HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bauer Agency - Disaster Response PlanningContract C25660 , ji CITY OF PALM DESERT RISK MANAGEMENT STAFF REPORT REQUEST: Approve a Professional Services Agreement for Disaster Response Planning SUBMITTED BY: Gary Rosenblum, Risk Manager APPLICANT: The Bauer Agency 73-340 Shadow Mountain Drive #44 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 341-7715 DATE: CONTENTS Recommendation: August 24, 2006 Agreement By Minute Motion: Approve an agreement with The Bauer Agency, Palm Desert, California, in an amount not to exceed $18,000.00 to provide detailed Disaster Response Planning services to the City as specified in the Scope of Work section of the agreement (Attachment A). Funds are available in Account No. 110-4260-422.30-90. Executive Summary: In order to enhance the disaster preparation program conducted by the City and improve the post -disaster functionality of the City Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) Plan, the Risk Manager seeks the consulting assistance of The Bauer Agency of Palm Desert to provide detailed information, analysis and in-depth coordination with government and private sector entities who will be involved with the logistics of post - disaster management. The consultant will provide detailed information and coordination for ensuring, to the extent possible, post -disaster functionality for emergency communications, electric power, vehicle fuel, transportation for response workers or evacuees, locating emergency shelters, and providing mass first aid. After a Request for Qualifications process, The Bauer Agency of Palm Desert was selected from the responding consultants because of experience with disaster planning, commitment to detail, and local knowledge of Palm Desert and the Coachella Valley. Emergency Planning Consulting Agreement Page 2 of 3 August 24, 2006 Discussion: The disaster preparation program is an ongoing process conducted by the City's Risk Manager, who constantly seeks to improve the post -disaster functionality of the City Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) Plan. There are many aspects of the plan that relate to Logistics that require more in-depth coordination and analysis than are stated in the plan. The Scope of Work for the consultant will be to contact all the entities related to the specific areas of concern identified by the Risk Manager, and get in- depth coordination with contacts, back up communication procedures, and pre -disaster agreements to ensure to the extent possible that the City will be able to acquire the logistics it will need during a disaster. For example, we need to know all the viable fuel locations that may have back up power to operate fueling pumps in the Palm Desert area, or alternative methods for acquiring fuel so we can operate vehicles and equipment during the post -disaster emergency response. Another example is determining exactly how our Public Information Officer can get information to our residents through the Emergency Communication Network operated by two local radio stations and local cable TV companies to keep our residents informed if phone and fax communication systems are not functioning. A transportation example is coordinating with all the local suppliers of busses and vans (e.g., Sun Line, DSUSD, and Cardiff) so that the City can have organized access to the bus equipment and drivers. The complete list of areas of concern for this phase of the enhanced preparedness project is identified in the Scope of Work in the agreement. The consultant was identified through the standard City Request for Qualifications process, where a public advertisement was placed and a Request for Qualifications was posted. Replies were received from four consulting firms. Communications MEGA of Montreal and Kemper Lesnik of Chicago were interested, and generally qualified, but working with them would require extensive travel expenses for their employees to operate and coordinate with the private and public sector entities we are