HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 93-092RSSOLUTION NO. 93-92
WHEREAS, the City of Palm Desert has heretofore
established a Redevelopment Revolving Fund as provided under
California Health and Safety Code Sections 33620, et. seq.; and
WHEREAS, the City of Palm Desert believes it appropriate
for the sum of $5,000,000 to be appropriated and deposited into the
Redevelopment Revolving Fund, and thereafter to advance such funds
on behalf of the Palm Desert Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency'�) to
enable the Agency to acquire certain real property (the "Property")
described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof;
Section 1. The City of Palm Desert hereby appropriates
the sum of $5,000,000 and ffnds that such funds shall be deposited
into the Redevelopment Revolving Fund.
Section 2. The City of Palm Desert hereby authorizes the
expenditure of the sum of $5,000,000 in the Redevelopment Revolving
Fund for the acquisition by the Agency of the Property.
Section 3. The moneys paid to or on behalf of the Agency
from the Redevelopment Revolving Fund shall constitute a loan of
such moneys by the City to the Agency. Such loan from the
Redevelopment Revolving Fund shall be repaid by the Agency from any
source of Agency funds lawfully available therefor. Such loan
shall be evidenced by a demand promissory note in the form approved
by the City Manager. Moneys paid to or on behalf of the Agency
from the Redevelopment Revolving Fund shall bear interest from the
date of such advance to the date of repayment by the Agency at a
rate equal to the rate of interest which would have been earned on
such moneys by the City at the average daily commingled rate
payable on funds deposited by the City in the Local Agency
Investment Fund, not to exceed 12o per annum, as determined by the
Treasurer of the City, for the period which begins on the date of
such payment and ends on the date of such repayment.
BY RESOLUTIOfV #.(..,%�...���
DATED: ...�._�.--�'�-. :. G.�...
Section 4. The Auditor-Controller of the City of Palm
Desert is hereby authorized and directed to establish such
accounting and other procedures as may be necessary, convenient or
desirable under the circwastances to accomplish the purposes and
intent of this Resolution.
Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authori2ed and
directed to cause a copy of this Resolution to be transmitted to
the Agency and the Agency is hereby requested to indicate its
agreement to the terms hereof.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of September,
�'i� / � •�' - '
J an M. Benson, Mayor
�-, .
�}� ,L.. �' _'���, �.� , 42
�'` �' - �� ..�
Sheila .R., Gilligan, City �lerk..?
_. __ .,
WITHIN SEGTIONS 33 & 34, T45, R6E, S.B.B. � M.)
That certain parcel of land situated in the City of
Palm Desert, CQunty of Riv�rside, State of California, being
portions of the southwest and northwest one-quarters of
Section 34, the northeast vne-quarter o� SeCtion 33, Township 4
South, Range 6 East, S.B.B. & M., and all of Parcel "C" des4ribed
in a document recorded January 30, 1991 as instrument No. 034443
of Official Records, records of Riverside County, described as
BEGINNING at the southerly tsrminus of that certain
course in the westerly line of said Parcel "C"
described as "North O1' 12' 29" East 2619.53 feet",
said point being on tha northerly right-of-way oP Fran;c
Sinatra Drive, 88.Od feet wide, per a document recar:�ed
June 4, 1992 as Instrument No. 51897 of Official
Recards; thence along said westerly line of Parcel "C"
North O1' 12' 29" East 2619.53 teet to the northerly
terminu� tt�ereof; thence continuinq alonq th� northerly
prolonqation thareo! North Q1' 12' 29" East 566.16
faet; thence South 88' 47' 31" Ed9t 884.86 feet to the
beginning of a tanqent curvQ concave southWesterly and
having a radius of 1000.00 Peet; thence along sazd
curve south�asterly 597.79 feet through � central anqle
of 34' 15' O4" to a tanqent intars4ction with a line
parallel with and 550.00 f�et southwesterly of t�e
southerly line o! the Southern Pacitic Railroad Right-
of-way; thence tanqent from said curve and alonq said
parallel line South 54' 32' 27" East 1842.00 feet to
the beqinninq of a tangent curve concave southwesterly
and having a radius of lOd0.00 feet; thence alonq said
curve southedsterly 948.32 feet tnrough a centrai angle
of 54• 20' 05" to at tangent inters�ction with the east
line of �he southwest one-quarter ot Se�tion 34,
Township 4 South, Rang� 6 East, S.B.B. & M.; th�n�e
alonq said east line of Section 34 Sauth 00' 12' 22"
East 1092.00 feet to said northerl�+ right-of-way line
of Frank Sinatra Drive; thence alonq said northerly
riqht-of-way Iine South 89' S0' 37" West 2652.?4 feet
and South 89' 49' 59" W�st 782.37 feet to the POIt3T �F
Contafninq 206.837 Acres, more or less.
