point of disposal for the proper control and disposal of sto�m
runoff; and
c. Where determtned necessary by the City Englneer. the associated
easements shell be dedtcated to the City of Palm Oesert, the
County of Riverside� or the Coachella Vailey Water District.
Prior to recordation of any fir►al tract mep or prior to issuance
of certificates of use and occupancy. whichever comes first, said
improvements shali be constructed in a manner meeting the approval
of the City Engineer and the Coschella Vailey Water District.
9. Prior to recordetion of a final n►ap. the applicant shell construct or
oost security guaranteeing the construction of the following pubiic
and/or private improvements in conformance with applicable City
" Alt street tmprove�nents
" Storm drain facilities
" Subdraln faci11t1es
" Landscaping i�rigetlon control system (streets. parks. and public
10. Prior to issuence of a grading permlt, the epplicant shall lnstail
facillties to prohibit access to the Oead Indien Creek Stormwater
Channel right-of-aay tn a manner meeting the approval of the Chief
Engtnee�, Coachella Valley Mater Dtstrict.
11. Prior to the tssuance of any building permit. the applfcant shall
a�range for the relocation of any Coachella Valley water District
facilities affected by the project. in a menner meetfng the approval of
the Chief Engfneer. Coachelle Velley Water District.
12. Prior to the igsuance of any grading, clearing or other landform
modification permit. the developer shall submit written evidence to the
Dlrector of Camiunity Development that appropriate federal, state and
county permits have been obtained for the btologicai resources on-site
to be removed by development. Said permits shall specify the timing,
nature and review authority for the mitigation measures, if any. which
are required in connectlon with these removels. No removels shall be
authorized until all necessary resource agency permits have been
t3. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the developer shall
submit a pian to the Director of Cortmunity Development for review and
approval of a fence to be constructed along the eastern and southern
property lines and CCR's showing the following:
a. An five foot chain-link fence extending to a point t+vo feet below
finished grade separating structural developnent from any set back
area, whether totai open space or open space/recreational uses.
b. The fence must be colored and camouflaged to blend with the
natural open space in the vicinity, and shall abut or connect to
other block Nells along the perlmeter of the property with no gaps
or separations not secured by a gate or other structure approved
by the Directo� of Conrnunity Development.
No shrubs or vines shaii be planted along the fence which aould
facilitate pets clfmbing over the fence.
Structural development ad�acent to the fence shail be set back 20
14. Prior to the issuance of any grading permlt, the developer shall submit
evidence to the Director of Community Development that no standing
water for construction purposes (e.g., dust control) is maintained on-
site. The Director, through posted wa�nings and greding inspection.
shall ensure that no wo�kers or equipment are permitted outside
constructio� aress.
15. Prtor to the issuance of any grading permtt. the deve]oper shall submit
to the D 1 rector of Cannun i ty Deve i opnent for rev t eW and app�ove 1 of a
devetopment control pian evidencing the following:
a. Structure designs sheii i�corporate non-glare materials, including
MI�1�Ms and eny other exterior fixtures. Use of extertor lighting
should be kept to an absolute minimum and ifghting shaii not shtne
directly on the adjacent southern property. These rest�ictions
shall be included in the developrnent CCR's.
b. Use of exterio� st�eet 1lghts shall be
lighting shall not shine dlrectly on
property. Those street lights that are
high glare type of light.
kept to a minlmum and
the adjace�t southern
requtred should not be a
RESOlUTION N0. 92-87
c. No outdoor dogs shall be allowed in the southern portion of the
development that boarders the southern property line.
Furthermore, a leash law shall be established and strictly
enforced in the CCR's.
d. Additional; CCR's shall be developed that impOlement noise
restrictions fn the development and especially in the southern
portion. These wouid inciude restrictions on fireworks, gas
poNered blowers, racing of motorcycles or other loud vehicles
through the development, and excesslvely loud celeb�attons or
e. Use of the golf course shall be �estricted to daylight hours only.
f. Pond banks shall be created With a 45 degree or greater slope with
an absolute minimum depth of l foot.
g. Pond banks shail be concrete to eliminete insect breeding habitat.
h. Mosquito fish tGambusia afffnis) shail be released into ponds to
provlde a btotogical control of lnsect larvae.
items a. through h. above shall apply only to the area within Parcels 2 and
3 of Tentative Parcel Map No. 27501.
t. Xeric adapted plants thet are native to the Coachella Valley shall
be utillzed 1n the general lendscaping designs. Plant ltsts shall
emphasize native vegetation such as smoke t�ees. occotiilo, yucca,
succulents, gravely ground cove�s and the like.
