HomeMy WebLinkAboutAB2676 Transient Occupancy TaxesREQUEST: DATE: x e� CITY OF PALM DESERT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CONSIDERATION OF LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION ON AB 2676 (CALDERON) AT ITS MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2008 April 10, 2008 CONTENTS: AB 2676 Language RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion, concur with the action taken by the Legislative Review Committee at its meeting of March 25, 2008, and direct staff to prepare a letter of opposition for the Mayor's signature with regard to AB 2676 (Calderon) relative to transient occupancy taxes. BACKGROUND: Existing law authorizes cities to impose a tax on transient occupancy of a room or living space in a hotel, tourist home, house, or other lodging. If passed, AB 2676 would make legislative findings and declarations regarding Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) and the retroactive imposition of those taxes by certain local taxing authorities. It would prohibit cities that impose TOT from retroactively imposing a tax in certain situations and would apply to Charter Cities. Any regulation or restriction on the collection of TOT by the State of California to local agencies will effect the manner in which we collect these monies, and again, could constitute a "take" of local funds, which the City of Palm Desert depends upon to provide public safety, infrastructure, traffic, etc., services to its residents and visitors. Therefore, the Legislative Review Committee recommends that the City Council oppose AB 2676 and direct staff to prepare a letter stating that position to appropriate Legislators for the Mayor's signature. ji �C'&t/ PATRICIA SCULLY, CEE SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST ,n SHEILA R. 6ILLIGAN ACM/COMMUNITY SERVICES PAUL GIBSON DIRECTOR OF FINANCE/ CITY TREASURER CARLOS L. OROGA CITY MANAGER REQUEST: DATE: CITY OF PALM DESERT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CONSIDERATION OF LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION ON AB 2676 (CALDERON) AT ITS MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2008 April 10, 2008 CONTENTS: AB 2676 Language RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion, concur with the action taken by the Legislative Review Committee at its meeting of March 25, 2008, and direct staff to prepare a letter of opposition for the Mayor's signature with regard to AB 2676 (Calderon) relative to transient occupancy taxes. BACKGROUND: Existing law authorizes cities to impose a tax on transient occupancy of a room or living space in a hotel, tourist home, house, or other lodging. If passed, AB 2676 would make legislative findings and declarations regarding Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) and the retroactive imposition of those taxes by certain local taxing authorities. It would prohibit cities that impose TOT from retroactively imposing a tax in certain situations and would apply to Charter Cities. Any regulation or restriction on the collection of TOT by the State of California to local agencies will effect the manner in which we collect these monies, and again, could constitute a "take" of local funds, which the City of Palm Desert depends upon to provide public safety, infrastructure, traffic, etc., services to its residents and visitors. Therefore, the Legislative Review Committee recommends that the City Council. oppose AB 2676 and direct staff to prepare a letter stating that position to appropriate Lecisl 3torsi for tie 0 Mayor's signature. "44 w 0 co x k PAUL GIBSON DIRECTOR OF FINANCE/ Co r CITY TREASURER A c zx C z °o. s CARLOS L. OR i' GA H 0 aNw H H t) Q�� . MCA O °ram CO .