HomeMy WebLinkAboutC27260 - Xtnsn Amtech Elevator Svc @ Cty Main Faclty 1
REQUEST: Extend the Maintenance Agreement with Amtech Elevator Services
for the Elevator at the Maintenance Facility on a Month-by-Month
Basis for the Remainder of Fiscal Year 2008-2009
SUBMITTED BY: Mark Greenwood, P.E., Director of Public Works
CONTRACTOR: Amtech Elevator Services
1550 S. Sunkist Street
Anaheim, CA 92806
DATE: February 26, 2009
CONTENTS: Amtech Elevator Services Letter
Copy of Executed Maintenance Agreement C27260
By Minute Motion:
1. Extend contract C27260 on a month-by-month basis, at the rate of
$229.98 per month (total cost for the extension is $1,019.63) with Amtech
Elevator Services for the elevator at the maintenance facility for the
remainder of the 2008-09 fiscal year; and
2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement.
The elevator at the maintenance facility must be in a preventive maintenance program
in order to ensure its continued efficient level of functioning, to prevent future costly
repairs, and to meet the State operating permit requirements.
On February 14, 2008, the City Council awarded a one-year elevator maintenance
agreement with Amtech Elevator Services in the amount of $2,640.00 per year, or
$220.00/month. The term of this agreement ends on February 18, 2009. The
maintenance agreement states that it may be renewed for one year. However, City
staff would like the term of this and any future agreements to coincide with the City's
fiscal year, which is the practice for all other Public Works maintenance agreements.
Extend Elevator Maintenance Contract C27260
Page 2 of 2
February 26, 2009
Amtech Elevator Services has agreed to provide maintenance services on a month-by-
month basis from February 18 through June 30, 2009, by which time staff will have
negotiated a new contract for fiscal year 2009-2010.
Based on the material and labor cost index, Amtech Elevator Services requested a rate
increase from $220.00 to $229.98 per month. Staff has reviewed this request and finds
it reasonable.
Therefore, staff recommends that City Council extend Contract No. C27260 on a month-
by-month basis with Amtech Elevator Services for the elevator at the corporation yard
maintenance facility, in the amount of $229.98 per month, for the remainder of fiscal
year 2008-2009, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. A new agreement
for the fiscal year 2009-2010 will be brought before the City Council for approval at a
later date.
Fiscal Impact: Funds are available for this work in fiscal year 2008-09 in the
Repair Maintenance Buildings Account 110-4330-413-3310.
Prepared By: Department H ad:
Carl ern ez Mark Gree wood, P.E.
Maintenance ervices Manager Director of Public Works
Homer Croy aul Gibson
ACM for De I ment Services Director of Finance
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�'�� Elevatar
•�...... Serv�ees
February 6, 2009
Mr. Carlos Hernandez
Maintenance Services Supervisor
City of Palm Desert
73-510 Fred Waring Dr.
Palm Desert, CA 92260-2578
Reference: 74-705 42nd Street Elevator Service Agreement
Dear Mr. Hernandez:
Per your request:
In consideration of current economic conditions, and Amtech Elevators' commitment to a true
partnership with all of our valued customers.
Amtech Elevator would be willing to accept: Thirty(30)Day cancellation terms on your existing
elevator service agreement for the above referenced property. Our current agreement which is valid
through 2/17/2010 would be superseded by this letter and we would work towards re-negotiating a
mutually beneficial multi-year agreement upon end of Ciry of Palm Desert's fiscal year: June 30,
Please review the above communication, call me anytime if you have additional questions or
concerns. My office phone number is: (714) 939-6516.
S incerely,
John Hodge
Sr. Account Mgr.
� _
� � Contract No, C27260
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�Are: J�,y a.��,2oos��-z R�t'��!�� �7 PM �� 04 •
TO:CarEos Hernand� FROM:John Hodge '
City af Palm Desert Amtech Elevator Services
'73-510 Fnad Waring Dr. Phone:(760)346-0611 1530 S Sunkist Street, Suite A
Palm Desert,CA.92264-2578 T�aa�(760)773-9025 Anaheim,CA,g2806 .
