HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks & Rec Cmsn - 11/03/09 �—�--� CITY OF PALM DESERT � � PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Rachelle D. Klassen, City Clerk ,, FROM: Beth Longman, Administrative Secretary �� DATE: December 1, 2009 SUBJECT: Submission of Minutes for the Parks and Recreation Commission Attached is a copy of the approved Minutes from the November 3, 2009, meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you. Attachment (as noted) CITY COUNCILACTiON APYROVF,D _ Di:Ni�D RECE(VED_�_Fi �' 07'HE;R 1VAEi;Tt G DATE ��-/ �-G AYF�:��i1SC �� e/ iP 1V()�{;�: V•(�'/1� A���[:"�T: �fl�' A,i�:5'i`,t�l�:�'(;�P �� __ ���,��,�r��.�� ���r: ���7r�_ _ �..-_� (�t�i��ea�x9 eyrt C'�tc t��it,i City �icrk�`s �f'ii�e G:\PubWorks\Meetings\Parks and Rec Commission\Minute Transmittal.doc CITY OF PALM DESERT ��•'�� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION � � MINUTES , . NOVEMBER 3, 2009 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Barnard convened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. II. ROLL CALL Present: Excused Absence Chairman Michael Barnard Commissioner Julie Munson Vice Chair Roger Dash (Leave of Absence) Commissioner Phill Babcock Commissioner Jerry Dawson Commissioner Randy Guyer Commissioner Deborah Hall Commissioner Kim Housken Commissioner Terry Schukart Staff Present: Janis Steele, Parks and Recreation Services Manager Mark Greenwood, Director of Public Works � Beth Longman, Administrative/Recording Secretary � � Ricardo Torres, Parks Maintenance Supervisor Guests: Rob Ballew, YMCA of the Desert Craig DeWitt, Desert Recreation District Laura McGalliard, Desert Recreation District Robert A. Spiegel, Mayor Van Tanner, Chairman of Planning Commission Gina Tenorio, The Desert Sun III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Rob Ballew YMCA reported on upcoming special events. They use the revenue from special events to fund some of their programs. 1 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2009 Ms. Janis Steele introduced Mr. Ricardo Torres who is attending the meeting in place of Mr. Jay Niemczak. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. MINUTES OF THE MEETING FROM OCTOBER 6, 2009 A Motion was made by Commissioner Dawson, seconded by Commissioner Schukart, that the Minutes of the meeting of October 6, 2009, be approved as submitted. Motion carried 8-0 with Commissioner Munson ABSENT. V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. LEGENDS FIELD COLUMN HONOREE RECOMMENDATION Ms. Steele reported that they sometimes struggle with determining an appropriate nominee for this award. She has discussed the matter with Mr. Craig DeWitt and Ms. Barb Adair of the Desert Recreation District, and they are in agreement that it would be acceptable to skip a year. Ms. Adair thought that Don Sutton could be asked to return as the emcee at International Sports Festival banquet that will be held at The Living Desert. Commissioner Hall recalled that they previously discussed looking at other sports as possibilities for selecting an honoree because there are other sports taking place in the park. Ms. Steele recalled that the City Council wanted to limit honorees to baseball. Mayor Spiegel agreed with that � recollection. Commissioner Guyer recalled that tennis was considered � because they had discussed putting columns near the tennis courts; and that would have allowed expanding the selection of nominees to include individuals associated with tennis. He feels that eventually other sports will have to be included considering that the International Sports Festival is built around other sports too. Mayor Spiegel asked if there weren't someone from the area who could be selected. Ms. Steele noted that some younger people had been nominated, but the feeling was that they hadn't achieved legend status yet, and she did not receive any other nominations. Ms. Steele said that rather than selecting just anyone, we should take time to select an appropriate honoree. Throughout the year if commissioners think of a baseball figure to nominate for the award, please let Ms. Steele know and she will compile a nominee list to be discussed in the fall when an honoree is usually selected. 2 G:IPubWorkslMeetingslParks and Rec Commission12009�,4genda-Minutes12009111-03-09 Final Minutes.docx PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2009 ACTION: Commissioner Guyer moved to recommend that we skip nominating an honoree this year and continue to search for next year's nominees. Commissioner Schukart seconded the motion, and the recommendation carried by an 8-0 vote with Commissioner Munson ABSENT. Mayor Spiegel asked Ms. Steele to send note to the City Council advising them of this action. VI. NEW BUSINESS - None VII. REPORTS AND UPDATES A. AQUATIC CENTER Ms. Steele presented a time line for the design and eventual construction of the aquatic center. The Request for Proposals (RFP) is out, and the pre-proposal meeting held last week was well attended. Proposals are due November 13, 2009. Commissioner Dawson asked what caused the volume of interest in the pre-proposal meeting. Ms. Steele stated that design consultants attended and that they have an interest in submitting a bid. She also noted that there were