HomeMy WebLinkAboutPP E/W Prop & BID FY 07-08 - Mgmt Dist. Pln CITY OF PALM DESERT
Public Hearing June 2g�2007
Corporafe Office: Office Locations:
27368 Via lndustria Lancaster, CA Orlando, FL
Suite 110 Oakland, CA Seattle, WA
Temecula, CA 92590 Sacramento, CA Memphis, TN
Tel: (951) 587-3500 Phoenix, AZ
Tel: (800) 755-MUNI (6864)
Fax: (951) 587-3510
I. OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................2
A. Introduction..........................................................................................................2
B. Renewal/Formation...........................................................................................2
II. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT.......................................................................3
A. Description of the District Boundary.............................................................3
B. Description of the Improvements and Activities........................................4
C. Special Benefits of the Improvements and Activities................................4
III. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT.........................................................................6
A. Method of Apportionment Rationale.............................................................6
B. Method of Apportionment Calculations .......................................................9
IV. DISTRICT BUDGET.................................................................................................13
A. Description of Budget Items...........................................................................13
B. District Budget....................................................................................................16
APPENDIX A—DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAP...............................................................18
APPENDIX B—PARCEL LEVY INFORMATION.........................................................20
APPENDIX C—ASSESSMENT ROLL...............................................................................21
Presideut's Plaza I Property and&�siness I�nprovement I3istrict
Management District Plan,City of Palm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
A. Introduction
Thc (:it�� of I'alm I�cscrt (thc "(:it��") tormcd 1nd establishcd thc Presidcnt's P11za I 1'ropertt�
and liusiness [mprc>�•�ment :lssessment l�istrict (the "llistrict") beginning in I�iscal Year
1998/1999 to pr��•ide impro��ements and acti��ities that confer s�ecial benefits upon real
propert�• �vithin the b�undaries of the District. "1'he l�istrict �vas established and le�-iecl
pursuant to Pro�ri•lj� u�rd Bt+.rr�te�.c Im�rot�eyne�tt Di��trict Ilrw rf 1»-�, Pur1 7 of Dia�i.rio�r 18 of tGP
Cul for�tia .S�t�e�et�� u�rd t IrXhzvays Code (the "Code"). I'ursuant to the Code, propert�• o�vncrs
�vithin the llistrict submitted a si�ned pctition reyuesting formation �f the District. "1'he
l�istrict was successfull�� f�rmed for a term of fi�•e ��ears and a maximum assessment �v1s
approved b�• the propern' owners through an assessment ballot proceeding, conducted
according to pro��isi��ns of the C,uli�oriria Con.rtilr�tion .�lrtrile XIIIU ("California Consutution").
C'ndcr the pro��isions of the Code, thc propert�� o�vners �tirithin the I�istrict mat• rene�v thc
llistrict for a ina�:imum terin �f ten (10) }•ears. Pursu�tnt tc� rhe C�de, and the pro��isions c.�f
thc Calif�rnia t:onstitution, the propert}' ��vncrs within thc District appro��ed thc
continuation of the l�istrict and asscssmcnts for an adciitional fi��c �•cars and on rlpril 10,
2003 the Cin' authorized the funding f�r impro�-ements and acti��ities authorized w7thin thc
llistrict for a period of fi��e}�ears (I�'iscal Years 2003/200-4 through 2007/2008).
This i�fana�ement llistrict Plan — :lnnual Re�<�rt (the "Report") describes the llistrict,
im�rovements and acti��ities, method c>f apportionment, the proposed a�sessments for the
current fiscal t�ear, and the ma�imum assessment �rc�posed f�r the fi�•e-��ear durau�ti c>f the
I�istrict. "1'he �r��osed assessments are based on the estimated cost to prrn�ide the
im}�ro�•ements, acti��ities, acid �(�erations that �ro�•ide a direct and special Uenefit tc�
pro�erties ��-ithin the I�istrict. '1'he cc>sts of impro��ements, acti�•ities, and operations include
all expenditure�, cleficits, surpluses, re��enues, anci reser�•es.
T'he �vord "prc>pexn�," for the purpc�ses c>f this Report, refers to real prop�rt}� situated �vithin
t.he I�istrict, anci identitied as an indi��idual [�ro�ert�� or parcel assi�ned its o�vn :lssessor's
Parcel I�umber (:1PN) b}� the Counh� �f Ri�•exside ,��sess�r's C)ffice. The Count� �f
Ri��crsidc _luciitor/Cc>ntrc>llcr uscs ��PNs tc� idcnt.if�• on thc ta� r�ll �arcels anci �ro�crtics
assessed for t�xes, s�ecial assessments, 1nd fees and char�es.
B. Renewal/Formation
Pursuant to the Code, the renewal c�f the llistrict requires similar proceeciin�;s to that �f thc
initial District formauon. �1 w�ritten petition of thc propert�� o�uners �vithin the I)istrict,
representin�; more thaii 50 percent (SU°o) of the proposc:d �ssessment t<� bc le�•ied ��•as
submitted to the Palm I�esert (:it�• Council. '1'he Cit�� Council initiated proceedings for the
formatic�n of the llistrict b�� adopting a resc>lution e�:j�ressing its intention tc> form the
I�istrict. Tlie resolution c�f intendon contained the I�1ana�;ement llistrict Plan and the time
and place of a �ublic hearin�;on the establishment of the I�istrict and le�-�- of assessments.
.l(rmiFivainio! Pnqe 2
PresidenYs Plaza I Property and Br�siness Intprovement District
Management District Plan,City of Palm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
��'ithin 9O da��s <.�f adc>��tin� the resc�lutic�n of inientic�n, the Cin� Council held a public
hcarin�c>n thc mattcr, and causcd nc>tice t� thc ��rc���crtt� c>�vncrs ��ursuaiit to Scction �-�9�-�.�i
c�f the (7o��ernm�nt Code. :lssessment ballots (��ro�rrt�• o���ner protest ballcns) were mailed
t� cach pr�pert}� o�vner at lcast -�5 da}�s pri��r t� thc public hcaring �ursuant to tlic (,alifor�tiu
(,iur.�lrtntion. 1'ursuant to the Cc�de, the Cit}• Council also caused the publication of the
resoluuon of intcnrion in a nc���s��a�er of gcncral circulati�n; mlilcd thc resolution of
intcnticm b�� ftrst-lass mail to each �ropert�� �wner in the District and t� each 1<�cal chamber
of commerce 1nd business or�lnization located��nthin thc: I�istrict.
.1t thc �ublic hearin� the Cin� Council Pro�-icied the public and �ro�ern' o�uners an
c�pportunit}' ro j�ro��ide c7ra1 �r<�tests and written protests }�rior to the adoption of the
`Ianagement District Plan. Pursuant tc� the CC7�1�0!'111U C,OII.fItlllll011, the Cin• Council tabulated
properri• o�vner assessment ballc.�ts recei��ed from �ro�ert�• ��vners to determine whether a
majorin• protest existed. It �vas cletermined and declared b}� res�luuon that majorit}� pr<�test
did not exist anci the propert�� o�vners confirmed and approveei the assessments.
I'ursuant t� the Code, the (:iri- Council aPpointed an :1d��isor�� I3oard for the I�istrict. This
:ldvisor�� Board shall make ��earl�- recommendati�ns to the Cih- Council on the ex�enditures
of re��enuc: deri��ed from the le�•�� of assessments and on the classification of properties as
applicable. .�t lclst one member of the .1d��isor�- 13oard shall be a business licensee �vithin
thc llistrict �vho is not a �r��perri• o�vncr��dthin the I�istrict. "I'his .1dc-isort� Board shall causc
t<� be prepared a re�c>rt each fiscal �•e1r fc�r�vhich asscssments are tc� be le�'ied and collected.
Said annual report shall be filed �vith the C:it�� Clerk and shall contain: an�� prc�posed chan�es
to the district boundart•; the itnpro��c:ments and acti�•ities to be pr<n�idcd that �•ear; the
estimated costs for that�-ear; the methc>d c�f assessment; thc �mount of am� surplus or deficit;
and contributions from other sourccs. '1'hc (:ir�- Council ma�• appro��c thc rc�ort as
subtnittcd or as tnc>clified.
