HomeMy WebLinkAboutPurch Fertilizer for City and Desrt Willow Resort CITY OF PALM DESERT STAFF REPORT REQUEST: APPROVE PURCHASE OF FERTILIZERS FOR THE CITY OF PALM DESERT AND THE DESERT WILLOW GOLF RESORT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $276,998.21 FROM CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES, SAN JACINTO CA. SUBMITTED BY: Catherine Walker, Senior Management Analyst Spencer Knight, Landscape Manager APPLICANT: Crop Production Services 801 S. Grand Avenue San Jacinto, CA 92582 DATE: September 23, 2010 CONTENTS: Bid Proposal Recommendation By Minute Motion: 1. Approve purchase of fertilizer, in an amount not to exceed $276,998.21, from Crop Production Services; 2. Reject the bid proposals submitted by High Tech Irrigation, Simplot Partners, Turfmaker Inc., Imperial Sprinkler Supply, and Foster Gardner as non-responsive; 3. Waive any irregularities. Backqround On August 26, 2010, the City Council rejected all bid proposals received for the purchase of Custom Blend Fertilizers (RFP A) and the purchase of Custom Blend Fertilizers (RFP B) for the Desert Willow Golf Resort. In an effort to increase competition in the bidding process, secure a full complement of responsive bids, and take advantage of economies of scale that may be realized through increasing the scope of the project, staff procured new bid proposals in concert with the annual Public Works fertilizer bid process for the 2010/2011 fiscal year. Staff Report Fertilizers for the City of Palm Desert and Desert Willow Golf Resort September 23, 2010 Page 2 of 3 The bids were opened on September 14, 2010, with a total of six bids received. The Request for Proposals (RFP) incorporated the solid, liquid, and soluble fertilizer needs of both the City of Palm Desert and Desert Willow Golf Resort. This required significantly larger and varied sums of fertilizers from those requested in the initial Desert Willow RFP process. The lowest responsive bidder to the City and Desert Willow's joint effort is approximately $3,000 less than the bids received for Desert Willow's earlier RFP of smaller scope. A number of bids received were non-responsive. Imperial Sprinkler Supply and High Tech Irrigation failed to bid on all line items, and failed to acknowledge receipt of the addenda as required in the RFP. Turfmaker, Inc. and Simplot Partners also failed to acknowledge receipt of the addenda as required in the RFP. Finally, Foster Gardener bid had a product irregularity and required a product substitution. Foster Gardener failed to submit the request for substitution five days prior to the bid opening for review and approval by staff as outlined in the RFP. The proposed product is not an acceptable substitution. Com an Location Bid Amount Im erial S rinkler Su I Palm Desert, Ca $ 43,162.11 Non-res onsive Hi h Tech Irri ation Palm Desert, Ca $ 183,783.59 Non-res onsive Foster Gardner Coachella, Ca $ 225,860.56 Non-res onsive Cro Production Services San Jacinto, Ca $ 276,998.21 Sim lot Partners Palm Desert, Ca $ 288,984.22 Non-res onsive Turfmaker Inc. Chula Vista, Ca $ 299,584.06 Non-res onsive Crop Production Services comprehensively addressed all line items in the submitted Vendor's Proposal and met the submission requirements as outlined in the RFP. There is one product irregularity; however, staff believes that the smatl deviation in the compound can be dealt with during the product application process to the turf. Staff recommends waiving the irregularity and approving the purchase of fertilizer, for both the City of Palm Desert and the Desert Willow Golf Resort, from Crop Production Services during fiscal year 2010/2011. Fiscal Analvsis The actual quantities of the fertilizer purchased for Fiscal Year 2010/2011 will be on an as needed basis dependent on many factors directly related to the turF and soil conditions. G:\rda\Cathy Walker\Word Data\SKDWCustomFertilzer BlendB2010.doc Staff Report Fertilizers for the City of Palm Desert and Desert Willow Golf Resort September 23, 2010 Page 3 of 3 The City of Palm Desert Landscape Manager and the City of Palm Desert golf course superintendent are responsible for the determination of the application and use of the fertilizers. No appropriation is required; funding is available in the current budget. Submitted By: � � �l2 ��/l�f�"//7 �(�Gt cSi nc� Ca erine Walker, Sr. Management Analyst Martin Alvarez, Redevelo m Man�er � p ����� �G�� Sp ncer ni Lands pe Manager CITY COUNCILA�2`fION Department Head: APPROVED - DENiED RECEIVED .