9309�o Pb402-00001 i�s OT60068 0
�i;9 »�iLSO�i�E6[9 -9L�0-9�9 ��:i�� �}(F.� � kt���6 � �:6-yI-6 : t�t�l �os:r.� s�a��;: �: �9 i,.�3�
'._..:. . _' ' _ �.� ,1 � . . . - . �
SUBJECT TO all Covenants, Rights, Rights-of-Way and
Easement� of Record.
EXHIBYT "B" attached and by this reference made a part
vso9ta �bso2-a000� •,s o7doeen o - 2-
�•I�L =��L�OO�t;6T9 -RLqG-9�9 ��Ti;� �}Ct,� � Ht8G�6 � ES-gi-g : ��t�� u�cieti s:.�•,���:,t�3 i�3�
. _.� ,._. _ �...� �i�_. . .- �-
Those certain parcels of land situated ir, the City of
Palm Desert, County of Riverside, State of California, being a
portion of the northeast one-quarter of Section 33, Tcwnship 4
South, Range 6 East, S.B.B. & M. described as follows;
Parcel 1
A strip o! land of variable width, the rePerencEa lfn�
is described as fcllows:
BEGi*rNING at the northerly terminus of that cerr_ain
course in the east lin� ot ?arcel "8" of Lot Line
Adjustment No. P.M.W. 90-16 recorded January 30, 1991
as Instrument No. 034443 of Official Records of said
River�ide County shawn as North Ol' 12' 29" �ast
2663.54 feet", said north�rZy terr�inus beinq
hereinafter referrad to a$ Point "A"; thence continuing
a1Qnq the northerly prolonqation of said east lina oP
Parcel "B" North O1' 12' 29" East 566.16 feet to a
point hereinafter referred to as Point "B"; therice
continuing Narth 0�• 12' 29" East 236.00 Leet ta a
point hereinafter referred to as Point ��C„; thence
continUing NOrth �l' 12' 29" EaBt 523.10 leet ta the
beginning of a tAngent curve concave southeasteY•ly ar.d
havinq a radiu9 of 1400.00 feet; ther.Ce along 9aid
curve northeasterly 4.98 Peet throuqh a central anqle
of 00' 12' 14" to a point in the north lin4 of the
south one-halt of said northeaat o�e-quarter a�
Section 33 Township 4 South, Ranqe 6 East, S.B.B. & M.,
said point being hereina�ter refarred to as Point "D".
Caid strip af land shall be 67.00 feet wide, lying
67.00 feet w�sterly of said reference line between
Poir.ts "A" and "B"; 242.00 feet wide, lyinq 75.0o feet
�esterly and 67.00 feet easterly of said r�terehce line
between Point� "B" and "C��; 134.00 fQet wide, lyinq
67.00 feet westerly and easterly of sai�l r�terence lina
betweer, Pointa "C" and "D'� .
Said strip of land �hall be lenqthened or shortened so
as to terminate southerly in the south line of said
northeast ore-quarter of S�ction 33 and northerly in
satd north line of the south one-half of the northeast
one-quartar o! Section 33.
Containing 3.266 Acres, mare or less.
930910 �co�-000at .,a o�baeee o — 3 —
�i 8=��LSGO�ti6iy -8Lu0-9��.�ti1�, :Xt� : I1t'80:6 � 56-9[-G � t�tl �a�leH cF.;e�:� � l� 1�3�
� . w
,-._.. __..��_�� ��.. . �-. -
Parcel 2
� strip of land, 134.00 feet wide, the centerZi��e vf
which :s described as �ollows:
BEG�NNiNG at Point "G" hereinbefcre described, said
point being on a non-tangent curve concav,�
southeaster�y and havic!q a radius o�' 1400.00 feet, a
radial bearinq of sai� curve from said point bears
South 88' 35' 1�" East; th�nce along said curve
northeastorly 521.30 feet threugh a central ang'_e of
25' 25' 3b": thencs tangent from said curve North
26• 50' 19" East 21.11 i�et to a point on the soutreriy
line af the Southern Pacific Rai,Zroad Right-of-way.
