HomeMy WebLinkAboutC28630 - On-call Svcs for Post-disaster Cleanup Contracg No. C28630
REQUEST: Approve a Contingency On-Call Services Contract with Belfor USA,
Birmingham, Michigan, for Post-Disaster Cleanup and/or Power Supply
SUBMITTED BY: Gary Rosenblum, Risk Manager
185 Oakland Avenue, Suite 300
Birmingham, MI 48009-3433
(248) 594-1144
DATE: March 12, 2009
CONTENTS: Belfor Agreement
Aggreko Information
By Minute Motion: Approve a no-cost contingency services contract with Belfor
USA, Birmingham, Michigan, for post-disaster cleanup and/or power supply.
Executive Summary:
This is a no-cost, non-bindinQ continqency contract that puts the City first in line to acquire
Belfor USA services for debris clearing, damage cleaning, and water damage drying for
City buildings and facilities after a major earthquake or other disaster. It also provides the
City with a regional contractor for on-call acquisition of building-sized generators for
emergency back up power. Executing the agreement does not give Belfor USA an
exclusive contract with the City, and the City does not incur any cost until the City asks for
Belfor services in a post-disaster situation. The agreement serves as an ongoing no-cost
retainer that locks in the current consultant pricing.
This service is of critical importance to assist the City in clean up and recovery operations
for City properties in the immediate aftermath of a major earthquake so that City
employees can be assigned other duties directed toward the public. In the event local
providers of power generators cannot provide the generators the City would want, Belfor
would be on call to provide the City with building sized power generators through their
partner, Aggreko, one of the largest suppliers of portable power in the country. The prices
for these generators range from $1,900 for a 140Kw generator to $5,000 per week for the
Staff Report
Contingent Professional Services Contract with Belfor USA
Page 2 of 2
March 12, 2009
700Kw size. As an example, the Joslyn Senior Center contingency generator would be
This is a non-bindinq contingencv contract. It establishes a contingency relationship with
Belfor USA, and their partner Aggreko in advance of a disaster. This is so that the City
does not need to try to estab�ish a contractual relationship after the disaster has occurred
when the Belfor services will be in surge demand, or after a regional power outage results
in every other government entity in the region seeking generators. It locks in today's
consultant pricing and puts the City first in line in this area to acquire as much clean up and
auxiliary power services as we request. Belfor will be contractually obligated to supply
manpower and equipment as we request ahead of requests from any other entity in the
local area that has not previously executed this type of contingency agreement. Under this
contract, Belfor will also try to contact the City after a significant disaster and inquire if
services are needed. If phones and communications are adversely affected post disaster,
this serves as a good back up in accessing clean up services. There is no minimum for
services, and at a maximum because Belfor is a national-sized company, they can draw
upon labor forces from all over the country if need be.
In the event of a regional power failure where transportation infrastructure is otherwise
intact and our local generator contractor cannot provide generators to the City because of
competing demand, Belfor's partner Aggreko will, under this contingency contract,
transport the requested generators and wiring harnesses to our sites. Aggreko is among
the nation's largest companies for providing power generators and can draw upon
manpower and equipment reserves from the entire Western region as necessary.
Fiscal I mpact:
There is no immediate or long term fiscal impact. No costs are incurred unless the City
executes a work order during a disaster declaration. This type of emergenc di a t r o t
is also potentially eligible for FEMA reimbursement.
Submitted By: Depart nt Head�
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Gary Rosenblu omer Croy C N �; �
Risk Manager ACM for Deve p nt Serv�� � �
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Contract No. C28630
��D ALERT� Service Agreement—
This RED ALERTO AGREEMENT by and beirrveen BELFOR USA GROUP, iNC. ('BEL�OR"}, a Colorada
Carporatian, with Corparate I�eadquarters focated at 185 Oakland Aven,ue, Suite 30Q, Birming€�am, Mf 48009
and , whose address is
("ClienE°)is enfered ir�to upon fF�e folfawing terms and conditians.
1. The purpose of this Agreement is to esfablish the basis upan whFch BEL�OR wil�:provide to Client any
R�Q ALER`i'�emergency services, restoration services or reconstrucfion senrices.
2. Upon execufion of: ('C)this RED ALERT�8enrice Agreeme�t and(2}a FtED AL.EfdT�WorEc
Autharization, Cfient Fs deemed an Emergency Client and autharizes BELFOR to respond to a loss for
the Clien�iet accordance with the terms af this Service Agreement.
3. Clienf intends fa wa�ve a11 standard pracurement procedures i� order to accomr�odate the emergency
Rature of the Servicas and to mitigate any furtfier loss.
BELFOR Con#act:
Phone Number:
Client Confact:
Phone Number_
�he parties hereto understand and agree to the te�rns and condifions of this Agreement, acknovuledge #he
receipt and sufficiency of mutuaf considerafion contained herein, and Cfient declares that they are authorized
fo bind their company into this Agreement,and onfy a BELFOR Officer is authorized to sign.
Signature by an Officer of Be[for USA Signature
Narne Name
Title Title
I}ate Daie
Contract No. C28630
1.Service Plan Term BELFdR is fulty paid, including interest, for delivery of the services set foRh fierein and in any
This Agreement is Binding upon Fuitl signing seroices peKormed. Work AuEhoaization.
hereof (the "Effective Date'), and shall 6.tndemnifioafion B.1Narr�nty
continue for a period of exactly three(3)years To the extent permitted by law,HELFOR will BEL.FOR warranCs [o Client that ali materials and
from suckr daEe. Either party may lerminate reirnburse, indemnify, defend, and hold equipmec�l used in ar incorporated rnto the Work will
this Agreement by providing six {6) months harmless the Client,and its present,former, be of gaod quafity, new, and free oF fiens,claims, and
nolice prior to the end of the first three-yeat and tuture sharehoiders, ernployees, security interests of thisd parties; that all labor,
terrn. If �his Agreement is not teanimated officers,and directors from and agafnst loss, installafion, matenals and equipment used or
during the first Ehree-year term,the Agreement damage, expense (inc�uding reasanable incorporated into fhe Work wifl be oE good quality,
will continue in fuq force and e�ed for attorney fees and expenses), an� penaity, instalVed in a good and workmanlike manner,and free
consecutive terms of three (3) years each. for any claim or action by or on hehalf of from defeds; and fhe Work will conform with the
Any termination request musC be rriade in any peeson (eollectively, °Loss") resulting requirements of this Agreement and all applicable
writing to the other party. from: (i} any defects in performing the work codes. 'Fhs foregoing Warranty shall commence on
2.Definitlons under the RED ALERT�Wark Authorizafson the date o6 ttie project's coortpletian and continue for a
8asic Plan:Should any loss occur, insured or by BELFOR or ifs employees or agents; (ii} period of one(1)year. If required by Client, BELFOR
otherwise, BELFOR shalf pravide Basic Levet all claims of BELFOR employees, agents shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and
RED ALERT� Cliertts with ernergency and subcontractors, whether for injury, qua6ity of materials and equipment. BELFOR's
services prior to any other potenCiaE or existing death, cornpensation, social security, warranty excfudes remedy for damage ar defect
BELFOR client that is not classifieed as e pension, or unemployment compensation, caused by abuse, modifcations not executed by
Premium Pius Level RED ALER'��7 Client. (iii) all injury, damages and Loss resulting Contracior, improper or 'snsufficient maintenance,
BELFOR reserves lhe right Eo prioritize from BELFOR's negtigence, in whole or in impraper operation or normal wear and tear and
response to Clients within the sa€ne class at part, or willful act. In no event shall either normal usage.All warranties are contingent upon fuii
its sole cEiscrefion. After receiving an inifial party be liable for consequentiai,reliance or and final'payment to BELFOR.
response from BELFOR, or if Client declines, speciai darnages, including lost profits, last 10.Farce Majeure
or fails, to notify BELFOR that such CCient revenues or lost business oppoRunities. BElFOR cannot be held liable for not meeting its
requires an immediate response for a property BELFOR SNALL HAVE NO LfABILtTY obligations �rnder this Agreement or Work
BELFOR reserves the righf to initiafe a FOR, AND SHALL BE HELd HARPu1LESS Authorizatioa� due to circumstances that prevent
response to other Clients. FRONE AND AGAINST, ALL CLAIMS, BELFOR from performing under this agreement.
