HomeMy WebLinkAboutPP III & BID FY 07-08 - Mgmt Dist. Pln � PAL1�1� DifSER�' CITY OF PALM DESERT MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PLAN PRESIDENT'S PLAZA III PROPERTY AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 I'ublic H caring: �unc 28, 2007 �MuniFinancial Co�porate O�Jiie O�'/ice I�niatian.r 2'3G8\'ia Tndustria Lancastcr,C_� (�rlando, I�L Suite 110 C)akland,(:_� I3elle��e,�t'.1 'I'cmccula, C.1 9590 Sacramcnto,(:_� Seattic,�\'.� Tel: (951) 58�'-3SUC1 Phoeni�,_�'l. \Ietnphis,'1'N Tel: (800) �5�-�ILJ'�I (G8G4) f�a�: (9�1) i8%-3�1O �vww.tnuni.com TABLE OF CONTEN OVERVIEW............................................................................................ Introduction � Formation � DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT .............................................................. 3 District Boundary 3 Improvements and Activities 3 Special Benefits of the Improvements and Activities 4 METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT................................................................ Method of Apportionment Rationale 6 Parking Lot Improvements and Se►vices 6 Method of Apportionment Calculations 6 Apportionment of Direct Costs 6 Apportionment of Indirect(Administration/Reserve) Costs 7 Total Annual Assessment � Annual Budget Adjustments 8 DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET ITEMS IN TABLE 4 ........................................... 'I Direct Benefit Costs � Indirect Benefit Costs (Administration/Reserves) 1 Levy Breakdown 2 District Statistics 2 District Budget 3 APPENDIX A —ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM................................................A-5 APPENDIX B —ASSESSMENT ROLL .....................................................B-1 (:ity of P�lm Ue�e�-r 1'r��.ide�►rt's P/nr.rr 111 PBID Ke�rcz�•�rl I•rna!F.irgineer's Repurt I'�'2007/ZCGS ❑VERVIEW INTRODUCTION 'I'hc Cin• of I'altn llcscrt ("(;itti�") formcd and cstablishcd thc Presidcnt's 1'laza III Prc��crt�• and Business Impro��ement ,�ssessment District ("District") beginnin�; in I�iscal Year 2001/2002 to pro��ide impro��ements and activities that confer special benefits upon real pro��ertti� �vithin the boundaries �f the l�istrict. '1'he District was established and levied ��ursuant to Propern• and I3usincss Impro��cment llistrict Law of 199�, Part 7 of lli��ision ]8 of the California Streets and High�va}�s Code ("Act"). Pursuant to the r1ct, properh� cnvners ��nthin the llistrict submittcd a signcd �etition requesting formation of thc District. 'I'hc District �y�as successfull�• formed for a term of five ti�cars and a maximum a�sessment �vas a�pro��ed b}• the pr�pern' owners throu�h an assessment ball�t proceeding, conducted according to provisions of chc California Constitution :�rticic XIIII� ("I'ro�ositicm 218"). };iscal Year 200�/2006 �vas the fifth ��ear of the term of the District. t?nder the pro��isions of the:1ct, the propert}� �wners within the llistrict may� rene�v the l�istrict for a marimum rerm of ten (10) }•cars. Pursuant to the Codc, and the pro��ision of the California Constituuon, thc pro�ertt• o�vners �vithin the llistrict approved the continuation of the llistrict ancl assessment for an additional fi�-e ��cars and on�une 8`", 2006 the Cin' authorized the fundin�; f�r impro��ements and acti�-ities auth�rized �vithin the I�istrict for a �eri�d of fi�-e �•ears (I�'iscal Ycars 200G/2007 through 2010/2011). "I'his i�ianagement District Plan ("I'lan") describes the District, im�ro��ements and activities, meth�d of apportionment, the pro�osed assessments for the current fiscal }�ear, and the maximum asscssment �roposed for the fi��c-�•ear duration of thc rene��,�ed District. '1'hc pr�posed assessments 1re based �n the estimated cost t� pro��ide the im[�ro�•ements, acti�-ities, anci operations that pro��ide a direct and special benefit to �roperties within the l�istrict. '1'he costs of impro��ements, acu��iues, and oPerations include all ex�enditures, deficits, surpluscs, revenues, and reser�•es. "1'he �vord "�ropern�," for thc purposes �f this Plan, refcrs tc> rcal properh� situatcd �vithin the I�istrict, and idenufied as an indi��idual propern- or parcel assigned its own :lssess�r's I'arcel '.