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To the Honorable City Council
City� of Palm Desert
73-510 Fred Waring Drive
1'alm �esert, CA 92260
RE: Publ"tc Hearing to cons�der remo�'Yug or modifying the ��No G�rocery Store"
restriction at the shopping center located at 72-28q,�red 'VV'aring Drlve. Pu�lic
He�ring Date August 26,ZOIO
Dear Members of the Council:
M�name rs Daniel Saparzadeh and I am one of the four owners af the shopping center
located on 72655-72705 Highway 111 in Pa1m Desert�xrith`V'ons grocery store as the
anchor tenant.
This letter is in response to the proposed change in the use restriction on the shopping
center located at 72-280 �'red 'V�aring bri�ve to a1lo�cxr for a grocery store. The proposed
conversion of the old Mervyrt's store to allow�V'on's to reloc�te to this center�lI ha�ve a
disas�rous impact on the e�zisting Palms to Pines cer�ter where Von's is currentl� located.
Wh�1�fully acknowledging that the closed Me�vyn's store has had a major negati�e
impact on ti�at center, changing the restrictions on the allowed us�s'�vithin that center will
simply trar�sfer the economic irnpact from that center zo otu existing success�ill cen�er.
The econornic Ympact of the potentiai relocation on this e�is�ing center is of major
concem to us and to the entire tenan.t base in the center. The ch�nge in use does not
impact only the'V'on's s��ce. There are 16 oCher smali and iocal famil�o�vned and
operated businesses that will bc dc�astatcd by the relocation. N'ot oi1l��hat, the change
in the use r�strict�on under consideration in cornbination�ith intended future
modification to allow larger grocery stores in th� area will put our site in even more
disadvantage and financial jeopardy,
.I�.st because the restriction was "rnissed"in the due diligence b�the ne�v ovc+ner, doesn't
mean it aoesn't exist. Tt does. The new owner and the realtar sho�uld ha�e been a�cyvare of
it. Conditions of Approvai snd the operating rem�l�tions conta,ined in a project's
��95� SAN VIC�NTf BLVD., 5UITE 200
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approval a�e rn�tt�rs of public recard established b
diligence is the obligation of the purchaser,not the cpublic actran. Adeguate due
sornething was missecl, does no�mean that the error and financ�n;,�np�t hou1�beuse
t.�a:nsferrec�to another e�is�ing�d successful business center�nd to the��li�es
in�ol�ed. They axe a]ready in the city. The �ives ofthose familics and the success of
those businesses shc�uld be seriously considered by the counoii in therr deIib�rations. The
rmpacts to �xisting small businesses would be devastating�.d�e welfare of these
farnilies of the owners ancl t,he employees snould be given the highest prioriCq that despite
the current economical conditions ha�'e been a,b1E keep their doors c�pen and�nrai�ing for
the t�me�t�l things ge��ed a,round.
��r your considera�ion, #he rem.ov� of the restrictio�prohibiting grocery sto�'es at the
�Waning Plaza Center will noi generate new jobs; �e Von's employees�cri.11 likely tr�.sfer
fro�n one cen�er to the other within the city. There can be no doubt, however, �hat the
restriction remo�val �rill cause man�1oca1 families and small business owners at the
Pa1.ms to pines centsr tfl clas�, As to ternporary construEctipn jobs, the Pa1ms to 1'ines
center just underwent a major rcnavation j�t�o ye�.s ago. We have been daing our
The cot�aeiI is resp�etfully requested to d�n�r t,h.e app�ica�ibrn for t�ie removal of the use
res#rict�on. The decision to da so is totall�discretion
impact on e�isting businesses ar�d�vi11 t�arisfe�..economic imp�t from one centernri�e
cit�to anothex at the e�pcnsc of a successfu1 cenier. The change to allow��g�r bro�e
stores in the area wilt have an additional impact causing the cxis�ing center to be at a �
disadvantage in any�'u.t,,r,re. Of ov�rwhel�ning concern, the remo�al of the use restriction
wiIl cause terrible conseq�ences to the sma,11 business and the families impacted by the
changE in the use restriction. This Von store is�ery success�l and#he only reason Vons
p►uch�sed this site�as to eliminate a po�entiai compe�itor to co��an� open a nevu�
grocery store. Tt�as purely a defensive and strategic move by Vons only.
Your considered attention in this matter is respec�i�vely appreciated. Please do not
approve the existing use rest�iction an th�War�n�CEnter Commercial Center.
I can be reache t 31U-442-6QQ�O�ce or my ceC�31-709-7555.