A. Description of the District Boundary
"1'he l�istrict consists of all parccls locatcd in the cc.>mmercial business area known as the
President's Plaza �vithin the (:in� of 1'alm Uesert, C:<ninh• c>f Ri�•erside. 'I�he I�istrict includes
f<�rh•-t�vo (-�2) assessed cc>mmercial parccls and three (3) non-assessed parking lot parcels
G27-212-01C, G27-221-U11, anci G27-221-O-}3 and one (1) tion-assessed easement/�valk�va��
�arcel G27-222-0-32. "i�here are no�-acant �arcels remainin����ithin the llistrict. (Note: ��'hen
the llistric� �vas formed in Fiscal �'ear 1�)98/1999, there ��>ere fort}� commercial de�•eloped
proj�crtics and three commcrcial�•acant j�roperties.}
'1'he boundan' of the proposed I�istrict (]'residents Plaza) and the �arcels therein are lc>cated
South c>f Palm I�esert llri�•e at I Ii�h�va�� l 11; Nc�rth of I:1 Paseo; �`'est of I'ortola .-1��etwe;
and �ast of Larkspur Lane. I'resident's Plaza is commonl�• referred to as I'resident's Plaza
East (1�he are� east of San Luis Re�• ;\��enue); and President's Plaza ��'est (1'he area �vest of
San l.uis Re�� .1��enue) locared��rithin the boundaries c�f the l�istrict.
.�IIUIlI'lIIOIIt7�JI Pn�r 3
President's Plaza I Property�rnd Business Improvement District
M�rn�rgentent District Plan, City of Palm Desert
Ficcal Year 2007/08
B. Description of the Improvements and Activities
Iti ati effort to eiihance a�icl imprc>ve business o����or�utiities and the appearance <�f the area
Ii�lO\Vtl as thc President's Plaza, ihe Cit.�� rm�•ided funds f<�r thc reno�•ation and capital
impro��ement of the parl:ing lot and landsca}�eci areas related to this c�mmercial business
ccntcr. in conjunction �vith this reno�•�rion, I'residcnt's 1'laza I I'ropern� and Busin�ss
Im�rrn-ement I�istrict was formed in 1998 to j�ro��ide and ensure the continued maintenancc
of the imprc���ements after the reno�•ations had been completed. In 2003, the E�r�perh�
o��mers rcncwcd the l�istrict for lnother fi�-c (5) �•car term; thcrefore, the assessments
�cncratcd�vill continuc this maintcnancc.
It has been determineci that the properties «7thin the District and the businesses associated
�vith those properties recri�•e s�ecial and distinct benefits from the impro�•ements and
acti�•ities to be funded through the assessments. "1'he impro�•ements include the necesslr��
acti��ities, ser��ices, operation, administration, and maintenance required to keep the
impro��cmcnts in satisfactc�r�� c�nciiti�n including labor, matcrial, and cquipmcnt. "1'he
ser��ices ma}• include but are not limited to regular maintenance, re�air, remo�-�l or
replacement c>f all c�r am�part of the imE�ro��ements including remo��al �f trimmings, rubbish,
dcbris 1nd othcr solid �vastc; thc cicaning, sandblasting, and repaintin� c>E w111s and othcr
im�ro�•etnents to remo��e c>r co�•er graftiti; pro�•iciing for the growth, health and beaur�� c>f
landscapin� and li�;htin�; induciing culti��ation, trimming, s�ra��in�;, fcrulizing or treatin� for
disease c>r damage as �vell as suJ��l��in� necessar�� irrigation and electricll energ��. 'I'he s�ecific
im�ro��ements and acti��ities include:
• Parkin� lot landscapcd arcas — incluciing but not limitcd to: �round cover, shrubs, trecs,
plants, irrigation and drainage s��stetns and associated a�}�urtenant facilities, atid,
• Parkin� l�t li�htin� facilitics —iticluciin�Uut riot limitcd to: bulbs, fistures, polcs, �ti7riti�;,
and electrical ener��-, and,
• llebris remo�•al — including but not limited tc>: solid �vaste containers, refuse c<�llection
ser�•ices,and re�;ular mechanical sweepin�;of the parkin�;lot.
"1'he c�sts as,�ciatecl �vith the unpro�•ement� are equitabl�� spread among all benefiting
parcels �vithin the llistrict utilizin� the meth�d of apportivnment described in Section I11 of
this Report. "1'he total funds collecred shall be dispersed and used for onh� the sen•ices and
o�erauc.�ns pro�•ided to the I�istrict.
C. Special Benefits of the Improvements and Activities
,-lssessed pr�perties �vithin the llistrict recei�•e special benefits fr�m one or more of the
im}�ro��ements and acti��ities funded through the llistrict assessments. S�ecificall��, lightiti�;
and land,ca(�ing amcnitics �vithin thc parl:ing lot, rcgular s�vccping of thc parking lot, anci
refuse collection ser��ices ancl facilities.
.11 n�rit�ino�nrnt Pn{e-1
President's Plaza 1 Property�rnd Brrsinecs Improvement District
Management I3istrict Plan,City of Palm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
'1'he sE�ecial benefits of li�hting (I�arking 1�>t li�hts) are the com•enience, safen', and securit�•
c�f J�ro�crt}�, itnprc���c�mc:nts, and gc>c>c1s. Spccificall��:
1. I-:nhanccd dctcrrcnce c�f crimc and the ai�1 tc� pc>licc ��rotcction.
2. Increased nighttime safet�� fc�r patron� and em�lot'ees.
3. Imrrcn�ccl ��isibilit�� fc>r pcdc:strians and mc.rt�rist5.
-4. Impro��cd ingress and e�ress to�ro}�crh•.
5. Rcduccd�-andalism and �ther criminal acts and clatna�;c to im��rrn�cments or pro�crt�.
G. I�:nhanccd acsthet.ic 1p�ca1 c�f thc }�arkin�; arca and thc �rc.�pertics that arc ass�ciatcd �vith
thc parking area.
7. ]ncrcasccl promotion of busincss acti��itics 1nd opportunitics during ni�httimc hours.
'I'he benetlts ass�ciated �vich landscaped islands and meciians �vithin the parl;ing lot are
1. impro��ed aesthetic appeal <�E the parl:ing area and nearb�� parcels.
2. Impro��cd dust. contr�l.
3. l�:nhanced ada�tatic�n �f the urban en�-ironment «-ithin the natural en��ironment.
-�. Impro��ed traffic circulation.
�. .� positi��c rerresentation �f the businesscs �vithin the I�istrict.
6. Centralized l�cltions for refuse collection facilities.
I�cbris rcmo��al (parl;ing l�t s�vcc�ing) and reEusc collectic�n arc csscntial and ncccssar��
acti��ities for all properties—particularl�� commercial pro�erties. 'I'hes� acti�•ities anci sen�ices
are proposed to be funded through the assessments soleh- f�r the special benefit of
��r��erties and businesses �vithin the I�istrict. The benefits as,ociated ��nth these sen�ices are:
1. L�.nhanced aestheuc a��peal of the parkin�;area and the ��rc��erties that are associared�vith
the parkin�area.
2. Impro��cd dust ccmtrol.
3. .1 �ositi�-c representation of the businesscs �v7thin the I�istrict.
-�. ,� centralized location of refiise collection facilitics and a�-ailabilih� of the ser�•ice that
�vould othcr�vise rcquirc indi�•idual facilitics that could bc cost prohibiti��c and ph��sicall��
Thc c>n-going o�crati�n and maintcnancc of thc landscaping and li�;hting imprc>�-etncnts,
s�vee�ing, ancl refusc ec>llection ser��ices pr���ide no measurable general benefit te> c>ther
properties outside the I�istrict or to the public at large. "1'herefore, these impro��ements and
the c<�rresponcling assessments ha�•e been idendtieei as 100°% special benefit to parcels«7thin
the llistrict.