�Iumber (,1PN) b�� the Count�� of Ri�•crside ;lssessor's Office. '1'he Counn� �f Ri��erside �luditor/Controller uses .1P:�is to identif�- on the tax roll parccls and }�roperties asscsscd for taxes, ,pccial asscssmcnts,anci fccs aud chargc�. FORMATION :1 �vritten petition of the pr�perri• owners w7thin the I�istrict, representing m�re than �0 percent �f the proposed assessmcnt t�� bc lc��icd was submitted to thc I'alm I�escrt Cir�� Council tc� initiatc fc�rmation �rc>ceedin�;s. '1'he Cit}• Council initiated proceedings for the f�rmation of the District b�• ado�ting a resolution expressing its intention to form the llistrict. 'I'hc resoluti�n of intenti<�n rcferenced thc Fnginecr's Report and the 1lanagement llistrict I'lan, and noticed the time and place of a public hearing on the formatic>n of the l�istrict and 1«-�- of assessmcnts. �t'ithin iwt lcss than forn'-fi��e (-45) da��s and n�t more than ninet}� (90) dati•s of adoptin� thc resolution of intcntion, the (:it�� Cc�uncil hcld a public hcarin�; on thc matter of fc�rmatic�n, �MuniFnanaal r�R�`� 1 City of Palnr De>crt Preciclrut':I'lcrza 11!1'BID :11a�1age�nent District 1'Irr�t F'i>crrl }'r�r 2007/2CO3 and causecl nc>tice t� the rroperri' c��vners pursuant t<> Section 5-195-�.G c�f the Go�•ernment C:ode. Public notices and assessment ballc>ts (�ro(�exh' o�vner prc�test ballots) �vere mailed to e�ch propertti• o�vncr at least -45 da��s ��rior t<� thc �ublic hcaring�ursuant t.o:lrticic �II I1� of the Califc>rnia Constitution. .1t the �ublic hearing the Cit}� Council �arovicled th� public and [�ropert�� o�vners an op�ortunitt� to �ro�-ide c�ral protcsts and �vritten protests prior to the adoption �f the I?n�;ineer's Report and the �Ianagement llistrict I'lan. Pursuant to thc C.u/if01711U C.O11.f11I1lII0J1 �1 rtic�le XIIIU, the Cit�� Clcrk or its designated alternate tabulated pro�crn� o�vner assessment ballots reccived from property o�vners and determined that majorin'protest ciid not exist. Pursuant to the .-�ct, the Citt' Council appointed an Owner's :lssociauon (":1ss�ciation") for the llistrict. '1'his ,1ss�ciation shall make ��earl�� recommendations to the (;in• Council on the eapenciitures oF revenue derit�ed from the ]e�-�- of assessments and on the classification of properties as applicable. "I�his .-�ssociation shall cause to be prepared a re�ort each fiscal �ear f�r which assessments are to be le��icd ancl collected. Said annual report shall be filed «rith the Cit�� Clerk and shall contain: am� pr<aposed chan�es to the district b�undar�'; the impro��ements and activities to be pro�•ided that �•ear; the estimated costs for that ��ear; the method of assessment; the amount of an}� surplus or deficir and contributions from other sources. '111e Cih�C�uncil ma}•ap�rcn-c the report as submitted or as mociified. 1'age 2 �MuniFnancial City of l'�/nt I�e�rrt Presicic��rt':Plrrzrr]I/1'BII) :blmragenre��rt!)ictrict 1'lrr�r F'i:c�rl Year?007/2008 DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT DISTRICT BOUNDARY "I'he I�istrict consists �f all parcels located in the cc�mmercial businc:ss area kno�vn �s the I'resident's I'laza I[I �vithin the (;in• of l'alm I�escrt, Count�� <�f Ri��crside. 'I'hc District includes sixtc:en (1G) assessec� commercial �arcels. '1'he boundar5� of the Dis�rict and the parcels therein are �enerall�• located South of Palm Desert Drive at High�va�� 111; North of I;l I'asco; ��'est of Sage Lane; and Last of Old I Ii�hwa�� 7�, and inclucles the I'alm Desert I'arking ],ot — a lease parcel ro the Cit}� of Palm l�esert located South of f�i�hw�a�• l l l; Last of Ne�v f Ii�h�va�� 7-�; and \�'est c.