HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 94-119RESOLUTION NO. 94-119
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California,
did on the 13th day of October, 1994, hold a duly noticed public
hearing to consider the request by the Palm Desert Redevelopment Agency
for certification of an Environmental Impact Report for a proposed
Section Four site plan bounded by Frank Sinatra Drive on the North,
Cook Street on the east, Country Club Drive on the south, and Portola
Avenue on the west: and
WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of
the "City of Palm Desert Pr�cedure for Implementation of the California
Environmental Quality Act, Resolution No. 80-89," and a Draft
Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in compliance with CEQA
guidelines as amended; and
WHEREAS, the Palm Desert Planning Commission held a duly noticed
public hearing on the 20th day of September, 1994, and after reviewing
extensive public testimony, commission by minute motion recommended to
city council certification of the Section Four Environmental Impact
Report; and
WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all
testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to
be heard, said city council did find the following facts and reasons to
justify certification:
Environmental Impact Report:
1. The Environmental Impact Report has been
compliance with CEQA and adequately addresses
mitigation measures for the proposed project,
completed in
the impacts and
2. Decisions concerniiig the future plan will be the result of
review and consideration of the information contained within
the Final EIR, in addition to written and oral comments.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Palm Desert, California, as follows:
1. That the above recitations are true and correct and
constitute the findings of the council in this case.
2. The City Council of the City of Palm Desert hereby certifies
that the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the
Section Four North Sphere Project ("the Project") was
completed pursuant to the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the Guidelines
promulgated with respect thereto. Furthermore, the city
council has independently reviewed and considered the
contents of the EIR prior to deciding whether to certify the
EIR. The city council hereby finds that the EIR reflects the
independent judgment of the city and the city council.
With respect to the potentially significant environmental
impacts identified in the Final EIR, the city council finds
that changes or alterations will be incorporated into any
proposed/future projects, or required, which avoid or
substantially lessen these impacts. All mitigation measures
recommended by the EIR as conditions of future approvals will
be adopted and ma.de conditions of any proposed/future
3. The city council has considered the statement of facts and
findings for the Final Environmental Impact Report.
4. The city council hereby adopts a mitigation monitoring
program, Exhibit A, for the changes to any proposed/future
projects which have been adopted or made a�ondition of any
proposed/future projects' approval in Section 2 of this
resolution. The director of community development shall
ensure that all mitigation measures adopted in Section 1 of
this resolution shall be fully implemented and completed. In
addition, approval of subsequent development proposals
pursuant to adoption of the EIR shall include, as a condition
of project approval, all applicable mitigation measures
required by Section 2 of this resolution.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Palm
Desert City Council, held on this 16th day of November, 1994, by the
following vote, to wit:
ABSTAIN: NONE /�� %; ` i �
-� . , C c z L �-C�
ATTE,ST : ' / ! �
.� � L,
'" i
. �-- �/. " � ' � � �" �.�1.. . -t' - -�._.i
City of Palm Desert, C lifornia
�wi.��,. .��I I".��iiii II��..,. .yl:�� I I'Ui`. f�l�l 1� �'�1�1� I I:I �`II"1:111:�11�1: �.II\.III'
Califomia stawtory le�on rzquires responsible agencies to adopt moaitoring prog;ams to emvne that
mitigation measures conrained in Environmental Impact Repoits are effectively implemented. This documevt
is designed to emure that mitigarion measures oontained in tt�e Secdon Four North Sphere Project
Environmental Impacx Report SCH �194032047 an properly maautoizd �to ensuit effeccive impkmentation
occuss. •
This program (consisting of tt�is nan�ative text and t�e following forms) has been designed so that the
mitigarion measuns contained in the En�vironmernal Impact Report azz all listed sequernially as they occur in
the Enviro�aual Impact Report For each midgation measure. the progam specifies a City deparmicnt or
other agency which w�11 be rrsponsib}.e i'or monitoring that measure. The program provides the time or �
that each midgarion measu�t will be monitared. The form provides an opportunity for the department listed
as responsible for monitoring tt�e implementauon of a mirigation measune to indicate whether the measure has
been implemented satisfactorily and provides the critcria for this judgemen� it also provides the date of the
�ssessment, along with a signature to indicate that implementarian has or has not been accomplished.
If there is any quesrion as to the correct intcrprtcarion of a miugation measu�. the Enviranmental Impact
Repon should be consulted to see whether :he t�zt contains infocmarion on how to correctly inteipret that
miagarion me3susz. Should the Enviroruncntal Impart Rcport not provide the requi�d clarificarion. the City's
Director of Community Developmenc shall bc the final authoriry on how the mitigation measure is to be
interpreted. Decisions made by the Director may be a�pealed through the usual cowse of administrative
Upon compledon of the monitoring of a midganon measure that has been successfully implemented, the
compleced form will be forwarded to the Director of Community Development Should the person or persons
resporuiblc for monitnring the implcmcntarion of a midgarion measure find that satisfactory performance of
the mingation measur� has noc occui�cEd, this is to be documented as a finding and signed by the responsible
individual(s). A copy of the complc�d page of the mitigarion monitoring program which contains the
miogation me�sure which has not been satisfactorily implcmented must be transmitted to the Director of
Communiry Dcvclopment In no case sha11 an approval be granud which is conting�nt upon unplementation
of a mitigauon mc�asure withouc wncun indicadon from the person or persons responsible for monitoring the
miagation me�sure that the mitigation measure has bxn satisfactorily implemented. A copy of the page of
the monitvring prvgram which conrains the �idgation measure in question. completed and signed by the
resporuible pecaons(s) and indicacing effecuve implemcncarion. shall constitute written indication.
A copy of this mitigaaon monitoring program is to be provided to each pe�on or deparoment listed as
resporuible for monitoring a midgation measvre. Wherz two or moie pe�ons or deparmienLs are listed as
resporLsible for monitoring. all findings of satisfactory implementarion of mitigation measures aze requiczd
before approvals contingent on implemcntation of mitigabon measures att granted.
SmItA. Peroel k Fo=. P1aoe1� Ca�suitants, inc j9An�i.1:13psJ .1
� QQ � �� �.��� �� � �� 1�
A Commuaity Developme�"c De�t a�ff manber �aII hald a l.�- +mm�nih� Deve�opmeat D�mt
matiag �o evaluaae tbe effidmcy of the mi�igation mo�itoric� p�ogzam. Tho�e napoo�ible for ea�uing tbat
mitiganioa measures are implemented wiII sabmit a iuief report to tbe Qo�m�mitY Deti'e�la�panmt DepartaKat
outlimng how effective the imp�tion measures p�+ovided ane. A Comm�iiY �'�oP� ��
meetiag is r�a�uired tu be sc�eduled prior to tbe public hearing for the 5�t �ve map an the �uoject-
Subsequmi Cvmmvnity Developtaeat Departmmt matings s�wld ba scheduled as the Commm�ity
Development Departinaoi staff doems ne�tssary.
Along with the snff rapoK oa the 5rsi oantative map. a sinmmary of the 5ndings �+om tbe miCtgadaa
monitorin8 Program shaIl be sub�itud t� the Planning Commission. which shall in tum ieport on tbe
effecweness of .the mitigation maaitorin8 Pnogzam to the (5ty Counc� with rxommcndatioas tn itctify
difficulries raised.
Smitl� Ptirml tc Fo� Pla��l� Coiuulea� lx. (9Ar�9�.34�] ,_
� �� � �� �� �` ���� ��MII IKIlI. �+
1. Mess�: Pt3� co gradir�g Plan a�p�ovai tbe a�plic�at sha�__ etBiII i quslifiGd dlaiaag�C Cansultant LD
p�epan a d�sinage Plaa wbich sbaIl be subanit�ed for appQoval �o Coac�eIla VaIley Water Disaici aad
the Qty. At a minimum t�e drainage plaa shaIl demoattraoe the foIlowin�
• wit�in Zone 2 the i�eat ia flows 5om uadeveloped �o developed oonditlons �+esul�g
f� the 100-year sLozm ale t+etaiaed on-site.
• within Zotie 3 the eatire l0U-year stocm is ietainod oa-site.
• al1 flows leaving the site do so in a ma�er can9s�eat with tise C'ity's Masoer Plan of drainage.
• co�svltanton with the golf cau:se a�itcct tegatding tbe potmtial for chemicals in nmoff irom
the golf c�uise has bcea documenLed.
• the poteaaal for ciumicals in nmoff from the golf course is addnessed by use of efficie�
diainage systems and use of wetland areas to ietain flows prior to th�eir leaving the site or
pencalaring intn ti�e underlyin�g soils. (See Section 6.1.1, Water, for nequiremeats nlated m
efficieat inigation systems.)
• nmoff fivm azzas developed in urbaa uses is rnuted t�ough the golf cou�e aad into wetland
aiea.s '
• the drainage plan is consisteat with the C'sty's NPDFS pi+o�am.
• amount of fxs payable is ideadfied.
• flow rates and quaatities aze appcvpriaie for the hydraulic slopes p`oposed and that water
erosion will not excr,ed deposidon in any proposed drainage faciliry.
• fluvial erosion relared to consuuction is conunlled by a coaswcxion erosion co�wl prograan
which shall be filed with the City Eagineer's o�a and ]cept cutient thtvughout the siit
development phase and which includes tbe,se bes[ managemeni prac�ces:
� Minimiu long. unbroken flow paths by placing tran.sverse sandbag lines across flow
b. Malce drainage swales broad and flat to �+educx hydraulic ePficiency
c. Conu�ol off-sice drainage and route it around newly graded a�as
d. Provide berms along the tops of slopes to prevent wazer from numing down the slope
e. Colleet the wat.er in thcse berms and talce it down the slope in an erosion-pmof
drainage muctu�
f. Provide encrgy diss�patncs and crvsion connvl pads at the bouom of downdrains
g. Diczct site drainage iruo a sediment control basin before releasing it from the siUe
h. Install permanent landscaping as soon as pracdcal after the completion of grading
i. Maintain facilides in opcnble condidon at all times
j. Inspect facilidcs at end each wocic day to insure they arE ready for service
Sediment conuvl basins to capaue eroded sediments and contain them on the site incorporate
the following dcsign mccria:
a. Plan the grading operadon co drain as largc an area as possible w each sedimeru basin
b. Provide 15 cubic yards of sedimuu storage per acre of tributary drainage area
c. Provide an crosion-proof spillway from the basin to a protected oudet
d. Do not provide a drain in the basin. since ttus would allow some sediment to escape
e. If site conditiocu permit, build an ovcrsiu basin so it will not havc to be cleaned out
during thc lifc of the grading project
f. Maintain and clean oue basin as n�cessary
g. Inspea basin ar cnd of each work day to assure it is in working order
Smltl� Pvml & Fo=. P1�da� Co�adtants, l�c (IIJul9�2:lip�J �
����Q ��������
Imalemma� � -~�ior � �din8 P� �� � �c� .•�1 mbmit me reqai�+ed dnin�e'P1m
co the coschena VaIle�► wa�r nist�ict aoa the aty Pnb�ic wod�s nep�aeoc and shan obtaia
approval from each of them. 'l�e applic�nt abaIl aubm�t wdtnen evideaa to the Ca�mm�ity
�,���t D�artme� that C'V�VD has ap�pzvved tbe propomed drainage P�a. 'The oo�u�om
erosion ca�'�ol pro�am ra�ired as P�t of this drainage plaa sbaIl be ffied with the Public Wo�iCs
Departmeot and laepc c�unnt tl�oug�out the si�e develnp�mt p�ase.
