HomeMy WebLinkAboutC22310J - Agmt No. N010 for CMAQ Funds 669-02 Contract No. C22310J CITY OF PALM DESERT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � � STAFF REPORT REQUEST: APPROVE PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT NO. N010 FOR CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY FUNDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF PALM DESERT AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MONTEREY AVENUE AT I-10 RAMP MODIFICATION (PROJECT NO. 669-02) SUBMITTED BY: Mark Greenwood, P.E., Director of Public Works DATE: January 9, 2014 CONTENTS: Letter from California Department of Transportation Program Supplement Agreement No. N010 Recommendation By Minute Motion: 1. Approve Program Supplement Agreement No. N010 between the City of Palm Desert and the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans); and 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. Backqround On January 5, 2009, the City was notified of the approval of the Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (FSTIP) that included the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant funded projects, which included the Monterey Avenue at I-10 Ramp Modification project. The City has now received the authorization to proceed with construction from Caltrans. The Program Supplement Agreement outlines the overall parameters for the federal funding the City will receive from Caltrans for the construction work specific to this project. The total project cost is estimated to be $8,361,000, and this agreement provides for CMQ funding in the amount of$2,761,000. Contract No. C22310J Staff Report Approve Program Supplement Agreement N010 January 9, 2014 Page 2 of 2 Fiscal Analysis Approval of this agreement will allow the City to receive Federal CMAQ funds for the Monterey Avenue at I-10 Ramp Modification project. The total project cost, which is estimated to be $8,361,000, must initially be paid by the City. As the project progresses, invoices will be submitted to Caltrans for reimbursement of the $2,761,000. Prepared By: Depart n ad: Cora L. Gaugush Mark Gr n ood, P.E. Capital Improvement Projects Technician Director f ublic Works Paul Gibson, Director of Finance Ap o al: J n M. Wohlmuth, City Manager CLG/bl STATE OF CAL3FORN#A-CALIFORNIA STATE TRANSPOR7A71�N AG�NCY EDMll�1D G.BROWN Jr.,Govetnor _ . _ _ _ _ DEPARTMENT UF TRANSPORTATiON - - .- _. . Division of Local Assistance .: ' 1120 N STREET ' ',�;;.;���'' P.O.BOX 942$74,Iv1S#1 '!!;:. SacrameMo,CA 94274-0009 TTY 791 {91fi}6;a4-3151 Fax�916)653-7629 File: 0$-RIV-1{7-PDBT HP21 CML-5414(013) dctober 14, 2013 �.�p��,t�,.� rx,�at Monterey Auenue in Palm L}esert Mr. Ma�k Greenwnod Direc#or of Public Works/City Engineer City of Paim Desert 73-510 Fred Waring Drive Paim DeseK,CA 92260 Attn: Mr. Bo!Cfien Dear Mr.Greenwood: Enclosed are two originals of the Pragram Supplement Agreerr►ent No. 010-�1 to Administering Agency-5tate Agreement No,48-5414R. Pfease note that federal fu�ding wiil be lost�f you proceed with future phase(s} of the project priot to getting the"Authorizatio�to Proceed"with that phase. Pfease review the covenants and sign bath copies of this Agresment and return bath to this office, Office of Project Im�lementation-MS1 within 50 days from the date of this letter. if the signed Agreements are not rQoeived ba�k in this office withir� 60 days, #unds will be disencumbered andlor deobtigated. Aiterations should not be made to the agre�ment tanguage �ar fundi�g. ATfAG�i YOUR LDCAL �1GE�JCY"5 C�3��'1�I�D AUTH�RIZING RESO�UTI�JJN THA7 CLEARLY 1bENTIFIES THE PROJECT ANb THE t�F�ICiAL AU�'HORIZED TtJ E��CUTE TNE AGREEMENT. A futty executed copy of the agreement will be returned to you upan ratificatian by Caitrans. No invoEc�es for reimbursemen#can be pracessed until the agreement is fully executed. A copy of the State appr�ved finan�e 4etter containing the fund encumbrance and revetsit�n date information will be mailed t�a you wilh your copy of the executed ag�eement. Your prompt action is re�uested. tf you have questions, please cc�ntaci your District Loca!Asssstance Engineer. Sincerely, � � . i l' t���l^"-�-' OHN HOOLE,Chief O�ice of Project�m�lerr�enta�is�n Division of Loca[Assis�ance Enclosure c: DLA A� Project Files {08) DLAE-�ean Yewng(Acting) PROGRAM SUPPi.EMENT MO. N010 Adv Prs�ect IL� Date. October 1,2013 to 0600020285 Loca�ion: 08-Ri1/-10-PDST ADM�N�ST�RING AGENCY-STATE AGREEMENT Project Number: HP21 CML-5414(013) �OR FEDER+4L-A!D PROJECTS Nfl D8-541dR E.A.