>f Old f Ii�h�va}• 7-}. IMPROVEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES In an effort to enhance and itnprrn�e business opportunities and the appearance �f the area kno�vn as the I'resident's Plaza III, the�lgenc��pro��ided funds for the reno�•ation and capital impro��emcnt of the parking lot and landscapcd areas rclatcd t� this commercial business center. In conjunction ��nth this renovation, President's Plaza III Property and liusiness Impr���ement I�istrict ���as formed in 2001 to pro��ide and ensure the continued operation ancl maintenance of the impro��ements after the reno��ations had been completed. In 2OOG, the properh- o�vners renc�ved the l�istrict for another five (�) ��ear term; thercfore, thc assessments generated �vill cc>ntinue this maintenance. In December 2005, the llistrict �aid for the slurr�� scaling, re-striping and repair of thc parking lot throu�h rescr��e funds that haci been accumulated during the first fi��e��e�rs of the term of the I�istrict. It has been determined that all the properties ��nthin the I�istrict recei�•e s�ecial and ciistinct benefits from the impro��ements and acti��ities to be funded thmu�h the assessmcnts. '1'he impro��ements include the necessar�• acti��ities, ser�-ices, oPeration, aciministration, acici maintenlnce r�yuirecl to kee� the impr�vements in satisfact�rt� condition incluciing all necessan� labor, material, and equipment. "1'he seraices ma}- include, but are not limited to, rcgular maintcnance, repair, removal or replacement of all or am� part of the im�ro�•ements inclucling removal c>f trimmings, rubbish,debris and other solid�vaste;and,�ro��iciing for the gm���rh, he�lth and beaun� of landscaping and lightin� including culti�•ation, trimming, s�ra}�in�, fertili�ing or trcating for diseasc or damage as �vell as su��l��in� necessarti� irri�ation and electrical energ��. 'I'hc: s�ecific impro��ements and acti��ities include: • Parking lot landscaped areas: includin�, but not limited to, �round co��er, shrubs, trees, plants, irrigation and draina�;c s`-stems and associated appurtenant facilitics; • Parking lot lighting facilities: induciin�, but not limitcd to, bulUs, fi�ctures, poles,���iring, and electrical ener���; and, • Debris removal: including, but not limited to, regular mechanical s�vee�in� c�f thc�arkin�lot. Page 3 �MuniFin�cial Cit}�nf Pnl»t De:ert Presidc�rt'.Plazrr IIl PBID M�rnagement District Plrr�i Fiscal Year 2007/ZCC8 "1'he cc>sts ass�ciated �vith �hc: imE�ro��ements are eyuitabl�� spread amon�; the benefitin�; parcels ��rithin the llistrict utilizing the met.hod c�f ap}�ortionment described in the �Iethod of :�(��c>rtionment section c>f this Ke}�ort. '1'he ro�11 funds collecteci shall be ciispersed and usc:ci f�r the sen•ices and <��eratic�ns ��r<�t•ided tc� the I�istrict. SPECIAL BENEFITS OF THE IMPROVEMENTS AN� ACTIV ITI ES ;issessed pro�erties �vithin the I�istrict receive special beneCts from one or more of the impm��ements and acti��ities ftmded through the llistrict assessments. Specificall}�, li�hting and landscapin�;amcnitics��-ithin thc parkin�lot, and regular s�vecpin�of thc parking lot. 'I'he special benefits of lighting (parking lot lights) are the c�m•enience, safet}�, and securit�� c>f propert�-,impro��ements, aiid g�ods. Specificall}�: 1. l�.nhanced deterrence of crime and the aid to police protection; 2. Increased nighttime safen- for patrons and emplo�•ees; 3. Impro��ed��isibilih� for pcdestrians and motorists; -�. Impro��cd ingress and egress to pro�ern•; 5. Reduced vandalism and other criminal acts and damage to impro��ements or �roperh•; G. I-�nhanced aesthetic a��ea] of the �arkin� area and the properues that are associated with thc�arking arca; 7. Increased prom�tion of business acti��iues and opportunities during nighttime hours; and, 8. "The s�ecial enhancement to the ��aluc of�ropern' which results from the abcn�e bcncfits. The benefits associated ���ith landscaped islands and medians ��nthin the parking lot are spccificall�•: 1. lmpro<<ed aesthctic a�peal of the parl�ing area and nearb}-�arcels; 2. Impro��ed dust control; 3. F.nhanced adaptation of the urban em-ironment�vithin thc natural cm�ironmcnt; -4. Impro��ed traffic circulation; 5. .1 �ositi��e re}�resentatic.�n of the businesses �vithin the District; G. Centralized locati�ns for refuse collecti�n facilities; and, 7. 