Comolisna Record:
Timing: Prior m grading pdan �pm�al-
Maaitoring Agency: C"ity of Palm Desert Pubdic Works Department
Da�e Compleicd:
Saltl4 Aeoel ic Fa�. Haad� Coa�dtana, IAc (9A��,93Sa�] '4
� �Q I!°��m �a+�a� �.'Ii'II�Ri 1F'�DW1Ft t�Yuyurulnt ��ru�uaru� NUNuu-
Z Meaavr+e: P� to b�ild�ng pe:mit issvanoe bsb��b�le s�.,J ts omat�ed oa-she ahaII be designed
to mitigane the impacc� of st�on8 ��S bY a�� P��� who is awa:e of tbe site's
seism3c charact�ristics Building codes aad st�datda (anc� aa tbe 1994 or more ieomt Unifoim
Bu�lding Code) Pr�eadY adoPt� bY the Qty of Palm De�ert s�haII be nsed as a basis fo� P�l�
desiga AII st�uc�u+es shall be apploved by a design profe�ioaal wbo may spedfy mo�e stringr�t
d�sign pa�ame�e�s. Hanging objec� or 5�dues shaIl be b�aced a¢rooiding to 1994 or more roocat
Unifoim Bu�ding Code guidelines.
Im�lemmtation: Designs for aII habitable stcucau+es oa site shaII be eaamined by a qualified
profes.cional aware of the site's seismic characteristics m de�eimine that th�ey meet or eacad CSty
building codes aad standands. The Building and Safety Dtpa:uaent shall ascertain that all banging
objects or 5anuzs ait braad acoo�+ding to t6e quaIiSed professionat and I994 or more nece� Uniform
Bu�ding Code guidelines. Prior to building permit issnance, all b�uilding designs. wgether with the
wriaen agproval of the qualified prof�ssonal, shall be st�bmiued oo the City's Building and Safety
Deparcment for approvaL
Comaliance Record•
Timing: Prior to btulding permit issuaaa.
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Desert Bulding and Safety Department.
Date Completed:
Smlt� Perool d� Foz� Aaodo� Gomottaets. Ix (22Ar�9�10:00�m] ,s
Q� �Q ]�� �'t
�a , D�n;n�•-�e ope�a�al li�ne o� tbe p�vjcct mam...� a� �npo� oi t� P��� �aIl
msure t�at objects P�acxd an sbelva or ot� raisad �e�a s� �Qua�e�y �d tc p�eveot
dislodgin8 dnrin8 s�o�8 �vu� s�&
�,'B7t�DR( li�W�i l��uuu �ruut�ra►o� e�aur
Imalemmtation: Du=ing tbe opetatioaal lifetime of t�e ptojax. dse Code Complianoe dep�e�
�1 periodic�liy inspect struaures an tbe pzvjax si�e to deoetmiae that objaxs plaad on sbrlva or
other raiscd f�u+es an adequatrlY �d-
Com�atiance Record:
Timing: PeriodicaIly during the ope�ational lifetime of the projecx.
Monimring Agency: C'ity of Palm Desert Code Compliana Department
Date Completed:
sm�c� Pvoo� ic Fa�, r+..de� como�aa� tx. j20,1o19�lasl.sj s
Q� �Q l��m l�'� �.'d'B�Fi � �i�IB� �1w►hi�M:����: �
4. _ Prlar to S��S P� aPP�'�'"al a site spedSc o_�cxl e�gineering report shari be
pnepsned for the site to addizss t�e physical propeities of a�-sioe so�ss aod provide rxommeadariaas
to aid in foundauon dctig�n. Recommendations typicaIIy spxify a vnifoim layer of compacoed so�s
beaeath bulding f�undadons in order to irducx seuleme� and hydroca�solidation to acccptable limiti.
Imalementation: The applicant shall have pnepared for the site a geotxhnical en8��8 �n
which addnsses the physical properdes of on-site so�s and provides recommeadations to aid in
foundation design. Prior to SI'�8 P� aPPt'�val, t�is si�e-specific geotechnical engineerin8 nport
sha11 be subanitud t� the Public Worlcs Departmeai for izview and approvaL
Compliance Record:
Timing: Prior to gradin8 Plan approvaL
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Desert Public Wodcs Department
Date Compleud:
Smith, Peraol & Fo� Pfandut C.onwlunts� Ine j19Ju19�4:16pm] •7
� ad lP+�m �o�'t � II+�TI@ ��u sunnuar►s�a� �u�ur
S. � Pidor �l►-�in8 P� �� Po'� ��-4�= �aII be mitiSa�d bY s�dng
stnu�ua s minimam of 40 �eei away �md a mi�mum o� S Lxt abwe aIl lalocs. � I.�loe embaal�
ahari be ooz�nc�cd no soxper tban 3:1 hoii�o�l ta verii�caL �
Imoleme��tadon: Prlor �u gc�din8 P�an �pm�val. the � sbaIl wbmit to tbe Bui1dia,g aad S�hty
Depattmeat for its apptv�ral i site pian and gradin� p�an which de�onst=ame tbaz all �uwu� wiD bc
siwated a minimum of 40 fret away from aad a minimmn of S fat abave sIl lakes, and d�at laioe
cmbanl�mts wlll be t�ooswcxed no soeep�r than 3:1 bo:izoa�tal �o venicaL
Comnliana Record:
Timing. Prior to �adin8 P� aPP�'�-
Monitoring Agency: C'iiy of Palm Desert Bwlding and Safety Dep�artmeat
�,- � . �u. � _.
Smtt4 Avml �c Fa� Pl�uh[ Carl�+�. Le. [1�J�!l�2:1�1 ,�
� � � �'� �R� � N` �IB�I� �il�id�llG lklbiill�'
6. Me�me: Da�g eu;avatiaos of �lity t�oches pert� �..a�A aod CAL OSHA safietY �
includiag sboring of atility amcbes shaIl be implemea�ed to ivojd caving d�uing e�►atlaais.
Imakmen�don: The pzujecx coos�uctio� maaagrr ahaII � tbe Depamaaots of Bu�d'i�g and
Safety and Pubdic Worfrs whmcvtr utility �eaci�s aiz to be euava�ed. Z7�ese d�mmts sbaIl
inspeci the e�cavanion ac�vities to eas�u+e that aIl pertinmt OSHA and CAL OSAA sa�ety
�uinmmts aie bein8 implemenmed.
Comvliana Record:
'I3nning: During cos�uucdon whenever �dlity treaches ane accavated.
Monitoring Agmcy: Projxt oonsaucxion manager, Qty of Palm Desert Bu�dimg and Safety
Depan�meat aad Public Wodcs Deparameot.
Date Completed:
sm,t� Pvm� � Fur, p+...�.� c....r�.� t.�. �lu.l�2:itp.1 �!
L� �Q ��m �Q �Ri �'�JI� R�IB'd7� � l�dL�6ilP'
7. �: Prior at�uanoe of a giading peffiit i grsdia8 P���d b'Y i 9� �5�� �
eaginar and coondinated with tbe project golf c�ou:se a�d landscx�e arc�i�ts shaIl be aabo4itoed w
the project geooechnical engiaeer aad eagineering Se�luSist for :eview and shari be sub�nittad alaog
a►ith t�eir writ�n approval to the C�ty for tzview. Ti�e gtading plan st�all include the foslowin�g
• The plan st�all conform to Chapter 18 and 33 aad Appendix 33 of the 1994 Unifo:m Bu�ding
Code and all pertinent City of Palm Desert Otd�s.
• C�t azid fiIl slopes shall be oonsauaed at aa inclination of n�o soeeper 2:1 horizontal to vertical
in building pad areas: golf vourse feau�s may be staper pr�vided that the projax hydr�logist
iadicates in wriring that these steeper slopes will not inctease erosion.
• Cbt and fill shall be balancxd withia the si�e.
• All suzets shall have a minimum grade of OS96. � _
• Angular forms shall be discouraged; aIl �d forms shall nIIect nauual �enain whert
• Th� 8��8 Plan shall adheiz to the requiremeats of tt�e geotechnical izport.
• Minimum reladve ec�mpaction shall be achieved by use of water in excess of the opdmum
moistuie defined in the geotechnical report.
• The grading plan shall rrflca contouring and landscaping techniques to prevent and cou�+ol
slope erosion due to rainfalL
• T7ie grading plan shall inclu�+e the azolian control measunes enumerat�ed in Section 5.6. Ai;
Qualiry. in an erosion corurol plan which shall be submitud along with the grading plan oc.
the Ciry for approval.
• Lakes on the sitc shall be desipxd wich appropriate liners so that they tetain water during
normal openrions but allow exass water from runoff during major storms to percolate iato
the ground.
Implementation: T'he appli; ant shall havc a grading plan pcepared by a qualificd civil en�neer in
coordination with the project golf course and landscape ar�hicecu. The grading plan shall be
svbmiaed to the projcct geotcchnir,a! cngineer and enginezring gcologist for thcir review and approval.
Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicanc shall submit the grading plan, cogether with the
writun approval of the geotcchnical enginecr and the engincering gcotogist. to the Public Works
Depar�ent for review and approval. �
Compiiance Record:
Timing: Prior [o issuance of a grading permi�
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Desert Public Works Depanment
Date Completed:
Smlt� Pernnl & Fo� Planaln� Consultant� Ine (22Aa�94.10:0�mj -10
�*i�l��. �� I 1". i�l � i i I11 �. .,. i I y�:�� � �(�1 \ �' 1�1 I �� � 1�) �� � �
8. Mes�aur�e: Prl�,00 gradin8 P� P�� �• � aPP��a--�� P�Y ��� � i��
per acne developed) ander the Sa�on 10(a) pamit i�or the Coac�eDa Valley Fiinge•�oed I3za�d
Habitat ConsGrvadon Plan.
Imalemmtation: 'ibe applic�nt shaII pay the dev�lopmeat fee (5600.00 pa acre developed) uoder
me section 10(a) pelmic for �e c,oac�na vaney r-r�ge-tood I.izana xabicat consen►ation Plaa to me
City's Bwlding Department prior to grading permit issuanca �c applicani shall subm3t oa the
Community Developmmt Departmeai writoen proof fivm t�e Bw']ding Departmeat t�at the full fa
has been paid.
Comoliana Record:
Timing: Prior tn giading permit issuanx.
Monitoring Age,ncy: C�ty of Palm Desen Building Department.
Daoe Completed:
Smit� Peraol :c Fw�, Pfando� Camltast� lnc (9Ao�1.9�.36��] -11
� �d �m I�o�a ��.'ll'Il� II+'�DWi�t t��Lru�Cu�n► �c�ouo�um, e�►
9. � Shou�D-me C9ty of Pa1m Dese�t elecx �o midga�e �,,� ptoject'a imp�ts an tbe Qoac�ells
valley milk v�. me fallnwing m�ri� shan be �aflmea: .
Prior to gradin8 P� P��t is�. tbe applic�ni ahaII pay tbe Califomia
Departaneat of Fish aad Game a svm of 530,000.00 to be applied towa:d developmeat
of a multi-spedes Habitat Conservaaon P�an ahich inctudes the Co�chella Vatley
m�lc vetch •
Imolementation: If the t1ry e1aLs to mitigaDe the piojat's impaas on the Coacbella VaIley millc
vetch. tbe applicaat s�aIl pay 530,000.00 to the Califomia Departaneat of Fish and Gama Tbe
appIicant shall submit to the CommtmitY DevetoPment DePat�ne� Pnor.to �adin8 Permii issvance
wriuea evidence that this paymmt has bcm made.
Comoliance Reco�d:
T'iming: Prior to gradin8 Peimit issuaacx.
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Desert Commuaity Development DepanmenL
Dat,e Completed:
Smitl� Pkrmi ic Fa� Plasde� Cowltae� Iac. [9A��l;lip�) ,�
� ad 1�9mn �Q _ �FT II+�J� N�Dl1Y�C�tu sir�usuar�s� Neu�aur
10. � If e�w�noe of aubwrf�x udfa� ia foand �.�adiag. a11 g�diaS aaari oease aad the
��aII �tify the Qo�mu�ity Developme�d Dua�o� A qualiflod a�r�aeolog� shaII t�view
aay po�dai finds and provide necommendatioos Lo the C�ty. If fiuther bn-si�e invesdganion is
��� ieoommeadatio�s sbaII confozm to Appeadix K of the C6QA Gaidelines.