Daniel Saparzadeh,
Managing Membe�
26,Del St,�re Paims �,�,�
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August 26, 2010
The Honorable Cindy Finerty, Mayor
City of Palm Desert
73510 Fred Waring Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Re: Agenda Item XVII B. Resolution 2010-68
Opposition to Removal of Supermarket Restriction at Waring Plaza
Dear Mayor Finerty:
This firm has the privilege of representing the tenants of Palms to Pines shopping center.
Having just been made aware of this matter, I wi11 unfortunately be out of town during the Council
meeting and ask that this letter be made a part of the record.
The tenants of Palms to Pines rely extensively on the traffic generated by the anchor tenant
of the center,Vons supermarket. While Vons has every right to leave the Palms to Pines center in
accord with its own business interests, we have a number of concerns when the City of Palm
Desert is asked to change the use and character of another shopping center in direct contradiction
to its original approval of that center when the result would be trading one empty center for another
in the City.
It is troubling that the City of Palm Desert might change the rules without fair public input
and debate. I understand the staff report was not made available to the public until August 24t",
just two days before your Council meeting. Further, the removal of Condition No. 10 has not been
reviewed by the Planning Commission, which could additionally allow for public input. We
believe a Planning Commission hearing is required to change the conditions of approval.
Significantly, the removal of Condition No. 10 from the Waring Plaza conditions of
approval raises concerns that must be addressed by the California Environmental Quality Act.
CEQA applies to discretionary projects approved by a city (Public Resources Code § 21080).
Waring Plaza was subject to CEQA review in 1991 when it was approved. The scope of the
development then was limited by the conditions of approval imposed by the City to properly
mitigate the impacts of the project. Clearly the debate in 1991, as highlighted in the minutes from
the Council meetings and attached to the current staffreport, reflect concerns of traffic, noise and
other impacts with regards to a supermarket at this site. Removing the supermarket restriction
undoubtedly creates new impacts at this center. These impacts go to the heart of CEQA. Just as
the approval of the project iri 1991 was a discretionary approval subject to CEQA review, so too is
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The Honorable Cindy Finerty
August 26, 2010
Page 2
today's discretionary removal of a significant condition. A supermarket at Waring Plaza will
change the use of the shopping center in a manner not previously reviewed or mitigated under
Staff points out that CEQA will be analyzed when Vons brings back its application for a
57,000 square foot supermarket. However, if Condition No. 10 is removed without CEQA
analysis, any supermarket that complies with the zoning code (up to 50,000 square feet) will be
allowed at Waring Plaza. The discretion of the City will then be significantly reduced. There
may not be an opportunity for CEQA review. Therefore, if Vons changes its proposal to a 50,000
square foot store, the application would conform to the zoning code and the shopping center
revised conditions and public review might be limited. Condition No. 10 in the Waring Plaza
conditions of approval is the critical element of the City's discretion that provides it both the
control over future development and the reason why CEQA must be followed now.
Given the significant impacts to the businesses of Palms to Pines, the lack of opportunity
for public input to date and the failure to comply with CEQA,we ask that the City deny the request
to remove Condition No. 10 from the Waring Plaza conditions of approval.
Robert A. Bernheimer
cc: Jim Ferguson, Mayor Pro Tem
Jean Benson
Bob Spiegel
John Wolmuth, City Manager
Lauri Aylaian, Director of Community Development
Dave Erwin, City Attorney
Michelson, Wilma
From: Jessica Jimenez[jjimenez@naicapital.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:34 PM
To: CityhallMail
Subject: [NEWSENDER] -Von's - Case#PP90-13
Attachments: Palms To Pines Ltr to PD City Council dtd 8-26-10.pdf
On behalf of GT•eg 'Lirronerman please see belotv.
Thank you,
Jessica Jimenez
O�"zce Manager ,�, �,
74-i99�1 Paseo Suite io;3 � �:.�
Palin Desert,CA 9226o z,,, �'-��
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of P�IAi C�pit.al, 1'nc. or lt5 �gents.
�,,�j Please consider the envfronment before printing this message
From: Greg Zimmerman [mailto:gzimmerman@naicapital.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:21 PM
To: 'Jessica ]imenez'
Subject: Von's - Case #PP90-13
To All That It May Concern:
As a supplement to the letter that was delivered by Mr. Robert Bernheimer, I was asked to prepare a letter on the behalf
of certain Palms To Pines tenants, and where possible, obtain signatures. As this was very last minute, I was not able to
obtain 100%, but that is primarily because some businesses required off-site company officers to sign (forthcoming),
others were out of town on vacation and two were closed when i visited. Clearly, it is an assumable fact that a dark
anchor space, ESPECIALLY a supermarket, will adversely affect shop tenants in the vicinity. Thus the points addressed in
the letter are not heavily based in opinion.