74-703 42 Stt+eet John Hoci�e
Palm De;�rt,CA 92260 Photie: (714)9�8 8616 a
Fax: (714)939 6524
PROPOS,4�NUMBER: 1207200702jwh .
rev-2 �
Number o!lJnits Manutacturer 7ype of Units Machine Numbers ,
1 Thyssan Kn�p TAC-2U .Passenger Elevator 132241 '
� ''
We propose#o fnrnish Am#ech Service on the a�uipment("Units")described above. All work will be p�formed duri�►g r
our regnFar working hoars uf aur re$nlar working da3's,tmless othenvise ypacified in tt�is Agroement,
Under this Contrac�we wf11 service the U�rits on the following t�rms and conditroris:
We will use reasonable care to m�i�in Your ec�aPm�t usin8 t�med pe,rsonneL We will regularly and systematically r
earamine, clean, lubr�cate, adjust and if in aur opinioa conditions war�ant, uale.ss specifically exclndad untt� the '
P���s�o4 repa�r or reAlaoe the following:
Hydraulic: Pump Uni�,valves arxi motors,jack unit except nndet�md c5'Iinders and �
Ca�rtroller: Diapatch�ng and P�'��P� s��ors, all relays, solid state components, oomputer oomPon�ts,
transfornters,chokes m�d filters. „
Selector: All elechica�or znec�anical drive oomponents,csms,oontacts,relays,resistors,leads.bansformens and solid
state oom�nts.
Goveraor. Sheave,bearings,sl�afls,contacts and gavernor jaws. �
HQl8�1{'�'���i�t: $11$CIg,gUj�C r81�8 8IId$U7C�6 S�LOCS.
Power poor Operxtar: Car and hoista�ay daor hanger tracks and rnllas,car opeuft�g P�'ot�v�dcvices,doar aiuciIiary
closer,door gibs and door interlodcs.
Elevatar Control Wiring. Loceted in ti�e mach�ne room,hoistway,car including the traveling cables.
�'�OCb�01�01'���3 �I�Ri�te 1&�ea�ved�1 x�tro3� rroposelA�1207200702jwhrev-2Pa�e 1 of 10
Contract No. C27260
Fiaturee: Call and hall operatin8l�auons, contacts and signal bulbs. Replacezneat of signal fixture bulbs is to be
perforn�ed during regular examinations or odierwise be bflled sepa�ately at Amtech's sla.ndard bilting�ate,s.
Furniah Lubric;ants and Hydraulic Fiuid,
Safe#y Devlces: will be periodically exanuined.
. �
s�vicE rgovm�n '
We will examfne,adjnst,clean and lnbricate the equipment as set forth above. `
Prompt response to aIl emerge�' ��ing regatar warldng hours, Mo�day throug}i�'ri�9� eXoept holidays,
raoognized now and hereafter by the local elevator union. ►
Cove►�ed rep�tirs wiil be performed on1Y d�in8����n8 hours. '�
We will znaintain for each unit a reoord of alt examinations,callbacks and repairs.
On Callbacks oatside of regular a'orking haurs,Amtech Elevatar Services wi]l absorh the woxi�hauts at straight time �
�ates�d you will be cbarged for the avertime premium portian onl3',including for travel rime and expenses. ,
� r
m.4na2ech Elevstar Serv�cee,2403 ali x,Rbta x,��ea(i i��ros) Propoa�€12072007021whrev-2Page 2 of 10
, Con.tract No. C27260
����> � to, or rePlaoemeltt of elevator car enclosares (i�cluding �movable pane�s), car gates, Plenum
�ham1�'s,hung c��ling,bandrails, mirrors,light diffusers,Sxh�res and bulbs,emergeneY li8hting m��ding��3',car a
sill(s),car flooring and plafform
Hoistway enclosure,includiing hoistwap door p�nels,�,sills,fascia,hoisiway ga#es,and hoistw�y clesx�ng. r
Signal fixture and operati�g station oover plgtes or plastic inseats. Braille and tac�ite plates. Telephones or
cosEmnnication systems,Key mortise cylinders,inshuction or w
bS'passengers. �g signs in oonnectian with t�e vse of the c,qvipmGnt •
Eledric power supplies for equipment operation including sig�ls and ligh�ki�ng;power switch�xs.circuit breakers,or fuses `
and feeders to the controllers. Emergency power sYstems>maiNine shunt trips�and emergencY poa'er tra�nsfer switches_
Telephot�es�nstalled by others,smoke and heat de�tedors with related wirictg and aunun�ciation P�tte1s,air condikianers or
�� �o �� sYstams, cad key ar wuch Pads� mte�'oom, music or secxirity systems, comput� devices, �
Pailare of hydranlic jack unit, baried or unexposed pipe or canduit finm any cauee is�cluding, but not limited to, •
oorrosion ar elecl�+olysis.