Inmlemmtatlon: During grading. if anY �b�e artifacts aie naoave:od, the applic�t aod buildin8
co�racxor ahall hali gradiqg and oonsuucdo� utivity immediarcly. 'Ibe applic�nt aad/or �aco�r
shall mtlfy tbe (Sty Commuaity Dcvelopment Dincwr aad sbaIl summon a quati5ed archsealogist
to dete�ine the sigpi5c�na of uaoovered archaealogipl iesouras and appropriate mitigatioa
�� _. � t.:.�a
Comulisnce Record:
Timiag: During grading operations.
Moait�ring Ageacy: Projax caoswaioa ma�er, CitY of Palm Desert Commuaity
Developmeat Diraxor.
Dane Complete�:
Smith. Peraol � Faa. Plr� C.a�Marts. Lc [1�J�19�2:1f�1 •13
� � � � �� ��1�i11i ri�iiqCiillL3t ��nn��n.�.vn. l,pu�yy�
il. M�: �C � CIZC� 3� Of t�1C �i+0]OCt �1...J �CSi� ID $1C$ldC i 3CtV10C �0�
�1►�C�1 pTOYIdCS SCpST� � LO thC C� bOLC� E� OO�CIC�OC �t fQ l�CI�Cj► VG�C�CS.
Imalementadon: Piior tn gradin8 plan permit issuana. the applicxnt shall auba�ii to t�e Commimity
Developme� Department and the Public Worlcs Departmeat for their approval a ndesiga of tbe
ProJxt's in�emal ci:cnlation sysoem which inctudes a se:vice :oad P�vvidin8 s�ra�e aca.ss to tbe
ceaual imtel aad conferena cxnter for emergency vehicies.
�'onmliana Record:
Timing: Prior to 8�8 P� P�t ��.
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Desert Community Development Dcpartment and Public
works Department
Date Completed:
Smlt� Peranl dc Foz. Aaedo� Coew�ltaat� L�c. [19Jo194,1:16poj •II
,� �� ]��'Q �� ��lUl�i 1�i�W1Ci11Ji71 �IIICJniin.�ain. �yy�y�yyr
12. M�me: Zi� p[OjCCi ShSu p8j► �:V� fC4S 1CQIT��tJj► C08ClICuS �%BuCj► �OII Of
Inrolema�tation: Prior to bu�ding permit issuan�e. ti�e applic�nt shall pay aII TCTI� i�ees requi�ed
by Coachella Valley Assocxation of Govemmeats t� ti�e C'ity's Building aad Safety Depar�neat.
Comoliana Record:
T'iming. Prior to bn�d'mg permit issuance.
Monitoring Agency: C5ty of Palm Desert Bu�ding and Safery Department
Date Completed:
Smltl4 Perool dc Fo; Planda� ComaUaats. Ix (9Aa�9�,37a�j ,�
Q� m�Q �o6m �oac�� �i�¢.'�'u�t� �rtinuur cv�u�,� ��- -ti .,�.�,.
13. Meas�ae: T'he pi�cx de�relope:s abaII agnx �o p�ticipame in .,..�pp�opriaoe I�me�me lo in�oerc�ng�e
Bdage ana Road�way rmpnn►emeac n;soricxs wbea thc�► a� romiea.
In�kmentadon• Dming tbe Iife of the prnject. the appiic�nt or thdr �ors shaII pazdcipaoe ia
aIl appropriaoe Iater��tate 10 in�e�+change Bridge aad Roadway Impravement Disaicts as tbeq are
formed and shall pt+e.�ent to ti�e Commwnity Development Deparcmeat wtitom docum�on of tbe
app�icant's paitiapation in these disoricts.
Conroliana Record:
Timing: During ihe life of the project as I�erstaie 10 intenchange Bridge and Roadway
Improveme.ni Dist�icts are formed.
Monitoring Agency:CSry of Palm Desert Community Development Department
Date Completed:
Smitlti i4raal �c Fos, PI�sa111� Co�ltast; Isc. (9Ao�41.9�.38aaj .1�
Q� �I�um �a �IF�.`7Cu4yt� �w►�Jur t��u+,au,n► ��n���ti���� �
14. M�e: T�: developer of the commercial ponion o��.; ��Ct shaIl wo� wlth CarlYaas ta
deoeimine the locadon sad qus�ty of Parlc-N Ride pa�riag � the comme�cial camponmt of tbe
ProJax shall desigaa�e for Paric-N Ride use on weekdays betwem 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Im�lementadon: Prior to site plaa approval for aay oomme�Ial oompooeat of t�e ptojax. ffie
dtveloper of the co�menc3al portion of the projecx ahall woiic with Ca1T�aas on t�e spxi5cs of ti�e
amount and locatim of paiicing for Parlc-N Ride faa7itq on-si�e and shaIl submit m the Commimity
Develop�eat Dtpartimeat writtea prnof thaz aa agieemeat has beea reaci�ed with CalTraas oonoerning
ProJect pivvision of a Parlc N-Ride fac�ity. The appiic�nt s6aII submit writtea evidma t�at Caltraas
concerns have be adequately addies.Sed to the Commumty Develop�eot Department
Comvliance Record:
Timing: Prior to site plan approval for aay oommercial compo�nt of the praject.
Monitoring Agency: Ciry of Palm Desert Community Develo�ent Department
Da�e Complet,ed:
Smitlt, Peroel d� Fos. P1au�fo� Conwltsstt� Ine [9Au�.9��9am] •17
� � j� ]�p�,�'Q SILU(�:ll'IlWli� 11� WlWui �:�Wu�u� .�c� � �rw.....
15. �i ' T�e a..elopec shaIl pto�vide for b�oe trdls and �..,es bY ooa�u� b�oe t�a ia the
� laadscapod buffer portions of the projax adjaaa2 m Camtry► C�nb Drive. P�rtola Avmue. � Fr�ic
Sinatra Drive sad Cook Satet aod s�aII pravide s�ip�ng fnr bil�e ]m�es o� aII major a�erials adjsomt
to the project sioe.
Im�kma�tadon: Prtor �o g�adin8 P� P�� ��e appdic�at sball sub�nit to tbe Commnaity
Developme� Deparaonmt for its appioval a deta�ed siie plan which includes i�iloe tra�ls in t�e
ls�n�dscapod buffer portions of the p�jax adjanmt to Coun�y Qub Drive, Ponota Avc�e. Fnmk
Sinatra Drive and Cook Strxt. Prior t� oc�cupancy petmit issuanoe. ti�e applicaut shall wo�ic with the
Public Wotics Department m easure that sariging is pnn►ided for b�ce I�s on all major arterials
adjaaat w ttu prnject sit�e.
Comaliance Record:
Timing: Prior to Sr'adin8 plan permit issuanae for bike trail plan: prior to occupancY P��
issaance for bilae lan�e striping. -
Monimring Agency: City of Palm Desert Community Developmeat Department and Pubtic
Works Department
Date Completed:
Smltl4 Pvvel ic Fo� Plaoda� Caewikasts, Inc �9An�l�9•.39a�] 'Ii
� QIi� � S1t1Su.1111�WN 1N�W�L�A 1�7vyuau.t.. .y.c - .._ -. ._ ..........
16. Measure: 1� �.oject developer sbaIl p�ate s TDM plaL�ich addnesses tbe nads of each fadlity
aithm ttse p�ojax w which Ordinaaa 689 is applicable. 'I�e TDM ordinance shall includ�e elemems
from the TDM str�ategies as follows:
• Altemate Wo�ic Schedules/Flex-time:
Incoipotate altemate work schedules aad flex-time Programs (such as a 9/8U or 4/40 a+o�ic
• Bicycle Fac�ides:
Pt+ovide bicycle parlcing fac�ities equal to 59fv of the total requittd automobile puidng spaoe�
and pnserve 296 of the gross floor area for employee locker aad shower facilities.
• Piefe�t�tial Parking for Cazpool Vehicles;
• Infotmation Center for Tcansportation Altematives;
• Rideshare Vehicle Loading Anea�
• Vanpool Vehicle Accessibility;
• Bus Stop ImprovemenLs;
• On-Site Ch�d Care Facilities; -
• Pnfetential Parking and/or shaded parldng for IIecuic Golf Carts;
• Avalability of IIecaical Outlets for recharging of elec�ic vehicics;
• On-Site Amenities such as Cafeterias and RestauraNs, Automaud Teller Machines. and other
services that would eliminate the netd for addiuonal trips:
• Airport Shuule Servir:e to Hotels and Spas;
• Incendves for Mass Tr�nsit Usage including provision of a bus pass, additional pay, IIex-time
or others;
• Provide a Di�ct Pedestrian Path from the closest Trdnsit Stop into the facility;
• Develop rideshare and shuale programs ai ResortsJHotels;
• Cteate Galf Cart Circuladun Sysum andlor uansit connection(s) with City Golf Cart Routes.
• Provide a transit stnp, shelter, nash barrels, benches. shade and wind protection. and bus
• provisions for the implcmcntadon of Bicycle Lanes; and
• Provide ocher crza�ve or innovative svacegics to reduce vehicle uips or utilization of
alternative fuele� reGuced pollution vehicles.
Implementation: Within one (1) year of occvpancy permit issuance, the applicant shall obtain from
the Dutctor of Public Wocks a Transpoetadon Demand Management Review Application and shall
submit the completed applicadon and any additional pertinent informarion to the Director of Public
Works wi�hin thirry days. at which time the applicant shall pay the processing fe� of 5100.00. The
applic�nt shall obtain approv�i for the applicanon within one year of occupancy permit issuance.
Compliance Record:
Timing: Within onc ( I) yc�r of occupancy permit issuancc.
Monitoring Agency: Cicy of Palm Deurt Public Worics Departmenc
Date Completed:
Smlt� Permi & Fos, Planeln` ConwltantR In� [9Aup9l,1:16pm] .19
� � � � �7�Y:��iViri ���i�i�Q i�iVM111YW► V11i Y ...-._' .� �w�.r
17. �: Prioar �..ioe P�an apprnvat clevelapec� of t�e Spot�...�a�c aad cbampio�6ip golf coune
abaIl esmcr i� a jaint ase agreammt with adjaxa� laod oarne:a t� pzwide puiaag �or visitots m
special eve�s. Prior tfl occauiena of a special �weat tbe promo�er shaII obtain t pemnit from the C�ty.
The permit applic,atian materials shall indicatie estimanes of ti�e � of visitors Lo spxial events
and ideatify temPo�Y P�8 � to �c,caa0modate the ptojoc�oc! mnmber of visiLota in c]o�e
Pm��Y m� P�3� aite. If ti�e applicxat pcvpose.4 tbe n�e of uadismrbad laod foc p�qg. t�
permit application maoerials ahaIl detail �e spoasor's plaa for c�mpiianx aith Sectioa Z4.I2.04005
of the C�ty's PM,o Oidinancx s�eganding the t�eatmeat of aay �mporary u�aved paridng with c�emicat
Imalen�ntation: Prior to sitt plaa approval, dtvelopets af ine Sports Parlc and champio�oship golf
course shall erner into a jaint use agrameat with adja�oent land owners to piovid� paiicing for visim�
to special everus. A copy of this joint use agrxmeai shall be submiaed �o the Qty's Commumity
Developmern Deparr�ment prior to site plan approvaL
Prior to aecuneace of a special evun az the Spom Pa�c or the ehamplonship �Wf cou�e. the promoter
of the �vent shaII obtain a petmit 5+om the C'iry's Special Eveats eoozdinator. The permit applicadaa
shall desc:ibe the number of visitors anticipated. identifY ��P��Y �8 close m the si�e,
and detail PMto Contral mea,suies if parldng w�l take place on undisutrbod land.