3.BELFOE2�bkigations DAMAGES, LIABILITIES, AND COSTS Those circurrxsFances include but are not timited to:
BELFOR shall use besC efforts fo respond as ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE acts of war,local quarantine or evacuation order,acts
immediately as poss"sbfe from the time they are PRESENCE, DISCOVERY, OR FAfLURE of God, contin�ing severe weather, order by court or
contacted by Client. TO DISCOVER, REMOVE, ADDRESS, govemmental authority or other circumstances
4.Ctient Obliga4lons REMEDIATE OR CLEANUP beyond BELFQR's control. Under such
Upon the occ�rrence of a loss, immediately ENVIRONMENTAL OR BIOLOGICAL c�rcumstances, BELFOR wit[promptly notify you as a
notify BELFOR o[any Property, in need of a HAZARDS IIJCLUDING, BUT NOT RED ALERT� Client on a priority basis when such
response by using the 24-Ho�r Hotline. LIMITED TO, MOLD, FUNGUS, conditions make it impossibie or impractical to
Shorlly aRer contacting BELFOR, Client shall HAZAROOUS WASTE, SUBSTANCES OR respond.
expediti�usly set up ils accounting system, MATERIALS, OR AS8EST05 UNLESS 11.Survival
and discuss with its insurer the requisite CONTRACTED TO DO SO ON A BELFOR The provisions of this Agreement, which by their
information, in order to facilitate payment to REMEDIATION CONTRACT. nature survive termination of this Agreement or final
BELFOR for services under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, BELFOR is completion thereof, including, without limitation, aA
5.Payments 8 Invoicing not liable ta the extent any injury, damage, warranties, indemnities and payment obligations shall
All charges on invoices presented by BELFOR or Loss,is proximately caused or alleged to remain in full force and effect after final completion or
are based upon the "BELFOR Rate and be proximately caused, in whole or in part, any termination of this Agreement.
Material Schedule"(attached as Exhibit"A")or by the negligence or wiiiful act(s) or 12.Entire Agreement
by other Agreements signed between omissions of the Ciienl, its employees, This Agreement, its Exhibits, and the RED ALERT�
BELFOR and the Ciient, and will be paid no subcontractors or its agents. The Client Work Authorization are the final, full and comple#e
later#han 30 days from the receipt of invoice shall reimburse,indemnify,defend,and hold agreement between the Client and BELFOR with
by the Client unless Clisnt disputes any harmless BELFOR, its subsidiaries and respect to the subject matter hereof. AIi prior and
amount charged in writing and the dispute is affiliates and present, former, and future contemporaneous agreements, representations, and
grounded in good faith and ClienPs shareholders, employees, officers, understandings of the parties are superseded. No
reasonable judgment. In the event of any members and directors from and against ali supplement, modification or amendment of this
such dispute, Client shall pay the undisputed injury,damages and Loss resulting from or Agreement shall be binding untess executed in wriking
portion in accordance with the foregoing and alleged to result irom the ClienYs by alI of the parties.
the parties shali seek to resolve the disputed negligence,in whole or in part,or willful act.
amount as soon as reasonably practicable. 7.Insurance
Notwithstanding the foregoing, BELFOR's BELFOR shall, during the pertormance of
payment will not be affected by disputes this Agreement, maintain the appropriate
between the Client and its insurer or and customary insurance coverages with
dependent upon the insurer's payment or insurers in good standing and authorized to
approval of BELFOR's invoices or charges. do business under the laws of the 5tate(s)
The Client assigns to BELFOR its right, title where performance occurs.
and interest in any and all insurance proceeds 8.Assignment
to fhe extent required to cover payment for Neither the Client raor BELFOR may assign
work perFormed. Notwithstanding the or othervv'sse tra�sfer its rights, obligations,
foregoing,the Client is ultimately liable for any andlor duties under this Agreement without
charges for work performed under this the prior written consent of the other unless
agreement. BELF�R reserves the right to those assignments are ko subsidiaries,
allow prices changes upon thirty (3�) days af#iliates or other owned company. Any
natice to the Client. prohibited assignment is void. Nothing
Interest on any unpaid balance shali be coniained in this Article shall be deemed or
charged at the rate of 1.0% per month. If cons#rued to prevent BELFOR from
paymsnt is not timely made, on submitted subcontracting out all or a portion of the
invoices, BELFOR reserves the right to cease services provided hereunder, provided,
arny work, whether present or fuiure, until however, that in such event, BELFOR will
remain ultimately responsible for the
Contract No. C28630
Rate and Materfals Schedule(Exhlhlt pJ �'���Q� ���
Eflective Datc:Ocroher2007 rrtnrcnrrnesTartn�io��
_ �_- - ---- __ . _ __ ._ ____.__._�.-.____
��. San+ice Une La6orRates artd Const�ecatfans
- --- ------------ _ -__— -- . _ _... _-------- _
�Rafe Code Jah Tftlm Hauriv R�
-- ---_ _ __-- --- __ _.._ __.___.------
KPro ect Mang ement C1asslflcaGans:' ,
AAAdministrativeAssis4ant................................................................................................_............................................ S 37.50
PAProject Aadito�..................................................................................................................................................... . .... 5 SA.5a
APMAsslslant Project Managar........................................................................................................................................... S 68.Oa
H50Heall�&Safety Officer......................................................................................................,,......................................... S 75.oU
PMProjectl+�anager.......................................................................................................................................................... S i0o.U0
PEProjed Estimatar........................................................................................._................................................................ 5 tOB.fl9
SPMSenlasPrajeslManager............................................................................................................................................... 5 724,00
PEPcoJasi Coardinator..................................................................................................................................................... 5 151.00
'These da5sificalians ece u3ed throughouf ulhar service lines
- __ _ -- - _ - ------ - _.------_ .
Ganerai ClasaiRcattons.-•'
GLGeneral Labor........._................._._.................................------........_................................._........................................ 5 3275
LFLa6or Forerrtan.............................---�----.._............._................................_....._---......................................._.................S 30.50
''F"hesa classi�calions a2 usesE�hraughour ather servi�fines.
'In Calitomia and Maw Yorii.a mulCipKer a!7_25 wi[I be applied to Uie haucly rata.The New York rale appliPs to a filty mile radius fram lhe borough
of Manhgtten,
,_ ___ ---------_ . _--------.._�.. _
--_ �
Rastowdon Snrvices(Ganeralk' �
RTRestoratlan TechnEclan................................................................................................................................................ 5 50.D0
RS ReslorafionSupervisar........................................................................................
..._..........................................._...., . 0
'la Ca('domia and New York,a m�l8plier aF 125 will he applied to ihe hourly rate.The New York[ate applies fo a fitty m[ie radius trnm the�raugh
oF ManhafWn.