.11mriFiir����nn/ P��qe�
President's Plaza I Property and Business I»tprovement District
Management District Plan, City of P�rlm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
A. Method of Apportionment Rationale
'1'he costs of the l�istrict imprc��•ements ha�•e each been 1pportic�ned b�- a fc>rmula and
method that fairl�- ciistribtrtes the net amount t� be a��e�seci among �ll assessed parcels in
}�r�}��rtion t� the estimated s�ecinl benetits to be recei��ed b� each such parcel from the
Parking Lot Improvements and Services:
:�ssessec3 parcels w7thin President's Plaza are adjacent to centralized parking facilities (lc>ts)
that pro�•ide access, rarking, and deli�•er�� areas for the businesses and parcels �vithin the
l�istrict. I�;ach �arce] deri��es special benefit from the parl:ing lot improvements and the
ser��ices and acti��ities necessar�• to maintain the parkin� lot. '1'he imprcn•ements inclucle
se��cral landscaped islands and medians, li�hting facilities, and s�ti•eepin�; ser��ices. Lach
assessed parcel ��nthin the I�istrict recei��es a direct and special benefit from these
itnpro��ements and shares proportionatcl�• in the cost of maintaining the parking lot. "1'hc
parking area consists of the three parcels that are entirel}� parkin� 1<�t area and portions of
inan} of the assessed parcels �vithin the llistrict. '1'he three parcels that are entirel�� parkin�
lc�t arca parcels (G27-212-01G; 627-221-011; and G27-222-0-�3), and one �ascmcnt/�valk�t�a�•
parcel (�i27-222-0-�?) receire no special benc:fit from the itn�ro��ements and are not assessed.
In determinin�; the meth�d of ap�ortionment for these impro�•ements, cach parcel's benc:tit
is based on the parkin� area adjacent to, and associatc:d �vith, each �arcel. '1'herefore, it has
bccn dctcrmincd that a fair and reasonaUlc rcflecti�n of cach parccl's bcricfit for thc ��arkin�
lot impro�•ements 5hall bc bascd on the approxitnate front footagc adjacent to thc parl;ing
area. �fost parcels within the I�istrict fr�nt the parkin� lot on onl}• �ne side (north or south
sicie of the pro�erh�). To ensure a reasonable and eyuitable ap�ortionment of sPecial benefit,
parcels that front the parlcing l�t on mc�re than one sicie (corner �roperties), are onl}�
assessed for their Eront C�ota�c along thc north or south side oE thcir pro�ert}� adjacent to
thc parking lot.
Solid Waste (Refuse) Collection Services:
Lstablishing separate refuse recePtacles for each parcel or business �vithin I're�ident's Plaza,
and therebJ� allowtin�; for separate charges and agreements for this service, is not possible due
t� limited sJ�ace znd accessibilin�. Therefore, se��cral c��mmon refuse cc>ntaincrs ha��e been
�laced within the parkin�; lot area for use b�� all the �roperties anc3 businesses v�nthin the
District. Ilistoricallt', all de��eloped pm�erties �vithin Presidcnt's Plaza ha�-e shared
prc�porti�narel�� in the costs associateci «7th reEuse collection based c�n the buildin�; syuare
f<x�ta�;e of the structures on c:ach �arcel.
in determitiin� thc: methc�cl of ap��ortionment for refuse collection ser�-ices, the pc�ssibilit�� <�f
factc>rin� in business n��es as �vell a� buildin�; syuare foota�;e �vas considered. f Io�ve��er, the
.1Lr�riFin��nrir�l P��ge�
President'.c Plaza I Property and Business Improven:ent District
Management District Plan,City of Paln:Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/OS
inclusion of business t��pes in the calculatic�n of an annual assessment pc�ses se�-cral
��roblcros. rirst, man}• of thc �arccls asscsscd includc multiplc busincss t}�pes, ��•hich could
reyuire a cotnple� calculation to idenrif�- �otential use c�F the ser��ice. Sec<>nd, businesses
often chan�e from �•ear to ��ear or e��en month tc� month making specific business relared
assessments difficult to track and expensi�•e to administer. '1'hird, establishin�; a methc�d of
apportionment that is business-specific rather than parcel-specific wcauld likel�� rc:sult in
annual chan�es for each parcel's assessment e�•en if the cost c�f the ser�•ice was unchanged.
I�inallt�, the level <�f sen�ice (number of pick-ups and receJ�tacles) has chan�ed ��erti� little cn-er
the last �e�•eral �•ears. .-�lthou�;h man�� of the businesses ancl business t�-�->e� ha��e chan�eci
«rithin the District, the total cost of�ro��ieiing this ser��ice has remained fairl�� constant.
In cc>ntrast, it is n<�t reasonable to assume that all dc��clo�ed parcels utilize or rcyuirc the
same le��el c>f rcfuse ser�•ice—t��picall`� the largcr the building, the�reater amount of refuse is
generated. "I'heref�re, it has been determined ihat a fair anc3 reasonable estimate of each
parcel's benefit for refuse collection is the approYunate building syuare f��tage determined
for each parccl.
.�s noted previousl��, due to limited spacc and accessiUilin•, it is not possible for each parcel
or business �y�ithin President's I'laza to ha��e separate c�ntainers or agreements �vith the
wastc haulcr. I Iowe��cr,it is rccognized that the baseline Ic��cl of ser��ice (i.c., number of bins,
size of the bins and frequenc}• of sen�ice) esrablished for the District ma}• not be adequate or
appro�riatel�� reflect the needs of changing business within the I�istrict. "I'herefore, the
follo�ving considerati<�ns and criteria shall be followed �ti�hen the le�-cl of ser�•ice pro�-ided
requires mociifications:
1. 1 f the le�•el of scr��ice is reduced, the incremental cost sa��ings (if anc) «-ill be revie�ved
anci ap�licd as follows:
a. Reser�-e f�und ;lcccnint — "1'he Citt� staff and the :-�d�•ison' 13<�ard �vill e��aluate the
cxistin�; a�•ailable Rcscr�•c I�unds to�cnsure an acccptablc amount of mone�� is bcing
retained for normal annual operation of the I�istrict. I3ased on this cvaluation, thc
:\d��isc�r�• Iioarci �vill modif�� the annual r�port (rec�mmenciarion to the Cih• C�uncil)
t� appl�� all or a pc�rtion of the cost sa��in�;s tc� the Resen•e :lccount. �1 full�� funded
Reser��e is an amount eyual t<� a�J�roximatel�� one half of all annual oj�erating
ex�enses. I Io�vever, most o�erating rescn�es are tt�picall�� less than �O°'��, but �rcatcr
than 2�°% of all annual operating capenses.
b. Reduced .-�ssessments — .-�fter re��iewing the Reser��e :�ccount, am• cost sa�•in�s not
applied ro the Reser�-e ;1cc�unt (Resen�e Fund Collection) �vill be passed on to each
parcel�ti�ithin the l�istrict b}� reciucing their annual assessment for the next fiscal ��ear,
in proportion ro thcir estimated bcnefit (method of a�portionmcnt).
2. If the le�•el �f sen�ice is increased, the incremental cost increase (if an�) �vill be re�-ie�ved
and a�plicd as follo�vs:
a. Increased ser�•ice llistrict-«7de — �t'hen the current I�istrict �vas rene�ved/formed,
an assessment ran�;e formula �vas a��pro�•ecl. 'I'his formula pro�•ided for anticipated
ec>st of li�•ins; inereases, but also allo�ved some flexibilit}• for inereased costs due tc�
increased le�•els of ser��ice. If an iticreaseci le��el of ser��ice is reyuireci fc>r the entire
.1 LutiFiirruuin/ P��qe�
President's Plaza I Propeny and Business Improvement District
Management District Plan, City of Palm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
llistrict, the increase is reflecteci in the annual bud��t. 'I'his buciget increase ��711
t��ricall}- facilitate a Prc>�x>rt.ional increasc c>f the annual asscssinent. If the increasecl
cost results in 1n assessment rate that exceeds the maximum assess�nc:nt allcnvecl,
then cescr��c funds ���ill be u5cd to rcducc the lnnual asscsstnent to the maYimum
asscssmcnt allcnvcd. If the rescr��c fund is not sufficicnc to co�•cr thc: cost incrcasc,
thc Cih• Council ma�� pro��idc a temporar�� loaii to thc District c>r cotiduct a pro��crt��
c.��vncr ballot }�rocccciing for an asscssmcnt incrcasc.
b. Increased sen�ice fc�r one parcel —\�'hen the current Uistrict ��•as rene�ved/fc>rmed,
a bascline assessmcnt rate and le�•cl of service was cstablished for all proJ�crtics
within the District. .�s businesses ��7thin the l�istrict change or continue to �;ro«•,
these t�usinesses tna}• facilitate a nced for an incrcascd le�-el of scn�ice, but it is n�t
fair or eyuitable to sprcad the cost of this increased service to other pro}�erties �vithin
the District. "1'herefore, if a business reyuires an increased le�-el of sen�ice that
particular business owner or the propern� owner must �a�� the resulun�; cost increase
as a surcharge. I:ither the Cit�• or the pro(�crt�� owner ma}� initiate th� necd for an
increased ser��ice level. The Cit�� Cc�uncil shall make the final determination as t� the
appropriate mechanism bti-which the incmased le��el of ser��ice �vill be pr<n�ided. '1'hc
increased le��el c�f ser��ice ma�•be accomplished b`�:
• Increasin� the number of}�ick-ups on the specific bin(s) used b�� the �ropert�� or
� Increasing the siie of the s�eciftc bin(s) used b�' the �ro�ert� or business if spacc:
• Prrn�ide separate bin(s) for the propern• or business if space and accessibilit��
• .�n�• combinat.ion c>f thc ab���e.