Said strip of land shall be lenqthene3 or shortened so
as to te�inate southerly in the north line of the
south o:�e-ha1P ot the northaast on�-quarter of
Section 33 and northerly in the svutherly line c�f the
Southern Pacific Railroad Right�vP-Way.
Containinq 1.976 Acres, more or less.
Par�Ql 3
COMMENCING �t Point "811, h�r�inbefore deacribod in
Parcel 1; thence South 88' 47' 31" East 67.00 feet to a
point in the east lin� of said Parc41 1, said pcint
beinq the TRUE P4INT OF BEGINNING; thence continuinq
South 88' 47� 31" East 169.0o teet; thence xorth
O1' 12' 29" Eaat 75.00 feet; thonce North 88' 47' 31"
West 235.00 fe4t; thence Nvrth 43' 47' 31" West a8.08
�eet to said east line of said Paresl 1; thonce aleng
said e�st line af Parcei 1 South 01• 12' 29" West
109.0o feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGZNN:NG.
Containing 0.304 Acres, more ar lass.
P�r�el 4
COt4SENCING at Paint "B" h�rQirib�fore describ�d in
P�rcel 1; thenca North 88' 47� 3i" West 67.Oo feet to a
point in the w�st line of said Parcel 1, said point
being the TRUE POINT OF �EGINNING; thence alonq �aid
west line o� Parcel 1 South 01' 12' 29" West 109.00
feet; thencQ Noz�th 43• 47' 31" WQ�t 48.08 feet; thence
North 88' 47' 3I" West 135.00 feet; t.Aence North
01° 1Z' 29" East 137.00 f�et; thenco South 88' 47� 31"
East 12Z.00 feet; thence North 46' 12' 29" East 55.15
f�et to said waet Iine o! Parcel 1; thence along said
west line of Parc�l 1 S�utb 01' 1Z' 29" West 101.00
930910 p6L02-OOOOt �as 0760a68 0 — 4 '
'�.. -RL00-��� ���i�� �:��t.� � �CF60�6 � t;6-9I-6 : ��tl :��.eb �ra��.,���.1� i�3�
�.t;� �:fi�_nn��;6i4
feet a._� South S8' 47' 31^ East S.uO feet to tha TRUE
Containinq 0.551 Acres, more or less.
Parcel 5
COi�4►iENCING at Point "C" hereinbefore described i:�
Parcel 1; thence South 88• 47' 31" East 67.00 fNet to a
po:nt in the easterly line of said Parcel 1, sa.id point
beiny the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence alonq sa�3
east line through the followinq courses: North
oi" 12' 29" East 523.10 feet to the beginning o_' a
tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius
of 1333.00 feet; thence alonq said curve northeaster�y
6.51 feet throuqh a central anqle of oo' 16' 47" to a
point in the north linQ of the south onQ-half o�' tha
northeaat one-quarter of Section 33, ToWnahip 4 South,
Ranqe 6 East S.B.H. & M.; thence alonq said north line
Ncrth 89• 53' S6" East 53.80 feet to a point on a nor,-
tangent curve concav� southeasterly and having � rad�us
of 1520.Oo toet, a radial line of said cui-�re fzom said
point bears South 82• 42' 48" East; thence alcng �aid
curve southerly 7.78 �eet through a central anqle of
00' 17' 36"; thence tanqent from said curve Svuth
06' 59' 36�� West 525.78 teet to the TRL'E POINT GF
Containinq 0.327 Acres, tnore or less.