16. Prior to the is�ua�ce of any gradtng permit, the developer shall submit
to the Director of CamK�nity Developn►ent and the U.S.Fish and W1ldiife
Service a Qesert Tortoise 100X coverage survey in accordance with the
protocol establlshed for USFWS. Ad�ustments to the pro,�ect, if any,
sheil be in accordance with the USFMS determfnation.
17. Pr1or to the issuence of any g�ading permit, the developer shell submit
to the Director of Community Development a report by a quelified
blologist on the status of the burrowing owi nest. No construction
activitles shall take place in the vicinity of the nest between April l
and July 31.
18. Prtor to the removel of any smoke tree, the developer shall submit
evidence to the Director of Cormiunity Development that the necessary
permit(s? have been obteined from the County Agricuitural Commissioner.
19. Prior to the issuence of a grading permit, the epplicant shail p�ovtde
Kritten evidence to the City Engi�eer that e certifted archaeologist
has been retained, shall be present at the pre-grading conference�
shall establish procedures for archaeological resource surve111ance.
and shall establish, in cooperation with the project deveioper,
procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit the
sampling, identiftcation, and evaluation of arttfacts as appropriate.
If additional or unexpected archaeological features are discovered, the
archaeologist shall report such ftndings ta the project developer and
to the Oirector of Community Development. If the archaeologtcai
resources are found to be stgnificant, the archaeological observer
shall determine appropriate actions, in cooperation with the project
developer, for exploration and/or salvage. Excavated fi�ds shall be
offered to the Ctty of Palm Desert on a first refusal basis. Applicant
may retain said finds if written assurance is provided that they will
be properly preserved in Riverside County, unless said finds are of
special significance, or a museum in Rlverslde County indicates a
desire to study and/or display them at this time, in whlch case items
shall be donated to the city or designee. These actions, as well as
final mitigatlon and disposition of the resources, shell be subject to
the approval of the Director of Cortmunity Development.
20. Prio� to the
grading plan
plan shall
lssuence of a grading permit. the applicant shall submit a
for the review and approval of the City Engineer. Said
demonstrate that the foliowing measures have been r
a. The private street proposed adjacent to The Summit shall not
exceed in elevation three (3) feet from the top of curb to
co�crete swale located within the Pe�tmeter of The Summit. or five
{5) feet below the top of the aall.
b. Pad elevations in the area adjacent to The Surtmit shai{ not exceed
2.5 feet in elevation from top of curb on the directly adJacent
private street.
21. Prior to the issuence of building permits for any u�tts on the northern
site edge, the appllcant/developer shall submlt erchltecturel plens for
the revle+�+ and approval of the Director of Cannunity Development. Said
plans shall dertqnstrate the followtng:
a. Buildtng heights in the area adjacent to The Summit shall not
exceed 18 feet.
b. Hortzontel architectural elements shall be emphaslzed for
structures adjacent to or directly exposed to vtews from The
Summit. Prtme�ily ve�tical featu�es such as la�ge, u�broke� waii
faces shall be avolded.
c. Shalloa roof pltches shail be encouraged for structures adjacent
to or dlrectly exposed to views from The Summlt. Structures with
flat roofs at or ciose to the maxtmum permissible building height
shall be avofded.
d. The ortentation of atl exterior light sources shell be directed
away from residences within The Sumnit. Exterior lighting near
the northern edges of the property shali be low ievel and low
wattage, Floodlighting of structures, trees. o� plantings for
purely display purposes in thts area shall be avoided.
e. Landscapfng betkeen the proposed private drive and the block wall
along the boundary within The Surtmit sha11 empioy a plant palette
the mature hetght of which does not exceed the Nall. Intermittent
formal clusters of palm trees are permtssible 1n this area.
22. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit a
grading plan for the revtew and approval of the City Engineer. Said
plan shall demonstrate the following:
a. Grading or ground disturbance on areas currently exposed as
bedrock along the far southern edge of the property shall be
avoided, most signiftcantly on the h111side at the southeastern
edge of the stte.
b. Grading techntques used for the area north of Dead Indian
Creek/Carrizo Creek wash shall emphaslze siope contouring and
variable siopes. Hard edges and angle� a�e to be evoided; tops
and toes of slopes shall be blended with rematning area of the
rugged and uneven surrounding natural surface.
23. The proposed project shall comply with all applicable Publfc Utilities
Commission regulatfons. Butlders will be required to comply with
adopted state energy conservetion standarCs per Sections 1451-1542 of
Titie 20 of the Celtfornla Administrative Code and Sections P-20-1451
through P-20-1542 of T1tle 24 of the Code. This mitlgation measu�e
shall be monito�ed th�ough the City's building code enforcement
24. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall submit
revised plans indiceting the bike trail on the eaet slde of Highrvay 74
for the rev 1 ew and approva 1 of the 0 i rector of Camx�n i ty Deve i opment .
The applicent shall bond for or otherwlse guarantee construction of the
bike trail prior to the tssuence of building permtts in a manner meting
the approval of the Ctty Engineer.
25. Pr1or to recordation of a finel subdivision map, the appiicant shail
comply wtth the Local Park Code either through the dedication of land
and improvements or the peyment of in-lieu fees as approved by the
Director of Cannunity Developrtient.
RESOlUTION N0. 92-87
26. Prior to the issuance of a building perrnit for any area of the project
located in the SP, "Scenic Preservation" Overlay Zoning District
(Chapter 25.44, Codified Ordinances of the City of Palm Desert).
project pians shail be submltted for the revtew and approval of the
design review baard or Planning Cortmfssfo�. The purpose of such review
is to acknowledge location of the project in a scenic corridor and to
review and make recommendations on preservation of scenic vistas,
setbacks, landscaping, bullding heights, signs and mltlgation of
excessive noise.
27. Prior to the issuance of certifScates of use and occupa�cy, the
following improvements shail be tnstalled in a manner meeting the
approval of the City Traffic Engineer:
a. A left turn pocket, 260 feet long with a 90 foot transitlon, shall
be striped for traffic on southbound SR 74 entering the proJect.
b. Landscape plantings and signs shall be 1lmited to 36 inches in
height within 25 feet of project driveway3 to ensure good
Install a"STOP" sign on site egress roedway to SR 74.
Install a second project access for emergency vehicles only at the
end of Portola Avenue.
28. Prior to the issuance of certiflcetes of use and occupancy the
appllcant shall enter into an agreement with the city to participate in
a program to provide off-slte improvements to regional roadr+ays and
intersectlons that shelt be constructed prior to Year 20Q0. F(na1
design and phasing sheli be based on deteiled annuai monitoring and
anaiysis of actual traffic demends at the critical lmpacted
intersecttons identifled in the EIR. Funding of improvements shall be
derived from the Uniform Transportation Mitigation Fee and Measure A
where applicable with the belance from RDA.
29. The coerators of the golf club house shall reserve and designate at
least 15x of the ertployee parking spaces for carpool vehicies by
marking such speces "CARPOOI ONLY". Carpool speces shali be used only
by carpooi vehtcles in which at least two of the persons will be
employees. Such spaces shall be located within twenty feet of the club
house er►iployee entrance(s) or other preferentiel locations as approved
by the city trafftc engineer.
30. The operators of the golf club house shall provide one bicycle pa�king
facillty (e.g., blcycle racks) for each five employees per shtft within
twenty feet of the employee entrance(s) or other preferential location
as approved by the city trefftc engineer.
31. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submtt
plans for the provision of a bus turnout and passenger waiting shelter
north of the project entrance for the review and approval of the
director of community development and the director of planning of the
Sunline Transit Agency.