"I'he costs ass�>ciated with the increased level c�f ser��ice shall be the obligauon of the
busincss and/�r pro�ert�• o�vner �ro��ided thc additional scr�•ice. Pat•ment for the
increased le�-el �f scr��ice shall be re�•ie�ved b}• the r1d��ison' Boarci,�vhich will make a
recc>mmendation tc> the Cin' Council for appro��al. "I'he adciiuonal cost of pro��iciinp
the increased le��el of ser�•ice ma}� be added to the annual assessment for the prol�erh�
as a surcharge (in addition to thcir annual assessment), upon �uritten �etition of thc
[�r<���ert�� o�vnex and apprc��•al b}• the Cin' Council (This ma�• rec�uire 1 si�,med
a�;reement bcn�•een the pr�pert}• owner and the Cih� of Palm�Desert). Ho�ve�•cr,
before am� action is taken t� add a surchar�e to the propern• ta�: roll as part of the
propert�'s annual assessment, the propert}• o���ner/business shall �vork�vith Cin� staff
and the ;1d�•isor�� Board to cstablish thc addit.i�nal scn�icc and arran�;c f�r dircct
�a��ment to the scr��ice to the���astc hauler or the Cit�� if at all�c�ssible.
.L9rrnil�iuuiri rn/ P�{�r H
President's Plaza I Property and Busiuess Improvement District
Management District Plan,City of Palm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
B. Method of Apportionment Calculations
"1'}le a���ortionment c>f benefit �vithin ilie llistrict utilizes ;� �vci�hutig fact�r knc.>��.m as a
I3enetlt l�nit 1�lctor (13t'F). I:ach j�arcel's Bl.�}�� represents a percentage of the total 13L'f�
a��licd. 1)cpending on thc im�ro�•cmcnt or acti�•in' pro�-idcd, thc Bl;F assi�;ncd to cach
plrcel is based on eithc:r the parcel's de��elc�I�mcnt (approaimlte building syuare footlge) or
the parcel's area of impro�•ement (h�nt foc�tage to the plrking lot). "I'he c�st of refuse
collccti�n ser��iccs i� a��ortic�ncd basccl on cach �arccl's a�pro�imatc building syuarc
fo�tage. .111 other impro��c:ments and sen�ice� funded through the llisrrict are associated
�vith thc parkin� ic�t. 'I'he tc�tal mst �f thc parkin�; lot itnprovcmcnts and scn�ic�s is
apE�ortioned to each parcel based �n their front foota�;e ro the parkin� lot.
"1'he sum of each �arcePs pro�oraonate shlre of refuse costs and parlcing lot costs re�resents
thc parccPs Total Dircct Cost. In addition to a J�arccl's '1'otal l�irect Cost, cach parccl is
assessed for administration eapenses anci a reser�•e fund collection (Indirect (:�srs). '1'he
Indirect Costs for each parcel ha�•e been ap(�c>rtic>ned b�• a percenta�e c>f the parcel's L�irect
Cc�sts, not to esceeci fifteen percent (15"'0). Therefore, c:ach rarcel's Total .lnnual
.�ssessment is the sum of its proportionate share of the Total llirc:ct Cost and "1'�tal Indirect
(:osts. .�lthou�;h each parcel's proportic�nal benefit and assessmc:nt for each impro��ement is
calculateci indi�•iduall�, each }�arcel's matiinum assessment is based on the parcel's c�mbineci
assessmcnt for all costs and ser�•ices. "I�he rate applied to am� one impr��•ement or ser��ice
ma�� esceed the maximum rate originall}� established, �ro��ided the parcePs combined
asscssmcnt docs not cxcc:cd thc: combined maximum asscssmcnt cstablishcd for thc propern-
(escludinp changcs in land usc or dc��clopmcnt).
The C�unt�� reyuires that all annual assessments le��ied and submitted f�r collecuon on tax
bills bc rounded to the nearest e�•en �cnm�, thus allo�ving the total assessment to be s�lit into
t�vo installments. In order to com�l�� �vith the Counn's reyuirements, the calculati�n of each
�ssessmcnt com�oncnt (i.c., rcfusc costs, parl:ing lot costs and inciircct costs) is roundcd to
the ncarest e��en penn}� and then added rogether for the parcel's 'I'otal :lnnual .-lssessment.
'1'he f�ll��vin�; describes the general method used to arri��e at each parcel's proposed
Apportionment of Direct Costs
Refusc Collection Assessment:
The 'I'c>tal Kefuse Cost estimated for refuse ser�-ices is based on the Cin's contract ��7th the
�vastc hluler for ser��ice to President's I'laza. �1'his 'I'otal Rcfuse Cost cii��ided b�� the cstimatcd
� Total l�uilding Squarc I�cx�ta�;c establishes a Rate per syuare foot. 1'his Rate multiplicd b�-
each parcel's estimated builciing square foota�e eyuals the parcel's proportionate share of the
refuse scn�ice cost (rounded to t}le nearest c�•en pcnm�).
.�1nniF'riro�rrin/ Pr{qe�)
President's Plaza I Property and Br�siness Improvement District
Manageme�tt District Plan,City of Palm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/OS
Total Refuse Cost/Total Building Square Footage = Rate per Square Foot
Rate x Parcel Building Square Footage = Refuse Assessment
\otr. f�or purposes ��f calculating the refuse assessment, the building syuare foota�;e for each parcel
has been rounded tc� the nearest hundred �quare feet. Refer to _�ppendis "I3" for building
squarc foota�;e applicd.
.�dju�tcd Ratc
13uci�;et (per Sy. I�t.)
I�irst I�iscal�'ear � 103,000 �0.357
Sccond 1-�iscal Ycar S 1(Ki,O�x) $0.3G7
T1vrd 1�iscal Year $ 109,273 $0.378
I�ourth I�iscal Year S 112,551 50.390
f�ifth Fiscal Year � 115,927 �0.401
Currentl�- forri•-t�vo (-�2) de��eloped commercial pro�erties �vithin the l�istrict are assessed
for refuse c�llection sen�ices baseci on ap�roaimatc buildin� square fo�tage. (Refer to
.\ppcnciix C for incG��idual Kcfusc assessmcnts).
Parking Lot Assessment:
"1'he 'I'otal L�t Cost estimatec] for parkin� lot improvements and ser��ices (maintenance) is
based on the estimated annual costs to maintain the landscaping, li�hting, and mechanical
s�veepin� of the parking lot �vithin 1'resident's 1'laza. This '1'otal l.ot Cost di��ided b�- thc
1pplicd ��arking lot 1'otal f�rc�nt I�ootagc, cstablishcs a Rare per front foot. "I'his Rate
multi�lied b}- each parcePs a��lied front f�ota�e equals the parcePs �re�p�rtionate share of
thc parkin�lot rnaintenancc cosrs (roundcd tc> thc ncarest cvcn pcnn�•).
Total Lot Cost/Total Front Footage = Rate per Front Foot
Rate x Parcel Front Footage = Parking Lot Assessment
\ote: f�or purposes of calculating the parkin� lot assessment, each parcePs front fc�otage is Uased on
either thc �arcel's northern or southern lot line footage roundcd to the nearest fi��c feet. Refer
to_�ppendir"13" Eor front footage applied.