�1u�nber: 48-dF0�04 Locode; 5414 __ _ This Program Suppleme�rE hereby adopts and iracorporat�s the A�Iministering Agency-State Agreemeni for Federal A�d which was sntered inio between the Adrninistering Agency and the S#ate on 05l11lU9 and is subject to all the terrr�s anti co�ditions thereof. This Program Svpplemen#is executeti in accordancs with Ariic►e i of the aforemeMionsd Master Agreement under authori#y of Resoiution�lo. approved by the Adminis#ering Agency on {See copy attached). The Asiministering Agency further stipulates that as a cortditian to t�e�ayment by the 5tate of any funds derived from sources noted below obligated to this PROJECT,the Administe�ing Agency accepts and wi11 camply wi�h the speciai covenants or re�narks set#orth on the following pages. _ __� ___ ____ __ .-_ .._ ___ __ _ __.. gROJECT Lt7CATiflN: 1-101nterchange at IVlonterey Avenue in Palm Desert __ __-_ _ ____ _ _ _...__ _.. ._ _ �_ TYPE OF WORK: New and r�construct access ramps LENGTH: 0.0{MILES) - -- _ .__ ._ _ __ _ __ .. __ ___ _. _ _ - _ _ __ _ _. . _ — _ - - -- �.- Matct�ing Funds Estimated Gost__ __ . __ Federal Funds_ __ _ __ __._ _ _ ____.. ___ . ___ _._. ... __ � . _ ___ -_ --- - Q92� �990,0O�.OQ L�CAL � � OTHEFt L40E �1,771,004.Dfl �2,80(},t7�t}.OQ� � S2,SOO,DOO.aO $8,361;D00.00 � __ _ , ._ _. � __._ .. _ _ _ _ , __ 57A7�Ot�CQ�.IF4RNIA C11'Y dF PALM DESERT p,�p�r�rnent of Transportation _. __ . __ __ _ ___ ___ _ _ __ . ._._ 8y _ y _ _.._. _ Chief,C3ffce of Project Irnplementation title _ _ ___ ___ . _____ Divisior�of�ocal Assistance Date _ __. __ __ _ _... -- . L1ate __. .__ ___. _. . _ _ _. Attest _._ _. _ __ _.-- .__ _ .._ ___ _ ___ .__ . I hereby certify upan my personal knowled�ge that budgeted funds are avait�ble#or this encumbrance: <.�'� / ��� �,<< /r ,�;,,..x-...� Date �d�71f.�._ �2.761.00O.t1fl Accounting Officer __�„- > '��' - f � _ _ _ _. _ -- - -- _ __ _ _ _ _. _._ � _ . ._ _. . _ _ __ _ _. Furad Source AMOI�t�IT Chap4er � Stalules Item Year Program ___BC ategory __ _. _ _ . __ _ __ _ ., __ .. _ . . _ _. _ __ .__ , _.� _... __ ___. _ _ _. ; _. � _ _ �rogzam Supplement 08-5414R-N�74-i5TEA Page 1 ofi 3 08-RIV-10-PDST 09!'l�I2013 HP29CML-5414ifl13) SPECiAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS 1. ADM1PdISTEl�ING AGENCY agrees that it will only pro�eed with work aUtho�zed for specific phase{s) with an "Auth�riza#�on ta Proceed" and wili �ot pfoceed with future phase{s� of this project prior to rer,.eiving an "Aut�torizatian to Proceed" from the STATE for that phase(s) unless no furthe� Sta#e or Federa! funds are t�eeded for those future p�ase(s). 2. Any Sta#e and Federal #ur�ds t�at may have been enc�ambered fic�r this pro�ect are available for disburserner�t fflr limited �erio�ls of time. For each fund encumbrance the limited �e�iod is frc►r►i ti�e start 4f the fiscal yea� t�at the sp�cific fiund was appropriated within tt�e State Budget Ac# to th� applicable fur�d Reversion �ate shown on #he State app�oved prs�ject finance te#ter. P�er �ovemment Code �ectian 963U4, all project funds not liquad�ted w�thin th�se periods will reve�t unless an execu#ed Coape�tive Work Agreement exten�iing these dates is �-eques#�c! by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY and approved by the Caiifornia Department of Finance, ADMINISTERING AGENCY should ensure that invaices are submitted to the District Local Assistance Engineer at least 75 days p�ior to the applicable fund Reversion Date to avoid the lapse of applicable #un�s. Pursuant to a difectiv� frorr� the Stafe Controller's Office and the Department of Finance; in order for payment ta be made, the last date the �istric# Loca9 Assistarace Engineer can forv,rard an invoice fior payment to the Department's Local P�o�rams Accounting O�ce for reimbursable work for funds that are gang ta revert at the end c�f a particular fiscal year is May 15th of the p�rticular fiscal y�ar. Notwrthstanding the unliquidat�d sums of project specific