HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthern California Association of Governments (SCAG) General Assembly - April 4-5, 2012q&b a-3 Act
'cityclrk@ci.twentynine-palms.ca.us'; 'nshollenberger@ci.sierra-madre.ca.us'; 'ssmith@lakeforestca.gov';
'gsnyder@holtville.ca.gov'; 'jsoriano@cityofdhs.org'; 'maria.stewart@smgov.net'; 'cityclerk@tustinca.org';
'chuckstorey@imperialcounty.net';'msutterfield@cityofblythe.ca.gov'; 'clacroix@covinaca.gov'; 'Itamura@citymb.info';
'cityclerk@palmsprings-ca.gov'; 'shanvey@ci.beaumont.ca.us'; 'stilton@buenapark.com'; Tomita, Dawn; Henry Graham,
Jr.; 'ytrippy@lagunawoodscity.org'; 'sunderwood@hgcity.org'; George Mirabal; 'kvinson@murrieta.org';
'kward@danapoint.org'; 'acrdepartmenthead@asrclkrec.com'; 'cob@sbcounty.gov'; 'cschaffer@weho.org';
'cwestling@ci.fillmore.ca.us'; 'mwirtes@ci.ontario.ca.us'; 'wyamaguchi@ci.vernon.ca.us'; 'info@lhhcity.org';
Subject: Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) General Assembly Delegates and Alternates
Dear City Clerks:
Southern California Association of Government (SCAG)'s General Assembly will be held April 4-5, 2012 in Los Angeles,
CA. Each year our member cities select a delegate and/or alternate to represent their city and participate at this annual
meeting. If you have not done so already, please send a copy of your city's action in appointing a Delegate and/or
Alternate for SCAG, as soon as possible. The delegate and alternates (if attending in place of the delegate) are also
required to submit a FPPC Form 700, Statement of Economic Interests to our office. You may use the same form filed
with your city, however they must add SCAG in
Box 1. These forms may be mailed, faxed and/or scanned and e-mailed to me.
The Statement of Economic Interests forms are available on FPPC's website at http://www.fppc.ca.gov/forms/700-1 1-
12/Form700-11-12.Pdf. and must be filed with this agency no later than April 1, 2012.
If you have any questions, please feel free in contacting me
Thank you,
04 Sa(iato
Officer to the Regional Council
818 West 7th Street, 12th Floor I Los Angeles, CA 90017-3435
o: 213.236.1993 1 f: 213.236.1816 1 e: salcidonscag.ca.gov
Stay Connected
Don't miss SCAG's Regional Conference &
General Assembly, April 5, 2012, at the
Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles.
Register now at www.scag.ca.aov/aa2012
Klassen, Rachelle
From: Michelson, Wilma
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 11:11 AM
To: Klassen, Rachelle
Subject: FW: Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) General Assembly Delegates
and Alternates
Attachments: ConflictOflnterest002.pdf
For agenda of Feb. 23?
From: Debra Salcido [mailto:SALCIDO@scag.ca.gov]
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 9:50 AM
To: 'akanam@accessduarte.com'; 'mayra.a Ica la@cityofmaywood.org'; 'landal@anaheim.net'; 'townclerk@yucca-
valley.org'; 'townclerk@yucca-va I ley. org'; 'manderson@lagunabeachcity.net'; 'eandrews@sgch.org'; 'clerk@ci.irvine.ca.us';
'mascencion@ci.port-hueneme.ca.us'; 'aatkins@ci.monrovia.ca.us'; 'cavalos@sogate.org'; 'aavila@baldwinpark.com';
'BaadeJ@san-clemente.org'; 'cherylb@ci.brea.ca.us'; 'dbarron@montereypark.ca.gov'; Jbarrows@ci.arcadia.ca.us';
'dbasham@ci.cypress.ca.us'; 'basore@ci.ojai.ca.us'; 'cbates@ci.victorville.ca.us'; Jan.bates@ci.corona.ca.us';
'dbauchop@bellflower.org'; 'alma.benavides@cityofbrawley.com'; 'kbennett@cityofinenifee.us';
