HomeMy WebLinkAboutIAP - FY June 30, 2008 CITY OF PALM DESERT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Staff Report REQUEST: RECEIVE AND FILE THE INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT ON AGREED-UPON PROCEDURES PERFORMED ON THE MEASURE A TRANSPORTATION FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 2009 CONTENTS: INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT ON AGREED-UPON PROCEDURES PERFORMED ON THE MEASURE A TRANSPORTATION FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 Recommendation: By Minute Motion, that the City Council receive and file the Independent Accountants' Report on Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed on the Measure A Transportation Fund for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008. Backqround: The Measure A Fund is a special revenue fund that was created to keep track of funds received by the Riverside County Transportation Commission. In 1988, Riverside County voters approved a half cent sales tax, known as Measure A, to fund a variety of highway improvements, local streets and roads maintenance, commuter assistance and specialized transit projects. Mayer Hoffman McCann PC, CPA, performed the procedures which were agreed to by the Riverside County Transportation Commission, Riverside, California (RCTC) solely to assist RCTC with respect to an evaluation of the City of Palm Desert's Measure A Transportation Fund and degree of the City's compliance with RCTC requirements for the year ended June 30, 2008. The Audit, Investment and Finance Committee received the Independent Accountants' Report at their February 24, 2009 meeting, and it was recommended that the report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008 be received and filed by the City Council. Submitted by: CITY COUIV'CILACTtON APPROVF.D I)�NIF.n RECEIVED� �� �- O�HI;R Paul S. Gibson, Director of Finance/City Treasurer MF.F.TING DATE -a�- � Ap roved: AYES: ' �� �o �+rler't � . � 1V'OF,S: ��6a�- ` , Ju ' cCarthy, Interi Manager ARSENT: N Cnc� ABSTAIN: � �n�- VF.RIFIF.D I3Y• � �-� r�� Original on File with City Clerk's Oi'�ce �•\FinancP.\Niamh ClrtPaa\Ctaff RPnnrtc\An�lit Ctaff RPnnrtc�n(1R\ctf rnt anriit 7f1f1R MPacnre A rinrx C!"i'lf�F PJ��.M DESE�iT,.CALfFU�tN�A' _ _ Report on Agre�d Upon Pcocedure� �4pp1���to the ; Me��ure A L��al �tree#s and �oads Program _ �ear �nded June 3p, 2t?08 _ _ _ _ _ ; (V�ayer �affman '1�IcCa�r� P�. '. An Indepen�fent CPA Firm 23�11 Dupont Drive, Suite 20a Irvine,Califom9a 92612 949-474-2020 ph 949-263-5520 fu � www.mhm-pc.com Board ofi Comrnissioners Riverside County Transportation Commission Riversitie, Ca{ifomia _ _ , _ _ _ _ .1�1 �'E1���NT�►CCC�U�T1�►1� S' R�P F�T �N APPLYIM��A���Ep��l� twf>`P�tQ��t�URES llile have performe� th+e prt��durss enumera#ed belvw, which were a�reetl to by;the Riverside �County Transport�tidn Comrt��ss�on (R�TC); sc�lsiy:tfl assist R�TC in determining whether the Ci#�r af;Palrr� Deserk, Cal�#�mia ;��ity) was in,c�mplianc8;;with #�te Me�sure A Lacai Street and Raa�is';Program gr,an# terrtts �ntl �n+d�tions for fhe year eride�i J�ne 30, 20fl�: The City's managernerrt is. respons�ble for the a�counti�g, recotds, "fh�s agreed-upon procedures' engagernent was �snducted in �cccirtlance with