It is mutuallY agreed tbai all reFai�rs�d replacem�ettts oovered bY this Agree�are limited w those nec�sitated by •
normai wear�nd tear,and f�at we shall nat be reqnineti to replacs or repair ecluipment bY reasons of neglig+�cc or misuse
i�y others or for any cause beyond aar oontrol;includi�ng but not lirnitsd to inoomect use of gey switches,�w the
equipg�t by acts of God,fo�es or elements or changes in the nonmal enviromnent and/ar �
s�all not be roquired to alter ��g conditions. We
��P��, �make replaoe�euts of obsolete or discontinued perts or parts of
g�crnmental autho�i�'ty�. �om¢nett�Cl by yau or d'uected bq insaaance oampanies,consutr�ts,thind garty andits or any
Unless provided elsewhere in this Agreenrenx,anY s�/s1�Perfortnamx index test or madffic�ti ~
repair n�essar�'to meet the �,��ents ar
performance index on your escalators that are nequired bY aPAlic�ble laws are no#incl�
in#his A��.
Unless provided for el�eewhe�e in this Ag�+eement,an�'I,�vziodic safet.3't�ts nxluir�b3'aPPlicable laws or codes are not
inclgded und�er this Ageem�q, bert will be performod b3'us upon reqaest from you and will be billed at o�r regular
billing rates. We s6a11 noi be respons�le for ar►y inapection fees, license foes, ccrtiflcate foes or witness fees for ariy
testing Qf equipmeiu which mary be e�oquired 63'8overniuentai or other aut�orities. a �
You assame nesponsibiliiy for the cost o£carrecting all Elcvator Code violations existi�g on the date we enter into this ,
Contract. If sach Code violations ax other oudstanding safeiy violations are �t oorrecbed 'm aa�ordauce with triis �
Co�tt�t,Atntech Eltvator Se�vices may t�cel this Comract by pravidi�rg thirtY(3p)da,Ys writte,n notice. r
If the equilnn�t bas 6re68hter's service,You assume respons9biliiy for Pe�orming�nd�oOeping a reooni of any Code
� testg and for the naaindrenanoe and functe�a9ning of the smolce aaad/or heat det�octor�s. If during the itdtisl
gbter's service test any elevator fireSghter's service is found Uo be inqperable,the building is responsible for atl of y
the cost associated with the m�airs n�ary tn bring the umt in oornpliaace with the applicable Codes.
�1�,ad.l��s,P�rts ard repairs,which are not speciflcal�y included herein,are exclud�od. Such additional work, ,
when nec�ary,and a�horized bY YoA.shall�be performed at our negnlar biII�g rates for material and labor incl
travel time and e�cpenses. °�Dg
we wiu maintain a eupgly of freqnentty nsea replac�ent p�rts and lubricanas reqninea for routine mainte„at�ce.
ReQlacxmcat parts furnished nn�er dris A.�eemeat will be orig�nal�pmea mam�ftu.�tured ar
by ns for use on this equipment ,411 replaoement parts will be new or refixrbistted to our standar�ds. In the eveat thc
�►�t is teiminated for any neason whatsoever,You agree#o Provide us access to the premises where the equipme�
is Iocated to allow us to remove an3'spare Parts os'tools sto�d there by os.
�����"Ce�20� ^�l K'�drts Resm'''ed�1���ro� �ovoed#1207200702iwhrev-2Page 3 of 10
Contract No. C27260 .
We will mairtt�in optimal operatio� c�aracieristics of your equi�xteent inciuding, door aperatian, car spe�d 800r
leveling,and ric�quality as determined by the original equi�xnent design,age of e9uiPme�t and buitding use type.
df a Prorations/Exclusions Addendimi is attached,the iUems listed on that Addendum show considerable wear and will
l�ave to be replaoed or repaired u�the near future. These items are subject to limited or no coverage as�cn�ided for in `
the Addendutn.