'mbenson@ci.moorpark.ca.us'; 'aberry@ci.eastvale.ca.us'; 'd beta ncu r@ pico-rivera.org'; 'I brown@ newportbeachca.gov';
'mbrown @yorba-linda.org'; 'gbryan@cityoflancasterca.org'; 'receptionist@cityofcudahyca.gov'; 'pocamb@lomalinda-
ca.gov'; 'mcalderon@ci.banning.ca.us'; 'dcaldwell@cityofelcentro.org'; 'mcampos@ci.burbank.ca.us';
'laurie.carrico@westcovina.org'; Gene Rogers; 'echavez@ci.san-fernando.ca.us'; 'Ichikami@paramountcity.com';
'eclark@ci.la-verne.ca.us'; 'clark ra@sbcity.org'; 'christopher.armenta@culvercity.org'; 'rconde@bellgardens.org';
'gconsidine@cityofartesia.us'; 'cityclerk@calexico.ca.gov'; Jcousino@barstowca.org'; 'ccowley@lake-elsinore.org';
'CityClerk@ci.diamond-bar.ca.us'; 'tdedios@ci.walnut.ca.us'; 'Idevine@sealbeachca.gov'; 'tdevoy@ci.norwalk.ca.us';
'edoerfling@hermosabch.org'; 'robertf@ci.fullerton.ca.us'; 'mflandrick@templecity.us'; 'city.clerk@surfcity-hb.org';
Jfolcik@ci.costa-mesa.ca.us'; 'Ifryman@ci.claremont.ca.us'; 'dgerdes@cityofcalimesa.net'; 'pgiamari@lawndalecity.org';
'agodwin@comptoncity.org'; 'egomez@ci.colton.ca.us'; 'sgorman@santa-clarita.com'; 'agrandys@indianwells.com';
'bgreen@ci.stanton.ca.us'; 'wgreen@simivalley.org'; 'cityclerk@ci.el-monte.ca.us'; 'chaggerty@citybigbearlake.com';
'yhall@lcf.ca.gov'; Janeh@moval.org'; 'khamman@cityofmissionviejo.org'; 'phammers@cathedralcity.gov';
'vhancock@cityofpalmdale.org'; 'aharaksin@cityoflamirada.org'; 'dharrington@cityofcanyonlake.com';
'phlawndale@aol.com'; 'jhaughney@cityofperris.org'; 'dhayward@lakewoodcity.org'; 'kathy.heard@fountainvalley.org';
'sherbers@torrnet.com'; 'chernand@indio.org'; 'dhernandez@cityofmontebello.com'; 'cherrera@ci.adelanto.ca.us';
'la rry.herrera@longbeach.gov'; 'whigaki@carson.ca.us'; Jarad Hildenbrand; 'c_hoff@calipatria.com';
'yhorton@cityofinglewood.org'; 'cityclerk@cityofhawthorne.org'; 'bhughes@cityofhighland.org'; 'mhuizar@santa-ana.org';
'sirwin@cityofrediands.org'; 'cityclerk@cityofimperial.org'; 'djackson@ci.montclair.ca.us'; 'bjacobs@ci.norco.ca.us';
'ajimenez@ci.los-alamitos.ca.us'; 'anitajimenez@santafesprings.org'; 'pjohns@ci.laguna-hills.ca.us';
'mjomsky@cityofpasadena.net'; 'ndlsclerk@citlink.net'; 'susan.jones@cityoftemecula.org'; 'rjuarez@soelmonte.org';
'akassakhian@ci.glendale.ca.us'; 'cityofrh@aol.com'; 'skilby@ci.south-pasadena.ca.us'; CityhallMail;
'cityclerk@pvestates.org'; 'June.Lagmay@lacity.org'; 'cityclerk@toaks.org'; 'clerk@cityoflagunaniguel.org';
'DLee@cityofwildomar.org'; 'tiewis@fontana.org'; 'dlogan@rrcc.lacounty.gov'; 'H Luce@cityofrh. net';
'marie_macias@ci.pomona.ca.us'; 'jmadland@ci.camarillo.ca.us'; 'eleanor.manzano@redondo.org';
'kmarshall@cityofwhittier.org'; 'daniel.martinez@ci.oxnard.ca.us'; 'tmartinez@cityofgrandterrace.org';
'tamaram@lahabracity.com'; 'sMcComas@cityofhemet.org'; 'mmcduffee@chinohills.org'; 'bmcgee@rialtoca.gov';
'mmclaughlin@cityofrsm.org'; 'administration@placentia.org'; 'smendenhall@ci.upland.ca.us'; 'vmendoza@ci.azusa.ca.us';
'kmidstok@downeyca.org'; 'rmiller@sanjacintoca.us'; 'gmolleda@cityofrosemead.org'; 'vmontecino@la-quinta.org';
'carlam@rpv.com'; 'cityclerk@sanjuancapistrano.org'; 'cmortesen@elsegundo.org'; 'mmurphy@cityoforange.org';
'lauriem@cityoflapaima.org'; 'cityclerkl @cityofa I ham bra.org'; 'cnicol@riversideca.gov'; 'lauran@ci.irwindale.ca.us';
'lindao@ci.commerce.ca.us'; 'rburleson@cityofsignalhill.org'; Paglia, Cherie L.; 'townclerk@applevalley.org';