contractors, subcontractors, architects, and engineers in attendance. Mr. Greenwood noted that this will be a team approach because there's no one consultant who can do the entire project. Ms. Steele noted that there were at least four reputable pool designers at the meeting, but none were local firms. Commissioner Guyer asked at what point in the process do we arrive at a final design to � � present to the City Council. Ms. Steele said it will be spring before that point is reached. The upcoming recommendation to the City Council is to hire the design consultant with design work expected to begin in January 2010. Based on Ms. Steele's time line, construction is expected to begin in September 2010. Ms. Steele has made presentations of the plans for the aquatic center to the AIPP Commission and the Youth Committee and has received positive feedback. B. AMPHITHEATER UPDATE Ms. Steele reported that the amphitheater will close on November 9, 2009, and construction on the new structure will begin with a completion date of no later than December 10, 2009. Additional lighting will also be installed and includes up-lighting on the trees and at the perimeter. Commissioner 3 G:IPubWorkslMeetingslParks and Rec Commission120091Agenda-Minutes12009V 1-03-09 Final Minutes.docx PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2009 Hall asked if the new lights are on timers. Ms. Steele stated that they will be manually turned on and off for events being held at the amphitheater. Ms Steele noted that there was money in the capital improvement budget to upgrade the lights. There will be a dedication and reopening of the amphitheater on December 11, 2009, and Ms. Steele would like the commissioners to attend if possible. The Side Street Strutters, a Dixieland jazz band will perform. The final event of the movie series is "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" on December 18, 2009. C. HOMME/ADAMS PARK PALAPA REPLACEMENT Ms. Steele reported that the Palapa that was destroyed by fire has finally been replaced. The new one is fire retardant. D. PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT AT WASHINGTON CHARTER SCHOOL PARK Ms. Steele stated that the staff report to the City Council will not be on the November 12, 2009, agenda; hopefully, it will be on the December 10, 2009, agenda. The equipment replacement is included in the five year capital improvement plan. The equipment planned for this park is the same type as that at Freedom Park. Fabricating takes about eight weeks with an additional one to two weeks for installation. Commissioner Housken asked about the light exercise component. Ms. � Steete stated that the lightirrg can be used to play many different games, - and gave examples such as using colored lights to play capture the flag. It is a new, innovative concept and can be used by children and adults. It promotes exercising through fun so children won't think of it as exercising. The light exercise component can be added to similar type equipment, .such as that at Freedom Park, but not to traditional playground equipment. Ms. Steele will send the commissioners a link so they can get a better understanding of this component. Ms. Steele noted that the current playground equipment is suitable for the five to twelve year old age group, and they will be adding equipment suitable for the two to five year old age group. The pour-in-place play surFace will be replaced. It has been patched numerous times and doesn't hold up well in the desert climate. They are looking at an engineered wood fiber product, but may use a pour-in-place surFace under the shade structure. In addition to the students at Washington Charter School who use the playground, it is a community park and is well-used by the 4 G:IPubWorkslMeetingslParks and Rec Commission120091Agenda-Minutes12009111-03-09 Final Minutes.docx PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2009 community. Commissioner Guyer asked if it was a shared expense with the school. Ms. Steele said it is not. E. CAHUILLA PARK DRINKING FOUNTAIN The old drinking fountain has been replaced. It wasn't ADA accessible and the new one meets the requirements. It is installed in the same place. F. VETERAN'S DAY CELEBRATION Ms. Steele reported that the Veteran's Day Celebration on November 11, 2009, will again be at Freedom Park. The program begins at 11 a.m. Refreshments will be offered, and commissioners are encouraged to attend. G. COMMISSIONER TRAINING Ms. Steele reminded the commissioners who have signed up for the training that it will be held at the La Quinta Library on Saturday November 14. This is not required training, but it is a good opportunity to meet other commissioners. The City Clerk will provide notification to commissioners when the required ethics training is due. H. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT Ms. Steele reviewed the agenda attachment provided by the Desert Recreation District, and noted that this is the type of information that the commissioners have been asking for in regard to membership participation numbers, reservations, and daily usage. Mr. Craig DeWitt stated that they are continuing to adjust their reporting categories. Commissioner Housken asked about the July activity summary; and in regard to the programming commented that Palm Desert had the second highest population, but the lowest participation in programs. Mr. Dewitt stated that July is the lowest participation month and as such they program fewer activities. The gym and weight room numbers during this time period are okay, but program participation typically drops. Ms. Steele and Mr. DeWitt both noted that the other divisions had higher numbers due to camps and after school programs. Mr. DeWitt further commented that the Palm Desert location has a higher adult population, which is a different demographic than some of the other divisions. 5 G:IPubWorkslMeetingslParks and Rec Commission120091Agenda-Minutes12009111-03-09 Final Minutes.docx PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2009 Commissioner Guyer noted that the report mentions that people purchase memberships in areas other than where they live. Mr. DeWitt stated that part of the application includes residence information, which gives them the ability to track memberships by where people live as well as where they purchased the membership. Ms. Steele mentioned that there will be an increase in fees effective on November 16. Commissioner Babcock asked about the benefits of having a membership. Mr. Dewitt stated that in the past the membership has allowed use of facility and discounts in program fees. The new facility use pass will provide use of the gym, weight room, and multi-purpose spaces. All district residents will pay the same fee for programs, and non-district residents will pay an upcharge. Commissioner Hall asked if there will be a Palm Desert resident pass. Mr. DeWitt stated that there has always been a district pass; the Palm Desert resident pass is only for Desert Willow. . Ms. Steele noted that the difference is that Palm Desert and Indio residents pay $25 for the pass that can be used at either the Palm Desert or Indio facilities, and district residents pay $50 for the same usage. Commissioner Housken asked where the resident membership fees go. Mr. DeWitt stated that fees for all of the district passes, including the Desert Willow resident rate passes, go to the Desert Recreation District. Ms. Steele stated that the City Council requested that the Desert Recreation District serve as the administrator for the Desert Willow passes, and the amount they collect covers only the cost of the cards. Mr. DeWitt said it's very difficult for them to manage due to the requirements set by the City. Ms. Steele stated that the program is intended for permanent rather than seasonal residents, and the resident is required to � produce a California driver license or ID with a Palm Desert address and a utility bill with the same address. Commissioner Housken questioned where the increased fees collected for the nighttime use of lights at the baseball fields were going. Her understanding was that these fees would go to the City to offset the cost of electricity. She supported the fee increase based on that understanding, but now she has found out that the additional fees are going to the Desert Recreation District. It doesn't seem reasonable for them to collect more money at night to do the same job while the City continues to pay for the electricity. Commissioner Babcock stated that he has the same question. Ms. Steele said that she witl look into it and provide a report. 6 G:IPubWorkslMeetingslParks and Rec Commission120091Agenda-Minutes12009N1-03-09 Final Minutes.docx PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 2009 I. FAMILY YMCA OF THE DESERT Mr. Ballew provided an update on upcoming events sponsored by the YMCA. Mr. Ballew also noted that the YMCA had 200 senior citizens in their VIP area at the Golf Cart Parade and they thoroughly enjoyed the event. They are working with area senior homes to get the seniors out to more events, but the main issue seems to be transportation. He asked if there is an area at the amphitheater for seniors to be wheeled in to enjoy programs. Ms. Steele noted that there is a concrete lip area that can be used for this purpose. J. OCTOBER PARK INSPECTIONS Commissioner Schukart commented that he likes the feedback provided on the report and feels that it completes the cycle. Commissioner Hall was at Palma Village Park twice and noted that it's a great park and gets a lot of use, which is probably due to its location in the middle of a neighborhood. K. NEWS ARTICLES No comments. VIII. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Housken asked for an update regarding the trees that were cut down at Homme/Adams Park. Mr. Torres noted that a resident cut � down the trees to improve their view. Ms. Steele noted that it's a destruction of property crime and is being investigated by the police department. Mr. Torres commented that a few years ago the adjacent resident claimed that the trees were on his property, but they are not. Ms. Steele commented that the fence at the Chia Well site has been removed and some excavation holes were exposed. Bighorn has been contacted to take care of the problem. IX. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Commissioner Guyer, seconded by Commissioner Dawson, the meeting was adjourned at 9:23 a.m. , �� � Beth Longman, cording ecretary � G:IPubWo�kslMeetingslParks and Rec Commission120091Agenda-Minutes12009111-03-09 Final Minutes.docx