'I'he special enhancement to the �•alue of propert��, which results from the abo�-e benetlts. Page� �Mu�iFnancial City nf Prrlm I)e.c�rt I're:i�lent'.:1'lnxrr III P131D :L�mragentc��tt Districr Plrr�: I i<c�tl l'e�rrr 2007/2C08 Parl:in�; Ic�t swcc��in�; is an csscntial and ncccssar�- acti��it�� fc�r all propertics—��articularl�� commercial ��ro}�erties. "1'his im��ro�emeiit is fu��ded through thc assessmeiits solel�• for thc special benefit c>f j�rc>��erties �vithin the District. '1'he benefits assc�ciated«.7th this s�n�ice are: 1. };nhancecl aesthetic a��[�eal c�f the }�arking area and the ��roperties thlt are associated�tirith the parkin�;area; 2. Improvcd ciust contr�l; 3. "I'he s�ecial enhancement to the �-alue �f pro�crtt', �vhich results from the abrn•e Ucncfits. "1'hc on-going operatic�n and maintcnancc of thc landscaping, lightin�; and swccping impro�•cments provide no mcasurable general benefit tc> other propertics outside the District or to the �ublic at large. '1'herefore, these improvements and the corresponciin� assessments ha�•e been identified as 100"'o special benefit w parcels �vithin the llistrict. Page S �MuniFin�cial Cit1'��f I'rrint Uc�crrt Pr�rciclr�tt:1'lcrzrr III I'BII) .Mrr�rabente�tt Ihctrict Pln�t r�;���� t��-a, zoc�i�oos METHOD OF APPORTIDNMENT METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT RATIONALE "1'he costs c�f the l�is�rict impro�•emenis ha��e each been apr�rtioneci b} a fc�rmula and method �vhich fairl�• distributes the net amc�unt to be assessed among all assessed parcels in pm�ortion to the estimated special bcnefits to be receired b� each parcel from the im�rcn�cmcnts. PARKlNG LOT /MPROVEMENTS ANO SERVlCES :1ll assessed parcels within the President's Plaza III PI3II� ha�•e use of, and access to, a centralized parkin�; Facilitt' (l�t) that prv��ides access, j�arking, and deli�•er�� areas For the businesses and �arcels �vithin the District. l3ecause the �arkin�; area is a centralizecl facilin• used and accessed U}• all properties �vithin the District, each parcel's benefit is based on the size c�f such parcel. Therefore, it has been determined that a fair anci reasonablc reflectic>n of each plrcel's benefit for the parl:in� lc>t impro��ements shall be based on the approximate sizc, in syuarc fcct, of each parcel. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT CALCULATIONS "1'he "1'otal llirect Costs of the parkin� lot imprrn•ements �nd ser�•ices are apportionecl to each parcel �vithin the District basecl on each parcel's lot size in square feet. In addition to a parcel's "l�otal Direct Cost, each parcel is assessed for I�istrict administration es}�enses and a reser�•e fund collection (Indirect Costs). Z'he lndirect Cc�sts for each �arcel have Ueen ap}��ruoned in the same manner as Total l�irect Costs. '1'herefore, each parcel's 7'otal .�nnual :lssessment is the sum of its proportionate share of che'1'�tal Dirc:ct Costs and '1'otal [ndircct Costs. APPORT/ONMENT OF O/RECT COSTS 'I'he 'I'otal l�irect (:osts estii�ated fc>r parl:in� lot impro��ements and ser��ices (maintetiance) are based c>n the estimated annual costs to maintain the landsca�ing,lighting, and mechanical swc epin�; of the �aricin� lot �vithin F'resident's Plaia lII. The Total Direct Costs are di�•ided b}- the sum of the syuare footage of all parcels withiti the District in order ro establish a rate per parcel square foot. "I'his rate multiplied b�•each parcel's syuare footage equals the parcel's �ro�ortionate share of the parkin� lc�t maintenance costs (rouncled to the nearest e�•en �enn��). '11ic rate �rovided in Table 1 is for }�iscal Year 2007/200R only�. Pleasc refer to thc llistrict Bud�;ct (Table 4�for future asscssment ratcs. Total Direct Cost/Total Square Footage = Rate per Square Foot Rate x Parcel Square Footage = Direct Cost Assessment Component Pag<�G �MuniFnancial Clty o�r��l,,, n�>f�rt 1'recide�u'..Plrrzn III PBID Alrnra�emertt Di:nict Plan F'i:cRl Year?0�7/2C08 Table 1: Direct Cost Proposed Assessment and Rate Proposed Rate(per Proposed Direct Square Foot)for FY Costs for FY 2007-08 2007-08 First Fiscal Year Maximum $ 21,012 $ 0.0463 APPORT/ONMENT DF /NO/RECT �ADM/N/STRAT/ON/RESE!?VE) COSTS To ensure the im�rc>�•ements, activities, and sen•ices pro�•ided and funded through the District are conunued, each �arcel �vill be assessed for administrati�-e and reser��e costs (Inciirect Costs). "1'hese Indirect Costs include all e�:penses related to the administration of the l�istrict as well as the collection of mone�• to�vards a Reser��e F�und. The Reser��e I�und (:ollection is �roposed to be slighd�� ���er thirtt�-five percent (3�.29"'0) of the annual '1'otal I�ircct Costs <>f thc I�istrict. Similar to the method of a�portionment for 1'otal I�irect Costs, the District's indirect c�sts are ap�ortioned to each parcel based on each parcel's lot size in syuare feet. '1'he rate �ro�•idcd in Table 2 is for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 onl��. Please rcfer to the I�istrict 13udget �Table 4� for future assessment rares. Total Indirect Cost/Total Square Footage = Rate per Square Foot Rate x Parcel Square Footage = Indirect Cost Assessment Component Table 2: Indirect Cost Proposed Assessment and Rate Proposed Rate Proposed Indirect (per Square Foot) Costs for FY 2007-08 for FY 2007-08 First Fiscal Year Maximum $ 12,538 $ 0.02'76 TOTAL ANNUAL ASSESSMENT I�.ach parcel's 1'otal :lnnual :lssessment is the sum of their proportionate share of the Direct (:�sts and Indirect Costs. The }�receding description of the m�thod of apportionment outlines the estimated cost ancl rates apJ�lied for the District in I�iscal S'ear 2007/08. The rate �ro��ided in Table 3 is for I�iscal 1'ear 2007/2008 onl�•. Please refer to the I�istrict Bud�;et �'Table 4) for fuwre asscssment rates. Pagc� 7 �MuniFnanGal City nf Prrlm De>ert Pre:rdeut':Plazrr II!1'B!D .hla�ragement Di�trict Plrr,r F'ixcal I'rm 20�7/2003 Direct Cost Rate + Indirect Cost Rate = Total Rate per Sqrcare Foot Total Rate x Parcel Sqatare Footage = Total Parcel Assessment Table 3: Total Cost Proposed Assessment and Rate Proposed Rate Proposed Direct Costs (per Square Foot) First Fiscal Year for FY 2007-08 for FY 2007-08 Direct Costs Maximum $ 21,012 $ 0.0463 Indlrect Costs $ 12,538 $ 0.0276 Total Costs Maximum S 33,550 $ 0.0739 ANNUAL BUOGET AOJUSTMENTS For thc five }�cars of the tcrm of the PBID renc�val, annual asscssments ma�� be adjusted b�• the Presicienr's Plaza III PBID o�vners' association up to three percent (3°�) per ��ear. ,�ctual annual adjustmcnts mati- range from zero percent (0%,) to three percent (3°io). �ldjustments ma�� differ fr�m ��ear to }�ear depenciing on the sen�ice needs identified b�• the owners' associauon. In ant• e�•ent, assessments �vill not exceed the levels illustrated b`� the llistrict Iiudgct (Table 4). .-�n�� annual bud�et surplus or cleticit will be accrued into the follo�ving ��ear's 1'I3ID budget. _lssessments ��711 be set accorciinglti•, �vithin the constraints of the annual adjustment, tc� adjust for surpluses or deficits that are carried forward. Page 8 �MuniFinancial City nf I'alnr De>ert 1'��rcidr�tt>I'lazrr II!P13I!) .��rrnagc°nre�tt I�ictrict Plrr�i I'iscal }'rar 2007/2^03 DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET ITEMS IN TABLE 4 DIRECT BENEFIT COSTS Sweeping Services: �t'eekl�� cleaning c�f the parl:ing lot and �utters using a contracteci, mcchanizcd scrvice. Landscape Contract Maintenance: Includcs all rcgularl}� schcduled labor, material (c.�;. Pipe, fertilizer, insecticides), ancl eyuipment reyuired to (�roperl�� maintain and ensure the satisfactor�� condiuon of all landscapin�;, irrigation and drainage s�•stems, and a�purtenant facilities. �111 landsca�ing imPro��ements �t�tthin the llistrict are contracted for maintenance and service on a regular basis. The frequenc�� and specific maintenance and o�erations rcquircd�vithin thc I�istrict w-ill bc dctermincd by� Cin� staff. Lighting Repair and Maintenance: This item indudes rcpairs that are not normallti� included in the �•earl�• maintenance contract costs. This ma�• include repair of damaged atncniaes duc to vandalistn and st�rms, as well as planned up�radcs which could include replacing lighting materials or rcno��ation of lighting s�•stems. Landscape Repair and Maintenance: '1'his item includes rc�airs that arc not normall�� included in the ��earl�• maintenance contract costs. 