Igpeirce@cityofcalabasas.com'; Podegracz, Mike; 'bpope@beverlyhills.org'; 'Ipope@ci.malibu.ca.us';
'epreston@ci.ventura.ca.us'; Prichard, Douglas R.; 'mquinonez@lynwood.ca.us'; 'dradde@cityofavalon.com';
'rramirez@huntingtonpark.org'; 'sramos@cityofalisoviejo.com'; 'debra.mcnay@cityofrc.us'; 'phiggins@ci.santa-
paula.ca.us'; 'irios@ci.san-dimas.ca.us'; 'rroberts@westminster-ca.gov'; 'arobles@cityofchino.org'; 'krodrigues@ci.agoura-
hills.ca.us'; 'cityclerk@cityofsanmarino.org'; 'csaidana@cityofbradbury.org'; 'mcastro@cityofhesperia.us'; 'beth@wlv.org';
'cscott@ranchomirageca.gov'; 'jscrivens@cityofindustry.org'; 'ksessman@ci.glendora.ca.us'; 'jshankland@yucaipa.org';
Appendix "A" to SCAG Ethics Policy
The Political Reform Act (Government Code Section 81000, et seq.) requires state and local
government agencies to adopt and promulgate conflict -of -interest codes. The Fair Political
Practices Commission has adopted a regulation (2 Cal. Code of Regs. Sec, 18730) that contains the
terms of a standard conflict -of -interest code, which can be incorporated by reference in an agency's
code. After public notice and hearing, the standard code may be amended by the Fair Political
Practices Commission to conform to amendments in the Political Reform Act. Therefore, the
terms of 2 California Code of Regulations Section 18730 and any amendments to it duly adopted
by the Fair Political Practices Commission are hereby incorporated by reference. This regulation
and the attached Appendix, designating positions and establishing disclosure categories, shall
constitute the conflict -of -interest code of the Southern California Association of Governments
Individuals holding designated positions shall file their statements of economic interests with
the SCAG, which will make the statements available for public inspection and reproduction.
(Gov. Code Sec. 81008.) Upon receipt of the statements for the General Assembly Members,
Regional Council Members, Policy Committee Members, and the Executive Director, SCAG
shall make and retain copies and forward the originals to the Fair Political Practices Commission.
All other statements will be retained by SCAG.
*Consultants shall be included in the list of designated positions and shall disclose pursuant to the
broadest disclosure category in the code, subject to the following limitation:
The Executive Director may determine in writing that a particular consultant, although a
"designated position," is hired to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and thus is not
required to fully comply with the disclosure requirements described in this section. Such written
determination shall include a description of the consultant's duties and, based on that description, a
statement of the extent of the disclosure requirements. The Executive Director's determination is a
public record and shall be retained for public inspection in the same manner as this conflict -of -
interest code (Gov. Code Sec. 81008.
Disclosure Categories
A designated position in this category must report all interests in real property, as
well as investments, business positions and sources of income, including gifts, loans
and travel payments.
A designated position in this category must report investments and income,
including gifts, loans and travel payments from individuals and entities of the type
that supply equipment, materials or services to SCAG.