_ ..---_ - -- _ __--- ----_------- __ _
Racanshucllan Servieos:' I
DP--D -
ryxalllnstsllerlFnisherlPaEnl=r..........».........................................................._............._...---................................... S 48.00
TFTisde Foreman........-�............................._................_...............................---�--�--.............................----......---....._......... S 50.00
CR Ca�penter(Gene�l FrameilFnish/l'drtUCabine!lMerhanic).._.............................................._..............................._..... S 54.50
CFCarpenlar Fareman.-----........................................_............._-..................-- .............._...-.--..................................... 5 58.00
'In Califomia and New York,a mutG�er of 1.25 witl be appfied to Ihe hourfy rate.The New Ya�1c rafe applfes ta a fifYy mlle radius frum the borough
_...------ - ---- ---- - __ _ ._- ---
�Teehnkcal Servtces�uenumtdtncauon,oocumnmsnaoma,E(oeVenlea,HVAC,Macltlnory,Mo1d�: �
TNTecFmiclan........._......................................................................................................................................................... 5 65.00
TS Tetlmical Speciafrst............................................................................................................................................ ..... 5 72.50
TLTeamLesder..._......................................................................................................................................................... S 84.50
TSETeclmical Support Engineer......................................................................................................................................... 5 89.50
(Chemistry,Elechonic,Machinery,Qualily Canhoi)
_ _ _ __ _.. - -_ _ _.,.._ ----- . __.._ ----_ _
,Semtconductor Servlcea:
-------- -- -_
D61DocumenialionManager........................................................................................... .. .......................................... 5 85.00
DPADeconProjectAudltar.................................................................................................................................................. S 75.a0
�C DecanTechnictan....................................................................................................................................�---................ 5 84.50
DPM �ecnnProJectManager............................................................................................................................................... 5 �45.00
DE �econ Engineer.---_..._..........._.............................................................._.................................................. ..... S 164.5a
�__.. __ ______�.____-
_- - _ ---------------._..
�Envlronmental SeNitas:
----___--- - . �_ _----- - —
FIT HazmaNAsbeslosTechn3dan-�-----��-----.._..__..........................................................�-�----........................._.............. S 45.OD
HLT HazmatlAsbestasLeadTechniciao--.-------_._......._---.....------......_.........._.._.............................................----------- S 57.00
HEO HazmaVAs6estas Equipmen!Operdtar................................................................---------�--........--------.....___.............. 5 6200
HSHazmaVAsbestosSupenrisw................_.........._..........................................................------------..............................._ S 71.00
,_ ___ -___....- -__ ___
§LII �bor Cateutation Palicy:
- - ----- __ _ _ .._ .
The guidelines for labor invoieing wilf be as follows: The first eic�M hours woriced oo arry scheduled shift AAanday th�ough Fiiday will 6e charged at
Ihe regutar hourly rate Arry hnurs worked in e�ccess of eight lrours on any ahift Manday thmugh Friday will be chatged at 1.5 limes ihe cegular
hbufly rate. All houfs worked on Satu�ay wili be ai 1.51imes Ihe regular ho¢rly rale.All hours worked an Sunday and all Ha�days(see§I.U!Ilem 3
for recognized haiidays)wiU be diaiged at 2 time�Ihe regular hourly tate.
Aftec Hours Emorgoncy Sarvices:In the evertt thal BEI�OR personnel e2 reqvired for emergency se�vlc�afler nwmal HELFOR bucin�s
hours(Woekdays4:00 p.m.7:00 a.mJ,1.51imes ihe scheduled raL will be charged.
i ot 2
BELPOR I�ritiol� CuslomcrinfUal
Contract No. C28630
Rafe andNlaterlals Schodule(Earh(hIf AJ ��L�pR ��,�
ElfucUve Oate:Octa6er 2007 r n o r¢nrr n E s s ana7 i ari
----- --_-- ..-- --- _-_ _ . __._ _—_ __ _
§� Servtee Elrte Lahor Rntes and Const�eraUons
---- -- - _ . _...- _. ----- _. . __ -------__
§LfH' ��horConslderaLans i^ --�--- -`- --- I
t�,Work periarmed ander a paeticular ctinisaCt{hat ls subled In Federat and StaCe+x�fge and hour laws,prevail'u�g vrages, anrUor
caUettive basgaining ag2emenLs may require negoliaied changes tn the abave 51ateU rates. 1!necessary,adusiments tvi11 be made
to the haurtp rates and ather tahor p�visions.
2�,When arcumstanr�s heyond nur caafml requite BELFQR personnel ln sianc�by at Ihe job 5ite,a mi�imum stand-#ry eha�e ot 6 hours
al lhe standatd haualy rate(no aveNme)w+tl he charged.
3J.Na6onat hol�days recagniz,ed hy BPLFOR ase Ncw Yea�Qay,Memarial�ay,lndependence�ay,l.ahoe Oay,Thanksgiving,and
4).The 5cheduled Lahar Rates wilf be �atged for aEl BElFOR petsvntsel, (abar crews, and su6confraclnrs 6uliit{i[sg any Labar
,�.Wark ped'naned in tlie Washingten P.C.Matropolilan area is entiUEd!Q an add�i�nal 5%markup th�t�vill 6a applied In the tntal oi all
Ia6or rates.
-- - -- ---- _ _�-.__ _ —. _ ___.�__
g��, Schodulod Equipment RentaY(son§tl.l ltemtzad 8theduled Equlpmettt Rental)
---_ -__----- -_-___ _ __-__ ----
1�,The li,ted prices sh�il he applied ro aU aqufpmenl Ihat a2 u1lGzed Ir�the pertormance oI Ihe wock
2).Duriny the�aurseot pe�fortnance of iha work BELFOR mey add add�liorsal equipmenl to q�e sehedule.
3).The frei�t charge far ail SrhedWgJ Equlpmeot uh'Qzed dud�g aiea-witfe eafaslrQpltes wi11 be ane additianal day of eerHal.
q�.Work perfatmed in Uie Washington O.C.Metropolilan a2a Is enilUed lo an addi#'rana1596 ma�kup fhat will 6e applfed to the Ntal af a}I
Sche�fulled E �ment Ren1a6 rales.
�-_..__ ----- --- —�. _ .__ _ _
§���. Schedated Consnmahlos(soe§Ill.l IMmized Scheduled Consumablasy
---- _ _—___---- ------- -----
1�.Any sthedvfed consumablCs pur�ased laa@y where lhe prica e�meeds 86%ot the rate,the ifem will be involced at dacurtsenled wsl
ptus ConUaclors 5095 Overhead I�U%Fmfil(2t%►.
2)BELFOR cpservrs lhe�ighl to change Ihe rates ot oanaumables aReded hy ma�tcet candipons.
3).Dur%Rg Ihe caurse of perfarmence of ihe work BELFOR may add addidonal consnmahtrs fn Phs schedufe
d).The height cha�ge for ail Scheduled Cansumables utifsed during areeivide calastraphes wril3 be one pe�sent{1"5)oF Ihe scheduted
5�,Work pedormed in ihe WasMngWn D.C.Malropalitan area is entilied lo an addilinaal5°�markeip that wiPl he appffed to the[olai ot ap
Sededuled Consumsh{e 1es.
----- - -._ --�------ ----_..�_. _ - -
§N. Vendors,Un9choduled l�RefeHals and Unaeheduled Equipment
______---- — _.__ .. _ --- _ __._ — -----_
iJ.Canlracla�s�096 ouerhead and 1p96 profit(2196)vn'q be added ta the total of all doc�menLd costs Par tlnscheduled Malerials,
Unscheduled Equipmenl,and SubconUacfa�rs I Venda�s(ndudEng DUCTL NVAC a�BELFOR Enviromental Service,)wha are not
tulAmnp a scheduled Cahor ClassificaUon.
2�.Woric performed in Ihe Washington D.C.MetropoUlan area Is entitled In an additlatral 5°6 markssp lhat wi116e appiied In the total ot alI
Vendors,Unscheduled Nl�leriala and Uns�heduled Equlpment invoices.
��, Retmhursables
--- -____ __ _ __-______ _. -
_-- _ _- __------_
1).Conlractors 10°S averhead vn11 be added to the lotal of a!1 reimhursahles.