It is ageed tbat we do not assume possession or caNrol of any part of t�e units,that such n�nains yours solely as owner, •
operator,lessee or agent o�the awmez or lessce,and tbat you are eolely respon�ible for all requirem�eats imposeol bY�Y
federal,sta#e or iocel lavv,ordinance or regulation. Tlus responsibility incIudes,�t is nat limited to;advising,warninS
and/ar it�ucting Passen8ers in the proper use of the equipmeltt. •
Eaca]ator Umts are desig�ed only for transpofi�g P�ssengers. For esc�iator Umts, You agr�ee fo ta�e all �sa�y •
measures to preve� ottter iteme from being conveyed, so �at f�
P�n3'damage are not daznag+od. Wheat statia ��°�' � P� P��� � P��
�ry,escalators are to be pmpex'ly bamicaded and not to be usod as st�eps. r
Yon wilt inaure that the mac�ine rooms aze properly ventilabed with temperature oo�tnolled in the 50 degree F to 90 �
degrae F'iange or othenvige as tequirad by$uvernmental euthoriiy.
You agree ta provide us unresbricxed,r�ady aad safe a�ccess,inciuding off-hours emergency calib�cks,to ali areas a�the
building in which any part of the utrib are located end to keep all machine rooms and pit areas frce from water,stored
material and e�ssive debris. Yon ag�r�e to pro�vide a safe work plaoe for our personnel and to remave any hazazdous
ntaterials in ac�otdatioe witt�applicable laws a�i regula[ions. Yau agtsee to r�strict aooeass to the equipment to on1Y onr .
autha�iz�pecsonnel. During the teiw of ttris ASreement.Yoa agree not to permit others W make alteratians,additions,
�l���s,�"s,�'replacements to the equiP�ent.
Y�t agree to pm�vide us with cxurent wirin�g dia8c���t�S�P�ausly made changes for Umts oovered by this �
Contract to faciiitate proper maintwance of the�nem.
You are responsible to secure our right to use any special se�vice too�s, manuals and bochnical support re�uired to
mainfain�otu'e4uipmmt 'These too]s mnst be provided prior to us begumin,g maintemu�oe oa such equip�nent.
If any of the following oonditians oaa�r: an operational prob�em,an eqnipment malfunc�ion,a dangerous oondiiion,or �
there has been an accideut�Yau,shall im�diately nortify us. Iu tbe event of an accicient,we shall be nuti�od in writing .
within 24 honrs af the ineciderrt. Until the problem is corneeted,yon agnee to temove the Unit from servioe anc2 take all
n�ry precautions tio prevern aocxss or use of the Umt. This noricc�t is to be strictly oonstnied and aay s
failure to comply with the requiremeirts will eerve to hold you liable for aa3'damages rn'm,j��ies r�ting the�&om.
'The ASMI:A17.3-2002 Safely Code for Existing Fdevators limits the spave between the hoistway door and elevator gate •
to 4 i�es(oz 5 U2 inches if there is a hoistway dnor a�.d e3evat4r door anc3 S inches far Private Residenoe Elev�tor�).
'The purpoe�of this provision of the Code is to pmevent a cltild or s�nall ada�t from becoming eutrapped in tlnis sp�oe and
then being k�led ar seriously injurod if the elevafior moves. T7�ene hav+e been multiple deeths end�vere injuries to
childrea who becazr�e�ntrapped iYe the exc�essive spaae,such as exists on you.r etevator. We reoommend that uat�the .
elevator ltas bcen modificd to eliminate the eaacessrve spaoe,it should be tumed off.
You will indemnify and hold us bazmless far losses due to personaf iqjury or ProPerh'daxna�e to the e�caused by
Y��S�acts or omissions.
We shall not be liable for auy loss,ciamage or delay due to airy cause beyoud aur reasonable control inch�ding,but not
limited to, acts of governmem, strikes, lockouts, labor dispates, fue, explosion. tl�, Soods, water, weathet,
e,�ro�r��sen�icea,2aos a»��x��ea tii�vos� Proposaae 1207200702jwhrev-2Pa�e 4 of 10
Contract No. C27260
eart}iquakes, riot, civil ooxnmo�ioq war, repairs bp okhers, expos[�re to excessive heat, vaudalism, misuse malicious
mischief ar actc of God. Notw�ths�and�anY otfier aBreement or pmavision to the contrary,under no cincamstances will
either perty be liable far any indirect,�pecial or consequertia�dam,gges nf any kittd We shall nat be liable for removal
or disposal of Uarardous and waste fluid or materials ar for atry envinovnneatal/acological�portinS,testing,clea�ing or t
rehabiHtation dictated bY�Y��Y�P�Y for any reason. If sach action is reqtrired from us by a thind pmty#hoy
shall be paid for by yon.