.L1�ut11•�itau�ivl 1'n�r l n
President's Plaza I Property and Business Improvement District
Management District Plan,City of Palm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/OS
Parking Lot
:lcljtzstcd IZatc
Bud�et (�cr I�r. I�t.)
I�irst I�iscal Ycar S 2G,G00 $7.12?
Sccond I�iscal Ycar S 27,398 S7.335
'I'hird I�iscal�'car $ 28,220 S7.��G
I�ourth I�iscal Ycar � 29,OG7 S7.782
I��ifth Fiscal Ycar $ 29,939 $8.01(i
,�11 other parcels �vithin the l�istrict recei��e direct and spccial benefits from the parlcing lot
im�ro��ements anci ser�•ices. l:ach of these parcels is assessed proportionatel�� based on th�ir
northern or southern front foota�e adjacent to thc: parking lot.
Apportionment of Indirect Costs
"I'o ensurc the impro��ements, acti��itics, and sen�iccs pro��ided and funded through the
I�istrict are conunued, each parcel is prc�posed to be assessed for operauonal costs (Indirect
C�sts). '1'hcse lnciirect Costs include all espenses related to the administration of the I�istrict
as �vcll as the collection of mone�• to�vards a Rescr��c I�und. 'I'he annual asscssment for
Indirect (;osts has bcen cstablished at fiftecn percent (1�°!0) of thc '1'otal Uirect Costs
assesseci t<� each parcel.
'I'he sum of each parcePs prop�rtionate share of refuse costs and parl:ing lot cc�sts represents
the parcel's I�irect C�st This llirect Cost mulu}�lied b�- fifteen percent (1�°%) represents
cach parccl's proportionare share of thc Indircct Costs.
Parcel's Total Direct Cost X IS% = Indirect Assessment
,ldjustcd 13uci€;et
(15°�b of l.�irect Cost)
I�irst Fiscal Ycar $ 19,44O
Second I�iscal Ycar � 20,023
'11urd E�iscal�'ear $ 20,G24
F��urth Fiscal Ycar � 21,243
Fifrh Niscal Ycar � 21,8£3�
.I Linil•i�uu�iln! Pn�e 1 1
President's Plaza I Property and Bnsiness Improveme�zt Dis�rict
Management District Plrrn,City of Palm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
Total Annual Assessment
}�.ach parcel's "I'<�tal .lnnual :lssessment is the sum c�f their ��roI�ortionate share �f the Direct
C<�sts and Indirect Costs. 'I'he prece:clin� dc:scri�tic�n of the method of ar�orticmment
outlines the es�imateci cc�st ancl rates a���liec] for the llistrict ancl the tnasimum amount
projectecl. '1'he maximum rrc�jected amcnints were cleiermined b�� arrl��in�; an annual
inflationar�� factor <�f three percent (3°��) o�-c:r the fi��e-��e1r cluration of the I�istrict based on
the first��ear assessmetits.
.V�uril�ri�n�r�ia/ 1'nKe 12
President's Plaza I Property a�:d Brrsiness Improvement District
Mauagement District Plan,City of Paln:Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
A. Description of Budget Items
Direct Benefit Costs
Landscape Maintenance Contract—Includcs all rc�ularl�� schcdulcd labor, matcrial (e.g.
pi�c, ferulizer, insecticides), and eyui�ment required to }�m�erl}� maintain and ensure the
sausfact�r�� c�nciitic.m of all 1lndsca�in�, irri�auon and draina�e s��stems, and appurtenant
facilities. .-�11 landsca[�ing im�ro��ements ��nthin the l�istrict are contracted for maintenance
ancl ser�•ice on a re�;ular basis. "1'he freyuenc�- and specific maintenance operations required
�vithin the I�istrict is dctcrmincd b�� Cih� staff, but is�cncrall�� schcdulcd wcckl��.
Lctnc�seape Water—l'tiliri•cost to furnish �ti•ater required landsca}�e irrigation.
Landseape Eleetrie—Utilit�� cost for furnishing of electricit�� reyuired for the operation of
thc irrigation s��stems and ornamcntal lighting.
Landscape Repairs-7'his iccm inclt�des repairs that ar� not normall�� includcd in thc ��carl�-
maintenance contract costs. '17-iis ma�� include repair of dama�;ed amenities duc to �•andalism
and storms. .�lso included ma�� be �lanned up�,>rades. 'I'hese upgrades could include replacin�
plant materials or reno�•ation of irrigauon s�•stems.
Lighting—The furnishing of electricit�• required for the ��eratic�n and maintenance c�f the
lighting facilities. '1'he (�in- contracts for the furnishing of its electricih� for street liphting,
�vhich includes nc.�rmal maintenance and bulb re�lacement. '1'his cost d�es n�t include repairs
or rcplaccmcnt �>f clama�;cd facilitics duc to��andalism, accidents �r storms.
Sweeping Serviees—���eckl}• cleaning �f the �arking l�t and �;utters using a contracteci,
meclianizec� sen•ice.
Solid Waste Removal Services—'1'hc furnishin� of bins and bi-�vcckl}� collcction of solid
�vaste. "1'he Cit�• contracts �vith the �vaste hauler for this ser�•ice. Onl�� de��eloped properties
(�tirith 1 structure) recei��e special benefit from this sen•ice and are assessed for this ser�•ice.
.�IIUIIF'!/ltJIh70I Pnge 13
President's Plaza I Property and Business In:provement District
Managen:ent District Plan, City of Pabn Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
Indirect Benefit Costs
District Administration—'I'h� cc�st tc> all dcpartmcnts and staff�of the (:it��, f<�r �rc��•idin�;
thc coordination of l�istrict scr�•iccs, <���eraticros and inaintcnancc c�f thc llistrict, res}�onsc tc�
public concerns and education, �nd pr<�cedures associateci �vitli the le���• and collecticm c�f
asscssmcnts. '1'his cc�st also includcs contractin� �vith prc,fcssic�nals tc� �ro��idc additi�nal
administrati��e, Ie�;al, or ens;ineering ser�•ices s�ecific t� the l�istrict.
County Administration Fee—This is the actual cost tc> thc l�istrict for the Counh� to
collcct Uistrict assessmcnts on thc propern' ta� bills. '1'his char�c is bascd on a flat ratc per
fund numbcr.
County Per Parcel Fee—'I'},is is the cost to the District for the C�unh' to collect
asscssments on thc }�ropern• ta� bills. "1'his char�e is on a �cr assessment basis, at SO?0 per
assessment, and is in addition to the Count�� ;ldministration I�ee.
Miscellaneous Expenses—'I'his is a fund for adciiuonal costs relatcd to District
aciministration including reyuired formation, documentation, recordatic�n, anci le�al fec:�.
Reserve Fund Colleetion—"I'he Reser�•e Pund pr���ides for collection of funds tc> c>(�erate
the District from the time period of Jul�• 1 (beginning of the F�iscal 1'ear) thr<�u�;h Januar��
whcn thc C<�unn' pro�-idcs thc Cit�� ��7th thc first installment �f asscssmcnts collcctcd from
the pr�pertt• ta� bills. "1'he Resen�e }�utid elirrunates the neecl for the Cih� to transfer funci�
fr�m non-District acc�unts t� pa�• for District char�es during the first half of the ftscal t•ear.
"I'he Reser�•e f~und ma�- also be used to offset an}• unforeseen costs such as re�air�, legal fees,
re�•enue deficits, or increased ec�sts due tc� inflation or contractual a�reements that are greatc:r
than �riginall�� rlannc:d.
Levy Breakdown
Total Direct and Indirect Costs—'I'hi� is thc sum tc�tal c>f all bud�ctcd Dircct and Indirect
Antiripated De�cit/Surplus—This item ma�� inclucle anucipated costs of the District that
exceed the amount to be collecred. "I'his item also reflects beginning balance deticits. \\'hen
the actual cost and ex�enditures for the llistrict �ti�ere �reater than the amount budgeted and
collected in the �rior fiscal �•ear, the District has a Iie�;innin� t3alance Deficit. "1'his deficit
ma�• be the result of unf�reseen and eatraorciinart• costs incurred, or assessments actuall��
cc�llecteei �vere less than anticipated. �t'hen a deficit occurs, the deficit amount ct�a�� be added
to the amount ro be collected through the le��� for the current E1sca1 �•e1r c>r reco��ered
rhrou�;h use of dlc Rcscr��c f�unci.