'I'his rnay iticlude repair of dama�ed amenitics duc to ��andali�m and storms, as wcll as �lanncd u[��radcs, �vhich could includc rcplacing plant matcrials or rcnovation of irri�ation sy�stems. Landscape Utilities-Water: [.tiliri�cost to furnish �vater for reyuired lanclscape irrigation. Street Lighting Utilities - Electric: "I'he furnishing of electricit�� reyuired for the c�peration and maintenance of the lightin� faciliues. '1'he Cit�• contracts for the furnishing �f its electricih� for street lighting,���hich includes normal maintenance and bulb replacement. 'I'his cost cioes n�t include repairs or replacement of damaged facilities clue to �•andalistn, accic�cnts or skorms. Landscape Utilities - Electric: Uulin' cost Eor furnishing of electricin� requircd for the c�peration of the irrigation s5•stems and landscape maintenance. INDIRECT BENEFIT COSTS (AD M I N I STRATI O N/R ES ERV ES) Distriet Administration: 1'he cost ro all dc�artments anc] staff of the (:ih�, for �rc>�-idicig the c��rdination of llistrict sen�ices, operations and maintenance of the I�istrict, response to public concerns and education, and proceciures associated �vith the lev}� anc] collecuon of assessments. "1'his cost also includes contracting �vith prc>fessionals tc� pro�•ide acidiuc�nal administrati��e, legal, or engineerin�;sen�ices specific to the District. County Administration Fee:This is the actual cost to the llistrict for the Cc>unh• to collect llistrict assessments on the properri- ta.r- bills. '1'his char�e is based on a flat rate per fund numbcr. Pagc�A-1 �MuniFn�cial City of Prtb�r Desert President'.<Pl�rza III PBID :ilauagenrc�nt Di�n-ict Plmi rt.���1 Y�rrr 2007/2008 County Per Parcel Fee: 'i'his i� the cost to the l�istrict f�r the Ccnint�� tc� collect assessmenrs on the propertt� ta� bills. '1'his charge is vn a per assessmenr basis, at S().5� per assessment, and is in addition ro the Countt' ;\dministrltion ree. Operating Reserve Fund Collection:'1'he Oper�tin�; Resen-e }�und prc>��ides f�r collecti�n of funds tc> operatc: the llistrict, for each fiscal }�ear, from the time pc:riod of Jul�� 1 thr�ugh Januan� ���hen the Counh• j�ro��ides the Cit�� �ti7th the first installment of assessments collecred from the propern• tax bills. 'I�he Operatin�; Reser��e Fund eliininates the need for thc Cih• to transfcr funds from non-l�istrict accounts to pa�• for llistrict chargcs during the first half of 1��Y 200G/07 through I�' 2010/20]l. '1'he C)perating Reserve Puncl ma�� alsc> be used to ofFset any� unForeseen costs such as repairs, legal fees, re�•enuc deficits, or increased costs due to inFlation or contractual agreements that are greater than originalh• planned. '1'he Operating Reservc I�und Collcction amount is slighdti� lcss than ftve percent (-�.76°-0) of the annual"l�otal Dircct Costs of the llistrict in l�iscal�r'car 2007/2008. Parking Lot Maintenance Fund Collection:7'he Parkin� I.ot ,'�laintcnancc I�und pro�-ides funds for thc sealing and re-striping of the parking lot after the fourth �-ear of the rene�val term of the District. The parking lot's total surface area is approximatel}• 1�-3,000 syuare feet. lluring llecember 2005, the llistrict's cost oC sealing and re-striping the parl:ing lot was S27,200 (15.5 cents per square foot muldj�lied b}' 177,520 syuare feet of surface area) and its cost of repairs �ti7thin the parking lot �vas �2-},300 (for 8,�O0 syuare feet of surface area); for a total cost �f��1,�00. The cast of sealing and re-stripin�; the parkin� lot's total surface area of 184,00� syulre fect would ha��e becn approaimatel�� S28,�2O (15.� ccnts per syuarc foot multiplied b�• 18-},0OO syuare fect of surface arca). Insurance:�rhis line item supports insurance costs for the o�eration of the I�istrict. LEVY BREAKDDWN �"otal I3[striet Costs:'I'his is che sum total of all bud�eted llirect and lndirect costs. DISTRICT STATISTICS Total Parcels:'1'hc total numbcr of�arccls ��rithin thc I�istrict. Total Parcels to Levy:Z'he rotal number c>f parcels «.nthin the llistrict that�vill be assessed. Non-assessed lots or parcels include easements, common areas, ancl parcels �vithin the boundaries of the District that currentl}• d� not benefit from the impro��ements and �vhich are not included in the"1'otal Parcels to I.e�•�•. Total Parcels Square Footage:'I'his is the sum total of thc assessed parccls' syuare footagc applied to each assessed parcel �vitliin the District. Levy Rate per I3irect Costs per Square Foot: This amount represents the Rate for llirect Costs being ap�licd to each assessed parcel's incii��idual lot syuare footage. 