. .
While t�ds Agreement is designed to reduce wear and prolang the useful life of such ccluipm�t, we make no
represent�tion that such equipment will not bneakdown or maifiiuction,and you agree to hold�s hatmless&om any snch
event or adion arising tl�ere&om.
�Y Purchase order�ssued by you.in connxtion with tlus Ag�tt are deemed to be issued for your adminis�ative or
billing identifica#ion�xuposes only. The texins and oonditions contained he�ein shall exclusively govern the servioes to
be pmvided hereunder,and tltis Ag�+eement maY not be changed, modifiod, revisod or araendod unless in writing and M
��bY You and anr authorized i+�ive.
In the event of sale,lease or ott►er t�aansfcr of the e9uiPrnerrt,or tl►e premises in which tbey are located,or a change in the
PaY�B �'. You agree to see tt�t euch transferee or altPrnate paying party is m�e aware of this Agre�neut and �
assumas aad agrees to be bound by tt�e terms hereof for the balanae of the Agc�eemem te�n. ShaWd yoa fail to do this,
you will be liable for the full tmp�id balance due for 13�e tmexpired term of the Agnesm�t We may at our sole "
ciiscretEo�, terminate this Agreement with any such �ssor at any time n
Agraement monthly price is a unit amoum for the e�re �° �Y (30) � wntten notice. The �
�e�[�t pa'iod sabject to 3nttenest a�d escalation adjust�eras.
Your failwe to pay anry sum within sixty(60)daYs will be deemed a material breach. Wo may,at oor option,doctare all `
sums dne ar to beoome due for the uaexpi�+ad tern�, �iately dne and p$yable as liquidated�,btrt not as a
P�Y,and uv#il the same are paid,be discLarged from furth�obligations under tha Agreement �
It is exp�slY aSreed,t3�ak the paym�nt of ali sunns du�e�uider,is a candition preoedent to the render�ng of service.
We nesecve,at au opUian,the right to auspend or cnrrail servicx umil all paymen#s fi�e are madc.
ThLc Agreement is ba.9ed on oonditi.ans pr+evailing under cxureut labor a��rts. In t�e event finare labor a�reements ►
or changes alter costs or restrict anr ability W provide seevices hereunder,we shall notify you in vvri�ing a���upon,
off+er modification to the Agreement to remedy the siw�ion. Jn the eveng we caanot agree on a r+�vised Agz,eeme�,
either party shall bave tl�e aght to terminate dus A�t upon e�ralion of nu�ety(90)saps fiom the abave notice. r
Al�agreements and covenants co�ai�d herein are severable,and in the event any of tbem�all be held tu be invalid or
um�easonable by any compete,�c�ourt, the Ag�'e�►ent s�all be inte�preted as if such mvalid agroements or covenants
wcre not oon�a�d henefrn.
o��n�lev.rar s�rvi�zoos ata�tir,�lteacrvea(i i��ro� rro��e 12072flU702jwhrev-2Pa�e S of 10
Contract No. C27260
our pr,ice to gerform the se�rvic�s as a�utlined in this agreeme�t is Tryo Thousand Six HuRdred Forty and '
OOM00 Dollars ($2,640.00)p�r year, to be lrilled q„arcerly ;n adva„ce at a rate of Six Hundred Sixty
artd D0/100 Dollars ($660.Q0.00)quarterly. ,
The Contract Price will be ac(justed on the date a��ay labor ratc adjushne�t under Amtech L�levator Services contract
with the r�espective coIlecbive bar�ainin8 ag�me�to re�ftect in�areases or decreases in tnateri�al and labor cost. `
The Cou�mencement Date will be February 18th, Z008. The Term of this Contract will be for o�(1) years
begitming on the commencemem nate. The contxact wlu automatiosuy be =enewea at e�ch ann;versary for an •
addibional one(I)year teim anless terminated by ei#her PartY bY S�S written notice to the other party at least ninety
(90)days>but no more thau 120 days prior to the end of the then cnnem one{1)year tam
The work shall be performed fnr tLe agreed price plus any a�plicable sales,excise or smmi.{ar taxes as rec�uired by law. In �
addition to the a8reed Price> Yon shall pay ta us any fuiure appyic�ble tax �posed on us, atu suppliers or you in `
c�ction with the performnnce af the work clescribed.