•Hw G OH H...." aH-H E i p, H ti) ri) tz1 E H to til ttl Cel ca cn x •�>4 4OF X444'0 43 PATRICIA SCULLY, CFEE SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST •' SHEILA R. 6ILLIGAN ACM/COMMUNITY SERVI CITY MANAGER AB 2676 Asscmbly Bill - INTRODUCED Page 1 of 4 BiL� Ni;MLiEIt: A3 7676 INTRODCCED BIL� l'�XT TI�''"ROC;JCEU QY Ilssembly Member Cl:arles Calderon FEBRUA'�Y 22, 20G8 I1n act to add Secti.on 728�. 5 to the Revenue and 'Paxation Code, relating to �axat�on. LFG�jLATIVE COUNSEi.,'S DIGEST AB 2676, as introduced, Crarles Calderor,. Taxation: transient occupancy tax. �xisting law author'_zes the '_egislative body of a city or county, or a city and courity to ir�pose a tax ori transient occupancy of: a rcom or living snace in a ho�ei, inn, tou�'_st home or house, motel or o�her lodqiny. Existir�y '_aw also reaL;res the ].eqislative body of a c�.ty or county, or a city and cotinty thaL elects to exempt fr.om these �axes cerLai:� �orei an, state, and local govern:�•.ental err�ployees and off i cers to create a �orrr, fo� these errployees an<i offi_cers to cla.i.m the exe:npt�on. This nil� wo�':.d make legislative findir:gs and declarati.ons regardinq transient ocr_u�ancy tax, and t�e �etroactive irrposi.tion of those taxes �y cer�ain local �ar,iny author'_ties. "'his bil] �,vould rrcrilD'-~ a city, county, o� city a*�d ccu:�ty �hat impeses a �ransien' occupUncy tax fror,l retreactively imposina t�at tax in certain situations, as specif�ea. Th.is bill would also aPnl.y to charrer c.ities. Vote: major�ty. Appropriation: no. r'iscal coRuriittee: no. State-r.tandated ioca]. prograrr,: no. THE PEO'LE OE' 'PHE STA='E Oc CA:�I�ORN�A '::C ENACT AS �OL:�OnrS: S=C'?'ION � . T:�e Lecisla:.Lre tiereby fir:as and declares all of �:ne fol�.ow�r.c• �a) Vir.tually every city, courty, and ci�y and county in the State of Californi.a nas er.acLed a t:.�x on tr.ar�sien� occupancy of hetels, inns, and simi .�3r transi.er.t iodginq establis:i:r;e:its. 'ihese taxes, com.Tenly known dS "1:.ransient oc:�upancy -ax�� (OY' ���'�)1��� � ��beC� tdX� �� OT "hote'_ tax, " are universa�ly imposed on �he guest for the priv�lege of occupyinq a room in tne trar:sie:it lodg'_r.g cstabli.shrnent . ;b; Althougn Lhe legal incicience o`: *�_s tax fall.s on the gues�, `�e ordinar.ces Wr.��r� c.reate a:�d im:�.le*nen� these taxes �n;pose cr. the or�erators Or OWCPLS of. t:ie lcdg_'ng establ_shr�er.ts, or both, the obligalio:� to ccilec� the tax and r.emit it tc the local tax collect�ori aaency. =a_lure of an owner or oPerator to coilect and r.emit the tax at the time, and in the manner, specified by the local. `ransient occuparicy tax ordinance subjects the owner and operator, or bo�'�, to civi.l liability, including penalties a:�d ir,terest on delinquer.t tax payments, amo�q other iiabilities �nd ob_igations. ;c) '1'raditionally, t�ese local trar.si.enL occupar.cy taxes have been calculated by the taxirig �liT1SC�1Ctions on tne basis of multiplying ri�e guest 's roo�n rate (the rr.u�:tiplicand) by tne `ax �ate (the m�ultipl�er) . For exUmn]e, �i the room rate is �ifty dol..!ars ;$50) ner niqht ar.d the �ec:al �ransient o�cupa:ic:y :.ax rate i s ] 0 per<,enL, �he http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/07-08lbill/asm/ab_2651-2700/ab_2676_bill_20080222_introduc... 3/28/2008 AB 2G76 Asscmbly Bill - INTRODUCED Page 2 of 4 transient ccc�spancy tax is five collars ($5) for each night a guest stays at tne establishme:�t . (d) In recen� years, however, mar.y local �ransient occupancy tax jur..isdictions have ccrr�enced interpreting tY:eir respec:tive transient occ�spancy t�x ordinances to s�art, �or Lhe first time, to include withir, the multip'icand to which the rnultiplier tax rate is applied amounts of Money paid by quests over and above what they pay as tfie actual room rate for staying � n the establishmen�. For exarZple, in 2003, ihe Sar. Fran�isco treasurer and tax co].l.ector advised transient loaginq operato�s that �he