ett�statior� standards established ;by the �4merican insti#ute af Cert�fied Public i�ccountants, The suff±cienc�r o�#i�e p�acedures is solety the responsib�li#y of those part��s s�►ecified in #he r�port: Cansequentiy; we make no repre�entati�n regard�ng the s�,�fif'�ciency ofi the proGedu��s d�:saribsd below either for the purpase for which this �ep��t has�een�equested or f�r any oth'�r purpose, The procedures perform�d and;fhe r�sults of.fhose procedures w�re as foltows; 1. ' ilVe'. reviewed the 99$9 Measu�'�, R �Qrd�nartice 88 1) campliance requirernents. �llthough th� 20�9 h�l��sure`A (Ordmance 0� 4('f1) is not effe�ive`until July 'I; 2009,, Western:�oun#y:�ur�tli+ctions;;�re requir�d to par#�crpate �r�th'e Tran�portation Unifam� 11A�tig�t�nn Fee°�i"W�II�j pragram,;which is �drr�inis#ered .by the.U�est�rn I�irrerside C�unci# of Governrr►ents (tN'#�COG): ' `, .. .., _ _ Res�lt� N+a ex�ptrc�n��nrere:noted as a r�sult af c�ur proc,�dia+r�s ; . 2.' II'�e:��r��fne� t��r ��ty":� ��3p��'��! 'F�ve Ye�r C�p�t�l'tmproverr�ent P1an �C�P) from >; i��'��C#ar the��ca�y�;�r er�ded ,�urt��o, 2�0� >; R� �tc��x��#�or�s w�re;nr�#e�;�s a r�s+��t ot'aur�roc�lures. 3: We;ob��in�d a d�ta�i� �asneral l�d�g+sr arit� balance sh�p#f��� th� C4�y fr�r th�: �scal y�ar ende:�1�lun��t}, 2008: a. U�e �d�nt�fiec� #he amount ctf Measure /� cash and �n�restrnent� recorded-at J��e 30,2flt�8; ` _ _ _ _ 1 __ _ _ Board'a#Comm�ssioners Riverside County Tr�nsportatiar� �oiximission Riverside, Califomia F�es�alts:'The+Cityr r�corded 1Uleast�ce A cash and investments in:#he amount of $'13;518;�35 as'af June`30, 2008:` b. We ident�'ied amounts due from ather funds. Resuits: Th�re were no amounts due f�om other funds as of.lune 30, 2008. c. Vii�: identified reservations or dssignations of ending fund balance for the Nleasu�e A a�tivity. s It,�,:;. The;-��#y �as recorded. �he .foli�wing:,fund .balances related..#n _ _ _ . Measure:;A activ�#y as.of June 30�, 2fl08. R�rv�d fa1'enr►umbrar�ces � �92,�74 . ' �e�+er�+��for coratanumg apPr�priat�ons 10;741,fi8G Unr��erved 2�4 '782 T�t�l fiuntl ba�ianr,�. '' $��� d: �l1/e identi�ed fh��xtstence of any;re�ta�tement of Measure A funtl'balance and in�uired o#mar��gement as to th�'reason f�r�ny restat�ment. Ftesult�. 7`�e Cityr has not res#ated Measura A'fund b�l2�nce. ._ _ 4. We obtair�ed art�op�rattng st�tement fc�r Measure A activity for th� fiscat year ended 3une 3a, �OCi8�see �xhibit A;), �n�ludmg bratlget`amo�sn#$. a, U1�e reviewed the r�:rr�nues in the�pe��ting st�tement: i V�le�nquired of manag+���nt�s to what#und is us�tl to record Measure A:rqver�u�s recei�r+ed frarni i�CT� for'tt�e fiscal ye�r +end�d June 30, ' �t3Q#�, arid �i��am+�r�t�d what the total revenue�s w�r�for#he fiscal year , , , _ �ntl�d Ju�e�t9, ��t�8 _ __ ���',�,,,,,� fi�e;�ity �c��an#� fbr` �l+�asur+e ,� r�reriue recetved fr�rn F���'� �� F�a�d ���; i�a��ur� �l �u��. T�+e ��ty,t�as re�arded tatai ��€+�n� �r� �t?�'� a�rtar�� � $3,�fl�1,�21 ft�r` th� #3sc�� �e�r'ent�eci June` _ ��3, ��$ ti; 1t1�+� �t�#�iir�e� �i ii�r�� t�����s�rr�!