Comatiance Record:
Timing: Prior tn site plan a�proval (joint use agrameat); whenever a spxial event is
scheduled during the life of tbe project (temparary parldng peimit).
Monitoring Agency: Ciry of Palm Descrt Community Development Depaztment and Spxial
Events Coocdinator.
Dasc Completed:
Smit� f4rvni & Fo� Ptanal�q Comultastt. Inc (9Au�91.,9:pwJ .=p
� �i � �'� �:��� 1r1WW1Li N�IJUA1tit3► ►14C=�.• •._.••,.� aw.�w...
18. Measura: �- parldng ana for ffie Sports Park shaII 1.`��ed so tbat it acxamplishes ffie
• A minimum 25 fat of iste width shall be pmvided.
• An equipmmi diop off siza si�all be providod 'm an appropriau bcatiaa.
• A iectangular design shall be ut�7iud ai the ead of the pa�idng lot �
• The actess route to the Golf Maintma�x Center shall be no less than 100 fea fmm �e cu�
faoe on Poro�la Aveaue w ensure adequate scacldn&
Imalementation: Prior to site plaa appmval for me SpoRs Park, the applicani shall submit to the
Building and Safery Deparmient for its approval a design for the Sports Pazk parldng aiea which
incoiporates the desiga featuns listed above.
Comoliance Record: -
Timing: Prior to detailed giading and site plan appmval.
Monitoring Agency: Lity of Palm Desert Bu�ding and Safety Department
Date Completed:
Smltl4 Peronl ac Fos. Plaodo� Coa�ultaeta� loe [9Au�4,9:�7amj •21
� �f�iY�W � blllW.11�l�Y1V 11`�LYW1►a avrr.....i... w................ .......�_
19. � P� � P� � sIl unaigoalizt ,�e e�aa Poin� abaIl be aooP a�
Imaleme�tation: Prior to occupancy parmit is�cx. t�e � s� ��0d �P � u
a11 w3si�aliud site eg�ss Poia�s. Tbe Bwlding and Safety Depa�nmt st�ll inspxt ti�e site Lo
de�eimiae tt�at alI �ired �tcp signs have bem installed.
Comnliana Record:
Timing: Prior m a�cy petmit issuance-
Moniwring Agency: C"ity of Palm Deseit Bu�ding and Safety Department
Date Completa3:
Smlt� Pcml ic Fo=. Pfaodn� Cowoltasta, Ix [9Ao�.94.l:pas] •22
� �i�� �Q'Q �lIM1.1lJ1�lI+N Il'�IYWW �v�wu.... .r............,.. ..........
Z0. Meas�n�e: T!� rtvject applicaat sball be �rspo�6le for .��ruc�g or finaacmg the project abate
of the impmvements lisoed below durm8 � P�'ol� oP�B Yar (sa i�ig�me SS. Year 1996 Projxt
Mitigations). 'I'he project's shane shall be calcailated on a fair shane basis.
Country Qub Diive additional westbouad
left turn lanes at: Mm�mey Avmue
Portola Aveaue
Portola Avenue tiaffic signals ar
Fraalc Sinatra Dtive
Northem projax entryway
Southem pmjeci ea�ywaY
Fracilc Sinarra Drive aaffic si�als at: Projxt entryway
Cook Sazet
eounay (]ub Drive traffic signal at: wesoem full access en�yway
Cook Street uaffic signal at:
Monterey Avenue tr�ffic signal at
Portola Avenue traffic signal az:
Southem pr�ject eatryway
Gerald Fotd Drive
Hovley Lane
Country Qub Drive northbound uaffic
right turn lane ai: Monteny Avenue
Counay Qub Drive and Cook SueeL add left wm lanes oa all approaches
Implementation: During the projea opcning yeaz, tfie Public Works Depar��enL shall calculaie the
cost of the improvement� lisud above and the applicant's fair sharz of these costs. The applicant shall
pay his fair share of these cosu.
Compliance Record:
Timing: During the projcct opcning year.
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Ucsert Public Wocics Depar�ent
Date Completed:
Smlth, Pv�ool & Fos� Plaadn� Conaltaub. Inc [9An�9{,9:47a-J ,zy
� � �ID � ��:1Lll�LIN jl'�ll►W1i1 1Vv�✓u�u.+.► .lw Wr+:r..... •.......�
Zl. � By �'"�T�'�' 2015 ihC p[OjeC� aua�a �C i� �r ,,,�O�vi�$ � l�eir FI$ili+� s.6.
Year 2015 Avjat lufitigatio�) an a fair ahate b�si� ,
• Pro�vide an additional eastbound left mm lane on Counay C3ub Drive at Pormla Avmne.
Imaiementatloc� By the year 2015. the Public Worlcs Dcpanmeat shaIl calwla�e tt�e oost of the
improvement describod above and de�eimine the applicaat's fair shane of this cast. The appiicant at�aIl
pay his fair share of this cost.
Comaliana Record:
Timiag: By the year 2015.
Moni�oring Agen�y: �ty of Palm Desert Pubtic Wotics Department
Da�e Completed:
Smith� Perml & Fos. P1mde� Coapltaet� Lae [9Ar�94,�:�7mJ -]A
Q� �i ��� �'Q 811l�1:11J1W1i� ll'�LU�U�A N�wu.�.. .y.. -..,.. _ ... ._ ..........
22. M�s�e: Pri�. -.� iasusnoe of a gtading peffii� the applic �sfiaII obc�n 5vm the C�ty appnoval of
a so�7s erosion contio� plaa which shall include the foIIowiag pzovi.aons:
• SCAQNID Rnle 403 st�all be adhered to, iawring the ckan up of oonswction-telaned dirt on
app�ach routes �o the site.
• Adequate watering techniques shall be employed to partially mitigate the impact of
cor�su�uction-generated dust pardcula�es. The water should be ierlaimed or agriculuual caosl
type. whmever ava�able. Portions of the project site that an under-going earth moving
operations shall be wateied such thaz a cn�st will be foimed on the ground surface and thm
wanered again at the ead of the day.
• Any vegetative ground cover to be u�ized on-site shall be planud as soon as possible to
reducx the amount of open spacx subject to wind erosioa Soil stabilizers or binders may be
used in place of vegetation. Inigation systems naded to water these plants shall be installed
as soon as possible to maintain the ground cover and minimiu wind erosion of the soiL
• '� P�J� PI'oPonent shall comply witl� aIl provisions of the Palm Desert Municipal Code
related to cocuwction activities including the development of a Grading Plan, an Irrigation
Plan and a Fugitive Dust Control Plan for submival and approval prior to the initiarion of
grading activities on-site.
• Any conswction access roads shall be paved as soon as possible and cleaned after each work
day. The maximum vehicle spced limit on unpaved ioads should be 15 mph.
• Grading operauorLs shall be suspended during first and sa�nd stage ozone episodes or when
winds exceed 30 mph.
Implementation: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit to the City's Public
Worics Deparunent for revicw a soil crosion control plan which includes all the provisions outlined
abovc. The applicaru shall ob� a�proval of this plan prior to issuance of a grading permi�
Compliance Record:
Timing: Prior.tn issuanc,c of a grading permi�
Monitoring Agency: Ciry of Palm Desert Public Wocics Departmen�
Date Compleeed:
Smlt� P+erml & Fo� Aaedu` Cawltant; Ioc j9Aue9�.9:47aa�] .ss
Q� �R ]�m �Q �.��Y � N4DJ�uuu a�truw� �u�aur
23. M�: Durin�'�cvosttnc�tion. SCAQI1rID Ru1a 1108 ad %.�6.1 s�eII be a�e+ed Lo, P��B
tbe ase of rap�d aad medimm cuie cutbadc asphaUs as weII as ocganic ooemposmda ia amnlsified
Imulen�tadon: Prior to pavemeat instaIIadon. the applic�nt at�aII 5vbmit to the Building and Saf�et�►
Departmeat ciu s6xts for aIl paving ma�erials �o be a9ed in the pcojxt 'Ibe Bui1ding and Safety
Deparimeot shall asoertain that th� matetials are in c�omplianoe with South Coasi Air Quality
Maaagtmmt District Rules 11U$ aud 1108.1.
Comvliana Record:
T'uming: Prior to pavem�nt icsstaltatioa
Monitoring Agency: C�ty of Patm Descct Bu�ding and Safety Denarmsent
Date Complered:
Smltlti Perool & Fm[. pfaed� Cwoka�p,4 lac, j9Ae�4,l:�1u] .0
� �Q ]��m �� �.'�'�Ri II�JIB F�1B7i7�13J1�sun�� t�uueut�
24. M�,n�e: Dur�rg oonst�cnton, SCAQIVID Rult 1113 ah�II ..,.�dha�ed to. �icxing tbe VOC c�o�eat
of aay � c�osting materials n�ed on-site �o a ma�dmiim of 208 poaads of VOC Pa S��
Iirmkma�tadon: Prior Lo ata�t of c�onsauction. �e aPp�icaat shaII submit to the Bu�7ding sod Safety
Departmeot ait shats for all a�hita�ual ooating mate�ials Lo be nsed a�n-site. The Bu�ding and
Safety Dep�tmeat shaIl asce�sin that t�e manerials ut in oompliana with South Coast Air Qualiry
Managemeai District Rule 1113. _
Compliana Record:
Timing: Prior to start of consuuction.
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Deseit Bulding aod Safety Deparmient
Date Completed:
Smitl4 Ptroal k Foz. Pfaeda� Cowltaw. [sc (9An�,9:47a�] ,r
� �Q �o6m ��oaq4 �9'II�Ri II�J� F3�B�II'� �� t�uNwr
ZS. �����• �Y ���: dtea�l drhne iaternsl coaibu�tian
eng�s�s abaII nse z diesel fiu1 with a maximvm of O.Q596 w�lfnr aad � bonr degiee retard.
Imolema�tation: Prior oo gra�ding aad �an. tbe p�vjxt � mana8«' a�aIl Psovide
to the Community Development Depa�aeat doctimea�atiaa� irom the fuel sounce thsi the fiul has leas
than the maximum aulphur c��mt and rxords indic�in� that tbe timing of aiginea t�ss bem cbedced
by a qualified mechanic. Thrnug�out the canswctlon perlod on a daily basis, t�e oonst�ucxian
mana�cr sbaIl eos�u+e compliana with this measime and abaIl submit a bi-weelcly �
monitoriug report demonstrating compHauoe for teview by the Public Wo�ics Departmeat.
Comoliana Record
Timing. Prior to gradiag a�d consrnuxion aad bl-wee�cly duting cons�ucxion.
Monimring Agency: Project coc�aucaion manager and Public Works Depaztmeot
Date Completed:
Smitl4 Neroai tc Foz, Plasdu� Coawrfesna, Ir+c. (9Ao�1,l:47an] •2i
�► �R � �eo�cfi �.�'�R1 II+�JIt� R�IR� �I� i�
26. Meas�n�e: Co�ucdon per9o�e1 shaIl be infoimed of �ing aod na�t oppommides.
Inrolemeatation: Prior t� the srart of cons�ucdon a� during t�e ooa�swcxion period. tbe pivject
com�ucnon maaager shall inf�im oonstnuxion petsonnel about rldeaha:ing and �raadt opportu�ties.
The oon�tion manag�er shall submit t� the Coonmuaity Developmeat Dtparommt wrltoea evideaa
that this info�ation bas been disseminated.
ComDliance Record
T'�ming. Prior to the start of conswcxion and during the canstruction period.
Monitoring Agency: Projax coasWction manager and Caty of Palm Desert Community
Developme� Dtpartment
Daoe Completed:
Smltl4 Pernnl 1c Fo� Pfasafo� Coawltasd, Ix [9A��9:Qa�] .b
.� � JCiY� � � ��i i��L11i�11JG1 �l�nn�� �.v�.. �
�'j. �; � �II$ Si18n bC COdfl$lliL� m ID�d.� . �]C "tmCC.