Ci.ty and County ef SUr. Francisco's hotel tax of i4 percent �ow applied to such thi.ngs as "Charqes for parkinq (includi:ig valet services) for notc�l guests, " including, charges to hotel cuests for parkir:g located on the hotel oremises regardless how chargec, and ct-:arges to hete' gues�s f.or parking located off �he hotel prem.ises where such cnarae is added to the room bi.11 and paid to the l:otel operator. Prio� to �his time, the City and County of Sa:� Francisco tiad never iT.posed its trar.sier.t occUpancy tax on amounts guests pa�d for parking, had never informed .lodging owners and operators that gues�s owea any sucn parking fees, ar.d had r.ever sought �o co.11ect trar.sient ocrupancy tax on such parkir.g fees. 'Phus, for exaT.ple, _f o guest in San Francisco paid two hundred dollars (5200) to s::ay in a guest roo*�t and also (S20) as a parking fee, �he Sari Eranc�sco transien� cccupancy tax amounts to thirty dollars and eighty cents ($30. 80) , insteau of the twe-�ty-eight dollars ($28) tax that applied prior Lo San Francisco's 2003 oarking fee "guidelines. " Similarly, other iurisdictions have started to levy tr,eir transient occupancy taxes w�th respect to amou�its and circuMstances that had not beer: supject to �hose taxes previously. I� i.s not uncor,unor. =or icc31 �ur.isdictions to '_evy tre:� respec: ive trar.sien` occupancy laxes w� ;n respect to "coMp'_�r�entary" rcoms, for which �he lodying operater rece.ives r.o consiaerat�on, attri.tion and cance�l.ation �ees in grcup contracts, and o`her charges paid by quests. (e) Simil.arly, a nt:iriber of local tra:�sient occspar.cy tax jurisdictions have commer�ced interpreting their respective transient occspancy tax ordiriances to require tt-:at guests who are exempt from that tax pr.oduce do::urrientatior: over ar.d abcve tre documentation that was previous:Ly required by the �ax jt�r�sdicticr. to establisn the ques�s' riqht: �o �he excn;ct i.on. Fer exarip.le, many loca� jur:i.sdict�ens exen:tit fror� tnei.r zespective �rar.sient occu�ancy taxes employees o� :.'a�i�ornia and �he fede-al goverr�menl wf�ile �raveling on official business. �n order to be exetzipt frorn the transie:i� occuparicy tax, these guests are recuired to compleLe specified exempti.ori documentation, �s prescriped by tt�e taxirig authorities. Recently, at !east or.e city has inforrr,ed its tra:�sient �odqiriy operators lhat ever. thouqti their gcvcrn;r�er.t-c:r�ployee guests compiete the samc docurne:�t-.atior: that has alw�ys bee:� required, the operators must now presen� ac.`uai. government-issued trave] orders as a prerequis.ite to �e: r.g er.ti;..led to thc exempticn. F'a;'ure o� the lodgirig opera�ors to now ;:ollect s�cl; travel orders exposes tt-:e operator to 1=ai�ility for the tax wl:ic:i the exei�pt eMNloyee tivot:ld have oaid. (f) I:� the vas� majorl.ty of tt:e situations referred to in subdivisions (d) anci (e; , the local taxing auttiori.ties have created these new tax liabilities wit:nout amending their respective trans.ient occupar.cy tax ordinances and without seeking any approval from their r�soect�ve ele;torates. (g) Ir. a great many of tnc cases referred �o in subdivisions (d; ar,d (e) , the lccal. �axi.r.g author�ties have not only svught to apply the�e new �.ax rule5 prespective�.y, but they also seek to collect thc:se a:nc�rits retrcactively, �:n many cases un to three years. Tn such http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/07-08/biil/asm/ab_2651-2700/ab_2676_bill_20080222_introduc... 3/28/2008 AB 267G Assembly Bill - INTRODUCED Page 3 of 4 situat�ons, t:�e 'ax authorities !