�- ----OTHER..�.. -..--- � MF,ET G DA — AYES: � 1 in McCarthy edevelopment , , 1�OE5: • AF3SENT: �n A13STAIN: �� � � roval: VERiFIED BY: , ,.�� Original on Fite with City rk's Offico Paul S Gibson, Finance Director Jo n M. Wohlmuth, City Manager G:\rda\Cathy Walker\Word Data\StfDWCustomFertilzer BlendB2010.doc r..._,Y`""'r / , �� � �_ REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR THE CITY OF PA1.M DESERTlDESERT WILLOW GOLF RESOR�' FERTILIZER PURCHASE —ANNUAL BASIS FOR F{SCAI. YEAR 2010/2Q11 City of Paim Desert 73-510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 346-0611, Extension 415 September 3, 2�10 G.V2da�Cathy Wa1ke�1Ward Da[alFerlilizecDoc TABI_E OF CONTENTS Natice of inviting Sealed Proposals.......................................................................3 Instructionsto Bidders...........................................................................................4 Vendor's Proposal.................................................................................................8 Bidder's Information ............................................................................................11 Appendix A (Fertilizer Specifications)...................:..............................................12 Page 2 NOTICE UF lNVITING SEAL-Ef3 BfC?S PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Palm Desert invites sealed proposals to purchase FERTILIZER for the City of Palm Desert and the Desert Willow Golf Resart. The City will receive the proposais in the office of the City Clerk up to the hour of 3:00 p.m. on Tuesda the 14`h of September, 2010, at which time they wili be publicly opened. Request for Proposal packets are available at City of Palm Dese�t, Department of Public Works, located at 73-510 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, CA 92260. It is the responsibility of the bidder to see that any bids sent through the mail have sufficient time to be in the hands of the City Clerk prior to the bid closing date and time. The receiving time at City Hall will be the goveming factor on acceptability of bids. Electronic or telephone bids will not be acceqted. Bids must be prepared on the approved proposal forms and submitted in a sealed envelope plainly�marked on the outside "SEAI.ED BID FOR FERTILIZER PRODUCTS — DO NOT OPEN WfTH REGULAR MAIL." Bids should be addressed ta Office of the City Clerk, City of Paim Desert, 73-510 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, California 92260. The compiete proposal packet includes: 1) Vendor Praposal; and 2) Bidder Information forms. All forms must be fully completed and submitted for the proposal ta be considered responsive. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof, and to take ail bids under advisement for a period of sixty (60) days. Requests for additional information should be directed to Catherine Waiker, Senior Management Analyst, (760) 346-0611, Extension 415. BY ORDER OF the City Council of the City of Palm Desert. Dated this 1 St day of September, 2010. RACHELLE D. KLASSEN, CiTY CLERK CITY OF PALM DESERT Page 3 INSTRUCTtUNS TC1 BlDDERS The City of Pafm Desert is currently soliciting bids for the purchase of FERTILIZER for both the City af Paim Desert located at 73-510 Fred Waring Drive, Paim Desert, California, 92260 and the Desert Wi{low GoV# Resort bcated at 38-995 Desert Willow Drive, Palm Desert, California 92260. Successful bidders should complete the Proposal Specifications and Bidder Information forms and submit in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside "SEALED B!D F�R FERTILIZER — DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL." The proposal is due in the office of the City Clerk no later than 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 14, 2010. Proposals received after that time will not be accepted. Form of Proposal. The proposal must be made on the form of Vendor's Proposal, which is included in the Contract