IZifA�CIDCiI�Od: �Ot m �$ � �t �^ � �� ��� ��r St18u �
m the Pnbiic Wo�ics Departmeai for itt eeview �d appmoval i ooasavcxian pa�rldng p�aa whicb ia
c�f'igured oo miaimize aaffic in�erfeseace.
Comaliance Record:
Timing: Prlor to �ading Pian Pamit issvancx.
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Desert Pubdic Worlcs Dtpariment
Date Completed:
Smitb, Percel & Fo� Aaada= Coasnitaue� lne (9Ao�.94,9:�'fmj .70
� �Q l�iol�m �4 �� � ��1B1Clbi Sirwu�t� �r�our
28. Me�u�e: Co�swctio� oper�ions aff�c�8 off-aite ioadw��shaII be s�duled fvr off-pealc aaffic
homs and s�haIl minimize obswcxion of through-tr�ic lanes.
Imalemaitatlon: During c�onstcuc�on. the project coamuctiion manager sbaIl wo�ic with t�e Public
Warks Depar�aent to eaSvre that all oonswction operatiaos affaxing off-site roadways aie scheduled
for off-peak tiaffic ho�u�s aad minimiu obsuucxion of tMough-naffic lanes.
Comaliance Record:
T'iming: During consuvction.
Momo�ring Ageacy: Pmjecx construction manager and C'iry of Palm Desert Public Wotics
DePa�ent .
Date Completed:
Smit4 Peroal & Foz, Aaode= Cawltaat� Isc. (9Au�,9:�fas] 31
Q� ed 1��m �4 �.'B'Il�Pi II+�D�JI@ I�D1�7C�u S�t�tuutra� ex�aur
29. M�: Prlor �psrn►a1 of aite andlbr lands�e P��s. t�.�.Oje� �11x de�o� �o thrt �vind
bnalcs (either saucausl or vegetation) aad bu�ding bcatiaoa a�ptimize wiad dei4ec�ion.
In�lema�tation: Tbe applic.aat abaII msure that the ptojax is desigad ao that wiad W+ealcs aod
b�ilding locado�s opdmize wind deSa�ioa. Prior to appmval of si�e aod/or lands�e pisns. the
Community Developmmt Departmmt shall rcvitw t�se plans to de�mine that wind defla�ian �s
bem maaimiud in the project dcsign.
Comaliana Record:
Timing: Prior to approvat of site sad/or laadscape plans.
Monitorin8 ASency: City of Palm Desert Community Developmmt Depaztmeat
Date Completed:
Sa�it� Perooi & Fo� Aaedn� Comultant� Ix [9Au�4.9:�la�) .i2
��Q l��m l�o�Q �F� �I@ Fi�I@9'18[ alPlHlltl'Jrili� l�lt�Lt'
30. Meas�e: Prio�to laad�pe Plaa app:vval. wind �eala a�,oe desl�ed to allow aooess for perio�ic
remaval of accamulated detnis.
Imnlemmtadon: The applica� shaII msuiz that wind b�ealcs ase desigoed to allow acoess for
periodic removal of socumulaLed debds. Prior to laodscape P� aPP��• ���Y
Developme�nt Departmmt shaII review thGse pd� to deae�iae that periodic debris trmoval fmm wind
brealcs is fac�itated bY Pt'o]� d�Sa -
Comutisnce Record:
T'�ming: Prior to laadscaP� P� ��-
Moniwring Agency: �ty of Palm Desert Commimity Development Deparmient
Date Completed:
Smlq� Peronl & Fo; Aaealn� Cawttast� Lrc. [9Ao�94.9:p�] .�
� � �n �a ��Y i�DWi� t�W►�ruuu �rwuora� r�c-
31. =�� P�.l�� ��� � dfo�t..�ich mmimi�e wiad erosion �
on pz+eviwsly developed a�eas•
Inmkmes�tation: Prior to iaitiadon of gra�ing, the applic�at shall :abmit i p�asing pl�m to the Pubiic
works Dep�near. The Public worics Depaztimeat sbaII review t�e phasing plan t� dc�emoine that
� �� � � � �a � � o� �v;o�y a��a �-
co���a R�a:
T"uaing: Prior to iniristion of grading.
Monimring Agency: City of Palm Desut Public Worlcs Deparmneat
Date Completed:
Smlt4 Perool lc Fo� Pfaodo� Co�wltaata� Iae_ [9Ao=9�,.9:<7a�] .3�
����m�'� ���I����
32. M�: T��Po's� Pi'oJ� ��P1Y ���� �Su�� �� the C�ty's TDM
Ordina�e 689 and any other izlevant wmd etosion and b1owsand plvSrams.
Imnicmentadon: Du�ing the life of the ptvject. the applicaat sbaIl snb�ii writtm documtatatio� m
me comm�mity rhvelop�nt Department wbich ind�ica�s c�mpdiaaoe with so�um coast Air Qoality
Managemeat Disorict Regulation XV, the CSiy's TDM Ot+dina�x 689 a� aIl ielevant wInd emsio�n
and blowsand programs. -
Comuliance Record:
T'iming. D�ring ti�e life of t�e projax.
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Desert Commumty Dcvelopment Depanmau.
Da�e Compleud:
Smith, Peronl dc Foz, Plasdn� Coasottaab. Iae (9Ao�A1.9:47�a] JS
� �Q �9m �oac� _ II+'�iIB i�IDl�7Cllu S�r�t�unr�v� ixu�eur
33. Mns�: P�mirZacationary �ounoes of air po�ll� sbari ad1,.� m applicab�e SCAQl►�ID "Rulea aad
RegulaLoos". �
Imnkmmtatlon: Any pioponent of a fucure statio�ary souroe of air poEartion (e.g. a�� sbaII
submii to the Ca�nmumty Dtvelopment Deparammt writnea dowm�ion of ffie measvr� which aID
bc employed m comply with aIl app�icable Sowh Coast Air Quality Maaagemmt DIsoiict 'Ztula md
Regulaticros". The Community Developmmi Deparoment sball ncview and apprave this doc,ummtatio�
prior to issuana of a business liaase. PeriodicaUy during the life of the bvsinas c h" �•^�•+r its
owne� shall sub�it pioof w tfie Commimity Developmeat De�tmeat of o�ngoin8 compiiaocx with
Souti� Coast Air Quality Managemeat Dist�ict "Ru1es and Regu2atia�s".
Conroliana Record:
Timing: Prior to issuance of a business lioease and periodically during t�e life of the
Monitnring Ageacy: Ciry of Pa]m Desart Coanmumty Developmeni Depanme�.
Dare Completed:
Se�lth, Peroal dc Fos. Pfa�de� Comnftaott, L�c. (9Aas91.9:I7airJ �7f
Q� aQ �m �omQ4 �.'�'B�i� II�D�JIR 2�QD1�t71'ust �ru�unrwn� �nur
34. � Co�ctio�n aca�riti� on-six sbsIl taloe ptaoe a._..huing tbe daya aod homs spa35ed bY
City of Palm De9ert Noise Ondinaaa 691 to redua noise imp�ts during mo:e seasitive time pe:iods.
Inmkmentadon: Duiing consnuction. the Bulding aad Safety Dtpartmeai shall moniLor �
acxivities as part of its Permiuin8 inspoctions m det�ermine tbat aalvities an taldn8 P� �Y d�8
ti�e days aad hours specified by Noise O�ce 691.
Comaliance Record:
Timing. During consdn�ction.
Moaitoring Agency: Ciry of Palm Dese�t Bu�ding aad Safety Department
Date Completed:
Smith. Pvml dc Fo; plaodo� Conw+ltuo� Inc. [9Ant94.9:17ae] �
Q� �d �'o�m �e�4 �II'�P1 II�J1B R�DI�'lliHI � lxit�rttC'
35. Masu�: AII oo�ou eqaipme�t. fixed or mobD�e. s�II bs�qaippod with P�P�Y � aod
mai�aine� mnffias �
Imakmmtadon: Upon iaitistlon cf oaa�ucdon� the pm,jecc ooa�naoio� maa�ger shall submit
wrimm pioof to t�e CommmaitY DevGlopmeat Departraant t�at aII oo�tcncda� a�ipmmi t�aa bem
�PP�d � Pi'oP��Y �8 muffiers. PetiodicaIIy dudng oonsaucoi� the oons�ucsio� mia�agrr
sball submit wriuen proof to the Community Develop�ent Depaivnmt that all mu�ers a�
comtruction equip�neat are properly mai�ained.
Comaliana Record:
T'uaing: Upon initiadon of conswc�aa and periodicaIly duiing consuuction.
Monitoring Agency: City of Pal�m Desert Commumty Development Dapartmmit.
Date Completed:
Smiti4 Peraoi k Foy Pla�s�in� Comuttaet�. Lc. [9Au�9:17a�) .3i
� �R ��6m ]�o�Q �.'�'B� � ���u� �c-u�u�a� �u�r
36. Mms�ir : Sta�-�ary �mt shaII be placxd snch that ��_..ned mLse is diiecoed away � noise
seasiuve :eceivers.
Imnlementadon: During site inspxtions which occur during t�e caostnu�on pcxe.ss. the Building
and Safety Departmeat si�all deteimine that statioaazY �P�� � P� so t�at emimed noise is
directed away �+mm �oise sensitive reoeivers.
Comoliance Record:
Timing: During cons�uction.
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Dese�t Bwlding and Safety Deparmient
Date Completed:
Smitlti Pervnl dc Fo� Am�fat Consultaat�. lac. [9Ao�l.9:17a�J .y�
����� ������������
�rr. �: sm�ns ma �� �s �a �n be �a � � �a �t� � �
smsitive necepoo�.
Inrokma�tation: Prior to bnildin8 P� P�t ��� sbaII submit Lo the Building
and Safety Departme,nt for nvieov aod a�pio�al a p�aa whic� indic�mes thu soocl�iliag and vebic�e
st�ng areas a:�e located as far as poasib�e fiom noi�e aeositive �p�oois.
Comnliana Record:
T'�miag: Prior to buildin8 P� P�� issusooe.
Moniwring Agency: City of Patm Desat Bw'Iding aad Safety Deparament.
Date Completed:
Smltli, Prroni k Fas. Pfaed� Cowitaaq. Isc. [9Aa�,9:1'1aaJ �
Q� �Q j���m �Q �'�'II� II�JIB f3�IF�q1�1 �1P�liluGll� �li�lu�
38. Meas�m: Ev� effort shaIl be made m cneafle t6e gcea._� dismnx betvvem noi�e �ourcas a�d
smsitive ieoepoots dming ooaSuuc�on ac�vities.
ImnkmentaHon: During oo�uctioo. tt� pcfljax ao�uctia� mmager st�all ctea�e the �
poss�'b�le distana betwan noise sources iela�ed m oons�ucnta� acdvitiat and se�tive �to:s.
Duriag its periodic inspec�tions of the si�e. the Bm'ldiag aod Safety Departmeat s6all dete�ine t�t
this maximum dis�nce is bting mainiained. �-
Comaliana Record:
Timing. During consoruction.
Moniooring Agency: C'ity of Palm Deseit Buldiag and Safety Departmeat,
Date Complaed:
Smlth� Aernal & Fos. P1aed� Coesuttao� Inc (9Aq94.9:paaJ ,u
Q�t 9Q p'�m �aoaQQ �.�iY ]I+�AW�t 1�u�cuuu y,r,n�,�a� �
39. Me�n^e: Bndldit�etbacics ahaIl be uaed L� rednoe e�niar n��e l�vcla m below 70 C'NF.L ��ail
and offioe/�tofess�ional usas ptoposod adjacmi m�o�ntry Qub D�ve. . �
Imalerr�a�tation: Prior m site pdaa � the app�ic�ot st�aII have aa ac�oical study Per[oimod
bY a qu�i�d Pi'�fcssio�al to det�mme the location of t�e 70 CNII, c�o�o�tr far Couauy C1ub Drive
adjacmt to the pmposed re� and office,/�sof�ssional uses. Tbe study shall d�ane that buildiog
setbacks aad/or aoise barriers propos�d have i�duocd exoedor mise leveLs to below 7� C�1EL, for thae
uses. The st�dy shall be sub�itZod ta ti�e Bin'lding aad Safety Depart�eat for nview and a�pmti►al.