State and Federal funding remaining and available to fund prnject work, ar�y invoice ft�r reimbursernent involving applir,abie funds #hat is n�t received 6y t�e Department's Local Pr�grarr�s Accounting (3ffice at �east 45 days p�ior ta the appiicabie frxs�t fund Reversio� Date uviH not be p,aid. These unexpended funds wil! be irrevocably reverted by the �epartr�ent's Di�rision of Accounting on the appticable fund Revers�on bate. �• The ADMlNISTERiNG AGE�JCY will advertise, award and adminisier this project in accordance with the �urrerat published Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 4. Award information sha11 be submitted by the AflMINISTERlNG AGE�JCY ta the District Local Assistance Engineer wi#hin 60 days of project contract award a�d prior to the submittal of the ADMINISTERIlUG AGE�ICY'S first iravoice for tfie construction contract. Failure to do so will cause a delay in the State processing invc�ices for the construc#ion phase. Please refer to Section 1�.7 "Award Package" of the �ocal Assistance Procedures Manual. �• A�M��115�'ER��i� AGE�iC�'agrees, as a minirrium, tc�submit i�voices a� least once every six rrao�ths corr�rnencing aft��t�e fur►ds are er��umbered for eac� phase by th� e�ce�cut�nn ofi this Project Program Supple�nent Agreernen#, or by STATE's ap�roval of an applicable �'ina�ce Letter. STA�T� r�serves the right to suspend fu#ure a�thorizatio�slobligatior�s fior Federal aid p�t�jects, or�ncumbe�ances for �tate funded �rajects, as v�re11 �s to suspend i�voice paym+er�#s far any on-g�ing or f�ature project by ADMINISTERIMG AGE�lCY if Pragram Supplemeni 08-5414R-N010-iSTEA Page 2 of 3 08-RIV-IO-POST 09l19120'!3 HP21CML-5414{093) SPECIA�COVENA�V�S OR R�MA�tKS PROJECT �c�sts have not beer� invoiced by ADMINISTERING AGENGY for a six-mont#� peric�d. 1f no costs �ave been invo�csd fac a six-mo�th period, ADMINlSTEF�Ii�G AGENCY agrees to s��mit #c�r �each phase a wrikten ex��anatior� of t3�e absence o# �RtJJECT activi�y along w'rkh targ�#bill�ng date and target billir�g amoun#. ADM1NtS��RiNG AG�NCY ag�e�s tv ��brnit the fi�nal re�or� d�t�r�ents tha# coll�tively constitute a "Ftep�rrt of�xpenditu�es'" tiwitt�in r�ne hundred �ig�ty {18fl) days of PROJECT completion. Failure of A�1VI��1{STER�(�G AGE�CY #o submit a "Fi�al Report flf �xp�r�di#ures" within 180 da�rs o# PR4.lE+�T c�mpi�tion will f@5UI'� ICt �TA�E irnposing sanctinns upoa� ADMII�ISTE�tIN� AGE�ICY in accordan� witl� the Ci�l't'LCf� LflC�) Assistance Pracedures Man�aal. 6. The Adminis#ering Age�c� sha#I not discriminate nn the basis of race, r�iigion, age, disabil�ty, cofor, natic�na! origin, ar sex in tMe award a�d performance of aray Federal- assisted contract or ir� the a+dministra#aon of its DBE Program Implem�ntation Agreement. The Administ�ring Ager�cy shall t�ke all ne�cessary �nd reasonable steps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure nor�discrimin�ation in the av�rard a�d adminis#ration of Federal-assisted cc�ntracts. The Adm�nistering Agency's DBE lm�iementation Agreement is it�corporated by r�ference in this Agreement. lmplementation of the DB�. lmplemen�atian Agreement, including bu#not limited to timely rsporting of DBE comrnitments and utilization, is a legal obligation and failure to carry ou# its terrns $hall be trea#ed as a violati�r� of this Agreement. Upon n�t�ficatian �.o the Administ�ring Agency of i�s failure to carry out its DB� 9mplementation Agreement, #h� S#ate may impc�se sanctions as �rovided for �ander 49 C�R Part 26 �nd may, in ��prflpr�a#e cases, �-efe�t#7e matter f�or enfiorcer��nt�nder 18 U.S.G. 9001 a�dlc�r #he Program �rau� Civil aemedies Act of 1J86 (31 �J.S.C. 3841 et seq.y. 7. As a cor�dition #or rec�ivirag federai-aid hic�hway �unds fflr the �'ROJECT, the Adrr�inistering Ag+�ncy certifi�s that NO mernbers of th� elected board, councit, nr other key decision m�i�ers are on the Federal Govemment Excluded Parties List System (EPLS). $• This project shali be administered by the ADNIINIST'ERfNG�GE�ICY as s#ipulated under Cooperative A�greement #8-1425, as amended. �lothing in this agrsement shall be construed or interpreted ta supercede any of the requirements in said Cooperatiue Ag�eerr�ent. Program Supplemer�t 48-5414R-N010-ISTEA Page 3 of 3