�ave requireci lodqing operators to pay �he new tax amounts alieaed to be owing, but also penalt:ies and interest relater.' tnereto. (h) Ir�asmuch as the leqal incidence of loca� transient occupar.cy taxes fa] ]. on tne guesls who stay in trar.sient lodqinq establishments, regardless of ttie amount of the taxes, ar,d inasmuch as lodgir,q operators or owners, or both, are liable for collecting �hose taxes from the guests and re:nitting them to the taxing authorities, it is imperative that lodqing cperators know at tFie tir�e thaL they receive paymenY_ from �heir guests what the total transient occupancy tax liability wil] be so that they can coll.ect the full amount owir.g and remit the same to �he �axing authority. If, however, -hese new tax 'evi.es are appii.ed retroactively, the lodging operator wi'� bc unable, bo�ti .f:ror� a orac�ical standpoint and from a Legal standpoint, to obtain pay:�tent t:�ereof from the people legal] y liab;e for the tax, �'ie establisnr�ent 's quests. (i) '�he retroacti.ve app'_icatior. of this type oL` new transient occupancy tax 1_ability ir, tt:ose situati.ons co�rpels the impermissible stiif.ting of the liabi�ity for the tax `rom the guest tio the operator or owner, or bot:�, of the tra:�sient lodging establist�ment . ;j ) Assurninq �hat the types of new impos�tions cf tax described i:� s�aUdivis-ons (d) and ;e) are l.aw�ul pr.ospect�ve'_y notwithstanding the fact that �hey d�d not recei.ve approval by :�ocal voters as contemplated by Proposit.i.on 218, and notwi�hstanding the fact that ��any of t"�em �vere .imoosed wi.thout _`ormal amend:r,ent of the underlying transient occupancy �ax o-dinances (whic:� issues the Legi.slature expre�ssly declines �o add�ess in t:�is leqislation) , the Legislature finds ar.d declares that the i:npcsi�i.on of these new tax levies on a retrc�::��-ve basi� vici.a�es the fsndamer.tal dUe process riqh�s of �ne owners anc opera�ors of transient �cdgir.g establisYiR�.ents, as quaranteec: by Sect�.on 7 or 71rY.icle 2 of tne Califor�ia Constitution, ar.d there�ore those tax levies should be pronibi�ed. (k) T?�e �eqislature finds tnat this legislation is declaratory of ex=stir,g cor.stitutiona� law with respect to both ger.eral law cities and cna�ter ciLi.es. S��. 2. Sect�or. 7?82.5 i s added Lo tYie Rever�Ue and '1'axatior Code, to read: 72�2. 5. ;ai Norw�thstar.dirg any ott-:cr provision of law, a ci�y, cou:�ty, or city and county snal.i r.et retroactively levy a trar.sieri� occupar.cy tax, wnetl:er au�horized by Secti.on 7280, by local char�er, or otnerwise, in ar.y amount in either of tne �ollowinq situations: (1) When the ITili� C:Lp�1Cul"1CI amount wnic� is miiltipl.:ed by tihe tr�r.sier:t occupancy tax rate is sough�, to be exparided by a jurisdiction to include any item, transact�on, amount, type of charge, or. type of payirient, iriclud.ing, but not iimited to, parkir.g fees, attrit-or� fees, compl`rr.entary rooms, cancellation fees, and "reward" or "po�nt" redemptions, whi;:h is nct express' y and with ur;ambigi:ous specificity se� £ort:i in the jurisdic�ion's transier.t occuPancy tax ordinar.ce, and which was r.o� r�reviously �axed by t:he j�,r�sdictior. under its transient occupancy tax ordinance. (2) iN:�en the owr,er or opera�or oL a transient lodging establishment p-esents the documenta�ion, which the jurisdiction has ereviously required and found accentable for purpose of establishing that ar.y particular guest was entitled to exemption under the applicable transient occupancy tax ordinance, and the taxing authority determir.es that additior.al documentation or records wil..l the�eafter bc reaLired to cstablist� that ariy particu]ar guest was ent iti ed to exe:��.pt i on ur:de: that ordinance. (b) This sec�.ion s��ail also apply to charter cities. http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/07-08/bill/asm/ab_2651-2700/ab_2676_bill_20080222_introduc... 3/28/2008 AB 267G Assembly Bill - INTRODUCED Page 4 of 4 http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/07-08/bill/asm/ab_2651-2700/ab_2676_bill_20080222_introduc... 3/28/2008