Documents and must be completely filled in, dated, and signed. If provision is made for alternatives, they must all be bid, unless otherwise provided in the Special Provisions. Bids must be submitted on ali items and schedules included in the Contract Documents. FAILURE TO BID ON ALL ITEMS AND SCHEDULES MAY RESULT IN THE B!D BEING REJECTED AS NON-RESPONSIVE. Documents and Saecifications. The specifications attached are a sample of various common and custom blend fertilizer products used at tf-�e Desert Willow Golf Resort and by the City of Palm Desert, but is not all inciusive of the total fertilizer blend products, which may be required. The common anc� custom blend fertilizer products requested are at the sole discretion of the golf course superintendent/the City Landscape Manager, and are contingent on several underlying conditions, such soil analysis, temperatures, vegetation, etc. Fertilizers with specific characteristics are listed in Appendix A (refer to page 12). Ferti�izers not listed in Appendix A are left to the discretion and professionai expertise of the of the bidder. License. To be considered, a potential bidder must have the appropriate license required under provisions af the California Business and Professions Code for the work covered in its Proposal when its bid is submitted. This includes a joint venture forrned to submit a bid. Additionally, the Vendor must possess a current City of Palm Desert Business License or provide proof of exemption. uantities. This contract will be an open purchase order for a specific amount strictly for fertilizer products for both the City of Palm Dese�t and the Desert Willow Golf Resart. The actual cost of the purchase order shall be based on actual purchases, but shall not exceed the total price of the bid and open purchase order. No obligation shall be borne by the City of Palm Desert and the Desert Willow Golf Resort for the full price of the bid without actually purchasing the fe�tilizer. All payments will be made within the terms of the vendor's purchase Page 4 agreement and the account will be maintained in good standing by the City of Paim Desert and the Desert Willow Golf Reso�t. Please complete pricing for ail items listed, so an accurate price comparisor� can be made. Please give as much detail as possible so that each bid can be propzrly evaluated. lnter�retation of Doeuments. Discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities, and requirements likely to cause disputes between trades and simi{ar rnatters shall be promptly brought to the attention of the CITY, in writing, and to the attention of Catherine Walker, Senior Management Analyst. When appropriate, Addenda will be issued by the City of Palm Desert. No communication by anyone as to such matters except by Addenda affects the meaning or requirements of the bid documents. Addenda. CITY reserves the right to issue Addenda to the bid documents at any #ime prior to the time set ta open bids. Each potentiai bidder shail leave with the CITY its name, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address for the purpose of receiving Addenda. CITY will cause copies of Addenda to be mailed or delivered to such names at such addresses. To be considered, a Vendor's Proposal must list and take into account all issued Addenda. Bids. to be acceptable must acknowiedge receint of al_I Addenda. Bids. Total Price Bids are required for the anticipated annual total fertilizer required. The amount of the bid for comparisan purposes will be the total of all items. In case of discrepancy between the item price and the total set forth for the item, the item price shall prevail, provided however, if the amount set forth as an item price is ambiguous, unintelligible or uncertain for any cause, or is omitted, or in the case of unit basis items, is the same amount as the entry in the "total column," then the amount set forth in the "Total" column for the item shall prevail. The evaluation of bids and award af contract shall be the exclusive decision of the City. The City reserves the right to award separate schedules to separate bidders, or all schedules to a single bidder, based upon the lowest responsible, responsive bid. Approval of Purchase. Approval by the