Parcel 6
COA4�iENCING at Point "C" hereiribe�ore described in
Parcel i; thence North SS' 47' 31" West 75.Oo Peet ta a
paint in ths west�rly line of said Parcel 1, said point
being the TRUE POZNT OF BEGINNING; thence alonq said
we�terly line through the tollowing coLrses: South
88° 47' 31�� Eaat t3.00 feQt; thance North OI° 12' 29'�
East 523.io feet to the begfnn:,ng oP a tangent curve
concave southoasterly and havinq a radius or 1467.�0
feet; thence alonq said curve nort2�Qasterly 3.45 feet
through a central angle of 00' 08' 05" to a point in
the north line of the south one-half of the northeast
one-quarter of Section 33, TownBhiQ 4 Souy�.h, Ran�e 6
East S.B.B. & M.; thence alonq aaid north line South
89' 53' 56" West 53.21 leet to a point on a non-tangent
curve concave southeastorly nnd havinq a radius �f
1340.00 feat, a radial line o! said cutve from s3id
point beara Sauth 86' 23' OS" East; thence along said
curve �out�h4rly 2.24 la�t through a centrai angle of
00' 05' 40"; thence tangent from said curve south
a3ov�o �oz-a000� �� o�baeba o - 5-
�.j,nT=:�LSC��it;6i9 -8L00-9�•� ��I�� ��d • Y1"�OT:G
�-yi-6 ' ��t�► ;:��izg sF..:;�:;�: �� �.�3�
03� 42}_ 2" East 525.Oa feet tv thew'rRUE POINT �F
Containinq 0.370 Acres, more or less,
p��l 7
COMMENCING at Point "D" hereinbe�ore described in
Parcel 1, sai3 point beinq in the ncrth li;,e of the
south one-half of the noLth�ast one-q��arter of
Section 33, Tawr�ship 4 South, Ra�qe 6 E�st,
s•g•B• & M.; thence alonq said north line North
89' S3' S6" East 67.02 feet to a point in the easterly
line of Parcel 2 hereinbetore describe3, said point
also beinq on a noti�tangent curve cor,cave southeasterly
a±�d havinq a radiva of 1333.00 feet, a radial I�na of
eaid curve �ram said point bears South 86' 30� 44"
East, sdid point baing t�e TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
ther,ce along said easterly lfne of Parcel 2
northeasterly 589.79 fe4t through a central angle of
25' 21� 03"; thence tangent from said cuxve Nor�h
26' 50� 19" East 20.9f, feet to the southerly iine of
the Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way; thence
along said south�rly line South 54' 32' 27" East 90.11
feet to a point on a non-tangent curve conc�ve
southeasterly and havinq a radiva ot 1520.00 feet, a
radial line of �aid curve frvm said point bears South
61• 50' 14" East; �hence alonq said curve southwesterly
553.82 teet through a central anqle of 20• 52� 34" to
said north ].ine ot th• south one-half of the northeast
one-quarter of Section 33; thence alonq said north lir.e
South 89• 53� 56" West 53.80 feet ta the TRUE PCINT OF
Gontaininq 0.994 Acres, more or less.
�c�l 8
Cot�iENCZNG at Point "D" hez�inbetore des�ribed fn
Parcel 1, said point beinq on tha r►orth line of thQ
south one-half ot th• northeast an�-quart�r of
3ection 33, Township 4 South, Range 5 East,
S.B.B. & M.; th�nce a+ong said north line South
89' S3' 56�� W�at 67.03 fo�t to a point in the westeMiy
line of Parcel Z hereinbefore described, aaid point
also beinq on a non-tanq�nt curve concavo southeasterly
and havinq a radius o! 1467.80 teet, a radial line of
said curve from said point bears South 88' 39' 26"
East, �aid point beinq tro TRUE POINT OF BEGINPiI:JG;
thenco alonq said waat�rly lino o! Parcel 2
northQasterly 652.80 feet through a central anq�e o�
25' 29' 45"; thenc• tanqant from said cuzve North
�oqto vb►o�-0000i �.. o�aoa�a o - 6_
�I; ii»:iL50���:6T9 -8L00-9�9 �t;T� �X�.� : H�T[.6 � E6-:�I-b :�=t1 �o�LeK sp i,��,�: lQ i\3�
,. :
_�:�:�:.., •;�
�26' SC �9" East 31.27 feet ta thE �autherly line of
tre Southem Pacific Railroad Riqht-of-Way; �hence
along said southerly line North 54' 32� 27" Wast 93.19
feet to a point an a nan-tanqent cuzve cancave
southeasteriy and havir.q a radius ot 1350.0o Eeet, a
radial line of said curve from said point b�ars sout"
62• ao' 33" East; thence along said curve southerly
734.37 feet throuqh a cantral angle of 30' 56' 19" to
said north line of the south ane-half of the nartheast
one-quarter of Section 33, thence along said north line
Narth 89° 53' 5b" East 53.21 feet to the TRUE P�IN'�' QF
Containinq 1.250 Acres, more or less.
SUBJECT '"O all Coven�nts, Riqhts, Riqhts-of-Way and
Easements af Reco�rd.
EXHIBIT "B" attached and by this refcrence mada a part
930910 P6402•00001 s�c G760868 0 ' 7'"
�i, �T=� tLS00�t;6T9 -aL�0-��9 � t;i� � �Xb3 ' '�t�t :6
�;6-9i-6 �=t�► :�as:e� �r.�::;�:�:.�lS 1�3