32. Prior to the issuance of a grading pe�mit, the applicant shall submit
evidence to the dlrector of cortmunity development than an encroachment
permit has been obtained from the State Department of Transportation
prior to cortmencing any work within the uitimete right-of-way of State
Route 74.
33. Prtor to the issuance of a gradi�g permit� the applicant shall submit a
grading phasing plen for the review and approval of the city engineer.
Satd plan shall indicate phasing of g�ading such that no grading or
related activittes wiil occur within 1,000 feet of the Bighorn
Institute proRerty during lambing seaSon tFebruary 1 through June 30).
34. Grading activities shall be in accordence with current city ordlnances.
35. Prior to the issuance of any butlding permit for habitabie structures,
the appltcant shail submit a lighting plan for the review and approval
of the director of camiunity development and the city engineer. Said
plan shall indicate the location and purpose of all light sources on
the site. Lighting on the project site shall be that minimally
necessary for security and public health and safety purposes.
Ornamental lighting. 1lghting for the drtvin9 range and tennis courts.
and lighted signs shall be ellowed only where it can be demonstrated to
the satisfactio� of the director of cormiunity develvpment that all
light rays are directed downward and are confined to the premises.
36. Prior to the tssuance of any building permit for hebitable structu�es.
architectural plans shall be submitted for the review and approvai of
the city engineer and the director of community development. Said
review is to ensure th�t all structures utillze non-glare, non-
reflective building materials inciuding roofing materials, paving,
patnt, and exterior materials.
37. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, project plans shall be
reviewed with the Riverslde County Sheriff Department. Said review
shall focus on security measures or other design features to ensure
public safety within the project area.
38. Prior to the issuance of certificates of use and occupency, the
applicant shall particlpate o� a pro rata besis in the funding of
pos9tions end/or equtpment necessary for the Riverslde County Sheriff
Department to continue to operate at its current level of service fn
this portion of the city. Determination of necessary measures shall be
rt►ade by the county sheriff in consultation with the city rt+anager and
director of cortxnunity development.
39. Prior to the issuance of buitdtng permtts for any resldentfal
structures. the applicant shall pay approprtate school mitigatlon fees
as required by the Desert Sands Unified School 0lstrict.
40. Prior to the issuance of any building permit for combustible
construction, the developer shall submlt evidence to the director of
cortmunity development that a r,ater storage and delivery facilities plan
has been approved by the C.V.W.D. and any other agencies with
�urisdiction� togethe� with all appropriate permits and environmentai
documentation thereoF.
41. Prior to the reco�dation of a final map, the applicant shall construct
or post security guaranteeing the constructlon of the following public
and/or private improvements in co�formance with applicable city
* All street improvements
" Storm drain facilities
" Subdrain factlities
" Landscape lrrfgatton
public areas)
control facilities (trees, parks and
42. Pr1or to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit
and have approved by the director of community development, a weter
conservatlon statement which demonstrates compliance With the
A landscape piant palette compatible wfth identified
condtttons uttlizing drought reslstant vegetatton where
Reclaimed water has been used for landscape trrtgation to the
extent feeslble.
Wate� conserving features such as iow vofume water ciosets
and lavatory faucets with limited flow valves are
tncorporated into the proJect.
43. Prior to the tssuance of building permits, the epplicant shell submit
and have approved by the city engineer and the Co�chella Valley Water
District a water conservation statement whtch demon3trates compliance
with the foilowing:
" A landscape plant palette compatibie with identified
conditions utilizing drought resistent vegetation where
RESOlUTION N0. 92-87
' Reclaimed water has been used for landscape irrigation to the
extent feasible.
" Water-conserving features such as low volume water closets
and lavatory faucets with limited flow valves are
incorporated into the project.
44. Sewer improvement pla�s shall be submitted for the revieW and approvai
of the city engineer and the Coachella Valley Water Oistrict prior to
the issuance of building perrnits.
45. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall
submit a phasing plan to GTE California for review and approval.
d6. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall
submit a phastng plan to Palmer Cable Vision for revtew and approval.