City Council at a meeting regularly called and held, of a Vendor's Proposal authorizes the City to purchase the custom fertilizer blend up to the total bid price, on an as needed basis. The City shall mail or deliver to the lowest responsible bidder the Notice of Award of bid acceptance. City's execution of the purchase order is contingent upon Bidder's submission af all documents required of Bidder. (. ualifications of Bidders. No award will be made to any bidder who cannot give satisfactory assurance to the City as to their own ability to carry out the terms of the purchase order, both fram a financial standing and by reason of previous experience as a vendor on work of the nature contemplated in this request for proposal. The bidder rnay be required to submit its record of work of Page 5 simiiar nature to that proposed for this bid, and unfamiliarity with the type of work may be sufficient cause for rejection of bid. Government Code Section 4552• in submitting a bid to a public purchasing body, the Bidder offers and agrees that if the bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body a!I rights, titie, and interest in and to ali causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section)* or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 commencing with Section 16700) or Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials, or services by the bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the awarding body tenders final payment to the Vendor, without further acknowledgment by the parties. *15 U.S.C.A. Chapter 15 Reauests for Information (RFI1. In the event of a request for information regarding bidding infarmation, all requests must be sent to the City's Representative, attention Mrs. Catherine Walker, 73-510 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, CA 92260, telephone number (760) 346-0611. All requests must be in writing and delivered or mailed to the above location. Faxed RFI's are not acceptable. All RFI are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7, 2010. Brand or trade name-Substitute of eauals. If a potential bidder believes he knows of an equal to a specified brand or trade name which is not mentioned in the Request for Proposal (RFP), then such potential bidder shall advise the City's Representative of such fact in writing giving all relevant information, no later than 5 calendar days prior to bid opening. The City shall promptly determine whether the substitute is equal in every respect to the item specified, and approve or deny the request accordingly, and shall notify the vendor of the determination made, in writing of the decision. Unless the request is granted, substitution will not be permitted. Pricina of products. It is beneficial to the bidder to provide pricing on all items so that an accurate price comparison can be made. Please provide the item's list price and discounted pnce. Failure to provide the requested information may be considered non-responsive and result in disqualification of the proposal. Additionally, as part of the proposal review, a comparison will be conducted between prices offered on the bidder's retail site and the proposed bid prices. If the bidder does not have a website please provide a retail price list with the bid. Note, that the award of the purchase order is based on a number of criteria including price, and the bidder's ability to pravide the requested products timely manner. Bidders should base their quote on the best available pricing to Page 6 the City af Palrn Desert rather than on a tiered basis or pran, as the purchase order wili be awarded based on the quotes submitted. This is a non-exclusiv� purchase order, and serves only to salect the primary provider of the �ertilizer's for the City of Palm Desert and the Desert Willow Golf Resort. The City reserves the right to purchase frarre other vendors as necessary. Delivery Method. The Solid Fertilizer product must be palletized and delivered in 50 pound bags or less, and the Soluble Fertilizer must be delivered in 25 pound bags or less. Page 7 VENDOR'S PROPOSAL FOR CUSTOM BLEND FERTILIZER FOR THE CITY OF PALM DESERT AND DESERT WILLOW GOLF RESORT Totai bid amount is for the delivery, all taxes, freight, materials, incidental expenses, and direct and indirect costs associated with providing the Fertilizer tolfor the City of Palm Desert and the Desert Wiliow Golf Resort. ***For alf compositions — The elemental composition can be two percentage points either side of the specification (+ 2% pts. nr— 2% pts.), except for when the elemental percentage points wauld be a zero value*** Please refer ta Appendix A for Fertilizer Specifi_cations Descri tion uantit Unit Price Totai Price Salid Fertilizer - _._—�_ _.