working with in the Coachella Valley. There would also be an extensive training curve where the Risk Manager would need to "bring them up to speed" on the City plan and City entities. Two responders, Ms. Carol Camelot, and The Bauer Agency, both of Palm Desert were qualified and generally experienced with the type of work involved. Ms. Andrea Bauer, principal of The Bauer Agency demonstrated a broader range of existing contacts with the entities we are coordinating with, especially the Red Cross, and more experience developing working relationships with companies and organizations to establish pre - disaster plans and functional operations. Ms. Camelot operates a local citizen and business disaster preparation education service company in addition to consulting. Her best expertise is as a lecturer and motivator for emergency preparedness. Therefore, the Risk Manager selected The Bauer Agency from the responding consultants because of experience, commitment to detail, and local knowledge of Palm Desert and the Coachella Valley entities involved in emergency response logistics. After reviewing the Emergency Planning Consulting Agreement Page 3 of 3 August 24, 2006 scope of work, the fee of $18,000.00 was determined by the Risk Manager to be sufficient to cover the time and materials believed to be needed to accomplish and complete this phase of the enhanced emergency preparation program. Submitted By: Departme Head: 4/ x Gary Rosenelum Croy H m9r Risk Manager ACM for Deve\nt Services Approval: Carlos L. Orte City Manager Paul Gibson Director of Finance CONSULTING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is nlAcic• this cti o)f , 2006, bc•t\vc•c•n .\ndre•A BALler, 1lrincillAl o)f the BAuer .\gene\, A Public; Rc•lAti()ns l'irm ill the Cite 4Rilm Desert, C.\ (hc•rc•inAftc•r "C()11SUItAllt") AllCl With the Cite o)f PAIm Desert, with ()fhces 1()cAtc•c1 ()n I`rc•c1 \\ Aring Ur in the Cite o)f PAIm Desert, (hc•rc•inAftc•r cAllc•c1 Client). \VI II`RF.\S Client ciesirc•s to co)ntnict with ConlSultAnt to 11ro)vicie ccmiln services Ancl C()11SUItAllt ciesires to 11ro)vicie such services (hc•rc•inAftc•r "Services"). NoW, T1 1FRI':I`0RF, tc)r Ancl in co)nsicic•nim)n o)f the nlurtuAl co)vc•nAnts herein co)ntAinc•cl the PArtic•s hereby �,igrc•c• As ARTICLE I — SERVICES AND COMMENCEMENT OF SERVICES • .\ssist the Risk \[An l cr f()r Cite o)f PAIm Desert to c•nhAncc• the functi()nAlity o)f the I' mergency Prc•11Arc•clnc•ss PIAn • Other clisAstc•r resllonlse 111Anning services to be cic•terminecl by Risk • (;Athc•r info)rnlAtiom, 11rc•11Arc• �lssc•ssmc•nts, AnAlysis Al1Cl reco)11111mCnctitL()ns to)r I'.I1mergenc\' 111An Ancl 11ro)CCC1urc•s t()r the Risk \[An l cr Services shill commence ()n ctite o )f the �,igrc•c•mc•nt Abo mvc•, Ancl shill co )ntinuc• f()r A lxri()Cl o )f Sis months from the elite o)f the �,igrc•c•mc•nt At which time the scope o)f\v()rk Ancl the rell()rt will hive• been Co)11 pleteci Ancl Accc•11tc•cl by the Risk \[An l cr ARTICLE II — COMPENSATION, PAYMENT and REIMBURSEMENTS (,licnr shall IrlV Co)llsulrallr the Su111S set f(Wth bclo)w in U.S Do)llarS AS ti)llo)wS: ( o)llsulrallt shall chal-ge a fee o)f S75 1)cr hour, tin_ asSl�rlmcnrs, the Sc()I)c o)f this "Issi nillenr shall be attached to this c()nrracr as SCOI)c o)f W(wk. I o)r travel that illcluCiCS o)vcrlli�hr Atiti1 11111C'tirS, C()llsulrallr shall Dill client for services at S 12101 per diem. Based on Scope of Work, total payments, including any additional reimbursements under this agreement shall not exceed $18,000. REIMBURSEMENTS Ill AClditio Al to the FCC Anu nubs Set o nit Abo )vc•, Clisbursements will be chArgc•cl At co )st. Disbursements include• Anv AClcliti()llA1 Co )11tiu1tAlltti, tnivel fires, o) -ernight Acco memo )cbiti()ns Ancl nails, printing Ancl rc•11ro )Clucti()ll, to rllg ClistAlICC tC•IC•llh()11C• CA11S, FAXCS, Co nlric•r services, 11()St�lgC, permit fees, s1 edil 11resentAtu)n 111AtcriAlS, gASo)line• Ancl Automu)bile• cXpensc•s, rencicrings A11cl similAr rc•lAtc•cl expenses. .