Comaliancx Record:
Timing Prior to site plan peimit appmvaL
Monitoring Agency: Ciry of Palm Deserc Btu'Iding and Safcty Deparmieat
Dane Completed:
Smltl4 Arronl dc Fa:, AasMn� Coesoltaat� lac (9Au�1.,9:paa) �
Q� �d l�m �ao�Q �Il'd�Fi II+�JIR F�li�Ii�l g�tsun�u�un� �x�aur
40. = Bai�ng setbac�s and p�d eltvmia�s s6aII be n� in oo�j�mcCtan with aoo�usdc berm or
bemn aad ban�ier oombinations to rednoe ia�usive noise levds ai my timeshare vacatlo� owne�ship
units locaud withiu ti�e 65 CNII. oontour adjaaai to Pnrtola Aveaua prior oo t�e iswana of builting
Imalementadon: Prior to si�e P�an Peimit appiwal. ti�e applica� sbaII have an acousdcal amdy
performed by a quali8ed professional m deteimine the loc�tion of the 65 CNB. oo�ur for Pti�tola
Avenue adjaceat �or prnposed timesha:t uaits. The acoustical swdy shall dema�st�aLe that use o� i
combinadan of bulding setbadcs, Pad elevations and acausoic be:m or berm aad ban�ier cambinadaos
w�l rzduce exterior noise levels to below 65 CNEL for these timesbares. Tl�e smdy shaIl be sub�itted
to me Bu�ding and Safety Departme� for review and approval.
Com�liance Record:
Timing: Prior to site ptaa permit appmvaL
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Lksut Bu�ding and Safety Depanment
Dane Completed:
Smltl4 Perml dc Fo=. Aando� Coasultaat�. Ise. (9Ao�9:f7a�J �i
Q;� �d l�m �'t �PI II+�JIB Rl�u'�tu �uu� �o,�nur
41. I� B��� s�Il be »aed Lo ma�ne t�t ah.,.�od ioo�s in Pfa� Ana 11 ate
locaoed oa�ide the nitima�e �msmmuaoed 65 (�Ei. c�a�as o� adjaoeat �adwaYs.
Inmkmmtadon: Prior to site plaa Pem�it �p�wa1, tbe �p�ic�nt aball have sn �cal study
p�rformed by i qualifi�ed ptofessioaal �o dete�ine tbe 1ocatia� of the nitimaLe �m�ed 65 CT�i.
co�tours of %rank Sinatra Diive md Coolc strea adjaact m praposed booel ases in me noitheast
comer of the site. The swdy shaIl de�ermine that building sabacks aad/or mise banie� are adequa�e
to tedua e�erior noase levels below 65 CNII. for sIl Soors ia these nses. Tt�e swdy shaIl be
sub�itoed to the Building aad Safety Dep� for review and approvaL
Compliance Record:
Timing. Prior to site plaa peimit approval.
Monitoring Agency: C'ity of Palm Desert Bulding and Safety Department-
Dane Completed:
Smlt4 i4rvni dc Foz, Plaodu` C.oesnleasc� Ine j9Ad�,1:��] �
Q�r �d � � �� II�JI�L tY4yll�11'uu ��ruuinr►v� �u�sur
az Measu : Aa`�rthen be�m s1�an be oo� namd m...�.orta p�dc t� p�mde mise ahieldias for
�Y �J� �-
Imalea�tation: Prior m camm� of �ding on tbe site. the a�plicaat shaIl �mii t° t�e
Community Develop�eat Deparomea2 for �eviea aod applwai a deta�ed giading plaa for the Sp�ts
Pa�ic wlrich indicaLes the earthm beim atvimd tbis fac�ity.
Complisnce Raord:
Timing. Prior to commeacxmeai of gzadiag on the sioe.
Monitoring Agency: City of Patm Desert Commumty Development Deparm�eni.
Dane Completed:
SmItQ Perool & Fo=, Plandu� Coasoltant�. Ix [9A��,9:Qat] �3
� � � �� � Il�JI� �l 31P'1tl11l�IIiJ6 �1NIUC
43. � Tmdc �ss. pa�ng ma �esi�n sod air ' m�a abaIl be caetiiDy
desigaed and evaluatied at more �ed levels of pl�miag to mia�ize the po�eadai for aooustic
impaar t� adjacxat noise sensitive dcvelopmeat
Lm_�kmmtadon: Prior �o bnilding pe�it i�noe. �e ap'P�ic� s�aII s� DD ���Y
De"elopme� Depanment for rcview and approval detailed si�e plaas wbich indicaoe the design of
uuck access. parldng a:ea. and air oonditioning refrigeration umts. 'I1�e CommunitY ���P��
Depaztmeat shall detetmine that these feamt+es have bem deslg�ed t� minimiu ti�e poomtial for
acaustic impacts L� adjaceat noise sensidve developmeat.
Comallance Record:
Timing: Prior to building permit issuanoe.
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Desert Commu�ty De�+elopment DePaRmeat.
Date Completed:
Smttl4 Pervl ic Fas, Pland� Co�suitaso� I�e. [9As�1,l:47u) �
ii��,i�, .,,1 I" � i � �� lu,.> �. � � ,`i�:rl ► � i�i `. �' ��� I I� \ il� I� I I:I �`il" :.
44. Meswrr�e• A'�+ailed figisting glan ahaII be iev�eaned bq t.,,.�ng Cammission.
Inrokmentation: Prior to site plan apint�val, the applic�at sbaIl submit a deta�lcd lig�ting plaa for
�t Sports Pa�ic Lo �e Planniag Comaussiact for its :eview aad appcvvaL
Comaliana Record:
T'iming. Prior to site plan approvaL
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Desert Ca�munity Dcvelopment DepartimenL
Date Completod:
Smlt�, Ftrani 1k Fo; Aandut Coaadtaw� lAc.. j9A�=94,9:�7aej ,p
Q� �d �+o�n �a �i.'7cucWt� �rv,u�uur N�u+uzuuu �r�� .,A►..,�.
45. Meaau ' Aa iaa...ead�ent P� �S�S ��`.� �8'� �o tevi�ew the detr�ed
li�g pslaa f�nr the apons p�. �e aim o� d�e ieview �all be �o make , rxommmdatio�t m
miniani�e the negative im}�Cta m anrtoimdi� psvpertiea. Tbe :epoR ahaIl be
inooiporat,ed into ffie deta�ed ?s8�8 P� P�r o� the issysaa of buildin8 P��
Imalementation: Prior to ffie issuanoe of b�u�diag pe�its �or the Sports Pa�ic. the appiicxnt abaII
engaSe an indtpendmt profiessional lighting eaginetr �o review the de�iled li8�8 P� for tbe SpoAs
Parlc. This mgineer st�all malce nca�mmdations t� mimmi�e the negative impacts an snrmimd'm,g
ptope�ties �vhicb sball be iacorporaoed ia�o t�e det�ed lighting plan t� be pnsenoed to tht P3�ming
Commissioa (See Measure 44.) Tl�e a�piic�nt shall p� to the Pla�ming Commission wrimea
evidencx that aa independent professional flStmnB eapnce�' has reviewed the report and that his
rxommendazions have bxn iacorporaned i�o it
Comaliance R�cord:
Timing: Prior to the issuaacx of bu�ding petmits�for ti�e Spons Park.
Monitoring Agency: C'ity of Palm Desert Community Development Dtpartmau.
Date Completed:
Smlt� Perml /c Fo� Plaqda� Coa�ltaets. I�e. (9Ar�l;�fa,�] ,�
Q,� md l�dl�m �0'�c4 �II'�fii II�iDBTltY fii�1i�� .� l�d�ite'
46. Meas�a�e: Tbe`net ambimt light level impaa to neighbo�,rs�tsottading the spotts parlc site alEer
lighting is operational shaIl be what e�sts piior to ins�IIsdon of flg�ts.
Implementatlon: Prior tn the ias�llaaon of Sporn Padc lighting, the applic�nt si�aD eagage a
qualified professionet to talce ambie� lig,ht level me�svi+eme�s in the naghbo�ood surra�mdiag the
Sports Park. Followiag the installation of Sports Parlc Hghring, the applicant shaIl engage a qualifiod
professional to take aew ambieat lighi measuronents at the same locations wh�e ti�e lighting is
op�ra�ng, Widiin b0 days of cammenceme,at of opaadon of lighting at the Spocts Parlc. the applicant
shall submit tn the Comm�mity Develop�ment DepatCme� a repott prepared by the Qualifled
professional wtrich demonsrrates that the na ambi�nt light kvel in ti�ese �eighborhood is not incraased
wh�n the Sports Paiic lighting is opeTatin&
Compliance Record:
Timing: Prior to the installation of Sports Pazic lighting; following instaIlation of Sports Patic
lighring: within three (3) months of installatio� of Iighting az the Sports Paric.
Monitoring Agency: City of Palm Desert Community Development Department
Date Completed:
Smlt14 Perae( & Fos, Plaadn� Cawltaat�. Inc. (9A��9:f7aeJ -49
Q� �d lPm�m �Q �Ri Il�11B R�� �II°l6il�l� �u�4uC'
a�. _ cilare s�Celas sbau be oaed fo� me pvpo�ed li�.--
Imokmesitation: Prior to issusaoe of aa ocxu�ncy pc�mit for tbe Sports Pa�c. tbe Buildin8 aad
g�Y �par�eat abari mspect tbe lightiag installed fior tbe Sports Patfc m de�erndine t�t giate
shields bave beta i�lled.
Comaliance Raord:
'I3ming: Prior to issua�oe of m oo�nc.y pesmit �or the Sports Parlc.
Monimring Agency: CSty of Palm Desest Bu�ding aad Safety Depanmeat
Dane Completed:
Smlth. Perool & Fo=, Aaeda� Comottast� L�c. j9Ao�.9:4Tu] •�
��i l�. "� I I"' i i� i � Il� �. .�. i � :11:•� 1 I;�h � I' �1� � II': \ �111: I I:I �`I ": I:
48. Ma�ure: ��igh�ng shaIl be mo�o�ed aod ad,jusoed �r ia�Ilation �o p�eveat spiII lig�t �nd
elimina�e glai+e �vithin ndghboring residemial pRopertiea. Viaois �o p�c+eveat gla:e shaIl be adj�tsoed
ba4ed om di:+xt observadaQ firom �esidmtial vie�vpoi�.
Imolementadon: Followiag instaIlabion of Sports Pa:ic lighting, d�e applicaot shall engag�e a qualifiod
profiessional t� monitor aad adjust the Hghdng so t�at s�l light is el�natod and visors a:z adjusted
to p:event glan. Zhe qualific� profesdonal shall submit a report verif�►ing that monimring aad
adjustment has bem done aad t�at sdjustmeat of vis�rs was based on direct obsavation h+nm
izsideadal vi�wpoints. Within 60 days of commenoameat of opecation of lig�ting az the Sports Parfc,
thc applic.ant shall submit this report for :eview aod app�val to ti�e Communiry Developome�
Comaiiance Record:
T'iming. Within 60 d.ays of c�mmcnammt of opuation of Iigt�ng at t�e Sports Pa�ic.