__----_---- . ' � 80 tons `'�' �, o-o-z2 �, � C(�o`� r� g Zi ��'° � ��,N 24-4-8 (controlled release) 39 tons p��.% 3 �j �Z �' � �''' �-/____--------- 18-4-9 80 tons �S��' �,l.� V��y `�" � i w u�. 15-15-15 24 tons �, ZS'-� / S ��� �'� i 21-7-14 24 tons C� r�°�= ��-, �q-� `� T ri � �-0 (controlled release poly 5 tons � ��-�� 4 0-�s L� coated) T� i 16-6-8 4 tons r�j (�U�-- Z� 4oc� °.� (r' ��+ 18;13�0 with barricade 7 tons ' � 4f � ( > � /� r,, �,.3 7_b_----- __ 15-0-0 (calcium nitrate) 3 tons Z�3�N (� 3 6 s `— Page 8 ��ccan�i P�ge c�f Adder�dum r 21-0-0 {amrnr�nium sulfiate) 5 tar�s „ i � 3 l��"`��, /`� L'�----� �Prill�� Gyps�m 5 tons � o.� �, � I Z l�C��.N / 3�� i Soluble Fertilizer ^ —� i �"— _ _ 16QQ ibs. ��. -----i 6'23-8-1 t3 � I _____..______._____�____ ___._____. 1�t v�� ( ��`�U° --i � 2D-20-2t1 � 16001bs, '{ U ; � ��Zf� ► � 3Z "' � ', f0 �__�______. ,_._-_______.____._.._ _____ _ . __._._ __..._.___.�,____ _________.,.._._._�_._ - � `15 'JO.�.._ _.__� �gOO 9bS. „ � . i�,/� � ,vS-��- � Liquid���ertilizer Products � g..g_g 4600 g�llt7lls ��- c,,, � i � •3��9� �'� 3�z � � , AN 20 46QQ g�ifons � t � � � � r.¢3�y I , �,, s—�s� ; . � _.__.__ _..__ _.____.___.______e___,__.______�_____..._____.__.__._____._____ -_..____�.______._ ___._____--__--__---__. _�,___ I 10-0-10 4600 gallans , � LI � Z.6c� �I � �t7� , , � �_ ___________ ________._.___________�____.____,_._._� _______�____.._ __._ __.______.___ _.___ � ury �a 2�aa ��i�o�,� � � .99�1y� �� v4�¢ ' � _ � _._. I Ti�e tatai bid price is ba�ed on anticipa�ed annuai purchase of the specified products no#ed above, purchased incr�mentally through-out the fiscal year, A purchase order wilt be i�sued fc�r the anticipated cost of the bid; however, the abligation of the City of Palm Desert and the Desert Wiiiow Goif �tesort wiil iae laas�d soi+�ly on the actual prvducts purchased, The �ity of Palrr� �eser� reserves the right #o purchase additianaM quanti#ies of �ach product, �n an annount n+at to exceed 25 percen# Qf#he #ota! quantity listed P�c�e � in the Vendar's Proposai; at same unit price outlined in the Vendor's Praposal. If the additional quantity purchased exceeds 2� percent of the tist quantity the City wil! have the abiiify to renegatiate the Vendor's unit price. MATERIAL BID PRICE � �-�� �C� p� DELIVERY COST (assume 8 deliveries) $ � .`'c(`'��� SALES TAX C - ���� $ ZZ� �= TOTAL AMOUNT 4F BID IN FiGURES $ �2.7 G� 9 9 f� . `Z- 1 TOTAL AMOUNT OF B!D IN WORDS � /].� � 5���..� �i�c ���s�.�...�� !J �,.�� �����•�� lU��e� ��y��F j�G��i�,2s [,.c.�cs ��JrcY C � �u� ( u..►t►.v'�y O NQ �-�cN 1i. IN WITNESS ER OF CONTRAC,�' R exe uted this proposa l as o f da te se t fo rt h o n P a g e C-1: � B : � G�� � y Signature (Must Be Notarized) Title: ��-( �'S ��`"� Contractor Page 10 State of California } } SS. County of Riverside } On�ENiC3�`R l3 2od a , before me��R� �����T , a Notary Public, personally appeared ��nc� i�C�x' _, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(�►) whose name(�) is/arc- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowiedged to me that he/s�ey executed the same in his/MeFkf°re'rt authorized capacityFies), and that by his/hzrlttleir signature(s} on the instrument the person(�j, or the entity upon behalf of which the persan(�acted, executed the instrument. I ceRify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the faregoiny paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official sea1. � *�.�:i� �,��s�.�.ea,a��s����c���.r �r- � ��,.���, �����°A,���.,'� 2�L5 9yf�, :� �gP� . �4d4tit3'%1�1,A$Y�Na i�AfY6flS7#N £di � � � �� � �til`��ta.