2).Per dlem raies are 53�per person per day and wili be cha�ged fnr all BECFOR persannel and all subconiracted pecsonnel engaged by
Per Dlem reimhursement Es subJecl to certain fimllaiions reparding deducU'6iEity Bavemed by fhe Inlamal Revenue Service,Code oi
�g08,Sedion Z74(n)(1). Please consuli yrnrc ta�c edvisar on 1he appropriate Ueatmenl ot Ihese costs an your prnJed as fl is our palicy
that any dedudttGty Ilmitation fw fncome tax purposes is Ute responslbility of ihe wsimmer.
3).BELFOR shall he reimhursed far ttavel expenses(airTare,hotsL.2nial ca�s)(or persannet at documented cosls ptus markup(see
ilem 1).
�- - ----_--- ._ __-- - -- _ --- _ �._ _
§y�, Documeot Drying and Reeovery Servicea �
FreCze dryEng�arDes vnll ydnge ftam 540 to 5I5 per cuhtc foot Eased on the wlutne of documenls lo he tlr�ed,ilie type of documenl(6ound or�V
toose psper),and ihe moistum saWraOon.
Other reaovery service che�Hes will 6e determined per}oh,bused an the fallw�iag cele�rant iadors:
•NaWre ot Qamage
•Degree of soot/char
•Matd mnlaminaUon
Be�use ihe type and level of cantaminatlon may vary sa graalty and thus aRect ihe iesulfanl rewvery protoml required,ihese additiartal services
will be quotetl aRer examining a sample af Ihe af(ected dnwmenls.
Tho rJlas wntained'm Ihi6 a�i2tl Mn eidu4iVc 01 fetlCrJi,af8lu and IOClI581¢S Or tlw 4uuII aritl Iho w7ffi aREOaalod n$h Wry�pP��fcdaml.aatu or IocsJ oPP�vals,tanBtnlG.pertnNa.
(�f14C6 911d Nb8f5�II�CfI��O PCf}DIIIFQIW 0�UiC VMOf�L
BELFOR In§1N: Cualomer Iru4al:
Comtract No. C28630
RafaandMaterlalsSchedufe(EYhf�IfA} �ELFp,����
EffectiveDate:pttpher20flT Pno�earrees�rannriorr
Eanfpmartt�ncdptlon Unll Rala Eautamant Oa�crinBoa Un4t Raro
Acwunlin Pp acka e In , rinleQ � Ea 1 Day S 69.00 .Iemme Me[tuty VaparMalyzer _ Ea f Bay S 25250
A�camprusar gasltlectrtc Ea!Oay 5 3T.00 Ladder.24'.34'8 Exfensiun ladders Ea!Oal S 12.5Q
qtrwmFue3sar faw1�!rylnd FslDtry�_..S 776.50 Ladticr�'6�6'7081�2' EalOay S 7.Q0
!W mavr�Jratp�sl hlrnverr En/Oay S 30.40 [�hY tGnonrarv/�emo I Slmid/Sirinof Fa/DaY S 24.50
Besrtcatln tendng t00 teM TO�fl lwfc S 3T.00 tJgpl,Tawer Mot11e(AFSO WT�ecsen En f Day S fs:,50
BlaaUnQ Cldt,AgrflSoda E�!Ray S Gd6.00 Manomci[x �J QaY S ��
Bo6ca1,Smafl Ea!Qey S 388.p0 m�ara�t oar,n enx�n�a�io9�f Ea/Oay 5 �'T.00
Bulfor.F&�ar Ee!Day 5 37.OU ti�9�Raa IPIO) Ea f Day 5 180.00
Cars��ra,IR Ea/Qay S 48D.DF1 Mop 6ueket wilh wrfng� Ea!oay S 2.00
Catpet Cleaninq Mad�inc Ea/Qay S 5250 MSA POssport(Q2,LE6 CO H25) Ea!OaY S 2�6.�D
Car�,EFedmnie Deerntam(naUon En I Otry 5 63.00 Oven Carvoefber Orymg NLl� Ea!Day S 438.50
Carl.T'�flDamaOian F.ts!Osy 5 24.50 Oven.lAacvum Dry'aig Ea(Day S 623.00
Cas�da Bmalhln9 tir Sysfem Es I UaY S 170.00 Osuro Ganeraior Ee!Oay S fZ450
Chemkal Haca Hntmat Ea I Day S 24B.SQ Pe�anal Fall PmSndlon(PFPI� PP I Day S �7.00
ClennfngRoem HEPAflNemd Ea([7ay S 07d.50 PeraatnlPmlacNemEqulpman1�PPE) PPlDm/ S 1U.50
ConCmetl Spa�e EMry Syslem Ea!Day S 208.00 Pcaeors¢I.Respiralary�Ptoledlan(RRP) PP/Da/ S 97.00
Conteirtmant SyWem(tlppet doar) F_u t Oay S 24.50 Persoral5am}da Puntp Ea J Day 5 29.�
Cta�m A-Fra�ae{11any
Ea!oay s t�s►.ao Prona.r�oleu Qce�ael Ea 1 oay S ze.ao
Cmno Ovmheed(2 Tan morwraa 36 iceq Ea!Oay S 774.50 Pian0.0taphrapm 1'Hazmat Ea/Day S 20BA0
Oecon Roam Per Pro�ed S 515.00 Pump Ofaphragm 2",Hmmat Ea 1 Day S 300.R0
��mq���ry��pa En/0ay S 144.00 Pump SumplF�aod Eaf�ay S 34.U0
OchumiQifltatFn�wi Oehumid'der-tS0 chn Ea!�a� S 121.00 F�cnA Trash wilh Hosa.2' Ea!Oay S 138A0
De�umlmilmfian OeleanhAli�-700dm EolOayr 5 2T2.00 dua&lyContrdlat(adanU6cir�4[umenls) EalOay 5 187.50
OoAum&IIIIcal6on OehumlWflor-50NdUadm Eu/Duy S 465.00 Rn�n 2way-Jobellacnmmunicatlaas EafDay 5 24.5a
OetWmWlAr�llan OHwmid�er-T00072250 rlm 6n I Dey S &/230 Raliadnq�mnt Test Deuica Ea I Day S 1D3A0
OdwmfdFfi`atlon,0ehumid�ief-35UacSm EalDay S 1,004.W Resp4atorPAPH Eal�try S 82.50
Oehumfdiflallart Oehumhi�ier-450QSOOFIdm Ea10ny S 1,3�.50 6antlBh.�sier EafDay S 3B.U0