� p�ym�r�fs;ma�t+�:fr+�m RCTC tc� the, �C��y V��c���s�te� th�i�I�a�c�r�A r+evenue r��r�ed by th��ity to#he` listmg �if;pa�r�°ii�nts m���r by F��T'�. _. , _ �,�,s '11V�td�en��r�t�#��follc�w�t�g ��ri�n�e b�twe�er► th�Measures A r��r�n�r� r�ecflt�de�� by th�`���r i�ti corr�p�nsr�n`tc th� R�"t'C �4A�asure �i �aym�nt s�he�lul�. , , , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2_ _ _ _ _ �aard of C�rnmissioners ` Riverside Coun#y Transportation Commission Riverside, Califvrnia Measure A paymerits made by RCTC $2,89t?,083 : Measure A revenue recorded by City 2:451y091 Variance ��,`�� The components of this variance are as foilows: Aliocations reta#ed to a prior period $68�,032 June 2048 aiioeation 248 040 _ _ . , . ,. . , . .. __ vari�nce ��� .99� iii. V1le dat�rmined the; ar�n�unt af intere�t alio�ated to #he M�asure A ac��ty;for tt�e;fiscat'year.ended June 30, 20C18. F�:esuits: T�,�'C�ty �Il+�ca�ed in#et�s# �n #h� amount of �652,234'to the _ Nl±��sure A���vity fvr#h��isr.a!�r�ar er�ded.�u��3Q; 2�3C��: ' b. UVe rsvrew�d the exper�d�tur�s in fihe aperating`statement: ` i We mqu�red�f managemerti as to wha�fund is used ta reedrd It�leasure A expenditures and wha# the#ntal expenditures wer�for the fscal year entled ,l�ane 30, �008. _ __ _ t�`�staits: Th���ty acc�aur�ts for lUl+�asure A expendifures in Fund #213, lrllea�ure�Fund The City has record�! tat;�il;Me�sure A expenditures irt�he�rrt+�unt;c�f$�438,A�55 f+�r the;fisca�::ye�c�rtded �tur�e 30, 2�08. , ii aN� �ui�grne�ttally sele�#ed at Isast 2t�% of totaf Measure A exper�dit�res;�'nr�+esting. ' e �lfs,; The'C��,r r�cord�s� IUl��isure A e�tpentlltures in tk�e ar»ount of _ _ .$�38,��� 1��sek�cted�97,fi6�(22 2$'°I��far testi�tig, ;1 �or#h�e�c���d�t�res sel�ted �r�est�ng;v�+� cornpared tt�e;doliar: arr�ca�nt 're����tl rti the '; generel ledg�r �t� the suppdrting doc+am+�n�a�t��r�� R.,�I,�''Nc�e�rcepttt�t�S r��r�nnfeC�as a t'$sttl#;t�f t�w�;'prqce+�ure�.: ; � F�r t�e�xp�ntlitt�res'sei�ct+e�d�ot f��trng; wt� Eeviewecl th� 5-Y��r _ : CIF' �n�:n�at�l:��th�t`#h�:; t _ _ _ � �� �I��r��f were"included'�n the 5 Yea�C�i� ����a#h�r#I��y��%s#i��,�te�1��wabie co�ts: ; `�ts : 7� e��d't#ur� ss�+�c;t+�ci fdr f���in� inrer� incfud�d in t�e 5-y�?ar �1P and wer� a1lflw�ble r.�sts I�o exs�}�#i+�ns w�re __ . n�t�a�a re�ult�f�ur��rt�c�l�r+�s. _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ 3 _ . ____ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ;Baard o#Comm�ssioners R"ruerside�aunty Tr�nsportation +Comrnrs�ion Riverside, Gali#omia` iii. We mqu�r�d nf management as to the nature of any transfers recorded in the Nteasure A�und. Re� Its: 'P�r �i�cussio�t,with managemer�t and review of the general iedger,;#Mer�were no tr�ns#ers r�cr�rded for the fiscai year ended June 3D; 24�8: iv. We inquired af managemen# as to the amour�t of indirect costs, if any, included:in expentlitures. R sult�, pet tliscussion with management ar�d rsview of the genefai _ , _ _ . I�dger,;#�ers w{ere no indire�t co�t� r�cafded.for#he fisca! year ended .lune 3Q, �008: 5. ' W� cornpared th+� btadgeted e�pendrtures tb ���aal amounts and inqui�ed of man�g+�m�r�t as;to the'natur�of sign�f�nt bud��t v�ri�n�e�'. i�esults `Tl�� �ollt�w�ri� sci��tltale: �orr�p�res th� b�dget�d e�cpenditures to' actual arrtountsr, B�dget A u�l Varianc�e GonStruction and maintenance $25�,.43� $43�,;�8:45� $2�,000.059 Totais . ��'4a�;� ����� $��� The variance in c+�nstruction and mamtenance wes dwe to pr�jects not being sta�ted durtng th� aud�t.;pen�d dus to delays in �nv�ronrnental dncumen#at�on �nd apprav�l fracn Ca1�r�r�s,. , 6. illfe ob#air��d `a I�sf�ng 0'f JtJfESCIICtlbtl8 WFIfl p�rticipat+� ;in the. Western Cnunty o� �oache!!ai'�all�ey�'UMF pr�gr�rns#rom RG'�C ; a.