2022-08-31 Rebuttal Argument in OppositionRECEIIJED CITY ESROFFICE DETT. CA ARGUMENTS M2 RUG 31 PM 12: 14 FORM OF STATEMENT TO BE FILED BY AUTHORS OF ARGUMENTS All arguments concerning measures filed pursuant to Division 9, Chapter 3 (beginning with § 9200) of the Elections Code shall be accompanied by the following form statement to be signed by each proponent, and by each author, I different, of the argument The undersigned proponent(s) or author(s) of the buttal rgumenl (in� a ainst Hot proposition L B > at the General Municipal Election for the City of Palm Desert to on T November 8, 2022, hereby state that the argument is true and correct to the bast of nowledge and belief. Print Name: Kathleen Kelly Signature: Ttfie: Councilmember (If applicable): Submitted on behalf of: Date: Print Name: Gina Nestande Title: Councilmember (If applicable): Submitted on behalf of: Date: Y/ Palm Desert City Council Print Name: Jan C. Hamik Signs Title: Mayor (If applicabla): Submitted on behalf of. Data. ._(name of orgenizatim) Print Name: Sabby Jonathan SignatuM40 Title: Mayor Pro Tempone (If applicable): Submitted on behelfof: Date: RECEIVED CITY DESER OFFICE VOTE NO on MEASURE B. PROTECT YOUR VOTES! 2022 AUG 31 PM 121 15 KEEP YOUR FOUR COUNCILMEMBERS ACCOUNTABLE TO YOU AND OUR ENTIRE COMMUNITY. Palm Desert is a vibrant and diverse community. Addressing both neighborhood and citywide opportunities requires Councilmembers who are accountable to everyone, NOT just a small pocket of people. Our quality of living depends on our community working together. MEASURE B WILL DIVIDE US AND TAKE AWAY OUR VOTING RIGHTS. Claims that 5 districts will improve our city are WRONG! • False Claim: "Now, a few votes can put the wrong person in office." • TRUTH: It's just the opposite. With small districts, fewer people determine results making it EASIER to elect special interest candidates. • False Claim: "Districts get the money out of politics." • TRUTH: Districts lead to more money in politics and back -room deaimaking. In other cities, candidates are raising $100,000 or more for campaigns in small districts. We don't want that in Palm Desert. Districts would divide neighborhoods and Palm Desert's successful and unified focus on city-wide issues: public safety, economic development, growing the CSU campus, fiscal responsibility, and maintaining the beauty of our ENTIRE city. We MUST work together. Today you have four votes and four representatives. REDUCING your vote to only ONE representative, every four years is NOT better and it's NOT fair. It reduces your voice! Keep Palm Desert united. PROTECT YOUR VOTING RIGHTS. DON'T LET YOUR VOTES BE TAKEN FROM YOUI VOTE NO on MEASURE 6