6ebumldikaElar,Dehumid�er-BOONt00U0dm EolOoy S 2.738.50 �er-Ouetless EslDay S 31.00
OahumkHicatlan,0ehumldNlar-75000dm EalOey 5 3,898.� Secv Oamc Eu/0ay S 108AD
Oehum�illiwflae,OahumklKica-1 Ton Spot Cooter Ea/Oey S 1fi1.50 6aw Powet Miftu _ Ea I Day S 4�.�0
Oehumb�9rxatlort odwmldifi�-dXUnu-20e3omn EalpaY S 1�95.50 SeatfWdMg Bakes Eal5edlon S 28.00
Oetwmtdifieatlat,�ehumldiB�-DX UnIC-60 Ton Ea 1 Oay S 2.041.50 Seif-CatnaYled BiesVihsg Apnaralusmtt(5CBA1.30 hQttule Ea/DsY S 144.00
OehumWHimUan OehumkAliix-ChRer 1001a4U0 Tan Fcn/Day S 28.Oa Self-Cenlalned HraalMng/Sp�aratusas(6C9A�.5 th&iWo Ea/Dey S 11350
oenwm�catron.oenumia'�r Aesnreu-2oaazz5oclm Eal�ay S �T2.�0 Scffier Vetiwm EaJOay 3 TI3.00
Oehu�rti�(icallort,pahumid8fet gaa Ored-45W/5000 dm Ha!Oay 5 7,820.00 Smoka Maddnes 1smaN Ea f Oay 5 100.00
OcLumt�lbn,0ehumkliflm,flasOred-900011�9UOdm EalOay S 2,558.50 Sod881este� EalOay S 868.00
Oehumidfir�Yion,Healer-26 KVH Ea J Day S 18D.00 Spanpe Ja!6tnstar Eu 1 Day S 224.50
Oehumt�lar�,Healer-50 KW Ee!pey 5 3se.:� Spange Jef MBWa Clasai�er En 1 Day 8 208.00
Oahumldllw�ort Hoslar-t0U KW Ea/Ouy S 488.00 SPraY 8eelh wilh 2 slnke(oactahle) Eo!Oey S 187.50
Oehumidfieetlart Hmler-15U KW Ea!Oay S 583.00 &p�a rer Abless H.P.(Wagner� Ea l0ay S 81.5D
OahaM�iwOan,Heeter-20�I(W Ea!Oay S '.�.bo Slcam Clenn� Ea!Day S 243.00
DehumMtltealiart,Hseler-40o NtN Ee 1 Oay S 1.328.5u Tool Boz(pohadel Eu!oay 5 24.5D
pehumfdlleetlotl.Heeter-60tt KW Ea f Oay S 1.015.00 Tool Hm�dtng Gtmiga� Per Pro�ed 8 463.6D
OahumWlfiraUon.Hesler-tG�KW Ea!Oay 5 2,138.50 Tool Sa!ElactrimllclecEconlrlmeclwnlc) PPlDay 5 24.50
01 Waler Syatam En I Oay S A0.00 Taol Set,FramaJOamo(pnadoad.saws.e!c) PP1Day S 31.00
OowmetlleUan kQl(d1giNJ camara/pholo P�crJ Ea/Day S BBAO T�Ber Freezar £a!Dey S 155.SD
Oqty/yyry�� Ea!Day S 8.00 hniler Emer�en�y Rcspot�a.Hazma! Ea 1 Dsy S 3Q4.OD
Ory Clcenhrp Unit(partsblc) Ea/Oay 5 113.00 Tnick,Pidwp 314 Ton,4x4 Ea/�ay S 17 8.50
�Ica 91es4erw/MrBasartes Ea/Day 5 873.50 Tcudc 1 Tan 4x4 11flBole Ea/�aY S 1tl5.00
Electilr�l�E�hlbultanfl�AunpPanul) EalDay S 187.50 TruWTrallcr EalOey S 124_50
�¢ctrl�l bE�trlhultan(6phlerBax) Ea/�ay S �5.00 Tn�ck MwNp Ea!Uay 5 15550
Eleart�al Test EqWpmenl(M�qer,HI-Pot,Grountling Cablas) Ea!Day S 412.On Uihasanle 8ath(Fe�ge) Ea!oey S 324a0_
OeeLvnieDelnemitlNieatlonUmlMnnilnBf� Eolpay S 224.50 {lihaeonieHalh(smeli) EnlOay S 187.50
ESD Workstelbn{eledro.stffiIc dlsrhar�e) Ea l 0eY 5 1�.90 URre�nie Dlp Una(1,a00 gaq Ea/Day S 3,365A0
Extenebn Cord Ea I Oey 5 A.50 Uehalatery MaWneRady Vac(ctcam deene� En I Day 5 B7.D0
F�aradlon Unil(parfatNe) Ee/Day S 155.50 Vaewm Cleen Raom Ea!DaY S 154.5U
F�Nadlan Ualt(Truck or 7raier mounl) Ea!�ay 5 567.50 Vaawm.HEPA Ea f DIIy 5 1DOAD
Floor daeNnp syslam(waQc behhdl Ee!Oay S Z37.00 Veawm Upripht Ea 1 Doy i 16.60
FooBer Commereal Ealpay S 112.60 Vaaum WeWry EulOey S 34.00
Foggcr,ULV/Thertrtel(ekdrlc) En/Day S <0.00 Vuhide Pickup.S W or Car Ea!Ds� S 8U.00
Gas DelcUot All PbAa9ums II Ea!pay S 307.00 Vchide,Von 1 wn par 10 pcopk:) Ee J Day S 172.fiD
Generalor(p�tablej EnlOuy S i24.50 Washer "hPtessum(cald) EalDay S 100.90
Healar.�ectric Ee I Oay 5 1L.50 Washcr High Poessu�s(hW) En 1 pey S 124.50
lieater.P�aponelforpetlo Ea I�y 5 55.50 Wet 9an�(porlahlQ) Ea I Qiry S 108.90_
HEPA F91ered Haml Ea 1Oay S 751,50 Warkslalbn(iable diair,UBhI�,ESD) Ea/Duy S 2A.50
HEPA Fatrallon UNt!/Ur&au6ber Ea I Day 5 155.50 x•aey oryer Ea I Dny S 165.5�
HF�A Weter DEsptacemeM IMit Fs I Oay S B:i.SO 7c-R�o _Saparafinn Tank Ea J Dey S 467.50
HVAC Vaeuum 6vstum ���gY � 4���
FNACVldeo/ToafRobol EelUay 5 50A.50
1n eGudr�UNt Eo I Oa� 3 131:00
insulalion Machine En/0aY S !l9.5D
Inn Alr Cleaning S sy_1em Eo 1 Dar S 47.fiU
Jadc Hemmsr Ea I psy 5 a00.00
Tha�atrs mnmined"m Ihis�il are exdusiue ol lndsral.StBIL'7f1O IOWI Lr7I@5 O7 U60187[CS NW ViC C66L51G50CFi1ICC 1YIU1 Uf�/�PP6�W@�8C21Z1.6�0IB Or IO2I a"I�IPIDY'itiS.W AGCIIIL,ryccmils.