�f l 1 +lY �. Signature �:. , �w c��, r�, 4��t�+ ::�r�7f � ����� � ����s �.. Page 11 BlDDER'S lNFORMATION The undersigned has care#uily examin�d the documents pertinent to this Request far Propasal (RFP) and hereby offers and submits the abave price in c�nsideration c�f the Propasai Requirements, attached hereto and a part of this offer and proposai. w Company: �.�R�P /� �c, ;�� �P.-� .c.Ps , Authorized signature: ` 7 ` Contact Name (please print): ���� `���'�" Title: �� �S `�A� individual, Partnership, or corporation: �.G r,po �-'��a� g a � S' . �'��� I�-e . Address: c;ty: �,� ��.�,,�� c� Stata, Zip: �zs��Z- Telephone: qS I � S4-�3 a � F,�c: �s � ��4 -��`z 3 E-maii address: �ab r�e�`I�- c�. cuS �4 •�.� • �°"� Date: �� /v Number af Addenda � - Page 12 APPENDtX A ***For all campositions — The elemental compositian can be two percentage points either side of the specification (+ 2% pts. or — 2% pts.), except for when the elemental percentage points would be a zero value*** Fertilizer Specifications: 0-0-22 (80 tons) Sulfate of potash (K20} 14.5% -20% Calcium 7.5% - 10% suffur ThCa organic complexing agent Soil penetrant-wetting agent Micro particle size SGN 80-100 24-4-8 (32 tonsl 15.43% - 18% Nitroform and Nutralene Methylene urea 6% - 8% ammoniacal nitrogen 2.6% - 4% urea nitrogen 4% - 8% available phosphate (P205) 8% - 12°/a Soluble Potash (K20) 8% - 12% Sulfur(S) 3.5% - 5% Iron 0.2% - 0.6% Manganese Monoammonium Phosphate Ammonium Sulfate Sulfate of Potash (Continued on next page) Page 13 Iron sucrate /iran oxysulfate Manganese Oxide Mini-prill SGN 145-160 18-4-9 (80 tonsl 11% - 15% ammoniacal nitrogen 7% - 9°10 nitrate nitrogen 9% - 12% Monoammonium phosphate 4°/o - 6% Sulfate of potash 5% - 7% sulfur(S) 5°/a - 7% iron (Fe) Ammonium nitrate Ammonium sulfate Iron sucrate 15-15-15 (24 tons) 6% - 8% nitrate nitrogen Sulfate of potash 21-7-14 f 24 tonsl 6% - 8% nitrate nitrogen Sulfate of potash Soluble Fertilizer 28-8-18 t1600 tbs.) .81% - 2% ammoniacal nitrogen 4.56% - 8% nitrate nitrogen Page 14 22.63% - 24% urea nitrogen Ammonium phosphate Patassium phosphate Potassium nitrate 20-20-20 (1 fi00 Ibs.) 3.98% - 5% ammoniacal nitrogen 5.90% - 8% nitrate nitrogen 10% - 12% urea nitrogen Ammonium phosphate Potassium nitrate Ammonium nitrate 15-5-30 (�soo Ibs.1 2.82% - 5% ammoniacal nitrogen 12.18% - 15% nitrate nitrogen Potassium phosphate Potassium nitrate Ammonium nitrate Page 15 � �y G���� p£ 5�,� �� M��,; � ����Si �"�� p, 5� 9 k�� S�^� a C�TY OIF PALM DESERT ADdEND�lM NO. 1 REQUEST FOR I�RC3POSA�S €RFP) FC3R THE CITY C�F PALM DESERT/DESEF�T WI�L{)W GQL.F R�SORT FEi�TILizER Pl9RCHASE-ANNUAL BASIS �tJR FISCAl. YEAR 2010-20'!1 Sept�mber 8, 201t1 7C7 ALL P�tC?SPECT9VE BlDDERS: The followirag section of the RFP for Professional Services fiar the City of Pai� Desert/Desert Wiilow Goif Resort Fertifizer Purchase-Annual Basis has beer art�end�d anc� is hereby incor�arated in the attach�d amended documer�t, Wh�n ar�y cc�nflic:t exi�ts, t�re ir�formation in Adder�dum No. 1 su�ersedes the R�P issued for prop�saf on September �, 2010. t. Th� requested Solubie Fertiliz�;r qtia�tities h��� besn amended. Plea�e excha�ge the S�cond Page af this add�ndiim (P�ge 9) #�r Paqe 9 af the origen�l RFP pack�t. Ti�e Secc�nd �'�ge reflec#s the new qu�ntiti�s below. � ,�ol�abie l��rkilizer 2�-8-1#� N�w Q�aantity = 160Q )bs 2Q��2C?-20 f�l�w Quantity = 16(7�7 Ibs 15-5-30 New Quantity = ��(30 Ibs. ��l�.�S �!�m y R II� � Y ` r CNTY C)F PALM DESERT ADDENDUM NO. 2 REQUEST F+C)R PR4PqSALS (RFP) FOR THE CiTY OF PALM DESERT/DESERT WILLOW GOLF RESOFtT FERTlL1ZER PURCHASE-ANNUAL BAS1S FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 September 9, 2p10 TO ALL PRCISPECTIVE BIDDERS: The foliowing section of the RFP fnr Prafessianal Services for #he City of Pairn Desert/Desert Willow Golf Resort Fertilizer Purchase-Annual Basis has been amended and is hereby incorparat�d in the attached amended dacument. When any conflict �xis#s, the information in Addendum No. 1 and Addendum No. 2 supersedes the RFP issued for prapos�! on September 3, 2010. �. t�ne nf the requested Solid Fertifizer descriptions has been amended. Please use the amended description when fiNing in the Vendor's Propasal, and �Iso indicate the change an your submitted Vendor's Propasal. Gurrent Description 18-15-0 (with barricade) 7 tons AMENDED DESCRfF�TION 18-5-0 {with barricadej 7 tons