\11 ',ipp1icAb1c• rc•cluirc•cl t,ixes shall be in AClditioAl to ()ur fees Ancl Clisbursements. OrlglnAl receipts Arc• rc•cluirc•cl to be Sub1111ttC•Cl b\' the Co)llSC1ItAllt 111 ()rcicr to be rc•inlbursc•d. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAYMENT PA\'111C•llt S11A11 be 1-111om recc•i11t 4l 111()lltlll\' 111\'()1CC•, which if not 11Aicl within 30 clAvs shill bc•Ar interest At the rite o)f()tie Ancl A hAlf (IS" o) percent per month. Page 2 Consulting Agreement - Bauer/City of Palm Desert ARTICLE III — CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES 111 11() C•\'C•llt shAll Co )11sUIt1111t ()r its sUhCo )lltnicto )rs ()r \'C•11C10 )rs be lLlhle 111 Co )lltnict, tort, strict ll�,lhlllt\', \\',lrnitlt\', ()r o)ther\\'ise, f()r lil\' specl',il, 111C11rect, 111cide11t111 ()r Co)11sc'yuc'1It1Al C111t1111 C's, sUCII "Is, hUt tl()t 111111ted to lc )ss ()f �,uitic 1p�,rtcd profits ()r rev(211oC•. ARTICLE IV — OWNERSHIP AND CONFIDENTIALITY OF DOCUMENTS Client sh�,lll 11 lIvc• COnlplc•tc• ',111Cl Unrestricted right to Use All do)CU111c•llts prep,ired h\' Co)11sUIt1111t under this .\grc•c•nlc•nt. SAid do)CU11101ts 'ire to be the pro)pc•rt\' ()fClic•nt f011()\\'ing p l\'nunt ()f fees. It is further ',igree th�,it �,lll do )CUt11C•llts ',u1Cl "\\'()rk pro )clotC h\' the Co )llsultAllt 111,10)(2 USC•d f()r ()ther \\'()rk 11ss1g11t11C•llts \\'lth 1111-ItU11l 11grcci-1C•tlt ()f the p,1rt1C•s. Co)i1SUlt lilt Sh 111 t1111i11t11i11 �,lll \\'()rk �,ls Co)11f1de11ti111 lild sh�,lll 11()t dlscl()SC• �,lll\' �,lildh )r ,,lll ltlfo )rt1111tL()il received 111 the Co )Urse ()f perfo )rt11111g 1-)orSU1111t to ) this ',igreci-ri nt \\'ithonit C•spress pC•rnlissi()n froml Clicilt. ARTICLE V - QUALITY OF SERVICE/COOPERATION C()11sU1t1111t shAll perfc)rn1 its services with c:,isc, skill, �,u1Cl diligei-ice, in �,lc:c:o)rcblnc;c with the �.ipplic;.iblc pro) -cssi()nail st,uld irds c:UrrC•ntl\' rcc:o )gnixC•d IW sUc:h pro )Fcssi()n, �,u1Cl shill be resp()nsihle f()r the pro )fcssi()n',il yUAlit\', C0 )n1plC•tMess, �,u1Cl c;o)-o )rdin�,iti()n ()f gill rC•p()rts, pl,uis, infc )rn1 ltic )n spcc:ifu;�.iti()n, Auld other itC•n1s �,u1Cl Scr\'iccs hlrnished under the .\t�rcci-ric•nt. C()11sUltA1lt shAll 111,1int lin l P llm Desert hosinC•ss lic ellse. ARTICLE VI - INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR During perfc)rnl�,ulcc ()fthe .\grcci-ric•nt, Co)llsllltllllt sh�,lll be �,lll 111depelldellt Co)Wnicto)r �,llld 11()t �,lll AgMt ()fCliC•nt. Cc)nsultult sh 111 supCr\'isC the pC•rf()rnl�,lnc;C• Of its ()\\'n ser\'ices ,,u1Cl sh�,lll 11 lIv • Co )litro )l ()f the nl�,uuu•r �,u1Cl n1c•�,uis h\- which its services �,irc perfo willed. ARTICLE VII - ENTIRE AGREEMENT 'Phis .\grcci-rient Co)llstitotC•s the entire �,igrcci-rient bet\\eei-i Chei-it Auld Co)11sUIt1111t. It sopersecies gill pri()r Cc n1tCnlpc )ruu c nls Co )n1111Unic;AM )ns, rcpresciit�iti()ns ()f �,igrcci-ric•nts whether ()nil ()r \\'rittell with respect to the sohjCCt i-riater tlicrcOf�u1Cl his n()t hC•C•11 indUCCd h\- represC•nt�iti()ns, st'rtC•n1c•nts, ()r,,igrcci-ric•nts other th�ui those hercin expressed. No �,igrcci-rient hereAfter ni�,idc bet\\eei-i the p�irtics shill be binding ()n tither p,irt\' UnIC•ss redUCCd to writing �u1Cl sighed IW Au1 Aultho )rized ()ffic er ()f the p,irt}' so Ught to be honuld thereb\'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,'1'I IF i'.\R'1'IFS I IFRF'1'O I I.\\T:.\I I ItI:U'1'I IFIR DUIN .\U'I'I IORI/FD SIGN.\'1'URFS BFI,(AV ON '11 IF U.\Y .\NU YF.\R I-IRS'1' .\BONT'l \\RI'1"1'l`N: By By \ndrC l BALl •r,'1'lie BALL •r .