You agc�ae to pay a�charge from the date s�ch snms become due of one and one-half perrc:ent(1.S%)per mouth,or the
1u�1�11Y Permitt,ed rate,wlricheveir�s leas,on a�ny balauce past due for more than tWrty(30)day+s,together with all ►
oosts (ind��din�,but not limited to,attorneys'fees)is�ctured by us t�colled averdue amovnts.
Faitnre W pay any s�mt dne by you�vitbin sixty(60)days will be a material breacb. We may at our option dsclare all
sums due or to become dne for the uneaipired term imxr�ediately due and payable as li4aidatcd damages,and�1 the
s�me are paid be discharged from fartha obliigations under the co�ract
If paYments are not made in accardance with the t�etms a�this contract,when due,we may eloct to�1 tfus oonh�ct at
will and shall not be liable for a�ty acts or omissions followiug any such failure to mak�paynnem,whefher election is
made to canoel die contract or nat.Upon reoeiving paiymem of arrears we may,at onr option oon�mue to r�nder servicxs r
hereund�er,but such am�sha11 not constituCe a waiver of any of aur righis becau�e a�sach def�alt, Iuvoices will
be d�acceptable unle�s we�ceive from the piu�r spocific written objeetion within 10 days from the ircvoice
In a�ition to a�ry other remedies we may f�ave, in tl�event that THE PURG�iASER cancels tlris co�teact prior to its
e�iration. TI-IE PURCHASER shail pap as liquidated dama�s(NOT AS PENALT�33�0 of the montl�*agrecment '
price as adjustsd Per�e�jus�ent clanse hectiin et t�e time of the pr�re canoetlatioa,fnr tite number of montba
tt.ma-- ti»np�IWElCIl�1C CSll�CCllSilOtl(�ffi��B�CIIt tC[i��(�BtC. �
O Atpteah Elevator Sa�vice�2003 ntt x��a��a ci inros) r,+opoaai#1207200702jwhrcv-2P��e 6 of 10
� Contract Na. C27260
This proposal,when ac�rted b3'You below and approved by our au#lwrized representative,will oonstitate the entire and
exclusive oontract betweea us for the�ervices to be pravi�ecl and your autlwrizati�W perforna as oErtlinad herein. All � "
prior or oontemporamebus oral or written rep�esentatia�ns or ag�r�eements not incorpo�ated herein will be superseded. Any
purchase order issued by yon in oonnectian with the servioes to be provided will be dce�d w be issued for your
adminislrati�e or billing identifiration purposes only, and the parbies hereto i�end that the tenns and oanditions *
contained herein will exclusivefy govem the services to be pravided, We da not give up rights under any eaysting
cantract u�i!thie proposal is fully executed. This Conhgct may not be change,cl,modified,revised or amended unless in
writing signed by you and en authorized representative of Amtech. P�rther,airy manual c�anges to ihis form will not be
effe.ctive as to Anntxh.vnless initisled in the margin by an a�rthorized re res�rtabive of tech. `
THIS QUOTATION is valid far x►inety(90)days from the pnoposal date.
Submittsd : , s
Jo Hodg� unt Mgr. .
Accepted in Duplicate
CUSTOMEFt Amtech Elevator rvi es ,
Approved by Authorized Representative Approved by Autho ' reae�ntative
Date: 2 ��'I 6 � Date: '' `l�, --;'�'�,.�"..�'3 �'_.�.