11�e I,ev�- Ratc per l�ircct Costs is thc result of cii��iding thc estimated"1'otal Direct Costs for that }•ear bti� the sum of the I�isrrict's '1'otal Parcels Square !�'ootage. '1'he rate is calculated tv four decimal placcs. Prrge.9-? �MuniFin�cial Citp nf Pnlnr I)e�ert Prr�idext'.�Plazn III PKID ,hla�tagentc�nt Dt�trict Plrr�r F'iscal Y<�m 2007/2008 Levy Rate per Indirect Costs per Square Foot: '1'l,is �,nount re�rescn�s thc Rar� for Inciircct C:osts bcin�; aj���liccl to cach assc:ssed parccl's indi��idual lot syuarc f��ta�;c '1'hc I,c���� Rate per Indirect Cc�sts is the result <�f ciivicling the estimlted 'I'otal inc�irect C:c�sts fc�r that }�ear b}� the sum c�f the I�istrict's 'I'otal I'arcels Square roota�;e. "I'he rate is calculated to fc�ur decitnal pllces. Total Levy Rate per Square Foot: 'l�his amount represcnts thc Ratc bcing apPlicd to cach assessed parcel's indi��idual lot scluare fc>ota�e. The I,e��• Rate �er Syuare I��ot is the result of di�•iciing the esumated '1'otal I�istrict Costs for that ��ear b�� the sum �f the District's T�ral Parcel Syuare 1^�ootage.'1'he rate is calculated to four decimal places. DISTRICT BUDGET "I'he llistrict F3udget sho�vn on the follo�ving table (Table 4), lists the estimated costs c�f pro��iding the various improvements and services �vithin the llistrict. '1'he costs and the resulting rates for I�iscal Year 2006/07 through I�iscal �'ear 2010/11 arc: based on the estimated costs tc� pro�-ide the impr���ements and sen�ices for each ��ear. llirect Costs, 1)istrict and Count`� ;�dtninistration Costs, and Insurance Costs are adjusted for the threc percent (3%) inflation factor. The ���ners' association, appointed b}- the Cin• Council, �vill annuall}• re��iew the llistrict costs and make recommendations fc�r am� changes or adjustments to the bud�et. (:h�n�;es t� the budget could result in chan�es to the annual assessment, but the resultin� total assessment ma}� n�t e�ceeci the maximum rates establishcd in this Report �vithout first obtaining properh�o�vner a��pro��al thr�ugh assessment ballc�ts. Page A-3 �MuniFin�cial City nf 1'rrhn I)e�ert 1'resident':Plaza III PBID :1lanage»ec�ut Dictrict Plrr�r F'iscrrl Yrrrr 2007/2C08 Table 4: Five Year Budget Actual Proposed Maximum Proaosed Assessment for Fiscal Years Assessment Budget Item FY 2007-08�'� 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Direct Costs Sweeping Services $ 4,120 $ 4,000 $ 4,120 $ 4,244 $ 4,371 $ 4,502 Landscape Contract Maintenance 4,635 4,500 4,635 4,774 4,917 5,065 Lighting Repair&Maintenance 1,236 1,200 1,236 1,273 1,311 1,351 Landscape Repair 8 Maintenance 3,605 3,500 3,605 3,713 3,825 3,939 Landscape Utilities-Water 2,060 2,000 2,060 2,122 2,185 2,251 Street Lighting Utilities-Electric 4,841 4,700 4,841 4.986 5.136 5,290 Landscape Utilities-Electric 515 500 515 530 546 563 SubtotalDirectCosts $ 21,012 $ 20,400 $ 21,012 $ 21,642 $ 22,292 $ 22,960 Indirect Costs Distrid Administration 3,605 3,500 3,605 3,713 3,825 3,939 County Administration Fee 180 175 180 186 191 197 County Per Parcel Fee 8 8 8 8 9 9 Operating Reserve Fund Collection 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Parking Lot Maintenance Fund Collection 6,200 6,200 6,200 6,200 6,200 6,200 Insurance 1.545 1,500 1,545 1,591 1,639 1,688 Subtotal Indirect Costs $ 12,538 S 12,383 $ 12,538 $ 12.699 S 12,864 $ 13,034 Levv Breakdown Total District Costs 33.550 32.783 33,550 34.341 35,155 35,994 Balance to Levy $ 33,550 $ 32,783 $ 33,550 $ 34,341 S 35,155 $ 35,994 District Statistics Total Parcels 16 16 16 16 16 16 Total Parcels To Levy 16 16 16 16 16 16 Total Parcels Square Footage 453,956 453,956 453,956 453,956 453,956 453,956 Levy Rate per Direct Costs per Sq Ft $ 0.0463 $ 