6csnse..snd artlers incfdma!to prtKmman�of 1ho wark
tiEL�OR trilial- CustomarlMlkY
Contract No. C2$630
RatflandMaterfalsSchedufe�ExhthPtAJ BElFOR �!�
EtfecfiveDaSc October20Q7 -, -- --rrtar�rtrYacsronnzion
Conauma6lo Dcaedotlon•Chnmiml� Unit Ratn Canaumobia UcseripIInn flnit Ra[n
BEtFOR-hC 74 Atke1'mo Ciaanrr 14 Gai S 34.d0 Dud L�Flat(50�')wfth hag+in9s Ro� S �67.50
BELFOR-ACI2-C WknAne Gaaner t2 C Gal 5 92.50 Drum Poly CW3¢d Tap 15 Galton Ea. S a2.W
&ElFOR-M Nalural CiWs Solvanl Cleaner Gal S 34.�0 Dns�.f�ly Opan Top 15 Ga11on _ Ea. S 45.50
EiELFOR-FN Puspase Cleaner � Gal S �6.SD On�.Stee1 Closod T�.15�,allo� �. S �-�
BELFOEt All Pumose SP�t� GN S 22.5� flium SPeel OPertTop 15 Galm� Ee. 5 3fi.0(1
BEIFOR-Cumal RMan 3 NeuuaC2er Gy S 1�.50 Dnan Polq ElosedTaA 30 Gallan En. S 19.50
HFIFOR-Ca 04C ComWox Ocn�fer o4 C Gal S 73.00 Dnmi Paly Opert Tap 30 Gailon Ea 5 53.�0
BEIFOR-CD 13 Cum�lac Dcrusler 13 Gnl S 114.50 Drttn Steel Clcsed Tap,30 GaAan Ea. 5 46.a0
BELFOR-CIF Cllml�c Leman SeeM O�srs 8 1.f70 Dnim Steel Opan Top 3fl Gallan Ea. 5 47.50
9ELFaR•Ca�eualn�f D�for Counleradnnt 8 Smake EOminaSr f,n! S 3S.D0 Dium Poly Closed Top SS Gallon Ea. S 70.00
BELF4R-EG 12 Eloclmnss Ctem�er Gal S 3A.00 Wum Poly Dpert Top 55 Gefion En. S 76.00
BELF6R-ESE LatretPrufeGion Laqucr Ounce S 17.50 Oium.Steel dosad Tap,55 GaAan Ea. S 55.5D
DEEF6R•Fxtra Otdy Claaner poQFc�er Gel 5 12.50 Dnim Sleet OpenTop 55 Gulkin Ea• 3 67•UO
9EtFOR•FBGrttPfitfldar Gel S 40.F10 Dnmt StcetSalveg0�85G8Hon Ea. S 188.00
BELFaR-GC Gene�al C�eaner Ga1 S 26.00 Dium Poly Ov¢rpach 95 G�allon Ea. S 247.So
BEtFOR-Gtass Ctearter GaS S 6.00 D�um 5teul Ovcrpack,7 70 GaAon Ea S 564.50
BELFOR-HandGaanln�4Yipes Tub S 47.� Dtu�Mesk Ea S 200
BELFOR-Fl001HandQeruster0l Gal S 38.00 FdlerMaletial RaA S St9.50
BECFaR-LemarQi�FwMWmPdish G� S 5.00 FPoar6uR¢sPad Ea S 1250
BEl.FnR•Uauld F.eimdry Dclerpan! Gd S 17.50 Flom Ory f�QQ) 6ag S i5.5o
BELFUR-LP 40 L1ghl Preserver i0 C3a1 S 73.OU Foam 6lodis Ea. S 0.12
�ELFOR-MPP Melal PaGsf�A P�[c Ouncn S 15,50 Foam Sau6Wnr�Pads Pak 5 5150
BElFOR•Mu%4 S ervDeadortxor-Prntetl� G� S 51.D0 C�lov�.Chcm3e31 Rer Parc S 9.50
BELFQR-Meedl4PurposeRes�nomCleaner Ga1 S 1�.50 dmies.Cotleti PecPalr 5 2U0
9ELFOR-NC CR Nodral Cfo�er CR Gal S 722.riD Glovea,Calton Untlernners Pe�P�r 5 a2B
BELFOR-NK Orta Slep Cleanerand Prc.ervv{eiecui�p PiM S 1Zfin Glavea Latex(5�ngieallNlhGs) Baz f00 S 23.50
9EiFOWOCZ40rga�icClcaner2� Gd S 485D Glaves.Leather _ PerPair S 8.00
BEIFflR-6C82 O�ganie Cleanar� Gal S 3Z� Glmin� Nyfan fnspodian Per Pa1r S 0.50
BELF4R-0�Pmsarver Gel S 46.5n HEPA F�i kem Ea 5 27Q.50
BELFOR-Ona S��y Tmtfic FIlm Rnmovcr Gal S 1350 InsuWllon Foot S 0.37
BEl.FOR-O-SW Oi)Blaek(FJed Conlasts Only! Ouncn 5 34.DU ImreMmY Tags Box 3 1249D
BELFOR-PM Pa�sd hfdk Ounm S 5.OD Lock Bc� Ea S A5.50
9ELFOR-FromWm Oieh Daletgemt Oumt 5 8.00 Mop Hauda,Cclfon Ea- S 10.50
BEfFOft-Qvatry 8 Eiaid Til�Clcarwr Gal S 17.W Mop Heada Rayon � � �a�
BELFOR•Rug 6 Upholslary 56ompaa Gal S 22.50 Non�Condud SauGhers.G�eim(I7447) Boz 5 28.00
HELFORSD 02 SulRdn 6atioater Gal S 52.50 Nat-Gaatch[cl&auhhara.Marovn(A96) �ox S 78.59
BELFOR TrdtlEc fl Bonnet Cleanar Gal S 25.00 Non-Contltict Saol�ers Wfilto(68B) 9ax S 4750
9ELFOR-VeEilde d Tr�mspoctaUort Wash Gel 5 15.50 Plesl�Sheet&�9 1 5 mQ(24 x 200) Ea. 5 43.50
BELFOR-WP Wmc Pteservcr Gal 9 78.50 PWstic Shauting 7 mil(20 z i00) Ea S 5250
Clmncr HVAC Cail Gal S 2B.�0 Pleslic SheeWg B m6(ZO x t00) En. 5 a1.5n
fy��qy�ry� Ge{ 5 78.50 Plastic Sheallnp CaNat Pxolector Rap S e1.50
N'drfc Add.Ullra Puro Dusl S /5450 Pmlac(lw SuNs(Add? Ea S 84.50
Roaf Cemanl � Gal S 18.50 PmleWive Sutus(Level A fuEy enr�psutaUng} Ea S 1.57aSo
Soot EncaAs�lant G� S 43.50 PmtenWe 6ufls(PoryPro Asbesto�? Ee. 3 8.00
Soda Soda Blastar Materfd �B 5 35.0� PrvleeUve SuHa(Sarnnex Chnmiml) Ea S 31.00
Tharmo Fag Deadnriznr Gal S 83.00 Pmieelivo 6uils(Tyvek) Ea. S 10.50
Thhner,PaWR�Atneral S Is Gai S 22.50 Red ReaN Papar(200 f1,rol� Roq 5 24.50
ConeuTa6Te DascrtoUon � � R��(�'1 � a �
q��,� Tuhn S 8.00 Reaptr�w HEPA(P106) Ea S 1Q50
Adheslve,Remover Con 5 11 SU Rasplrator HEPA Replawmerri Pancako F9tar Ea. S 8.�
AP�,�m�� Ea. S 5.00 Recplr�tor HEPA+ParUailate Replucomant Flfter Ea. S 38.00
--.___. -
Atm Sleeves,Chnmldl Ea. S 4.00 SatbaM Boom Ea S 67.W
qrym�dcTeatlQt PerTesl S 5.W SarhenlPad 8ale 5 tOf.nD
A6605iGC G10VB 88g
E8 S 39.00 SocbenlPadspndlvWual) Ea S 1Q50
Ba9s MU SlaUc Ea. S 4.00 Sorbenl PRawa Ea. S 25.SU
B�ga Emrirtfnmenlal Trash Bags Ea. 5 3.00 Span�eu(far5panpe let) Bag S 4G.50
Bags Insulation maclrirte Ea. S 37.UU Spong�es.ParUculato Remordl(3/A'x3'x9")___ Ea S 200
Baga,Tra�h Ect. S 0.92 Spray BoWe wArigger Ee. 5 4.U0
g���ay Rotl S 28.00 S4odwoal Eu. S 9.06
Blades,Uema{suw,grinder vAwels,otc) Ea. S 19.50 SweepinB Campound �• 5 0•�
800ts,Chemlcsl PVC Pur Pnk S 45.5o Tape Cteen Room Rdl 5 Z4.50
Baui Covets,L�Icx Pcr Palr S 10.50 Tapie Cuay DuC Rau 5 7.00
Bozes,Book Ea. S 5.f30 Tapa,FNAC(Alumtnum) Ro0 S 30.00
Baxes,Ulah Patk En. S 8.00 Tapq Palnlerc(bhee) Rol1 5 8.00
Boxes S6P Covars Fs. 5 �.00 Tapa PatY 6ox Rap S 3.�
Brady Cards Ea. 5 7.00 Towcls Paper Raq 5 200
8+eaihMg Afr,Type K 9oWe Ea. S 55.5D TSP Cleanur Lb. 5 200
Bnrsfi,Ottpm�fan P�� En. 5 13.50 VnrmfaiBu 8ag S 29.W_
6rush,OisPQrs�an(sm�Il) Ea. S S.flU Wipes CoUon Cialh _ Lb. S S.flO
Brush,SauD(lang hnndle) Ea S 11.5D 44Rpe9 WR Frea Pak S 35.U0
9ivsh,Non Conduc! Ea. S 1aSO 4YIPa.Wlpa M Pak 5 1250
BNShCII�Pipe Ea. S 31.00 Wlpes WafcchuP(ra9S) Lb. S 4.00
Bnishos,INire(large} Ea. S 7.00 4Y�i cs Ptesaturatad lPAlDI Pak S 20.50
Brusnes,Wke(smae) Ea. 5 S.oD wipes 6lantlartl Glnn Raam Pak S 29.W
CaArldaa hASA CombinaGan Eu. 5 18.bD VYtpca Ultra Clean Room Pak 5 fi2.00
Ch.brtde Ouick Test Strips Ea. S 1.25 W�up BublslelMU Stafic Rotl S O4.50
OteposaWo�econlemindlon Ur�l Ea. S d18.U� Wrap.ShAnk Roll 5 59.SU
i lm rates caMained m�hts mdd6it aro exdusive of Tederal.,W�a arttl locrl rales ar usa t�c¢,and Ihe ms�c arssodeieA wiN airy applicable federal,state or Wd appeavals,wnswrts,
parmus,Ikrnscs und arders knaCenl to purfmmnnce ot ihe wnrk
B0.FOR InN�t Curtmnor lMGal'
. ������ �
REQ ALER�CR7 Work A�rthoriz�tion
The following RE�ALERT�cl'tent authorizes BELFOR to proceed:
ff��D�LER'6�Client Narne
represents that they are authorized signors for the hereinafter specified property(andlor its cantents)and
hereby autharize and direct BELFOR USA Group lnc. ("BELFOR") �a pravide aH (abor, equipment and
maferials required to properly repair ttte specified real property, structure or contemts commonly known as
{the loss locat�a�):
Address City State Zip
BELFOR agrees ta perform work as speci�ed under fhe RED ALERTnB Senrlce Agreement executed
betweeR the �ompanies. if a Pre-incident Site Assessment Plar� ([��der the Premium Plus Plan) has
6een agreed to in writing for this location, it will also be part of Ehis agreement and BELFOR wl[I be