Monitaring Agency: C'rty of Palm Drsert Commumt}► Development Dcpartmmt
Dane Completcd:
SmIW. Ptrool dc Fn:, Aaoda� Coatultant� Iat, [9Ao�9:�7a�] -�
Q� �Q �,o�n �t �.'Il'Il�P1 II+�JIB iY�IB7i'l�l Sarusunr�us t�eu�aur
49. ��8�8 of apona eveata abaIl be t�aaed a�t 11:00 p.m.
Implema�tatlon: During t6e opeiadan of tbe Spons Paif�. d�e Cade Camplisna De�mt shaIl
moaimr sporting evems to deoe�ine ti�at outdoor Hgimng is tumed off at 11:00 p.m.
Comaliana Record:
Timing: During the opesation of tbe Sports Pa�c.
Monimring Agency: C�ty of Pahn Deseit Code Co�pliancx•
Dane Completed:
Smit14 Paml dc Fos. Planeln� Coawdtast� lac (9A��,l:17a�J •S=
� � ��m �� �Fi �IB F1�IBq'�I 31�1�us l�eltsuJC'
50. M�: �`�ions ca�paoeat4 a� the pr�,jecx ahaII pay�.e app:opria�e oo�mencisl d�velopme�
low-income ho�using mitiganion f�ee as mandated by (gty Re..�o�tlan 90-130.
Imakma�tatlon: Prior to b�u�ding pezmit is�uaoa for my oo�po�at of the pmject. t�e doveloper
of that oamponent shall pay the appropriate oomma+cial dtvelopmeat low-inoome housing mitigffiia�
fa uader CStq Resolution 90-130 to the Building a� Safety Depammeat-
Com�liana Record:
T'�miag. Prior to bu�ding petmit issumxx for aaq oomponeat of the project.
Momo�ring Agency: C'ity of Palm Desett Bu�ding aad Safety Department
Dane Completed:
Smitl; Ptrool dc Fas. Plaeda� Coawrttaot� Isc [9A�;94,9:�1a�J -Si
� �U Il9o�[n �rQ �1i� �r�W�c t��uu„ �r�� ��
Si. � If r�ed wanet ia ivailabk aad oa�st e�oalve. t�,,,�to� m tbe ias�sncx of g�din8 P�
appevvat tbe applicar�t abaII arorY whb CYWD t� enauie t� �t�tisiy uea�ed �eclaimed �vaoer is naed
for irrigation an the golf oouise sod gzem belt oo�mo� ud. 1be lias nsiag t�e nxlaimed wa�a
�n � ��y m�a �a ��a r� � � �. �� s� �n t�
provided w wam the pnblic of tbe use of Rctaimed wa�er for iaigatio� p�uposes.
Impkmaitatlon: Following installatian of reclaimod wa�er lines on ti�e si�e. the Bmlding aod Safety
and Pubiic Woiics Departmmt shall inspeci the site �o det�mine that tbc reclaimed watier Iina u+e
���telY ma�Ced and �c�a�d fmm potab�le waoer �es aod ti�at adoqaate signage is plvvided
w notify tise public of the nse of neclaimed water for inigation. The applicaat shall present �o tbe
Community Dcvelopmeat Deparmneat writ�IDm appivvals of its neclaimed water systenn fiom the
su�ding and safety and Pubiic wotirs Dep�me�ts.
Comoliance Record:
Timing: Folloaiag inscallation of rxLvmed wa�er lines on tt�e site.
Monimring Agency: C'ity of Paim De.sert Bu�ding aod Safery Deparament. Public Works
Deparmnent and Comffiunity Developmeat Dtparm�t.
Date Completed:
SmItA, i4raol dc Fo=. Plaodn� Coawltasts. lnc (9Ar�.9:�7�] .y{
Q� �Q � �'� �.'��RT �D�TI� F1�I1@� �C1i� 1�l1�l1lt'
�, � 'i�'w ffie issuaace of anY �S P� ��� � P� demiled wsoer
Sysoem improvemmt plans ahich sball be � by t�e CVWD. ImpiovGmen�s idmti5ed ia tbe
pians sha11 be paid for by t�e applicant aad be in plaa pdor to buildin8 Permit is�oe.
Imalemmtadoa Prior to issvaace of bnilding peimiLS, the a�plic�at st�aIl p:epate detailed wa�er
�'� �P��� P� for submittal to the Coach�lla Val1ey Wa�eer Dist�ict (CVWD) and sbaIl
submii the plan wit� written approval from the CVWD tn t�e Bia'lding and Safety and Public Woria
Departmmts. Prior L� building petmit issuance, the appli�ai shall submit to the Btulding and Safety
Departmmt writtea proof that all impmvemems ideanficd 'm tbe plans have bxn paid for aod an ia
Comoliance Record•
T'iming. Prior to any bulding permit iss�___�
Moni�oring Agency: C'ity of Palm Desen. Bu�ding and_Safety Depa�ent
Dare Completed:
Smith, Peroai dc Foy Aaeda� Coamltaat� lac (9Ao�94.l:Q�) •SS
_ ...______
� � � �,� � II�JIB t�QD1B1t7b1 Sirwunr►�un� �a+�xur
53. � Pdor itr-bcwpaac.7► Pee�it �a � P�°� �_�� � iastall wattr aoa�
� aad appiia�oes includioog a6o�vr.r beads. o�ileta. fa�+s, �v�n8 � and disha►aabe�s-
L*�±9kmmtadon: Prior to issvance of ocxv�cy P�mi�+ tbe Buildiag md SafetY Dep�mmt �1
�� �� m� o� m det�i� tbat �vater coasavin8 fixuu+es and a�is� bave
bera insmIled.
ComaUsna Record:
Timing. Prior to issua�na of occaipaocy pe�.
Monitoring Agency: Bu�lding aod Safety De�romeat.
Dazt Completed:
Smltl4 Peronl 6c Foz. Aasdo� Coarottasts. I�c I9Ao�4.l:�fa�J `�
Q� aQ 1� �t �.�Pi �uY i�u,utt�u,ni �r�uo�a�a� s�u�ur
54. � Psi�o�-� oo�vp�CY Pe�it iaauaooe 15e appiiam�.11 ia�ll aa�er coa�svinS l�dsc�
materials aad iaig�ton aysor.ms in �Il ca�moa l�ada�a�pe a:tas. Iaigadon sysoems shaII utIIiu
moismre smsaas aad �o�e pla�s by �va�er demaod. 1l�e apptic�i abaII submit laadscape plans m tbe
CVWD aad C�ty. p�ior �o t�e issuaax of laods�pe Pian �p�w�1 m eas� effideot wa�er use. If
iuigation wa�er is pamped h+o� tbe aquifa, tbe usa shaII paY a g�o�dwaoer �plmis�mmt �ee �o
Imoleme�tation: Prbr w laodscape Plaa �►�l. t�e B�8 ��Y ��t aad CVWD
shall :tview aII PmP� � P� m� tbaz �vaner ao�serving I�mdscaping materials aad
irrigation sysoems bave baa p�pcued. Tbe Bn�1di� s�d S�tY Depar�e� shall ea.� thaz t�e
wat�ar e�'icieat land.Scape plans are implem�oed pdor to oaap�aCy peimit is�naace. The appliczat
shall snb�it writnen evideace to ffie Bw'ld� a�d Safery De.par� indicxting that CVWD has
reviewed tbe landscape plaas a� tbe sugge.sdo�s for waner �urvation are beiag implemmted in tbe
landscape plan.
Comaliance Record:
Timing. Prior o0 occuposncy pe� i�x aad Laadscape Plaa appmvaL
Moiriaoriag Agency: C'it�y of Palm Dexrc Bu�7ding aad Safery Dcparmneat.
Dane Compler�
smlt� Perm� & Fu. R..e+et co...� Ix. RsRsll�sp.] -s7
� od �9oA� �4 �.'II'Il�F� �JIB Iy�lF�lCltsl � �xurur
SS. 1��I .wr' 'Ibe a�t�t ahaIl Pay the t� �eQa�ed b'9 CV W�--� aaver the oo�t of sewage �
fadliates L� baa�e pcoject wasoewaur. Sa Sec�io� 6ri.1. Waoer, for i di�on of mitigation
measutzs which ue designed �o tedua wafler oo�sampdan and wbicfi wiII aLSo :+edua t�e amaant of
�vascewa�et re�iiing t�ratmeai.
Imakma�tation: Upon requesc of watcr service, me a�plic�at st�aIl P�Y me Coschella VaIley Wa�er
Dist�ict the fas mquis+ed tn cover the cost of sewage t�e�tmeat fac�lities to ha�ndle projax wa�eaa�er
and shaIl subo�it �o tbe Ccmmumity Developmeat Depattmeai arritua confirmation fiom tbe Coac�a
v�y w� n�a�a � m� ras ���a.
Comnliar�a Rernrd
T'iming. Upon itquest of water setvia.
Monimring Agency: Coac�ella Valley Wa�er Di.saicx, (ity of Palm Desert Commuaity
Developmeni DcpartmenL -
Daoe Complexod:
Smlth, Perosl dc Faa. Aanda� Coesoltaut� Lrc. [9Ao�94,�:�fu] -Si
� �� �'� ��1PIDFi ]F�D�JIi� Fi�1Hi ►�ilP1Hi1l��IL�uis �xur�
S6. � �l� � �Y � �3+ � °^� �S �D� °f �°a wasts and
sizing of aash eaclosures to acx�o�moda�e �+ecyclinS b�s.
Imalementation: Prior �u bar']ding permit is�noe, t�e appHc�at sbaIl ptepa:e a plan which �
the projax's campdiance arith C�ty Ondinance 612 iega�mg soorage of gnen wa.soe and siziag of uash
enclosura t� acxAmmodate rxycling bins Tbe spplicaat sbaIl submit this plaa �o ti�e Bn�lding aad
Safety Deparmnmi for nview aad approval. and sbaIl snbmii �o the Community Develop�ent
Deparomeat writLm pioof that the Bu�ding and Safery Depa�tm�at bas apPm�� � P�
Comaliana Record:
Timing: Prior to building pe�it i�.
Monitoring Agency: C''ary of Palm Desert Bu�diag aad Safety Departme� and Commuaity
Developme� Dtpartmeat
DaLe Completed:
Smitl4 Peroal fc Fas. Pfa�de� Coawdtast� Ix [9Ao�1,l:47a�J -9!
� � � �'Q _ �IC�L.'1Gl�l� 1N1UIW1►Y i��u►uiuio► auruu�ua� aw�aw�:
57. Maaur�: T6e ptb�odeia of anq �onrnameat p�+oposed on tbe ��9ec�t ai�e sbaIl ckvelo�p an apeca�o�
i'a%Y�S P� for the cvmt whici� cxlc,�ila�s t�e waste (food and �o1i� m be �arsa�ed by the event
and propo,,es waste �on meas�es. �is prlaa abaIl be appiaved by the CSty's Recycling
Lmnkmaitation: Prior m issvaooe of a pe�it for aay toumammt pr�posed a� the pmject ai�e. tbe
promoters of such a mumameat shall develop aa operationt recyclin8 Plan for the cveot. This p�an
shall be revieaed aod appzoved by the (ity's RecYclinB Coo�dmat�r and sub�itt�ed w the Ctty'a
Spaial Events Cooidinaoor.
Conmliana Record:
Timing: Prior to issuancx of a pemiit for any toumameat pioposed on the site.
Monitoring Agency: C�ty af Palm Deseit Recycling Coordinatnr and Special Evmts
Coot+dinator. �
Date Completed:
Smith� Perml & Fo=. Aaea(n� Cawitaan. Iae [9A��4,9:�1a�j i0
� � � �'� �1� II�JIB R;QD1Bq� �i1ClB1� �dl�llr
s8. Meas� : Pi�v�ax o�o� shan be :equired m c�iy wim �de 2a of ine califnmia
Administiradve Code (Sta�e Buildm8 EfficieacY �dar�i•
Imnlenimtadon: Ptior m building permit issus�x. the applic,ant sbaIl P�P� ���°OS °f
��S �SY �cimcy and shall submit �Se calailatians �o the Building aad SafetY Dep�me�
for app:vvaL Tbe applic�at shaIl submit wdt�en prnof to the Commuaity Developmmt Depardmeat
that this apprnval has ban obtained. •
Comaliana Record:
Timiag. Prior tn bulding permit issuaaa.