0.0450 $ 0.0464 � 0.0478 $ 0.0492 $ 0.0506 Levy Rate per Indirect Costs per Sq Ft $ 0.0276 $ 0.0272 3 0.0278 $ 0.0280 $ 0.0284 $ 0.0288 Total Levy Rate per Square Foot $ 0.0739 $ 0.0722 $ 0.0740 5 0.0758 $ 0.0776 $ 0 0794 Operatinq Reserve Fund Balance Previous Balance 1,000 - - 1.000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Ending Balance 2,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5.000 Parkino Lot Maintenance Fund Balance Previous Balance 6,200 - - 6,200 12,400 18,600 24,800 Ending Balance 12,400 6.200 12,400 18,600 24.800 31,000 Maximum annual assessments for direct costs,district and county administration,and insurance are adjusted by 3%from the previous Fiscal Year for Fiscal Years 2007-08 through 2010-2011.The PBID Owner's Association will determine the amount of any actual increase for those years,which may not exceed 3%per year. "'FY 2007-08 Actual and Maximum Proposed Assessments are the same. Sources:City of Palm Desert;MuniFinancial Page�-1-�1 �MuniFn�cial City uf 1'crinr De:ert Precide�rt'.:Plnza 111 I'B/I) :l-1rra�rgeme�rt Dt�trict 1'l�ru Fisc•�! r"c��tr 2007/ZCG$ APPENDIX A —ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM "1'hc :�sscssment Diagr�m for thc I�istrict is on thc follo�ving pagc and is inclusi�-c of all ��arcels identified on the Counn' of Itiverside :lssessor's 1'arcel I�Ia�s as I3o<�k G27, I'agc: 192. "1'hc .lssessment l�iagram�vill be ke�t on file with thc Cit�� Clerk of the (:it�� of I'alm I�esert. Page.l-S �Mu�iFn�cial Citti'of Pnbn De>ert Presidext'c Plmri/II PBID Mrr�r�rge�nrc�nt Dictrict Pla�r F'i<crr! Y�°ar 20C7/ZCv^V APPENDIX B -ASSESSMENT ROLL Parcel identification, for each lot or parcel within the llistrict, shall be the parcel as sh��vn on thc Count�� ,�sscssc�r's `1a}� fc�r thc ��car in�ti�hich this Rcport is prepared. 'I'hc ;\sscssmcnt Roll, which includes a listing of parcels asscsscd �vithin this llistrict, alc�n�; with thcir asscssmcnt amounts, is sho�vn in Table 5 on thc follc�«•in�pagc. 1'age B-1 �Mu�iFin�cial o v co cv o c� v v cv o co cn o co ca �� C + Oj �" O O 117 LL7 O� N N 00 � (O o0 M I� Q� O� �CJ � �3 {r (v �y c 00 v oi � m v ri v v ri v ca ai ao � �i o Yl W� O a0 aD 00 f� � N oO aO 1� c0 N �O � � E � £f� 00 c0 U� oD CO a0 W (D N ('7 V N N N tD a ^` ti h •x C.y� N N M M (") � N M � � � �� O y (r .' 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FAX f�t0. : Tun. 1� 2QG17 11:48AM P3 C11Y 0 � � ,... 73-5��' FRF.n uJARING L)k1VF i PA(M nE5ER7, Cn��r�iaNu y226o zS7R � �'. .r � �et: �Go ;qb—o6n 1�� Pnx: 76o 34t—,o98 i�Fn<✓pulm-dcscrc.org June ��,1, 2007 Mr. S t�:�ven W. DeLateur 74-77 i;� Highway 111, suite 201 India�i Wel1s, Califo�nia 9221 Q Dear I�,Ar. DeLateur: Re: Presidents' Plaza Ill Property and Business Improvement District Fiscal Year 2007l20Q8 Budget !n Ju�-�-�� of 2006, the property owr►ers within the Presidents' Plaza !If approved the renewal of the Distrir:t for a five-year term. As part of the annual budget review process, attached is a copy of pistri::k's expenses for this year and the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2007/20(l8. As a mem::�r of the Presidents' Plaza �usiness Improvement District �oard, we are requesting that yau r::�view and approve the budget as presented. If ya�� are in concurrence with the budget, please sign and return this letter to the Development Servis::es Depa�tment by Friday, June 1S, 2007. If a11 Board Members concur, the City Council wiil n:�view and approve the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 budget at the June 28, 2007, City Cauncil meeti��ig. Thar I�•: you in advance for your assistance with this process. W� hope to corrtinue working with the Es��ard, property owners, and tenants to maintain the Dist�ict in a manner that benefits the prop�=�ity owners, City's residents, and visitors. If you have any questions, please feel free to cont�a��;t me at (760) 346-Q611, Extension 448 or via e-m�il at saryan@ci.palm�desert.ca.us. SinC���rely, �'�o`:;,�"..L Stepl��en Aryan �'''� Assi:,:ant to the City Manager Encl::�sures Revir wed a d Concur: (P/eese sign and�tum) C''� ` K Mr. ;=�keven W. De ateur, Board Member