47. The proposed project shail conform to applicable Public Utilities
Commission regulations. 6uilders will be required to compiy with
adopted State energy conservation standards per Sectlons 1451-1542 of
Title 20 of the California Administrative Code and Sections P 20-1451
through P 20-1452 of Titie 24 of the Code. This mitigation measure
shall be monitored through the city's building code enforcement
48. Prior to issuance of any grading permit, the applicant shall enter into
an agreement with the Coechella Valley Mosquito Abetement District for
the application of attractant bait for eye g�ats to the goif course and
other areas of the p�oject as determined necessary/appropriate by the
district. Evidence of execution of said agreement shali be submitted
, to the city engineer.
49. Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, the applicant shall submit
a mosqutto menagertKnt plan for the review and approval of the District
Manager, Coachella Valley Mosquito Abatement District. Said plan shail
a. A meintenance program that involves vegetation management. This
impo�tant issue can be addressed in such a aay as to prevent Needs
and aquatic vegetation, which provide ideal breeding areas for
b. Insure accessibility for mosqutto control personnel and equipment
to the slte for inspection and treatment.
c. 5pecific development plans shail incorporate vector prevention
guidelines, standards, and checkltsts, as provided by the State of
Celifornia Department of Health Services.
RESOlUT10N N0. 92-87
Evidence that said plan has been approved by the district shall be
submitted to the city engineer.
50. A1� other E.I.R. mitigation measures as setforth in Resolutlon No. 9l-
89 attached as Exhibit "B" shall be conditions of approval of this
tentatfve tract map (TT 25296) except as amended or deleted by this
C 1 tv Camc i 1 Co�d i t 1 ons :
t. The applicant's permitted 58 hillside parcels shall conform to the
goals and purposes of the city's hillside development regulations.
2. The applicant shall provide vtew openSngs along the wall facing HighWay
74 as approved by the city's architectural commission.
3. Applicant shall provide a parking plan providing suffictent parking for
employees and construction workers on the site. Seid pian shail be
approved by the City of Palm Desert.
4. Applicant shall provide recycling program for revlew and approval by
the City of Palm Desert Communtty Development Department and
Environmental Conservation Manager.
5. Applicant shall provide a perking and ride sharing pian to be reviewed
and approved by the City of Palm Desert.
6. Mitigation measures within the Environmental Impact Resolution
No. 91-89 sha11 supercede condttions from the tract map Resolutlo�
No. 91-90 1n resolving conflicts between the two resolutions, except as
amended or deleted by this appllcatto�.
7. Appllca�t and the clty shall approach the Californla State Oepertment
of Transportation and seek to coordinate the main entrance of the
Altamira project with surrounding developnents. The goal is to
minimize the number of signals and access potnts along Highway 74.
S. Applicant shall �egotiate in good faith to purchase the Del Gagnon
9. As a conditio� of approval of this applicatlon, as a condttion of
approval of Resolution No. 91-90 approving Tentative Map 25296 and, tv
the extent permitted by law. as a condltion of approval of Ordinance
No. 617 approving Change of Zone 89-16 and, to the extent provided by
law as a condition of approval of Resolutton No. 9t-89 containing
findings and certlfyinq the Environmental Imp�act Report Nith respect to
this project, ALTAM[RA VENTURES hereby agrees to defend, at its sole
cost and expense. the CITY OF PALM OESERT, its agents, officers and
employees from any claim, actton or proceeding filed against the CITY
OF PALM DESERT, its agents, offlcers and employees a� a result of the
RESOlUTiON 1�. 92-87
local agency's approval of Resolution No. 91-90, Ordinance No. 617 and
Resolution No. 91-89, and Resolution No. 92-87, including but not
limited to: 1) actions or proceedings to attack, set aside. void or
annul such approvals; or 2) actions or proceedings that seek damages as
a result of the fi�ding, requirement or condition that a reservation
area be estabiished, including any action for inverse condemnation.
The CITY OF PALM DESERT shall promptly notify ALTAMIRA VENTURES of any
such claim, action or proceeding. Further, ALTAMIRA VENTURES shall
conduct the defense and control the defense. The CITY OF PALM DESERT
shall cooperate fully in the defence of any such actio�.
10. Pursuant to the city's hillside ordinance, a minimum of 62.SX of
projects hillside acres shall remaSn in an undisturbed natu�al state.