Signed: X Sigt�ed: "
� �
PrimNazne; Carlos L. 0 a PrintName: Daniel Buttr�ey
Title: Ci�y Manager 'rifle: Generai Manager
Namea�Co�►P�y� City of Palm Desert �
❑ PrinciPal,�a+ner or '
Authorized Repr�ative of Principal or Owiter
❑ Agez�t
(Name of Ptiticipal ar Owner)
The Special Provision Attachments checkod Txlow are included and made part of tbda co�:
p Attachmant Prorahons/Exclnsiaas Addendum � Attachment Misoellaneous Pm�visions
eA,� ��Fw
AttachmeM Govemmemai Raquirod Saf�ety Attachm�nt xyar�i�cy�w�
� aBn I • il6�1(�C�IIIIt ❑ ��G.�� r
AttaChment Pre-Maiuteoance Repa�rs Adde�m Att�chment gire Test Optian
0 u`.n � ��Hn
� Attach�ment Advance Payment Option � Attachment Nodce to Gtiue
p �����
� A#tBChment Extended Term�tion
4�amreoh Elevsaa�servioes,2oos au Riahca Rer�ved(t 111/os) proposaUt 1207200702jwbrev-2Pa�te 7 4f 14
State ot California
County of C'�'ti#wv`q�
,}1., '
On a5-�`et,,�yo�y �,o F before rne, �•�1�ar►de„1� �- �I o��y �trh.Qi•�,
Date Insert ame and Title of cer '
personally appeared ��e�� �f,vyH,o� f3 U'�'�1-�r ey
Name{a�of Slgner(s)
wfio proved to me an the basis of satisfactory e�vidence to
be the person(�whose name(� is/aq� subscribed to the
within instrument and adcnowledged to me that
h�e/she/thl�y executed the same in hisJfler/tf�eir authorized
capaciry(ir�), and that by flj�h�r/tlu�ir signature(s) on the
instrumer�t the person�), or the entity upon behalf of
which the persorr(s) acted, executed the instrument.
,J. BHANDERI i certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws
Commtaslon� »619�ti of the S#ate of California that the inregoing para ra
�Q��ry publiC-Calltomid � true and carrect. g Ph IS
� Otan�s County
�� 14,2011
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Signature �����
Pleoe Notary 3eal Abave 3ipnature W Notary Pubtic
Though the InformaHon below Is not requ/red by lew,it may prove valuatrle fo peraons relying on U�e document
and couJd prevent traudulent remove!end reaifachment of thls fam to another document.
Description of Attached Document
Title or Type of Document: �-'�7'1'�f'C 1'f ��'e+ra¢-lr�r s Q,-v�1�� �,�,,.�.�,c�- ;(� G'r271G 6
Document Date: .��3.S�'. �r Number of Pages: Te�
Signer(s)Other Than Named Above: '�j�
Capacfty(les)Claimed by Signer(s)
Signer's Name: '� �C+ti.1 t� t.�� d��i.R�..
'� -- , Signer's Name:
-� Individual ❑ Indlvfdual
❑ Corporate Officer—Title(s): ❑Corporate Officer—Title(s}:
❑ Partner—�Limlted ❑General ❑Partner—0 Limited ❑General
❑ Attorney in Fact 0 Attorney in Fact
Top of thumb here �TfUSt66
❑ TI'UStAB Top of thumb here
❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑Guardian or Conservator
❑ Other: ❑Other:
Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Represerrting:
.._ •: . _. . . ti -.
�2007 Natlonal Notary Assodatlm�9960 De So10 AVe.,P.O.Box 2402•Chaisworth,CA 91313•2402•www.NetlpnalNotary.org Ilem it�07 qeorder;Ca1TolFFree 1-BOU-876�827
� ` Contract No. C27260
_ �
We will conduct as part af this service agreement,when required by governmeutal anthorities, �
bnt no more freq�ent than once per year, the annu�l safety teat in compleance with sach
�uthority. All testing shalt be performed daring regular working hours. If you or the
aathorities �reeqaire that the teat or any part thereof be performed on overtime,we wi�l bill you �
separately for the increase in labor and fees at onr prevailing ratea. Any change in
governmental authority testing reqairements may result additional cost, b�led at our regnlar �
O Au�«�Etovaaor savicee,2oos All Ri�cs Resarved(t illros? Propoeat#1207200702jwhrev-2Fa�e 8 of 10
, ..
Contract No. C272b0
_ ;
• i
o nmc�b�te,�s«�i�,2003 �vl w�x�o�a(i1il�os) �o�t#120"1200702jwhrev-2P�ge 9 of 10
1 �.
Contract �o. C27260
� �
. �
The Serviee Agreeraent rnclt�des 24-7 manitoring of the elevator's emergency pho�ne line. `
The City of Paim Dcsert is respousible for maint�ining the phone line,whic5 must be nn active
dedicated line with the nb�ity to dial outside the(760)xrea code. Amtech request#hc e�evators .
phone namber for programming purposes.
This cornract includes the manthly testing of t3�e elevator fire service circuitry.
O Amtech Elevata Savioes,Zp03 a1t niRhta�esa�ea ti inros� P,+��at#1207200702jwhrev-2Pa�e 10 of 10