\gC•nc;\' Girl()s Ortcgi Cit\' \[ u1 l Cr, Cit\- ()f Riln1 Desert SCOPE OF WORK Consulting Agreement Bauer Agency and the City of Palm Desert 2006 Consultant shall identify private sector and government resources and analyze their ability to respond post -disaster. Consultant shall identify and gather existing information, including data on vendors, private and public entities acquiring other vendors and suppliers when necessary, and provide information regarding a specific action plan in the event of a declared disaster. The action plan will detail how the City will be able to contact the vendors and suppliers under disaster conditions, and how they will become functional for the City. All steps that will cover the exact details for the process: "Plan to functioning post disaster operation" for each category below. Consultant shall uncover and establish the true functionality of government and private sector emergency programs and plans for specified subjects as identified by the City and as detailed below, and analyze and report on the functionality and operational ability of specified organizations, entities, vendors and suppliers for the purpose of improving readiness of the City's emergency response program. The Consultant shall provide written report to the Risk Manager for the following categories: Communications - Identify public emergency communications systems for radio and television, the entities and personnel involved, how they operate and how the City PIO can have redundancy of methods for contacting these entities as soon as possible post -disaster. -Identify communication redundancy needs, i.e. back up systems and alternate communications methods that will function for communicating with vendors, and entities identified in this research report. Alternate Electric Power - Identify private sector companies, personnel, phone numbers related to securing City access to portable power generators and lights as soon as possible post -disaster. Vehicle Fueling Sources - Identify companies, personnel, phone numbers related to securing access to fuel for City emergency response vehicles, equipment and power generator as soon as possible post -disaster. Ground Transportation Equipment and Drivers -Identify existing Palm Desert —Coachella Valley- located private transportation entities, both in terms of types of transport equipment and licensed operating personnel that can assist post -disaster with moving city personnel, emergency workers, and the public in and out of an emergency disaster area, and the transportation entity's plans for maintaining operations post - disaster. -Identify transportation resources from Desert Sands Unified School District that would be available in excess of those needs DSUSD has identified for students and coordinate with Risk Manager on establishing agreements regarding the post -disaster protection and utilization of those resources. Air Transportation Resources -Identify and establish functional agreements with Bermuda Dunes Airports for use of the facility. -Identify pilots and planes that are available and willing to participate as emergency services volunteers for high value transportation assistance. -Identify and establish functional agreements with Southern California entities with helicopters that can assist in emergency services transportation and utilize both Bermuda Dunes Airport. -Identify criteria for additional auxiliary emergency heliports close to municipal operations such as the Civic Center and Corporation Yard and other suitable municipal property for emergency helicopter use, in the event the Civic Center Park is unavailable. Shelter Locations -Identify and establish functional agreements regarding shelter facilities with DSUSD and COD and determine the functional requirements to establish shelters on DSUSD and COD properties. -Identify and establish functional agreements with private sector entities that possess and can operate large tent and similar facilities is an emergency setting -Determine exact capability and functional planning for Palm Desert Chapter and Riverside County Red Cross in regards to establishing and operating shelters. People With Pets Program -Develop initial criteria for establishing and operational and practical "People With Pets" evacuation and sheltering program Mass First Aid Cache Plan - Coordinate with Risk Manager and counterparts in Rancho Mirage and Indian Wells regarding the planning for potential group purchase and maintenance of City -owned and maintained mass first aid caches.