\�'hen the actual a�sts and espenditures fc�r the llistrict are less chan che amounc bu�igered
and collected in the prior tlscal ��ear, the llistrict has a I�eginning I�alance �urplus. ���he�} a
surplus occurs, the amc�unt mat be used tc� reduce assessments c�r ma�• be added t�� the
Rcscr�•c I,und.
.11ni�il~ii�un�rnl 1'uqr l-�
President's Plaza I Property and Bnsi�zess Improvement District
Management District Plan,City of Palm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
Other Revenue Sources—This iccm ma�� ind��de addi�ional funds dcsi�natcd for usc b�� thc
District that are not from I�istrict asscssmcnts. Thcsc funds arc addcd to thc l�istrict
acc�unt and m1�� be added to the Reser��e }�und or u�ed t� reduce assessments, and ma�' be
from c:ithcr non-District or District s�urees includin� (;it�� (�eneral I;und (:c�ntrihutic>ns c�r
intcrest carnin�;s on thc Rcscn•c }�unci.
Contrzbutzon Replenzshment—'1'hc C<mtributi�n Replenishmcnt rcpresc:nts rcpa�•mcnts of
amounts that had been temporlril�• ad�-anced b�� the Cin' to co��er costs associated with the
icnpro�•ements. It is anticipatecl that the Cin- �vill pro�•ide a temporar�� loan to the Uistrict to
continue the im}�ro��ements ancl sec��ices in the first fiscal t�ear until the first assessments are
collected. "1'his loan «nll bc repaid in the first fiscal ��ear and is n�t reflected in the budget.
Balance to Levy—This is the total amount ro be le�-ied anc3 collcctcd throu�h assessments
for the current fiscal �-ear. The 13alance to Le�-�� represents the sum c�f'1'otal llirect Costs,
Indirect Cc>sts, Ke��enue Deficits, Other Re�•enue Sources, Re�•enue Sur�luses, and
Contributi<�n Rcj�lcnishments.
District Statistics
Total Number of Parcels—'I'he t<�tal numbcr of parccl��vithin the l�istrict.
Total Parcels Levied—The total number of �arcels ���thin the I�istrict that �yzil be
assessed. Non-assessed lots or parcels include easements, common areas, and �arcels �vithin
the boundaries of the I�istrict that currentl}�do not benefit from the im�ro��ements.
Total Building Square Footage—This is thc sum total of the building square foota�c
a��lied to each parcel��7thin the llistrict.
Total Front Footage (parking lot)—'1'hi� is the sum total of thc front focnagc apPlicd to
each parcel v��ithin the I�istrict.
Levy Rate per Square Foot—'1'his amc>unt represents the Rate bein� applied to each
parcel's indi��idual building syuare foota�e (calculation of each parcel's proportionate share
of refuse collection costs). I'he Le«� Rate per Syuare Foot is the result of cii�-iding the
estunated total refuse cost for that �-ear b�- the sum of the I�istrict's '1'otal S9uare Poc�tage.
The rate is calculated to three decimal places.
Levy Rate per Front Foot—'1'his amoiint re}�resents the Rate being applied to each parcc:l's
inciividual parking l�t front footage (calculation of the �arcel's proportioiiate share of
parking lot cnaintenance costs). 'I'he Le�•�� Rate per f�ront f�oot is the result of di��iciing the
estimateci rotal parl:ing lot costs for that ��ear b�� the sum c�f the District's Tc�tal rront
Foota�;e. The rate is calculated to three decimal places.
.11un1Finnit�•ral Pn�ge 1 S
President's Plaza I Property and Br�siness Improven:ent District
Managen:ent District Plan, City of Paln:Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/OS
Levy Rate for Indirect Costs—'1'his am�unt rcpresc:nts thc perccnta�;c applicd tc> cach
�arcePs l�irect Costs to cletcrinine the parcel's prol�orci<�nate share c�f the amc>unt tc� l>e
assessed for aciministrati�-e e�penses and Resen�e I�und (;ollectic>n. :1 ma�imum rate of
fifteen �ercent (15"4�) has been establishecl, but it is antici��atecl that the ma�imum 1m�unt
��rill be collccted each �-ear in order to establish and maintain a reasc�nable Resen�e f�und.
B. District Budget
"L'he llistrict 13udget shrnvn on the follo�ving table lists the estimated costs �f pro��iciin�; the
��arious impro�•ements and sen�ices. "I'he costs and the resulting rate for each fiscal �•ear is
b�sed OI7 the estimated costs to pro��ide the im�rc�vements and sen•ices that ��ear. 'I'he
�rojected annual costs anticipated o��er the fi��e-�-ear duration of the llistrict assessments
have been calculated on an annual inflauonar�� factor of three �ercerit (3",'0) from the t7rst
fiscal �•ear. Ho�ve��er, this intlation factor does n�t mean the assessments �vill increase
annuall�� bti� thrcc perccnt (3°'0). 'I'hc r1d��isor�� 13oard appointccl b�• thc Cin' Cc>uncil, �ti�ill
annuallt� re��iew the llistrict c�sts and make recommendations for an�� chan�;es or
adjustments to the bud�et. Changes to the budget, could result in changes to the annual
asscssment, but the resultin� rotal asscssment ma}� nc�t excecd the maximum rates establishcci
in this Report without first obtaining�ro�ert�� owner appro�•al thr<�u�;h assessment b111ots.
.11r�iul•��tr��t�rr�/ Pr�qe l�i
President's Plaza I Property and Brrsiness Improvement District
Mauagement District Plan,City of Pabn Desert
Fiscal Yerrr 2007/08
District Budget
Ftx+er�c Forer��t Fnc+�s�t Fnn�asK Fa+erast I'mposed
&'dg'et Bir.l�et Budget �r�et &'dget B�riget
BLJDC�I'TIIIV6 �1Q3-04 �10�05 �1(�rOG 200G07 �1(r7-0� �1(r7-0�
Dinect Bere6t Gosts
Lancicq�e\fainte��u�oe(i�nLti 7,1(Ml �?�3 5,411 �,53 �,740 �,.',(ki
Ia�Yi,ca�c��atcr -1,1.10� 4,1�1 -1,2-I�1 -1,3?1 4,�"? 4,�0
L�url�Ilcrnic - - - - - -
I aaci��R��rits 3,x 1() 3,(i1� 3,�13 3,�i 3,939 3,939
�S.�1L�u� - - - - - -
Ii��; 10,U(1O 10,300 1QG(l9 10,92%' 11,25.5 10,079
k�irgk�ias -�,(.M11) �,1�) -1,2-�1 -33?l 4,5(� �774
Siabtotd af Se�zii�es&�ed on Fror�
Footc�e 26,6Ci7 27,358 28,13� 29,Q57 29,939 28,977
5cilid��%ute 12ciYrnal Scx�ia�� 1(.Ci,ODU 1(Y�,ll9� 1(19,'�'?3 1]�5�1 115,�r1? 115,9Z7
Sidxvtcd af Serric�es&aed on
Brdlc�Squrne Foot�e X23,Qb XX 0�7 1D9,273 11�551 115,927 115,927
Direcc Bei�efic S�btcxal 129,G00 133,488 ]37,4�Xi 14],617 145y866 144,9(K
Llstnct_�chruri�traricm 8,-1A0 �,i� $�XX� 9,�C�C, 9,544 9,:�1
C`LAI7I�'.�17YI1LS11'dUqlF�'CC: lt�.) 17-� 1T 131 13..ti 13S
�1 RIl]I�'PC3�lltY��'E7C K � � � 8 8
��X.�.'iIYXJL6�.�Y;C.ti ..�.��X) ��.x) ��) ..�.��� �y� ..7.��
Ac�i7�bztize Sta6tot�d �� n,� �`� �� �� ��1
12ese���e��w�d(�ollecticxi�°� C�-� G,G�-1 C�K':i �,ll�l ?,29�i 7,245
Irdirect Benefit Sdxaral 17,8ffi ]8y341 ]8,80r7 19,287 19,781 19,732
Iiv,y Bi'ea1Ql°wn
Tcnal Diit�ct arclliYlin�('i�t� 1�17,� 151,F�) 1�C�._.xX) 1(�l),9l►l 1(x5,(x17 1(�G36
.lrgia�atcxi l�hat cx kaplis - - - - - -
C�her Re�z�nx�umxs - - - - -
HAIAI��'InLF.Vl' 147,488 151,gL9 15Gy299 160,904 ]6b,647 164y636
Diso�icx Statistics
'1'<xall'aroc]s -1Ci -1(i -1G -a(i 4G 4Ci
'T<xal l'u�s"lo I e«• -}2 -1_' -12 -12 42 42
'I�xalHirik3in�=,k�az�l�cxnag� ��XX) �,9f11 ��X1U ��xXl 7�9()0 28�900
Tcxal r�nxu I�cxx�u,�e(1'uiat�I cx) 3,�35 3,�3� 3,�3� 3,�3� 3,735 3,73�
I e�}•Rate per k��m I�ocx S O.3�? � O.:iG: S (13�8 S U.390 $ 0.401 $ 0.401
I a��}tatc�xx 1 irxrt Irxx S �.1?� S �.33� S �.:iSG S ,.�� S 801G $ 7.758
It���Ratef<x.�dmu�/R«�vti 1�°�� li°� li°�o 15°� 15°l 15°/
Resetve Irdaar�tion
T'cti,iczs Rc.��e I3n4mc� 'r,318 3],'9�3 3$-��2 -15,31� ��4�3 49,42?