I hope that you will not mind if I follow-up with additional signatures in the very near future. Certainly,you are free to
contact me regarding issues at Palms To Pines, or shopping center leasing issues in general.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Greg Zimmerman
Vice President
Retail Leasing/Sales
74-199 EI Paseo Suite 103
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Tel(760)346-1566 Ext. 15
Cel (760 673-9030
1� ' ���i ���� ■5.Q00 Profaaslon�is
�32�s tJfficea
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s�_h��'�7111tTI+Blt,ad F$�i�S�M1iD9v,yAh�ld'WId9. ■268 Ad'allion SF of Prope�iy fufanag�ement
C'.A C�i�� L�cer�s�tt��a€�r+38�ra ■$45 Bii�lon ai�nn ual T�ansaotlon V4lume
�-�Please�consider the environrnent b�fore prinYing this message.
If this einail is with regards to a transaction, inforrn�tion and/or opinior3s expressed herein have been �rc;vided t�y � principal or
princlpals li7 kh�e transacCion, their repr�sentakive or representatfves ar other third party sources, No warrar�t.y as to the accuracy or
compieteness of th2 information and/or opinions or capabi(ity of the ir�divfdE�al providing such informatiafi and/or ppinlons fs
intenderl, Such informaCian and/or opinions shouid be independently investic�ated and evaluated and rn�y not b� a f�asis for liability
oF NAI Capital, Inc. or its ayents.
August 2b, 2010
To: The Honorabie C�ty Counci(
Ci�y of Patm Desert
73-510 Fred Waring Drive
Palm Desert, CA 9226Q
We the small business owners at the Palms To Pines Shopping Center are requestfng
that the City Council d�ny the application for the removal nf the use restriction which
naw prohibits grocery stores at the Waring Plaza Center.
We as small business owners rely on tk�e faot traffic that is generated by the Von's
Grocery store to heip support our businesses. If the Von's stare is allowed to
relocate to the Waring Piaza Center, our businesses wif! suffer greatly.
It is apparent that the Van's Corporation has little or no concern for the remaining
sixteen plus tenants that wili remain in tFre Palrns to Pines Shopp(ng center after
Von's relocates. In addition to the loss of foot tra�fic, the center wrill not be an
appealing piace to shop with the Von`s store clased and an empty parking lot.
We have witnessed severai cer�ters over��re past �aupfe of years lase their major
anchor tenant and the center has suffer�d great�y. New smal! businesses do nat
move into the center and most of'the smaE� b�slr�esses are force to close their doors.
P(ease sincerely consider deny�ng this reqc�est, yc��r��te against thbs request will
te{I the smaCf business awners in Palm �esert that you, as a governing body, are
concerned about our wekfare artd future. Thls approvaR wili not bring new jobs to our
city, but wi!! be instrumenta! �n hurting the existing small business now in existence,
effectively reducing jobs.
In lieu of a future approva{ for PP 90-13, we wou(d ask that council somehow add
language that woutd make it absolutely necessary far Von`s to da everything within
their power to help faci{itate a lease with a replaceme�tt gracer. I think that we've all
seen examples in the past where departing g�racers did the exact opposite, so as to
keep competitors out af the trade area.
Lastly, we merely ask that caunci! take into consideration the future status af the
Palms To Pines sha��ing center and �ts t�r�ants when making this decision.
_ _
Thank you for listening to our concerns and request.
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August 17, 2010 �'"���-� �����T� C�',
�QiO AUG 26 PM 1� 08
The City of Palm Desert
Palm Desert Civic Center
73-510 Fred Waring Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92260
RE: Proposed New Vons
NEC Fred Waring and Hwy 111
Waring Plaza
Honorable Mayor and Council Members,
My name is Andy Weigel, and I am a managing partner for Realty Trust Group. We have proudly owned
the majority of the parcels that comprise Waring Plaza for the past two decades. We are responsible for
managing the common area for the entire center on behalf of the various parcel owners and merchants,
including the largest parcel now owned by Safeway.
I am also proud to have been a full time resident of Palm Desert for 17 years, where our family
continues to own a home and spend much of the winter to this day.
While we were not a legal party to the recent acquisition of the former Mervyns by Safeway, we
positivelv endorse and recommend the citv's full cooperation be given to Safeway in their relocation,
expansion, and improvement of their flagship Hwy 111 grocery store.
Of course we are all aware that your decision tonight will have a direct impact on the future of scores of
merchants, some negatively, but many more positively. Waring Plaza has over two dozen merchants
eager to see the city vote in favor of Vons tonight.
But more than that, what is at stake:
• The future of one of the most visible retail corners in the desert is at stake.