authorized to praceed wlth its implerr�entation. BELFOR is authorized to proceed witFi the folkowing work
(or wurk described as aEtachedj:
The undersigned parties agree to fhis Work Aufhorization and BELFOR wilf proceed accordingly,
BELFOR Manager RED ALER'f�Client
/ /
Insuranca Company RED AL.ERT�Plan REq ALERT�No. Date af Authodzation
General Canditions
In the event that Client and BELFOR do not enler into a contract as described above, BELFOR shall invoice Client for all work
perFortned hereunder plus any associated wsts,all i�ac�ordanca with the terms of the RED ALERT�Service Agreement payable
in 30 days.Client agrees to pay BELFOR's invoice.Thls Agreement is not hinding upon BELFOR unless the Client Is in curcent
good sWnding with BELFOR and the terms of ihe RED ALHRT�Service Agreement, IF for any reason the amount due under this
Work Authorization is not paid when dve,BELFOR shaU he entitled to Ns expenses and attomeys fees incurred in the enForcement
of Ihis agreement with interest on the unpald baiance at the refe o#1.59�per manth or the rate prescriBed by law. BELFOR is not
liable for any Public Adjuster fee. In the event of a conilict,the Eertns af ihe RED ALER'i'�Senrice Ag2ement will govem.
185 Oakland Ave.,Suite 30D.8frmingham,Mlchigaa 98009-3433 • 899.421.4111 • TEL 248.594.1144 � FAX:248.594.1133
2AI7 national emergency hotline: 800.856.3333 � www.belforusa.com
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• Power Generation • Temperature Control • Oil-Free Compressed Air
� • • • � � � • �
,,, . ; Rental Solutions That Keep
Yovr Business Moving forward
.:�� is just a phone call away.
"` � We're available all day, every day- 24/7/365.
- � We're local - but have a network of more than
50 service centers to support you.
� Because we're committed to understanding your
needs, you will receive highly responsive, safe,
and consistent service.
�'� �.�
� ��� � Your service� team has in-depth
���,� � �
• We've provided temporary solutions for more
than 40 years.
• We bring unequaled technical knowledge to
the industries we serve.
� To improve your bottom-line performance,
� � we design innovative solutions that increase
�� �� ! productivity and achieve process efficiencies.
�; :.�
You can count on our
. :,-° • Our fleet is specifically designed to satisfy your
immediate and ongoing project requirements.
L. • Our equipment undergoes rigorous preventative
maintenance and is inspected before and after
each assignment.
� Your service team includes certified technicians
� who have received in-house training on all of
`t ��� ,. �� I the equipment available to you.
�� � ��'
� � _ �.
Peace of mind-If your b��id�ng's chiller or HV�1C system
fails, or you need a series of cooling towers to maintain +''"`�';I ►
operations, Aggreko has the solution you need to get your ����` 4`��ti,��� ` �" :
temperature control systems—and your business �" �~ •� � �
—quickly back online. 4 ~ 4 ,:, '��
� t �
Chillers � � � �� � �����
- •Sized from 10 to 1,000 tons � �4 s < +.,
� •Water and oir-cooled chillers availa6le �'
•Enviranmentally friendly
•[om6ine with our oir handierz for ombient temperature
control or HVAC applicotions
Heat Exchangers
low Temperafure Process Chillers •Heat exc6ange area ranges fram 175 to 7,200 square feef
•Modulur design for infinite size requirements `�` •Rated for 35 6nr(500psi)and 500°F
•Copahle of obtoining temperatures as low as—40°F •(an be used to extend ihe operating parometers of pressure
•Water ond air-moled chillers or fluid-related processes
•Can 6e engineered to specific process applimtions •Construded of mrhon and stoinless stee�—choice of moterial
consirudion based on usage;sonitary design ollows for usage
in high-purity applications
Cooling Towers
' � � .+� •Single fowers ranging from 801a 1,500 tons p
�' .��` Spot Coolers
; •Modular caoling towers •One,ihree ond five-ton units
•Multi-tower configurotions producing capacities of •Provides efficient mohile�oolin
�� � 1,200,000 gpm aad ahove 9
•Capncity�an be precisely sized to operatianal needs •Parto6le units are fully instrumented
���`ek4 '�'" •Heavy-duty msters for eose of movement ond hassle-free
Air Conditioners �` instoliation
•Individual unitz(rom 1 to 60 tans
•(npable of over 12,OOO�fm of 45°f air Alr Hpndlers
•Designed to provide 100%cool,fresh air ar •Elecfrically powered and availo6le from S to 150 tans
100%conditioned return air •Up to 400cfm airflow per ton
•Low noise speciol event air conditioners avoiloble •Law femperature version con operate�0 20°F
•(an 6e used in conjundion with Aggreko chillers to provide
�OhUIflldlft0P5 effective oir canditianing
•Desiaant capa6ilifies from 1,000 fa 10,000cfm
•Moisture remaval up fo 969 gallons per day
•(apa6le af reaching lower dew points than • ' • " • • ' " • '
refrigerotive systems
•Fridge-drying pockages also available to 30,OOOcfm
Heaters Pumps,Hoses,Valves,Duct
•Eleciric,fuel,or gas-fired versions available to meet •Variety of pumps designed to work with Aggreko equipment
many requiremenfs •Pumps provide motive pawer for delivering or returning process or caaling woPer
to/from moling tower,chiller,pracess or building
•Airflow rates up to 10,000cfm •Duct is roted fo operate at temperatures up to 250°F
•High temps to 300°F availo6le for space heoting
of strucfures or process heating •Remote ihermostafs can be incarporoted inio most Aggreko equipment
•Can he used indoors
• •
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Anytime, p11yWI1e1'e—Whether you face an emergency �
outage, a planned project, or a surge in demand,
Aggreko can solve your power generation and
distribution challenges with our specialized fleet
of power equipment. `
Container Power
•Sizes range from 500kW fo 2,OOOkW
� ��� � �° ' •Unique synchronizing and laod-sharing mpohilities
,�+ � an mast madels
Minimizes emironmental hnzards ihraugh spill containment ' �'
i , � ;-�� p,
'�L�I[tt{ip4� •
•Sound-uf�enuated fo keep noise level helow 85 dBA
at 50 feet
Load Banks
„N.. GreenPower° ��r�; •Sized from 100kW ro 5,o0okW
•Sized from 30kW to 500kW ' �� �at�` •Up to five units mn be linked and operated from one
`'� � •Prevenis spillage of fuel and engine fluids 6y inmrpornting � confrol panel
' � new odvonces in spill mntainment ����+' •Muhi-6reaker aad plu g st yle mnnectians;weather-proof
•Reduced exhaust emissioas •Uni�s fo 400kW ore mmpoct and partuble,able to fit
•Self-contained generator,fuel supply,and cantrals through door frames
? EnviroTANK
TwinPack Uninterruptible Power �� •250,600,1100,2,300,and 5,000-gnllon fuel tanks
•Com6ines and synchranizes two genernrors to provide , � , � .Dou61e-walled: No passibility of internal fuel spill,even if
� aggreko fully redundont ba�kup power �
;�; the unit is turned over
•Sized from 100kW to 400kW � �.� �:'�.