F'n�+�Rc.�e L��unc 31,�� :i�-1'2 -�ri�i-�� ��-1�i 5�),721 SC�yG?2
.Il�ari�'rn�ur�•rn/ Pnqe 17
President's Plaza I Property�rnd B�ainess Improvement Dlstrict
Managen:ent District Plan, City of Paln:Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
'I'hc boundart• cnap f�r the llistrict is represented on the follc>«7n� page(s) and is inclusi��e c�f all
��arccls idcntiEiccl r�n thc Cc�unn' of Ri��ersidc :lsscssc>r's Parcel :�fap G27-212, G27-221, and G27-222.
.1 Lmil�innir�rn/ Pr�Qe 1 H
President's Plrrza I Property and Business Improvement District
Management District Plan, City of Palm Desert
Fiscrrl Year 2007/08
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.11�uril•t�tnncin! 1'n�ge 1�)
President's Plaza I Property and Business Improvement District
M�rnagement I3istrict Plan, City of Palm I�esert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
'1'he followin�; E�arcel infc>rmation includin�; buildin�; syulre fexrta�;e �inci fr�nt fc>ota�;e is used in
calculat.ing cach ��arcel's prc>�c>rtionatc sharc<�Eall I�istrict Co�ts.
Assessor's Building Square Footage Front Footage
Parcel Number Acres Land Use Net Applied Net Applied
G3�?1300? U?3 C�,mmcrciall�rvrluprd 388� 3,900 i0.00 50
G?�313003 0$9 C�nnmrrcial Devel��[�e�l 8G�0 8,700 ?00.00 200
G?'31300� 0.4G Gnnmerciallle��cl��E�ed 85?5 8,500 100.00 100
G�',313UOi O.A3 C���nincrcial Dr��rl����rd 1313? 12,IU0 I�1.» 170
G2'31200G 0.�'S Cc�mntcrciall�e��rlc��xd "a830 5,800 50.00 50
G3'313009 U.?i C��mnurciall�cc•cl��pr�1 8150 8,200 �0.00 50
G�%21�010 0.2� G�inmercial De��rl����rd 3310 3,200 �0.00 50
G2'313U1 I 0.25 G��nmrrcial Dr�•el���rd �030 �,000 �0.00 50
G3�31?012 Q'_� C��mmcrciall)r�'cluPccl ?�300 2,400 i0.00 50
G�721�01�3 0.2� C���nmrrcialllc��ck�Ped �OOU 5,000 50.U0 50
G2'31201� 09? (�ummercialI)r��rl��prii '?098� 21,000 ??1.i7 220
G�'?]301G U.08 L;srmE�t (Parkin�Lot) 0 0 U.00 0
G?'?1'O1� 0.50 C�nnmerciall�e�'eh���e�l 10338 10,200 100.OQ 100
G2'2�1001 0?? C�m��ncrcialI�r�•rl�,prcl �'�U 4,800 �O.QO 50
G'_,2?1002 0?3 Cummcrciall)e�•rl����cd �3,�0 4,800 �0.00 50
G3,?2100-� 0.�� Cumnterciall�r��rl<�pr�l 18183 18,200 213.03 215
G3''_�1008 0.3� C��mtTtercial Uc•�-cl��ped �i00 5,300 50.U0 50
G'''•'�10U9 0.?-1 G��nmrrciall)r�-rl���c�l �SG3 4,600 70.OU 50
G2�??1010 O.G8 C�nnn��rrrialllct•ck�Pcd 1�G8 1,600 ?2�.1G 225
G'?,231011 0?� I?xrmpt(I'arkin};L��t) 0 0 O.OQ 0
G'�'��003 0.?? Cnmmrrcialllr��rinped -1-13� 4,400 �U.00 50
G'_'��'''003 0.'_'_ Cnmmrrcial Urt-rlr��rd 3?i0 3,300 �0.00 50
G'�'"'00-3 0."_" C��mtucrcialllevclupcd 3��0 3,300 �0.00 :i0
G';'�''00� 0.�1 G��nmrrcial Dcvclo��rd 3000 3,000 �0.00 50
G''"'2'U08 0.-13 G�mmrrciAll�e�-rl��prd G,I? G,700 100.00 100
G�'?�''01�3 0.'?1 Gntuncrcial Dr�-el��j�r�l -IG93 4,700 �OAO 50
G''-''`'''O1� 0.'?l Cr�mmercial llrt�rl���cd 3900 3,900 �O.OU 50
G"'���20�1 U?� G�mmcrciall)c�•cic�E�cd 3�G3 3,800 �U.00 50
G'?72'?20'� 0.2-3 C�nnnu•rcial Dc�•el��l�r�l �0�0 5,100 50.00 50
G'�2"03� 0.2�3 C�numcrciall�r�-rl��prd 5000 5,000 i0.00 50
G'�2�203G O?�1 Cc�mmrrcialllr��rlupe�3 �000 5,000 i(1.00 50
G'"•2'__'03' 0?-1 Gnnmrrci�ll)rvrlc��ed i150 5,200 50.00 50
G�'��'03R 0.'3 G�nmicrcial Dr�•elulu•cl �39i0 5,000 �Q.00 �0
G''�2''�0?9 0.�3 C�»nnirrcialI�cc•rl��prd �8011 4,800 �0.00 50
G?,2?2030 0.?3 C��mmrrcialllrt-ek���ed -19�0 5,000 �0.00 50
G2�23''03�3 U.-l� C��nunerciall)eve•l��prd G2,G (,300 100.00 100
G27���O38 0.�18 Gmimcrcialllr��cl��E�rd 990Q 9,900 100.00 100
G'_„?�'0-11 0.3? Crmtmcrciallle�•cl��Pci1 �92� 5,900 ��.OU 7�
G"'�2"'"'0-12 0.11 F.scmpr(E•:asrmcnt) 0 0 0.00 0
G2��''''0-13 0?9 f:xcmpt(1'arkin�;L��t) U 0 0.00 0
G?.'2?30�3� O.GS (;��tn�nrrcial De��cic�E�rd 13338 13,300 1-30.G3 140
G�,�330-38 0.-1? C<m��mrrcial Dr�•cl<��cd '8�� 7,800 lOQqO 100
G�,'�'07? 1.�1� C���nmrrcial Dct•cl����id 11G9� 11,700 ?i].G9 250
G��22?0�3 U.i9 Ce��nmrrrialDe��elnl�e�l 8?38 8,200 1�1.G9 150
G��2'�Oi-1 0?8 G,mmerciall)r��rlu��ed 931? 9,300 1�30.G3 140
G2,2'30�5 0.-1- G�mmcrcialllrt•rl��pr�l 1:i01' 15,000 100.00 100
.l(mril•iiinif�in! Pqqe 2l l
President's Plaza I Property and Business Improvement District
Management District Plan,City of Palm Desert
Fiscal Year 2007/08
Parcel identification, fc>r each ]c�t or J�arcel �vithin thc lli�trict, shall be the ��arcel as sho�vn on the
lti�•erside Count�" :lssessc�r's �fa�� fc�r the �car in �vhich this Rc:��c�rt is prerared.