• The future of the lar�est retail vacancv in the city is at stake. (Largest by a factor of 2)
• The challenge of ineeting the chan�in� needs of the marketplace is at stake.
• The encouragement of si�nificant investment, construction, exqansion, and improvement is at
• The opportunity to visiblv improve the�atewav to the citv from the West is at stake.
• And of course,the opportunity to increase taxable income for one of the citv's lar�est retailers is
at stake.
Few merchants in this economic climate are willing to invest, to expand, and to change with the times to
survive as Safeway is wisely asking to do.Those merchants who do so not only survive, but reposition
themselves to better serve their communities. Those who can't are forced to stagnate or simply close
their doors.
Many you will hear from tonight are here out of fear of losing tenants or losing business. We know.We
are truly sympathetic to that, because we too have been there. In the mid 90's this council voted to
allow Desert Crossing to relocate Circuit City across the street from Waring Plaza. We didn't like it either.
Page 2 of 2
Palm Desert City Council
Vons Expansion
The decision was made, it seemed at the time, unfairly, even contradicting a resolution this council
voted on restricting that developer from relocating any existing businesses within the city at that time.
In the short run we were hurt. But in the long run the more important needs of the community were
being met and we were asked to adapt as well. Circuit City needed to double their space and in
retrospect the decision to relocate them better served the community from both centers for the next 15
We survived, we adapted, and we brought in a more appropriate tenant for that space,The Alley, which
has been a real asset to the community. With the encouragement to reposition and redevelop their
center, Palms to Pines West too will survive and adapt and improve as well.
In the end,your decision tonight should not be about preserving the old, but making room for the new.
It's not about what is in the best interest of the few, but what is in the best interest of the community.
How are those decisions best made?The marketplace makes those decisions. Operating at its best, local
governance manages and reasonably cooperates with what the marketplace is asking for.
What is the market asking for?A bigger, newer, better located, more highly visible grocery store. Surely
our city will support this. Surely, if our city doesn't, another nearby city will.
If you want grocery stores in Palm Desert to survive, don't let them suffer the slow death of keeping the
status quo. Please, weigh what the market today, not two decades ago, is asking for. Weigh it against
the voices of those seeking to preserve the status quo which may not be in the best interest of the larger
community. Weigh it, and give Vons the ability to invest,to expand,to survive, and to improve their
service to our community.
To that end, we pledge our support, our cooperation, and our own capital improvement dollars on the
adjoining parcels we own,to see this highly visible corner revitalized and repositioned with the pride of
ownership Safeway is asking you for.
Andrew Weigel, CCIM, CPM
VP Real Estate
Realty Trust Group
Michelson, Wilma
From: Reza Syed [syedreza01 @msn.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:29 PM
To: CityhallMaif
Honorable city council,
I the small business owner at the palms to pines shopping center am requesting tha the city
council deny the application for the removal of the use restriction which now prohibits grocery stores at the waring plaza
we as small business owners rely on the anchor stores like Vons. If Vons moves out of this shopping center Our business
will be highly effected, due to not having enough foot traffic. as we have seen other centers where an anchor store
relocates and how the small businesses suffer greately some do not even manage to stay open.
please sincerely consider denying this reuest. Your support to us will make us feel that you are concerned about our
welfare and future.
thank you for listening to our concerns.
Syed Reza
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Michelson, Wilma ���w����°�D
Pd(.�€ t}£SERT', CA
From: c7761000@aol.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 5:16 PM 20�� A�� �� �M
To: CityhallMail z� 38
Subject: [SPAM]-att.: honorable city council
Ref Public Hearing to consider removing or modifying the no grocery store restriction
at 72 280 Fred Waring Dr.
From Patrick Crofoot, of Crofoot Travel
I am writing you to express my concerns with Vons grocery store's request to amend
restrictions at 72280 Fred Waring Dr. We have been at the Palms to Pines complex going
on 4 years, and moved here for the main reason that Vons brings in a lot of foot traffic
for our office. In that time we have followed all rules of our lease and the city ordinances.
My understanding is that Vons has purchased the old Mervin's building with the purpose
of moving to that location, breaking their contract where they are currently. I find it
very bold and self rightous to purchase a building which has a no grocery store restriction,
expecting the city to amend or remove that restriction. It was obviously put into place
for a reason. They have no regard for the other small businesses that have opened at Palms to
Pines based largely on their draw to bring in the public and generate business. If it were
at a time when their lease obligations were expiring it would be more understandable. But
they wish to break their promise and agreement and then expect the city to ammend its
own restictions to placate them.
I hope the city council would stand up for the small business owners that have kept their
contactual agreements and make Vons do the same.
respectfully submitted �
Patrick Crofoot
Crofoot Travel
72695 Hwy 111 A7 Palm Desert