_ , _��� � •Provides safet y and environmenml protectian
- Super-silenced with very(ow noise emissians af •Meets varying mpacity needs ond minimizes refill rydes
� 48-55 dBA nt 50 feet
•Variety of plug and connedion configurafions
' . — — — . . � — • —
SuperHush Towable Movie Units Distribution:Transformers,Switchgear,Cable
� k •Trailer-mounted with sizes avoila6le up io 300kW •Designed with casters,forklift packets,and lifting eyes for
•Operating sound level of less ihon 48 dBA af 50 feet easy transportation
�� •Variable A(and D(operation •Ponels fram 100 fo 2,000 amps
•Exireme speed and voltage precision •Switchhoards availa6le in 2,000 and 3,000 omps
•Transformers from 7510 6,250kVA
•All are I1L-listed and NEMA 3R ruted
• •
t k
Y "-Y� 4 4,�-'i l�� �4 „z
$ ����'��c i �Y� ,
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We Solve Production Challenges- From developi►,g a Y �' ��' ���� ,,
low-pressure solution to maintain a plant's production � ' � µ. `:"'
to making the wind blow at Mach 3.5 for an aerospace ��' ';:}� �`��r� g� .� ,,
company, Aggreko has the compressed air solution to
���, � ,
keep your project on track. F�
� � �
u, `� �
100%Oil-free Diesel Air
��� •100%oil-free oir oufpuf ��
•Delivers from 800 to 1,S00cfm ot air pressures ta 150psi
•Air discharge temperoture of only 15°F a6ove ambient
•Skid-mounted and forklift ready or equipped with o
wheeled irailer for ease of movement
Refrigerated Dryers
100%Oil-free Electric Air •Sized from 400 ro 10,000cfm
•100%oil-free air aufpui •Capohle of pressure dew point reductions to 38°f
•Delivers from 200 to 1,500cfm of air pressures fa 150psi •Elecfrically pawered,skid-mounfed units
•Air discharge temperatures of only 25°F u6ove nmbient •Suitable for indoor or outdoor operotions
•Step-dawn fransformers uvoilable for 4160V applications
Desiccant Dryers
•Availa6le in sizez from 450 to 5,400cfm
High-Pressure Air •fomes equipped with maunted particulate and oil-removal
•Units are capable af pressures from 150 to 350psi ptefiNers,automatic condensate drains,and down to a.Ol
•Maximum volume capahility of 1,250cfm mi[ron ofterfilfer
•Outlef uir mn 6e affercooled to 15°F ohove ambient •Can reduce compressed air dew poiNs ta-100°F
•Oil-flooded uait ihat becomes oil-free with fiiter pa�k •Affercooling is optional
• - - • • - - • � � - • -
Hoses,Fittings,Manifolds,Auxiliary Fuel Tanks,Air Receivers,
Aftercoolers Pressure Regulators,Electric Boosters
•Delivers maximum mpacities to 3,OOOcfm •1,000 gollon cnpacity oir receiver fanks available
•Air and woter cooled ovoilo6le •Hoses availoble wiih maximum pressure of 400psi
•Can achieve temperotures fo within 5°F of am6ient •Booster accepts up fo 125psi primory air and hoosis it to 650psi;
•Trailer-mounted and skid-mounted optians available hooster oudet air is 25°F a6ove ambient
•Pressure regulotors range is 5 fo 55psi
� • • • • • • �
Aggreko has provided rental energy solutions that go above you receive the right rental solution when and where you need
and beyond industry standards for over 40 years. From over it. With in-depth industry-specific experience, expertise and
50 local service centers in North America and 120 locations personal commitment, Aggreko i5 your number one choice for
worldwide, we have the people and equipment to ensure rental energy solutions.
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' � Arnp�.r<.:,�^r�a:� niot<>r hp I�r�ov,�n � �
� s Am�r-res when kW kri��r�n � � �
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� Am��res�nrnen f:VA known
a__... �
T�ns (Pui-.�� — GPM x 500 x sp.hear x sp.grav€ty x,T Rules of Thumb and useful informption ��
��Tons (,'�ir) = cFm x 4.45 x�h(entF�alpy} • efm/r.orsepow�r ior afr at varlous discharge
72,000 �
I �;ressures:
� �7ons Coo� (S'trucfuref = SurFace area x U factor x�3 � psig cfm�6HP
72.000 � }l�U d-5.0 �
Surface orea x U fattor x�T �25 4.0
'i kW I feat(Str��ctureJ = 3413 � I50 3.H �
�cfm --
Volume x#of required air changes ��� � 9
60 � Desiccar�t drye>de-rate a compressor's
�i cfm x 1.08 x:�T mpacity(cfm) due to purge air re9uiremants.
�w FkeOt 3413 This is iypically about 13-i Si�
a • Ever 20°tem erature dro in s tur t
etu hr Y p P ° °e`�
kw 3d13��� campressed air, 50%of fhe�Nater vapor
concfenses into �iquic�. '
,Tors B���'� • Under averpge conditions, every 100cfm of air
12,000 �
compressed to 100psig procluces 20 gallons of
condensate per day.
�� ���""� ` " • Mostinstrumentafrapplicationsrequire-d0°F
Mukiply By 7o Obtain pressure dew point
VOLUME: • ,4ir-driven aRercool�rs de-�rate a compressur's
capacily �cfm) by about 7°l,
cfm 0.472 liter/second • Moximum entry temperature For most dryers
IiFers/minute 0.2642 gallons/minute pnd planf air system>is 120°F
cubic meter 35.315 cubic feet
• Most plant air systems have an opeiafing
PRESSURE: pressure ranc�ing behveen 90 and 125-
in:mercury 0.4912 psi
in.water 25.4 mm water
psi 27.7 in.water
bar i 4.504 psi
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1388 e312 ' 1203 ', 760 b5o bOl 481 ' 120 ' 87 + �9 : 24 j 18
': 1735 i64U , 1504 ', 950 ' 820 ' 752 601 ', l50 i 1�9 �/ ss 3C '' 23 ,.
2082 1908 ' 1804 1140 ; 9b4 ': 402 722 l80 ' i31 104 + 36 ! 2?
; 2429 2296 ', 2i05 1329 `, 1148 ` 1OS?_ ` 842 ; 21E� � 1�3 `; ]21 42 ; 32
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; 3123 ' 2952 ', 2706 ' 1709 ' 1a76 l3�3 1U83 271 ; 197 � 155 ; 5�1 41
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i ', 27064 17093 ' 14762 ' 13532 ' 10826 2706 � 196$ ; 1So1 ' S41 406 :
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