Monimring Agency: �ty of Palm Desert Bu�ding and Safety Deparcmern and Community
Developme,nc Depanmmt.
Dane Completed:
SmitJ4 Perwl dc Fos, Pfasds� Coesultaet� lne [9Ao�.9:p�] il
� � � �,¢ �Q,R�Ai II�JII� Fl�1FClt'uu � �a+�+r'
59. � Pdoc �r'oa�aflcY Pe� �• tbe d °0� �al smisSe. aad
reasonable eaetSY �e�8 � in SCE p�+ograms �S �Y �8�°S�
p�sive aolar �p1i�o�. Pmof that this bas beea do�e shaIl be �bmitoed in wiitin8 bY the
d�veloper to the CSty.
I�*�kmmtation: Ptior m ooc�ncY Pe� ���� s�aIl oo�ci Sout�em Calibo�ia
� and implemaot aIl ttaso�able eaerg�' 00�8 m� in �u p=o�� T� ��
st�all aubmii t� the �ty ���P� �r,at wiitoen doamneatation of the imp�emeamt�o�
of ti�ese meawres.
Comaliana Record:
T'iming. Prior to occu�c.y p�� �•
Monimring Agwcy: �cy of Patm Desat Commumity Development Departmeat
�ane Complet,ed:
Smltl4 Pvmi & Foz. P1asd� ('.orrkaet�s. 1sa I9A��.l:�fa�] �
Q� �d l�omm �4 �.�R1 II�JIB Fi�Ii��7H[ �l�ul�ICtus toeiNeur
60. � 17i� �pp�ic�at shaIl oo�act tbe Southem � Ciaa C1o�pany m obt�n assistaocx m
selaxing tbe most effecdve �pplicatioos of mQ�► oo�ecvada� �niqu� �or �is P�'ol� '��
txhn�ques abaIl be implemeaced p�ior �o issuanoe of buildin� oow�ancY Pe�� a� proof that this
has oaaured sbaII be submiued 'm writing by tbe sppHcaat �o the C'itq.
Imakmmtadon: The spplic�at sbaIl wozfc whh tbe Sou�sa Califomia Gas Company to select tbe
most effective energy conservatioa �chniques for tbe projecL Pdor w issuana of bu�lding oocapaacy _
pe:mits. the appdicazn s�hall submit to the Comm�ity Developme� Deparameat writtm ptvof tbat
th�se oecbniqnes have bem �plemwnod.
Comaliance Record:
T'iming. Prior �o issuanx of bu7ding oca�ncy peimitS-
Moni�oring Ageacy: C�ty of Palm Desert Commuoity Development Depar�eat
�.� ���. �..�
Smitl4 Peroel & Fa�, Pla��i� Comoltnt� Ix (9Ab4.l:�la�) �3
� � �m �¢ �pj II++QD�JIB �1i�II7Hi alP�ilif�l�li� !�Il�tuC'
61. � Zbe �on Desezt C�ty Maaager �ad the Palm a...at Sta�on Ca�anander si�aII �t
a�nusIIy t� �ine whether developmeac of Pcoject c�o�P�� � addidonal police �
in ocder to mais�in an adequa�e level of paHcx Pmooectio�.
Imokmeatadon: The Palm Desat C�ty MaaaSer aad the Palm Desett Statio� Commaader shaIl mat
an�uaIIy m discuss �n81��►�1S aad ahall iafoffi the Commimity Develop�eat Depaflmeat Build3ag
and Safety Depammmt of the madng and its outooma
Comaliance Recrord:
Timing: Annuany.
Moniwring Agency: �ty► of Palm Desert Qty Manager. Stadon Commander and Commtmity
Developmea� Departmeat
Dane Completed:
Smit� Peroal lc Fm�. Aa�dq Coa�ukasts, Isc [9Ao�.9:47�] '�'�
� � ]�� ]�Q �.�� �TI� ��7�1 �1�!l�11lLiC�l1� l�61��6ilC'
62, Mess Pr� m occurleacx of a�► a�xr3a1 evmt �t �- S�o� Fa�c ac t�e c�ampio�shiP S'�
course, tbe p�vmooer shaII obtain a permit fmm the C�ty. �e permit applicatio� msoerials sbaIl
indicate estima�es of tbe �mber of visitrns w the apaaal eveat. the mea�u�es req�nned oo mt�ue
Proper �aanitY for the eveat and tbe mechaaism for 5naaca�g these saauity measune.s. TLe
application shaIl be app:oved by the Riverside Couaty Sherlff s Departmmt
Imolementadon: Prior o0 occ�urmcx of any spxial tveat ai the Spons Park or ffie championship goli' _
course. tbe pnnmo�er shari sub�it to the Riveiside Coumy S6aiffa Depa�mmt a peimit applicatio�
which deraiLt saurlty mea�uts ivr the eve�t. The �ooer sbaIl sub�it t� the Spedal Evec�
Coondinator wriGra proof that t�e applic,ation has bem agproved by the SherifPs Departmeat.
Comoliana Recvrd-
Timing: Prior to occuneax to any spxial eveai at the Spotts Pa:ic.
Moni�oring Ageacy: Rive�ide Cou�y Sheriff s' Depanmeat, City of Palm Desert Spxial
Eveats Cootdinator.
Da�e Completed:
Smitl�, Pernel & Fo; Plaodt� Coawltaat� Inc (9An�94.9:�7as] j6
Q� �Q �B� �aemrr� �AI � R�1�1[�tu s�uycurnr�,n� �aur
63. M�: P:ic��,a' she pian appr�vsl for the Spott= Pad�. �develo�ers of the Spo�t Pacr sball
submit m tbe Rivecs[de Con�y Shaia's Depanma� Lor its appswal a ai�e pian �ad p�n ic� co�trol
of the sale of alcoholic beverages at this fac�licy. Tbis p�m sbaII iaclude detaiLs of p�rk desig�n ahich
will msune thaz ffie oo�sumptio� of alcobolic bevaagea can be oo�8ned to a single locatio�.
Imalementation: Prior to si�e piaa appivvat for the Spons Padc. ffie developeis of t�e Spom Pa�
shall svb�it to the Rivesside Co�mty Sheriff s Department a siu plan and plan for c��rol of the aale
of alcoholic beverages ai this fac�ity as de.�aibed above aad sbaII subonit to the Commnnity
Develop� Deparomeot writtea p�of d�at thc Sheeri�a De�psr�eai has neviewed aod approved the
Comaliance Record:
Timing: Prior to sitt plan approval for tbe Sports Pazi�.
1Nionitoring Agency: Rivecside County Sheriff s Deparameat. (�ty of Palm Desert Community
Dcvelopmevt Depar�aeat.
Date Complet�ed:
Smltl� F'eronl & Fo� Nando� Coomltaot; La. j9Au�4.9:17y] �
� � �m � �Fi �JIB fi�7t71� S�tsun�u�n� t�eu�nur
64. Meas�n�t: T�h-.eveloper shaIl eqnip any st�ucdu+e aver .�.f0 square f�eet in a�a with a sp:inlcla
rystem ia acx:ondsaoe aith (5ty Ondinaace 666.
Imalema�tadoa: Prior to occupancy permit issusacx, tbe Building and Safety Depanmeat st�a11
inspecx atl su�ucdues wer 3,000 squaz+e feet in atea �o ms�ue t�at thcy have baa e.quipped with
SPrinkler systrms and shall infotm the Commumty Developmeat Deparane� of ineir 5ndings.
Comnliana Record:
Tfmiag Prior to occupancy pemnit issusnoe.
Monitoring Agency: Caty of Palm Desert Building and Safety and Communi.ty Development
Da�e Completed:
Smit14 Aeronl & Fo=. Pfaodn� Conn+ltantr, lne (9Au�,9:47a�] .6')
� � �m �g �Ri II�J]]� Ri�IB� �1$ l�itylue'
65. = Pdoc� the issuanx of a bu�in� permit. the ....ti�per abau submit evideaoe �o t�t
Rivetside Coimt�► Fue Depa�meat th�t araoer mair�a aad 8ie hydranta ase adet�ua�e m ha�odle tbe
required 5:e flows for each type of mucuue, based a� the staadards c� the National Fire Pto�ecaon
�►ssociada� aod/or tt�e Unifozm Fire Code.
I*m�kmentation: Prior to tbe i.s.waaa of a bu�diag permii, the developer sball anbmit to the
Riverside County F'ire Departmeai cvidma that water mains and fire hydrants ate adequa�e to haa�e
the required 5re flows for each type of st�ucwte. The appiic�nt shsIl sub�mit m the Commuaity
Deeelopaneat Dcparaneat writt�ea pivof that the Fire Depat� �as reviewcd and a�p�vvod Pmjxt
water mains an�d 5re hydrants.
Comaliana Record:
Timing: Prior t4 the issuance of a building permit
Monimring Ageacy: Riveiside Counry Fuz DepaRmeni. C'aty of Palm Desert Community
Development Deparcmmt
Date Compleud:
Sm)t!� Ptroel i� Fos, Aasdnj Contultanti, lec (9Au�91.9:47v] ii
� � ��m ]�o�� �.R��fJ II+�J� ���u�l 3�nu�u+cuti Nut�wr
66. M�: � �ao� �n �y m� �� oo�Q� � a�►�� �ooi � �
effxt at tbe time building tak,es plaa, in acoondana whh tbe p:widon of Assembly B�12926.
Imalema�tation: Prior to bu�ding pe:mit issuanoe. the a�plic�at sbaII pay m the Bu�ding aad Safety
Depattmeat tiie maaimum commet+cia]/indust�ial develop�ent scbool fee in effect at the time 6uilding
tak,es plaoe.
Comoliance Record:
Timiag. Prior to bu�ding pe�it issuaooe.
Moniooring Agency: C'ity of Palm De.sert Bulding aad Safety Depatmnent
Date Completed:
Smltl4 Peronl dc Fo=, Pfaedo� Comultants� Ix (9Ao�9l,9:<7a�] ,�,y
Q� � 1�Bmn �a�4 �uW1Y lN'4DltJiPc t�4D�Cu]n► �u�unr►w� ��e�aur
67. � Ptis�t `--��ttre map app�w�t for saY P�� --� P� ��' ��
oo�an a� a� gua�x of � fa�, later 000�u�ian a� bns aoop and mmout �
whici► are locatod ia mac pha4e as indica�ea in 13gm+e 6.1. Bna S�op/i�arno�t I.ocadoma. An of tbe bos
smps for wbich fimding is guara�d shaIl be oons�tu�od per StmI.ia TYansit ataodands arit�a S
yeaia of �II p�ha.ges of ti�e prnjax beia8 oo�mpl�OelY �uc�.
Imalen�tation: Prior to matative map appzoval for any pbase of the project. the applicant shaIl
comwct or guaraotoe 5nancm8 for all bns soap and wmo�aQ fadlities locaLed in tbat phaSe as indica0od
in Figiue 6.1 in the Eavuvnmmtal Impacx RepoR. T6e applicaot shall sub�mit t� the Public Wo�s
Depanmeat wriuen proof that these facilities have baa � or that financing for them bas
baa guaraa�eed.
Comoliance Record:
Timing: Prior to tentative map appivval for any phase of the project.
Monimring Agency: �ty of P�alm Deseit Public Wo�dcs�Depanment
Date Completed:
Smltl� Perooi dc Faa, Pla�� Coewdtash, lx (9A��!l.�:�7t�J -TO