:1 listing of parcels assessed �vithin chis I�istrict, alon�; �vith the assessment amounts, is included on
thc follo�vin�pa�;c.
.1 L�nrFi�tnncla! Pn�e 21
President's Plaza I Prnperty and Business Lnprovement District
Management District Plan,City of Pab�z Desert
Ficcal Year 2007/08
P�c�i S�uC �rc [L� U. Ird�ea wise Ux �rdrea
Nniir Acns Fnct�,r Rx�,t �cr�e (hr�,x �,e Tetal dv�,e (h�q,r QuRc Temi
CiTP_I31L� U� 349(b 5C1 S 1,Yi�'X1 S :�375�1 S �fi£� S T'1Z(i S l,�(i1911 S •#i18) S �211�1 S �)-I(�
1�1311i U� £�;Ib $p 3-�i�l) 1,YiL(il (�3,'i4R �Z�i78 �-l3'3a) l,(iT131 7(i37F3 :�H`Yif$
(iP_1�Iµ 11-Y� � iA ��1691 7Tz81 �fl�l) {T�}3) �-M�iyJ ti�Llfl G31_i �8i1(i
(LTP_I31b IIF�' 12�Yp � �fli?I�I 1,318£�, 81�{f3 7,(ql.-�l ��85'_10 I,'C�7_� 9i'_�_ 7,1-t/(t1
C�3[G C1�S 5y8]D �1 �3_.Ti81 :14L�1 .'ff)(il �IE�iTI �ixi8) �NI1Kl -1�)Il) �13iaU)
CLTI�131A ILTi £� 50 �'S31 3E�/.9U "YIX$ �}17G7f3 �337 -1[�If�) 142'b {2�'G
CiTP_L3�110 (115 �p � 17�31 �Z� ",:TLU1 1,f�3�) l,�{i31 �NT181 ri?(il 1,2'b(il
(i.TP_I3111 (L�5 5S� 50 .'�flli(11 lYL<A �`i�ll �718$) �11150J -IIT1K) 'lfl8E3 �7(f�G'3
CiT/?I�1L' 11S 2�� 31 �Xi-11 �i7`a) 18���) 1,1i13) �Xi?-NI -Nll£�1 �I!-tK 1X7.UR
(iT/Z1111-1 f125 � �l 7,QCi0fl 34Z�"1 �i�il ?71Rff) �l[fiQl -7f[1H1 'f[I£�3 �7CfiC$
(i7�1�15 (KP_ ?�� Z� �-LI.11) 1,�Ci7G 1,i79�11 11�1n.1G $-�l.lT) 1,7fili l,.i'7.GK 11,?L'31
(Til�3hG ll($ - - - - - - - �
CiJ7?l3)17 1191 �p YD -�(T1131 7T�8) ((i?7�1 Zi�F37-� �fT1131 BII.(() 7i37f3 �(L�S�A
���iun �� a,eoo so �,�r��, �sx� ii�� ;��.� �m-�� �na, �� ���-u
��ue c� a,eoo so i;r_-�� �.�� 3���� z���r� �,�r�a� �ua� �� ;��-u
CLTi'nlll.tl 11T � 215 7�) 1,(f,l<X� 1",n1.18 IQl£3731 7�1 1,7�33 I.'a3�-} 111i7-if�S
Ci'7�1116 ll._"�l 5}� 5Y) �LTi?(I �L�XI 3'�r3 �8`x�-If3 Z1riYl -I[ll8) 3h392 ?,'X1ilL'
CiTI?�IQF) IL�1 �Qp 50 1,811lf1 :i�l�al �1lCYi �53G�G 1,841U1 -IIII$) 3'(if� �i�.r'
(iTf?�Ib10 (IG£i �(� 2b 611C11 1,7'L4.`sl iTil2 �71�i G1L(f) 1,81�111 YCi7f3 �SIIS�'i
f��7?'lllll lL''S - - - - - - -
C,Tl�7e lL �4lXl 50 1.7Gl-7I1 $7<�l 3Jil�l ��1t5-ll 1,7G4N1 -Jf1181 �}7f3 �-1,9)�3
CL"rL�IC� (1� � � I.i�i311 �3ZA) 7iilG 1;J4l�, li�3fl -I(Clfl1 _ri�3(i I,��'7_'
(i7r'._.31}l ll� 3� 50 l,�ill .3f31��) '_33(C� 1,4F1.7� 1.�'i3U -III1H1 �S£i(i� 1,�7L
(L'7'�3Ib ILI 3�Qp 50 I,�Ii(T) 147'a�l �1G(�3 I,£�T1�3 1,381U -1fJ1Nl ?A'1.�f3 1,81l�3
����x u�e y'm ]oo ;�,a� �a� -��_� �<�k� ����� an«� :�.��+ -uni.s�
�.�n� �Li �AD 5o t,fl�t�� �;sx� ���.L ��i2 �,t�st�� ��u�a� �� ,���
��», u� ��oo so i�i��� �nsx� ��,� ���z�L ix�3�x� �cna� zua� T.��-��
(i'7.r' L'I lL'-1 3,�A 50 I,i.''iN� i47.�1 �tl.'b �IT_lC> li"'iH) -�J]81 ��1 �,,.�13i11
(LTL�_.1,r4 IL�1 5y� 50 �(�h10 �'i7S]1 331_'li ?,7GL3G �IIl41l) �XllB) 'lfiA4 �81�78
CLTIn�.IL'S (Lz1 5y� 50 �I]6111 �7.�S1 �i'�1 �7188) �I1FiQl �MCI$) Yil8f3 ,7Cfi(i'S
(i'�7�'I�, lL?�l $y(� $0 �f(6[Tl 34Z��) .i�.`i��l �718fl1 �(ifilD •XU�I '�flf� �71f�(�i
(�'7"_3Lr1 IL-3 5�p 50 ,1Ei531 �37.911 3'L�K.' ?8�n'7? �(h53) -NJINI 3P_� ."',h58'al
(i7Tr_3T3; (IZ3 5y� 50 ,llSfU �Z91 �i�l) ?71881 �llfi(11 -IlIIF�) 'lilflE3 �7[5(4i
Ci.T7'7_3U' lL"� 4,� 50 1,`nlfil :�47�]1 31�19E3 �C�.C� 1;7�1AI -llll8l iJ881 �G11�41
CiT,'n_]lll (L�l 5�0� q► �f16(ll is{7�]1 C5�1 �71RH1 2,11fi11) �I11181 ?ffl£�i �7Cfi($
C'�7�T(Tl i l� (}IA � �i"��3D 7hfl� 4�27-1 i751.81 2,521?U 8)L(i l �3218 1�.`Zf B
Ci'P._.�3liff 1b78 ��p Ip ��Xfl.�� 775�� GYi'L Z�(Y, ��Xn.91 Ap.li) 71iT_ 5-7�{7�—"
CLTL'.�lll (lI.' 5��p 75 �'fii9ll i�i1.83 -JI11.-i�3 �i19?� �'In�]l Ct)I�1 -1�SIG 311'_1G
Ci'r/TTX�' I]I I - - - - - - -
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(L'7�3' 1J8 l l-C' 7,Hp � �LT/.81 774f�1 iiLCG �1t5�� �l?7A7 BII.U.� 4�:C -}�18K'_
Ci7.��� l.-L 1�'1Ib ?50 �}(f)1.AI I;I�J.�O �z1�1G 7i3�'li {(f�.�ll ?(]3Nll 1,QiL'b 7,�1[HG
(i'7.�fi3 il"i) $�p 141 'Lf4i31 I,l(�3�) ffC�.31 �(l�i'�'�l �Zc�33) 1.3L'� 673(1) Zl(�13�
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[i.'7"._3h� p-�7 15�q11 T� �7�`J_?0 1,(�I�' (m£3;i y-171'.�3 (�1115(Il 8)L(11 l,fL"51 7,$3)Ip
�9(p 3y7.i6 S Yr1r54A� S�('i1�(S7.D
.11ruuI'ti�mf�ial P���e�2