` If th�Juri���a�n �s a: par���ip�nt i,n th� T'U�IIF prr��rarr�, we sel$cted at least tusrr� tlxsl��rr�xn��tts f�r v��ic�a#ion �� ta;;t�� am��nt;r��nit��d to``1l�l�tC�3G �r C���#'�e�1��►!'�lt��r�s�r�r��t�or�of Go�r�rr�r��ttt�{�'�A�),as a`pp[i�able. f��u�s ' Th�a p��r���a� s�f��f,�d ;fc�t test�n�g t�rd��a#ed #h�r�'TUIU�� is coll�cted'. �nd r�t�ti�tetl f�'�W��, �� r�quir+�d �;> �� n�►�ec! �he #atal �rr�c�+�nt c�f TUlVI�� fees coll�ect�tl a�d �emitted dr�nng tt�e : _ _ _ _ fiscal year : F�s�'`; The;tt�#�I arnour� c�f` TU�'I� f�es coilec#�tl �rid r�mitteci dur�ng the �st.�!y+�r w��'����,��3. , 7. V'Ve�bta�n�d th� rnaint�en���o#����t(��E3;��s�y���r re�ir�m�r�t trom ��TC. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __� Board of Commissian�ers Riverside County Transportation Commission R�verside, Cali�csrnia a: V1te obfained a copy of schedule 3 from the annual Street Report. Resul#s: i�to exceptions were noted as a resuit of our procedures. b. We cornpared the atnount of discretionary funds sper�t per the Street Repart to the MC3E base requirement. Results: No exceptions were noted as a resuit of our procedures. c. Usin� #he priar years' report, we added any current year MOE excess or _ _ _ ded�t�ted any:current year MO� defic��n.cy.tc�;#h��riQr.year cacryov�r. __ __ . �esulfs Mt�E act�vity is summarize�i as foAows: ; M+4E excess at July 1,'2�U7 $94,533.8�6 ; ��rrrent y�ar ioc�� discretionary e�cpenditures> 18,52'1,121 L,e� ttilJOE base;y+ear requir�ement 9t�4.7�98 Ex�ess 1�l0►E fvr;fscal`ye�r ended June 30, 2bC38 '17,616,323 M0� excess at June 30, �008 $ 12. 179 a����� We v►rere not engaged #o, and.:�id n�t, r;�:ndu+ct,an audit, the.objective of v�hich would be the _ _ expr�ss�on of an opm�on:;crn th�; a�+countirrg re�orcis: Accc�rdit�tgly., we dd not express �uch an _ _ op�nion H�d w� per�arr'�ed add�tioi�al proce�ur�s; other m�tt+ers might have corne to our att�ntior� th�it wauld fiave'be��r�por�ed�c�you This reporE is �ntended sol�ly#or t�e inf�rmation and �se of#h� Board of Commissioners af the Riversids�ounfy Transporta#ion Cornrnission and is not inten��c!to be and should not be used by anyone ot�er ttian this�p+��if�l partyr: ; ,��.�.� �'.��!;�..... �,� � �r� ~ ]rv�r,�,'c�lifiorni� ; �C�'�':t�"I��r�+�i �{��}� _ . . _. . _ .... _ _ �J.. _ __ _ EKHIBIT A Ci'1"Y t,�F.PALM DE�ERT, GAL.IF�RNIA 5ummary�:o#Revenues and Expendit�ares Y�ar Ende�d June 30, 2008 (Unawdited) Budget Actual Variance Revenues: 1lfieasure A $ 2,850,000 $ 2,451,091 $ (398,909) _ Fteimtiursements from:other:agencies . �.. . ._. 356;781 _ _ 256,781 _ In#erest 2�q;d00 .; . 55�;�34 . 412,2� `Mis�eltaneou� 1p�,t�t,1D: 4E3;2�5 {59,785) TQt�I fE3Y@J�UBS.' 3,99:�3,t3�0: 3�40Q,321 ;21�,.3�1 Expen��tures 'Construct�an and maintenan�e; 25,�438��1� 438;45� 25;DOfl,059 Total expenc�itures 25,�38,5�4 ` 43�;4�5 25,000,05� Excess ���ficiency� of revenues�v�r ( ) P , _ ) 9fi4;866_ $ 25;21 Q,38� under ex enditures $ (22,248,514 $ 2, No#e. The abov$numb�rs were#.ak$n�tirect�y.from the�nat�cial records.o#the City of Palm , , ' �esert and were na#aus�it�d, ' 6 _ _